Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 4

by Wells, Linda

  She was becoming more confident in her duties, and, he smiled, in her expressions of love to him. It was not surprising now that he thought about it, that she was so much bolder with her teasing and kisses when they were engaged, and how she became so shy once they were married. In his eagerness to be with her, he often needed to slow down and remind himself that she was very young, and very inexperienced. He laughed softly, “But you are a willing student my love, as am I.” He kissed her hair and heard her sigh. Darcy thought how his shy wife, when absolutely assured of their privacy, had become almost wanton in her behaviour, happily accepting and encouraging breathless and satisfying trysts, passionate or gentle, in so many rooms of their great house.

  Darcy groaned with the memories and closed his eyes. “Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzy.” He held her closer and rubbed against her. “Dearest.” He whispered and began kissing her face.

  “mmmmm.” Elizabeth’s eyes fluttered open to find Darcy’s nose touching hers. She laughed, and stretched, leaving her exposed to his caressing hands and mouth. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” He smiled and looked down to find her lovingly fondling him. “Care to start it off well?”

  “You are not too sleepy? We were out very late.”

  “Never.” He growled. “I mean to take advantage of my wife’s scandalous presence in my bed now since I did not do so last night.”

  She walked her fingers up his chest and teased, “Perhaps I should stop sleeping here, with Georgiana returning …”

  Darcy immediately rolled to hover above his laughing wife. “Bite your tongue! Or better yet, let me do it for you.” Quickly they joined in an intense frenzy of movement, and gasping, fell apart not so very long afterwards, both on their backs, holding hands tightly and staring at the canopy. Eventually Darcy drew a long contented breath and turned his head to grin widely at Elizabeth. “Now that is the way to begin a day!”

  She laughed at him. “We do certainly get the blood flowing.”

  “To all the proper places, my love.” He kissed her hand. “You are not serious about sleeping apart, are you?”

  “No of course not, but we should probably not speak of our arrangement. Should we moderate our enthusiasm?

  His brow creased. “How so?”

  She whispered as he caressed her cheek, “Is it wrong for us to enjoy each other so often?”

  “I thought that we resolved this last night.” Darcy said quietly and studied her. “We already abstain on Sundays and we certainly are not constantly lovemaking, even if it seems that way. This is our honeymoon, love. When will we ever be so free to demonstrate our feelings again? Are you trying to assuage my fears? Have you thought more on this? Do you wish for less of me? Am I too demanding? I do not wish to be a husband you come to dread.”

  “No, dear, no to all of those questions.” Elizabeth smiled and kissed him. “You have heard the same sermons I have.”

  “Yes. They sound so practical and easy to adhere to until … Until I have you beside me.” He gave her his little smile, and looked down. “What concerns you?”

  She studied his expression and wholeheartedly agreed with it. They had thoroughly discussed the risks that came with their conduct, he remained immovably anxious, but they both knew that it was inevitable, so why hold back? Very well then, in this we shall also forge our own path. If I am not with child soon, I will be amazed. Running her hand along his temple, she confided, “We are noisy, dear.” She laughed and kissed his jaw when his head came up quickly to look at her with a smile. “And we may have to stop our activities throughout the house.”

  “Oh no.” Darcy’s head shook emphatically. “No. With people here it will only become more important that we steal our moments when we can. I can be quiet if necessary.” He grabbed her around the waist and drew her up to lie on his chest. “We will have to increase our creativity to combat the presence of guests.”

  Elizabeth kissed his nose and he grinned. “I see, so lovemaking is the solution to stressful family members.”

  “It is a theory worth exploring.” He kissed her and ran his hands down her back to cup her bottom and knead her firm cheeks with his hands. “mmmm, riding is doing wonders for your assets, my love.”

  “I only wish to emulate yours.” She licked his lips and was rewarded with his moan.

  “I am feeling the need to be ridden now.” He met her eyes. “Will you exercise your favourite mount this morning?”

  “Oh yes, she is in the stables waiting for me, the new saddle is just perfect, I …” Elizabeth squealed when her hips were lifted and she found herself speared on Darcy’s shaft. She caught her breath and holding his shoulders laughed, squeezing the arousal buried deep within her. “Oh, you are my favourite?”

  “I am.” Darcy pushed her hair over her shoulders, then lifted his hips to seat her firmly in place. “Now, work your mount hard, he needs the exercise.”

  ELIZABETH HUMMED as she walked through the house, pausing to look into the bedchambers and be sure that all was well before Georgiana and the Matlock party arrived. She was nervous about this first true test of her position as mistress, but the master had certainly done an effective job of thoroughly relaxing her that morning. “Of course that was what he was about.” She said softly when she stopped in the gallery to smile up at his portrait. Well, his own gratification was undoubtedly involved, but I know my Will, he was trying to assure me of his love, knowing that would give me confidence today. And as always, he was correct. She kissed her fingers and held them up to his image, then walked on, finally descending the stairs to enter the mistress’s study she used only when he was out working on the estate or busy with his steward. A knock on the door made her look up from her work and she smiled at Mrs. Reynolds.

  “Mrs. Darcy, the rooms are all prepared for the guests and their servants.”

  “Thank you so much, Mrs. Reynolds. I was just looking over the menus. Is it typical to have such elaborate meals when the family comes? This seems to be so much more than what Mr. Darcy and I have enjoyed since our arrival.”

  “Mr. Darcy is not fond of elaborate displays.” She said stiffly.

  “Then why change his preferences when guests come?”

  “Because this is Pemberley, madam, and Pemberley must be shown to its greatest advantage whenever a visitor arrives, whether it be a day tripper or the King.” She looked at her hands.

  “I see.” Elizabeth’s hand travelled upwards to hold her locket while she considered the older woman. They had been walking a tightrope for weeks. Elizabeth had been very considerate and accommodating, accepting the woman’s advice and lessons, and Mrs. Reynolds had been wary, teaching the young woman the complicated requirements of the mistress. Their common goal was Darcy’s happiness. Elizabeth knew full well that his newfound smile was what made Mrs. Reynolds happy, and if Elizabeth was the cause, then she would accept her. However, Elizabeth instinctively knew that the moment had arrived to assert herself as mistress or forever play second in command to this exceptionally loyal servant.

  “I believe, Mrs. Reynolds, that Pemberley is capable of being shown to its best advantage in any number of ways, nevertheless, treating every evening where guests are present as a dinner party is not one of them. To do so would make an actual dinner quite ordinary, do you not think so?”

  Mrs. Reynolds eyed her. “Pemberley is never ordinary.”

  “I appreciate that very much, I assure you.” She paused and rubbed her locket. “When was the last dinner held here, not for family, or after a hunt, I mean a formal dinner with many guests, or even a ball?”

  She considered the question. “No ball has been held at Pemberley for close to thirteen years. Mr. Darcy senior had no desire for one without his wife. He did occasionally host dinners for the neighbours. But the present Mr. Darcy has held nothing at all.”

  “So perhaps your desire to show off Pemberley to any guests is simply your wish to put some life back into the house? You create a festive atmosphere in the hope that it
will continue once they depart?” Elizabeth cocked her head to see Mrs. Reynolds’ forehead crease. “May I ask; have you felt a change in the atmosphere since Mr. Darcy’s marriage?”

  “I have madam. He is happy, and the staff is very pleased.” She looked at Elizabeth’s lifted brow. “What are you saying, madam?”

  “I am saying that there is no need to create an event to inject life into this home, the people who live here will do that themselves.” She picked up the menu and began crossing off unnecessary courses, simplifying the meals to ones that would not put out the staff on a daily basis, and handed them back to her. “Please see that Mrs. Harris receives these and revises her plans. I did leave the meal for the family’s last evening as it had been intended.”

  “Yes madam, I will do that.” She looked at the menus and back up to see Elizabeth’s smile. “Would you like to inspect the rooms for the guests?”

  “I already have, everything is in order. I also finished reading the monthly accounts. Now, I understand that there are some maids who are squabbling? Shall I speak to them or would you like to handle the situation?” Elizabeth looked her square in the eye. “Perhaps threatening them with the mistress should be the last resort before dismissing them?”

  Mrs. Reynolds smiled and nodded. “Indeed madam. I will see if I can calm them, but I will tell them that you are not pleased.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Reynolds. Do you need me for any other decisions?”

  “No madam.” She nodded and started to turn and stopped. “It is good to have a mistress in the house once again.”

  “Thank you.” Elizabeth watched her go then opened her locket to touch Darcy’s hair. Closing it up again she closed her eyes before letting a shaking breath go. “Well Lizzy, perhaps the tide has turned your way.”

  “FITZWILLIAM!” Georgiana squealed as Darcy picked her up and spun her around the courtyard. “Put me down!”

  He grinned and set her down. “You are not pleased to see me?”

  “I am; I just am overwhelmed at your … What has happened to you?” She beamed at him and held his hand tightly. “Please change nothing! This is Elizabeth’s doing!” She turned to see her sister who was being hugged by Alicia. “Oh Brother, I am so happy! We must take care of her; you must tell me how to make my sister happy, too.”

  “I think that is very simple, dear. Just be yourself, she will appreciate that more than any show you put on for her.” He kissed her cheek and extracted his hand to finish meeting the rest of the family.

  Elizabeth turned to see Georgiana fairly bouncing up and down by her side and laughed. “Calm yourself!”

  “I cannot! Oh Elizabeth, I have been counting the days until we returned to Pemberley! Fitzwilliam was so changed and happy when you left London, and I was sure that when we came here he would be even happier. I … I have wanted to see him so much! I have never in my life known him to smile so!” Georgiana grasped her hands. “Thank you for loving him!”

  “Georgiana, please.” Elizabeth blushed and squeezed her hands back. “Your brother is a dear man as you well know. How can we not help but love him? Now, I will need your aid, I know so little of his favourite things, he does not like to speak about himself.”

  “Oh I know.” She nodded emphatically and whispered loudly. “But I know many of his secrets.”

  “Well then we shall have to conspire together.” Elizabeth whispered back and catching Darcy’s eye, laughed as his eyes lifted to the heavens.

  Elizabeth moved on to embrace Lady Matlock and suffer a hug from her husband, and Darcy at last shook Layton’s hand. “The journey was easy, I hope?”

  “No trouble at all, oh and I mentioned your name at the last inn, and the owner did not flinch.” Layton winked at him and Darcy blushed. Elizabeth looked at him with wide eyes and he took her arm and cleared his throat. “Come inside and refresh yourselves, I am sure that you are ready to be free of your dusty clothes.”

  He led the way and felt his wife’s insistent gaze. Eventually he gave in to the stare. “I asked Layton to casually say where he was going to the innkeeper just to see if he … remembered us.” Darcy glanced down to see Elizabeth was blushing madly. “I would hate to be embarrassed when we return and … It is a very good inn.”

  “So we left no lasting impression?” She looked at her toes.

  “It seems not.” He covered her hand and squeezed. “Perhaps it is not so uncommon?”

  “Please do not talk about it now!” She continued her studious examination of her shoes and heard Darcy’s quiet chuckle.

  “You become shy so quickly, Lizzy.”

  “You are one to talk, Will.” She finally looked up to see his twinkling eyes and relaxed. They had entered the house and reached the stairs. Elizabeth led the ladies up to their rooms and Darcy invited the men to sample some port before joining them.

  Lord Matlock sipped and sighed with satisfaction before dropping into a chair. “Your Elizabeth glows.” He considered the proud expression on his nephew’s face. “And you Son; are ready to burst.”

  “I am happy, sir.” Darcy smiled and thought of Elizabeth’s blush. “Very happy.”

  Layton started laughing. “I do not know about you Father, but I have the distinct impression that our hosts are in no way ready to be entertaining us. I think that you need another month.”

  “I would not object at all.” Darcy nodded. “But it is good to have Georgiana home again. I will be working on the estate quite a great deal for the next month and I am happy that Elizabeth will not be left alone.”

  “To get into trouble?” Layton smiled. “How goes the riding?”

  “Very well.” Darcy smiled at his boots, thinking of a recent adventure they took. “She has responded well to my lessons and has not argued too much with my methods.”

  Lord Matlock laughed. “I thought she would be a feisty one, just wait until she gains her confidence with age. How is she doing with the staff?”

  “They like her, although she has had to assert herself to make them respect her in some cases. She has absolutely refused to let me step in. She says that they must respect her as mistress on her own, and not see her as a weaker link to me.”

  “She is establishing that the house is her domain.” Lord Matlock nodded. “That is admirable and wise.”

  “Alicia is fortunate that she will not have to go through such an experience.” Layton mused.

  “Speaking of establishing authority, Peter has replaced nearly every servant at Rosings. His mother is running a tight ship there, as is only appropriate for a navy widow.” Lord Matlock laughed. “He has no worries about servants accepting him.”

  “How is Anne?”

  “We visited there for five days before we left for here.” He stretched his arms over his head. “It was honestly the most pleasant visit I have had to Rosings since Lewis died, what is it, some twenty years ago? Well Peter and his family, for people who have absolutely no experience in the operation of an estate, have really done a remarkable job. Naturally the staff is doing the work, but this man is astonishing in how he is throwing himself into learning everything he can. He is shadowing the steward’s every move. I am in no doubt as to the gratitude he has for this extraordinary opportunity.” He noted Darcy’s smile and nodded in agreement. “Mrs. de Bourgh has taken on Anne’s care and is treating her with the utmost respect, and defers to her opinion everywhere that is reasonable, particularly in the redecoration of the home. She is waiting for you to come home, still.” Darcy’s eyes closed. “I am sorry, but you may as well know. She is calmer, and I think that she is happy, anticipating …” He stopped and glanced at Layton who was shaking his head.

  “We visited with Catherine.”

  “And?” Darcy said softly.

  “She had nothing civil to say on any subject. She finally admitted that while she cannot dispute Anne’s right to remove her from the house, she refers to Peter and his family as The Squatters.” He chuckled. “I am rather enjoying her downfall.”
r />   “Moving to the dower’s house is not a disgrace, Uncle. Women do this every day.”

  “She has it too good, you think?” Lord Matlock asked with his head cocked.

  “I will defer my opinion. It does not matter.” He looked up and smiled at Layton. “Will you remove your mother when the time comes?”

  Layton looked at his father who was chuckling. “Do not look at me for advice, Son. I will be safe in my grave.”

  “Perhaps I will leave it to Alicia to accomplish.” He muttered.

  “How is Audrey? Is she healthy?” Darcy asked quietly.

  Lord Matlock exchanged a quizzical look with Layton. “She is very well, about five months to go. They are returned to Singleton’s father’s estate. They seem to be pleased with each other.”

  “No problems then.”

  “No, Son. It is going well.” Lord Matlock smiled to see Darcy relax, and realized his worry. “She is a strong girl.”

  “Yes sir.” Darcy looked back up and smiled. “And what news is there of our soldier?”

  “Ah, our cow-eyed soldier.” Layton laughed. “He has it bad, Darcy. He is certainly putting in the time with Mrs. Carter, but I am not sure if she will budge.”

  “Has he proposed?”

  “No, no. He cannot even get her to admit that they are courting, although that is certainly what is happening. We have invited her to dinner at Matlock several times over the past month. She is very good for him, I think.”

  “Well if nothing else he has a good friend. He has moderated his habits quite significantly.” Layton raised his brows to Darcy, who smiled then laughed outright.

  “My, my.”



  The three raised their glasses in toast. “To my warrior son, brought down by cupid’s arrow.”


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