Loving Desire

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Loving Desire Page 22

by Renee Young

  They were all that mattered as I was pushed into the front door the moment we stepped inside. “I love you, Olivia Christine Kent, and I am going to show you just how much for as long as you allow me to.” That’s all he said before the fire was reignited as his lips pressed to mine again.

  “I love you Sawyer Dane Mathews, and you can show me until my last breath.” I returned his kiss with as much passion as I had ever felt in my life. His hands moved from their place in my hair down my body until they were around my thighs and he lifted me into him.

  I barely registered we were moving, until I was plopped onto our bed with his body weight pressing down on me. My hands gripped his shirt, pulling him impossibly closer. I made quick work of the buttons before pushing it off his shoulders. It wasn’t rushed. We took our time in undressing each other.

  His shirt, followed by mine then our pants and in no time we were both bare. “How do you want to do this Olivia?” He asked and my breath caught.

  “I just want you, Sawyer.” My answer was simple. “I just want you always.”

  If we had been a scene in a movie we would been one of those sex scenes that was almost blurry. Where we were awash of moans and slow movements. No dirty talk, no aggression. Everything we did was full of love. Full of want, and full of need. Each well timed thrust hit a part of me that had my toes curling. He slid so easily- no resistance, but plenty of friction. His lips worked over my delicate skin and his words were loving.

  When I came, it was while screaming my love for him, as he did the same as he released himself into me. When we were done and he’d gotten us both cleaned up I fell asleep, happily tucked in his arms.

  Chapter 31

  Days turned into weeks and that turned into events that were passing. Nova’s bachelorette party, my book launch, and Sawyer finally making things official between us.

  It seemed a little pointless, when he’d asked. I had no intentions of looking anywhere else. Not when I knew without a doubt that Sawyer gave me everything I could ever want or need from life. He gave me love, and he gave me family. He was my whole world. Him and our daughter.

  She was growing so well. She didn’t give me too much trouble either. Despite the heartburn the only other symptom I really noticed was the exhaustion. Sawyer, of course, insisted I was a little emotional.

  He loved our baby so much. Every single day he spent at least an hour talking to her. He told her stories, sang to her, anything just laid beside me and talked so she could hear his voice. It was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen. When he was doesn he’d kiss my belly before giving me a kiss as well.

  A month ago, when my book launched he sat beside me. We were just selling online at the moment, but I guess he’d gotten an extra copy from Nick. As soon as we went live he slid that copy to me and asked me to sign it. I’d been confused as he already had my first autographed copy, but I opened it up anyway. On the front page had been his question. ‘Be my girlfriend’. So I guess it was more a statement than a question, but still. It was sweet and of course, me being me, I’d asked him why it took me being five month pregnant for him to ask me to be his girlfriend.

  The question hadn’t even been something that crossed my mind. In my head and in my heart he was as much mine as I as his. He helped me with that confidence. Before i met him I’d have been overthinking him not asking. I would have been wracking my mind for anything I could have possibly done wrong. Now though, now I didn’t worry. I chose to let things happen in their own time. Without my worrying or meddling. I loved him, and I knew without a doubt that he loved me as well. That was all I needed.

  Today was Nova’s wedding. I was six months pregnant, and I was wearing a gown that made me feel gorgeous. The dark red fabric fell over my belly beautifully. I loved showing it off. Sawyer hadn’t seen it yet, but Nova was sure he’d pass out and based on what I know about my best friend that was a compliment.

  She looked radiant. Her dress was exactly what she’d always wanted, and I believe that made her smile just a little bigger than it already was. Her hair was tied up in an elegant bun, with her veil hanging beneath it. Her makeup was simple. Her skin looked clear and almost airbrushed. Her eyes were rimmed with neutral colors and waterproof mascara. Her lips were the most out there of the whole look in a bright red color. She was stunning, and I was so proud that I gotta see her through this day. The best day of her life.

  When it was time for us to descend down the aisle I finally got to see my love, my Sawyer.

  “Woah.”He breathed as I stepped into his line of sight. I could have said the same thing as he was encased in the best fitting suit I’d ever seen. His arms stretched the sleeves of his suit so perfectly, I could practically see the definition of his muscles. His thick thighs were wrapped in the smooth material of his pants and I wanted nothing more than to feel them beneath me.

  Not to mention his face and his hair. His beard had been recently cleaned up, perfectly lined as the hair dusted over his string jaw. His hair was gelled just a little, keeping everything in place. He looked incredible, and my mouth felt dry. That was the only thing that was dry though.

  “Back at ya.” I winked, thanking god that he couldn’t read my thoughts. “You ready?” He nodded, he still seemed a little lost for words and I began to worry maybe Nova had been right. I gripped his arm and that seemed to pull him from his trance.

  The ceremony passed by as I kept my eyes trained on Sawyer, who returned my gaze with a n intense one of his own. I felt a little bad, but Nova would understand. When they kissed and we were made to walk back down the aisle, Sawyer wasted no time to wrap his hand around mine. I could see the desire building in his eyes, and I was sure mine was obvious as well.

  “What time does the reception start?” He asked and I smirked at him.

  “We have about an hour before we are needed for photos.” My tone was suggestive as his grin grew.

  “Perfect.” He tugged my hand and we passed by everyone keeping our heads down so we wouldn’t be stopped. “You are utterly breathtaking, my love. Did you know that?”

  When we got to his he opened the back seat and helped me get in. “You make me believe that.” I whispered before remembering what we were here for. “So here’s how this is gonna go;” I started and I saw his brow raise at my tone. “Yes, you’re going to have to listen to me this time. Do you have a problem with that?” My voice lowered and took on a breathiness that I only had when I was incredibly turned on.

  “No problem,” His eyes fell to my lips and I smiled.

  “Good. Get in here.” I grabbed his tie and he allowed me to pull him into the backseat with me. “I want you to make me cum, but you have some obstacles.” Ne nodded and listened. “One, you can’t ruin the dress or the hair.”

  “Easy.” I smirked.

  “You can’t take it off either, it was far too difficult to get on.” He sighed, good naturedly. “Next, you can’t touch my boobs- they hurt right now, so leave ‘em alone.” He shot me a concerned look, but I assured him I was fine. “Finally, if I can make you come first, you lose.”

  “Fine, but that means you can’t be on top, you’ll do that thing and that’s cheating.” He bargained.

  “I thought you loved that thing.” I giggled.

  “Baby girl that’s my favorite thing and that’s why it’s cheating.” Before I knew it my dress was up and around my hips and his mouth was on my neck. “And why, Olivia, my love, are you not wearing underwear?” He asked.

  “They’d have been ruined the moment I saw you in your suit, so they were pointless.” He growled in my ear before his thumb pressed into my clit.

  “You are so fucking sexy.” He groaned when I couldn’t stop the moan from escaping my throat. “We are going to be fast. It’s my turn to make demands.” He insisted. I nodded, unable to speak as his fingers worked their magic on the most intimate part of my body. “I’m going to slide my cock into your perfectly primed pussy and then when I tell you to you’re going to come all over me.�
� I nodded my agreement and he undid his pants, not bothering to pull them off. There was no time for that.

  With a small grunt he pushed into me. I clenched around him and I knew in that instant I would lose our game. I tried so hard all the time to take charge. I think he lets me because he knows that he’s the one who really holds all the power. Thrust after thrust the pressure built. He knew exactly what to do- where to touch. I was a mess as he continued to work his hips against me.

  “You feel so good, Liv. So fucking good.” His words mixed with his rhythm had me screaming for release. “Ready?” He asked and I nodde, knowing I was just waiting for his demand. “Come. Livvy. Come all over me right now.” And I did. My muscles tightened as a rush of liquid covered him- effectively ruining his backseat. My nails dug into his arms as he continued to move with a satisfied smirk on his face.

  “Fuck!” I screamed as the sensations didn’t stop. With just a few more thrusts I was coming again. The second one took us both off guard. The clenching had Sawyer coming just a second after.

  “Shit! Fuck!” He cursed as he jerked a bit. With careful movements, he slowed everything down so we could ride out the highs together. We were surrounded by nothing but the sound of our ragged breaths as we were calming down. He placed gentle kisses all over my face and I felt a smile pull up the corners of my mouth.

  “I love you.” I whispered to which he gave me a beautiful grin.

  “I love you too, Livvy. More than I could possibly express to you.”

  It didn’t take long for us to clean us and straighten out our clothing so we could rejoin the masses. I didn’t miss the knowing look we got from the rest of the bridal party as we made our way back into the hall. I rolled my eyes when the guys started ‘whooping’ and with a kiss on Sawyer’s cheek I made my way over to the girls.

  Imagine my surprise when the girls were just as immature as the guys. They were asking me how we managed to do it in the car with my large center of gravity. I brushed off their questions and changed the subject. Today was about Nova and Jamie, not mine and Sawyer’s sex lives.

  The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and joy. Nova and Jamie were so sickeningly in love they could barely stand to look anywhere but each other. It was sweet. I did manage to steal away my best friend for a couple dances though, so I couldn’t complain too much.

  I couldn’t complain at all actually. Seeing my best friend so happy and so in love was everything. This day, surrounded by everyone we cared about was everything.

  The first song Sawyer and I danced to was a Dan and Shay song. Speechless. He spent the entirety of it whispering the words in my ear as I rested my chin on his shoulder. The butterflies I constantly felt in his presence were ever present.

  It was mind blowing when I thought about it. How had I managed to meet this man. This beautiful, kind man and how had I managed to make him fall in love with me. It was things like that that assured me that there was some sort of higher power at play in the world. I never would have found him if everything was left up to me. I never would have agreed to do that photoshoot. This thing with Sawyer? It was fate, and I had no intention of fighting fate. Not when I’d been given this life.

  “Are you okay Liv?” Sawyer asked after our third dance.

  “Yeah, baby is just making me a little tired.” I told him honestly. He nodded before picking me up off my feet effortlessly.

  “Well, then I will do all the work.” I didn’t think it was possible to love him more than I already did. In fact I had that thought everyday for the last six months, but Iwas always proven wrong. He always did something that had me falling harder- loving him deeper.

  “You’re too good to me.” I whispered. “Please don’t ever stop.” I let my vulnerability slip into my voice.

  “Not even if you asked me to.” He assured me.


  Sawyer’s POV

  Our relationship happened so fast. So much faster than I’d ever intended, but it wasn’t something I wanted to stop or slow down. I was where I was meant to be with Livvy. Everything happened exactly how it was supposed to.

  Though Iwould have rather not had to deal with the Mike if it all, I wouldn’t change a thing about Livvy and me if I was given the chance. The way we met, the way I fell, the way she fell as well. It was written in the stars. It was bigger than just love. Olivia Christine Kent was my reason for breathing. She was the person I was made to spend my life cherishing. No one was going to change that. No one could change that. Not Mike, not Tabitha and definitely not Meghan.

  I had known Olivia less than a year. Less than a year and my world revolved around her. I didn’t think about the next woman I could hook up with. I didn’t fantasize about the endless stream of women I could be entertaining- or rather using as entertainment.

  There were three women that I thought of. My mom, she would always have a very special place in my heart, Olivia; the love of my life, and our daughter. Our daughter we were about to meet.

  This morning around two o’clock I was jolted awake by a strangled grown. I could tell it came from Liv, but it wasn’t the sound she made out of pleasure. No, she was in pain. I jumped into action when she told me it was time. We were ready. We had a bag packed, we had a birth plan- we had everything.

  I got her into the car and drove as fast as I could while still being safe to get her to the hospital. For a moment when we got there, I didn’t want to go in. The last time we were there she stayed for six weeks. The last time we were there she almost died.

  I couldn’t go through that again. I couldn’t sit there with the images of her hurt beyond repair. I couldn’t allow the thoughts of her leaving me taint what would be one of the best days of our lives. So I took a deep breath and I helped her out of the car.

  I may have unintentionally shouted at a nurse, but I was a mad man when my Livvy was in pain. Eventually we got her to the room we were in now. When they checked her she was at six centimeters and they offered her an epidural, but with all of her allergies to everything we decided- she decided she didn’t want to risk it. I let her make that decision as I would not be the one fighting through the pain.

  The last time they checked she was just about ready to start pushing. That was when everything seemed to speed up. They broke apart the bed she was on. They gathered all of the equipment they would need and the warmer was turned on so it would be ready when it was needed.

  “I need to push!” Livvy cried out. Everyone jumped into action. I found my spot at her head. I knew she would be uncomfortable with me being down there, and I wanted to hold her hand anyway.

  “Don’t start without me!” Nova’s voice broke through the chaos. I chuckled. We didn’t waste time with greetings or anything she just jumped right in. She held up one of Liv’s legs while a nurse had the other. I held her hand and used my other arm to push her back.

  She pushed for a total of fifteen minutes before we heard the shrill cry of our little girl. She was quickly placed on Liv’s bare chest and we were both met with tears.

  “That’s our baby.” She cried and pointed out to me.

  “You did it, mama. You did so fucking good.” I encouraged as the tears fell. The love of my life held my daughter in her arms and my life was complete. I didn’t need anything more than I needed them.

  “Look at her.” Nova cried. “She’s perfect.” I nodded in agreement.

  After the initial meeting of the baby, Nova left to give us some alone time as a family. She promised to be back in a few hours with Jamie and gave us both hugs before she left the room. The next hour our baby didn’t leave Liv’s chest. She just laid there, content in her mama’s arms.

  “You ready?” Olivia asked when it was my turn. I pulled off my shirt so we could do skin to skin, and I nodded my head. I was afraid to speak because I knew my voice would crack. This was it. This was the moment all dad’s claimed their lives changed.

  That wasn’t the moment for me though. That moment was the first time I heard he
r heartbeat. This was a huge moment as well. My love for the tiny human grew as she was placed in my arms. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at her. She had Livvy’s nose. Her cheeks were pink and her tiny little hands were perfect. Everything about her was perfect.

  I thought Olivia would be the sole owner of my heart, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. She did own my heart, but it seems she elected to lease it out to this beauty in my arms. They owned it together, and they would only find more tenants as time went on. I wanted more kids with Olivia. As many as she would give me.

  “Do we have a name picked out?” A nurse asked when she came into the room to check on my girls.

  “Yeah.” Liv answered. I was too preoccupied and we had agreed on a name already. “This is Autumn Nova Mathews.”

  Autumn was Olivia’s mother’s name so it was a no brainer and if it weren’t for Nova, then we wouldn’t have our baby girl, so that felt obvious as well. We hadn’t told her. In fact we had a little onesie that had her name on it that we would put on her before she came back.

  I sat fascinated by our daughter while Olivia watched the two of us. We didn’t need to talk, we were both content just to look at our perfect little girl. This right her, this was what everything was leading up to. Months of fear and torture. Years of placency and boredom. This.

  I had one more surprise for Olivia today- a question. One that would change our lives yet again. One that solidified our love and one that I had wanted to ask her the moment she demanded that I let her run things.

  I thought about making it this big show. Maybe hire a skywriter or something ridiculous like that, but I wanted something more intimate. Something more us. So I wrote her a little story- with pictures.


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