Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 17

by Wells, Linda

  “Of course I will, as will Aunt Helen and Alicia, they are veterans of this sort of thing. I have never hosted a ball, only attended. I am nervous as well. Uncle Henry has given me strict instructions for my duties.”

  “Really, what are they?”

  “To do whatever you tell me to do.” He smiled at her and she laughed. “Ah, there is the sound I needed to hear.” He kissed her and they hugged once more. “Are you ready?”

  “No, but it seems we have no choice.”

  “Just remember, you my dearest wife, are the most powerful woman in Derbyshire.”

  “And the old guard will hate me.”

  “The old guard will court you.” He said knowingly.

  They let go and holding hands, exited their chambers to walk down the corridor. “Well it is about time!” Fitzwilliam pointed to an enormous clock ticking in the hallway. “Your guests are past the gate!”

  “Who are you the watchman?” Darcy smiled and Elizabeth laughed. He came to a stop and looked his cousin up and down, taking in his polished boots and well-brushed coat. “You clean up very nicely, Richard.” He saw Fitzwilliam’s colour rising and letting go of Elizabeth took a slow turn around him, noted the gleam on his sword and then pausing, touched the pomade applied to his hair, then took a long sniff of the cologne that enveloped him. “Planning to impress, Cousin?”

  “Quiet.” He said through clenched teeth.

  “Seductive scent, rather like a stallion after a hard run.” Darcy noted, “And your hair is just as shiny as …”

  “Hush Will!” Elizabeth admonished and taking Fitzwilliam’s tightly clenched hands into hers, looked him in the eye. “You are more handsome tonight than I have ever seen you, and if I had met you before I was attached to your cousin, my head would assuredly have been turned.” She saw a little lift come to his lips. “Your cologne is subtle and intriguing, your hair is luxurious, and I know that Evangeline will be hard-pressed to keep from abandoning all decorum and not running into your arms.” She smiled and rose up on her toes to kiss his cheek.

  “Well.” Fitzwilliam’s chest puffed and he bent to kiss Elizabeth’s cheek in return. “Thank you.” He glanced up to see Darcy’s face redden. “You should know that my head was turned when I first saw you, and I was a gentleman and did not try to interfere, no matter how tempting it was.” He winked at her and straightened. Elizabeth’s eyes widened and then she giggled with her gloved hand raised to her lips.

  “That is quite enough, Richard.” Darcy took Elizabeth’s hand and placed it decidedly back onto his arm then looked at her. “You, too.”

  She lifted her chin. “You started it.”

  “Hmmph.” Darcy sniffed and leading her to the door, stood silently against the wall, and stared out at the drive.

  Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam exchanged glances and noticing Evangeline descending the stairs, rushed to meet her. Elizabeth let go of Darcy’s arm and stroked her hand over his shoulder, down the curve of his stiffened spine and then rested it firmly on his backside where she gently rubbed. Darcy’s darkened eyes found hers sparkling up at him. He glanced down at his breeches. Elizabeth followed his gaze to the rapidly growing bulge.

  “What are you doing to me?”

  “Assuring you of my love. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

  “I am an easy target for teasing when it comes to you, but then Richard is such an easy target when it comes to Mrs. Carter, I had no choice. I should not complain, but please spare me from those particular teases?”

  “The ones that suggest I may have loved another? That is impossible; you had me from the very beginning.”

  “Elizabeth.” He whispered and glanced around the hallway. Servants were everywhere, family and friends were descending the stairs and moving towards the ballroom where the musicians could be heard tuning their instruments. The fact that nobody had approached them yet was a miracle and he cared nothing of it. He wanted to act on his desire. “I would love to kiss you right now.”

  “And I would love to receive more than a kiss.” She whispered. Darcy’s hands clenched.

  He looked desperately around the increasingly crowded room for a place of privacy. “You could not tempt me in our rooms?” Elizabeth smiled and leaned against his rigid body. Darcy’s arm came around and he clutched her tightly when she embraced his waist. “We will follow through with this desire, will we not?” He looked down at her and attempted to regain control. “Will we?”


  “During the ball.” He demanded.

  “In the ballroom?” She laughed.

  “I do not care where!”

  “Darcy! Really Son, your guests will be scandalized to walk in to find you grasping your wife like that!” Lord Matlock chuckled when they both startled and reddened. “Ah, you forgot where you were. I like that.” He winked and moved away. “I like that.”

  The couple straightened and resumed standing side-by-side with Elizabeth’s hand on his arm. The surprise of Lord Matlock’s greeting had significantly reduced Darcy’s situation and he was free to stand without pain again. Their eyes met. “I hold you to this promise, Mrs. Darcy.”

  “I do not recall making one.”

  He leaned down and seized her lips in a fervent kiss that left her breathless. Satisfied; he drew a deep breath and straightened when the door was opened when the first carriage arrived. “Ah, here are our guests!”

  “WOULD YOU CARE FOR A SIP?” Darcy said softly to his sleepy wife. She was curled against him in a large leather chair in the library after the final guests had departed.

  Elizabeth lifted her head from his chest and looked at the glass suspiciously. “What are you plying me with, Mr. Darcy?”

  “It is only wine, love.” He held the glass to her lips and tipped it forward, then taking it away, kissed her and tasted the vintage on her tongue. Setting the glass down on the table, he cupped her face and continued with soft, open kisses, then sliding his hands around her shoulders drew her into his arms. Elizabeth sighed and he kissed her cheek and her forehead, and cuddled her safely on his lap. She settled her head back onto his shoulder and closed her eyes. “Please retire, dearest.”

  “No. I want to witness this meeting of the gentleman’s club.” She said with a yawn.

  “You are exhausted. Your first ball was a spectacular success, but I am afraid that you are going to be feeling the effects of it for some time.”

  “Then come to bed with me.”

  “I would like that above everything but this is tradition and I am …”

  “A stickler for tradition, I know.” She felt his chuckle and looked up to kiss his chin. “Your beard is growing.”

  “It is nearly dawn, my dear.”

  “mmm.” She settled back into the warmth of his embrace and they listened to the fire crackle. “Why can you men not discuss whatever this is in the morning?”

  “Because now is when it is fresh and the blood of the unrequited is boiling furiously.” He laughed when one brown eye stared at him before she snuggled back to his shoulder. “I have not been much of a participant in the past, only an observer, and might I add, I have only attended three of these events. But I am the host …”

  “Yes, yes.”

  Darcy brushed his lips across her temple. “Why do you not retire, love?”

  “I have no desire to leave you.” She closed her eyes and Darcy felt her settle further against him. “I am fine.”

  “You are barely awake.” He said softly.

  “I am resting my eyes.”

  “You are resting your entire body against me.”

  “Do you object?”

  Darcy chuckled and kissed her cheek. “No my love, not at all.” He laid his chin on her head and imagined their last dance of the evening. Hearing her hum the tune, he smiled to know her thoughts were his. “Would you care to lie on the sofa?”

  “Again I ask, do you object to me in this position?”

  “Dearest I am only thinking of your modesty
, soon this room will be occupied with men.”

  “Are you embarrassed to have me here?”

  “No, I am proud.” He smiled to see a glimmer of satisfaction grace her lips. “Should we remove your slippers? Your poor feet are …”

  “Fitzwilliam Darcy, please do not tell me how swollen and ugly they are.”

  “I would only like to rub them for you.” He whispered against her cheek and felt her smile. “Did I at last say something acceptable?”


  Darcy chuckled and gave her a squeeze. “I did, then.”

  “I am hungry.”

  “I am not surprised; you have been starving yourself for three months.”

  “I want something sweet, something to just hold in my mouth.” Elizabeth moved her hand from where it rested on his waistcoat and slipped it down his stomach to his hip.


  “Something to savour.” She whispered as her fingers continued their exploration, now moving across the front of his breeches.


  “Something that only you can share with me.” She stroked slowly over the fabric and fingered the buttons of the fall. Darcy’s hand came down to still hers.



  “You are cruel.” He whispered warmly into her ear and pressed the arousal she inspired against her palm. “Why do you say things that I cannot possibly address?”

  “Because we never had the opportunity to do so during the ball, and I know that when we wake sometime tomorrow, you most certainly will.” Darcy’s clasp tensed. “However it is I who will be doing the addressing, I am the one who hungers.” She looked up and found his intense gaze fixed upon her. Moving her hands back up to entwine in his hair, she drew his face down and pleasured his lips. Darcy groaned as she whispered, “I want to swallow your pride.” He muttered something under his breath and closed his eyes as she continued her seduction. “I want the satisfaction of gratifying you.”

  “I would dearly love to feed you.” He growled against her ruby red lips, the vision of them wrapped around him further hardened his desire. “Ohhh my love.” Darcy kissed her and looked into her eyes. She was not teasing anymore; she was simply expressing how much she wanted him. He nodded and with a sigh cuddled her back into his arms. He felt her embrace tighten around him and then relax. When he heard nothing further, Darcy tilted his head to see her peaceful face and soon he felt her soft steady breathing against the open collar of his shirt. Her body became heavier against him, and he held her, unconsciously stroking her back and kissing her hair, and allowing his thoughts to drift over the memory of their last encounter in that room.

  Startling from his reverie, he was saved from the embarrassment of his tightened breeches by Elizabeth’s warm presence on his lap when Fitzwilliam appeared. He bounced in and was about to drop into the leather chair opposite Darcy when he noticed his wife. “Darcy!”

  “She is asleep.” He smiled. “There was no putting her to bed. She will not hear a thing.”

  “Are you sure?” Fitzwilliam looked at her suspiciously. “It is quite disconcerting to see you in such a position, Cousin.”

  “I really do not care.” Darcy chuckled. “Oh, and for obvious reasons, you can pour your own refreshment, if you have not had enough tonight.”

  “No, not by any means.” He stood and poured out a glass of wine and returned to his chair. After studying Elizabeth’s steady breathing for some time, he finally relaxed back into the cushions. “I want exactly what you have.”

  “Well, I think that you are on your way. Mrs. Car …”

  “Do not call her that.” He said gruffly. “Evangeline is her name, and soon I will give her a surname that is worthy of her.”

  “A proposal is necessary for that I believe, until then I will respect the name she has.” Fitzwilliam sighed and Darcy smiled. “Are you any closer?”

  “Yes.” He sipped his wine and smiled at Elizabeth burrowing into Darcy, then standing, found a folded blanket and tucked it around her. The men’s eyes met and he returned to his seat. “She is no longer hesitant with me. Surprisingly she has become shy though.”

  “Elizabeth did the same when we were first engaged and for a while after we married. It must be some sort of female oddity. Frustrating and endearing all at once.” He peeked down at her face when he felt her pinch, then with a slight lift to his lips returned his gaze to Fitzwilliam. “So, tell me about the evening, I am afraid that being a host was rather time-consuming and I did not have the opportunity to observe.”

  “We danced.” He shook his head. “Only twice. Ridiculous rules of behaviour. Why can a man only dance twice with the woman he intends to marry?”

  “If you were engaged three might have been acceptable.”

  “Not with Mother lurking about.” He took a good swallow of the wine. “No, follow decorum and all that. I did not like her being asked to dance by all these Derbyshire dandies you dug up for tonight. What was that all about?”

  “There were a fair number of maidens as well, Cousin.”

  “Yes, and they were shooting arrows at your bride.” He chuckled and Darcy smiled when Elizabeth squeezed him. “I have to tell you, Mother was immensely proud of Elizabeth tonight. She oversaw the battle without a flinch. You would think she had been attending balls from infancy. She handled all the petty squabbles and soothed the nerves of the mothers with aplomb and humour and I might add a fair amount of grace, you would never have guessed her age to see her.” He lifted his glass. “Your wife is well and surely the mistress of Derbyshire.”

  “Your mother might disagree with that, Son.” Lord Matlock entered and flopped into another chair, then cocked his head at Darcy. “Lap warmer?”

  “A very welcome one.”

  “Hmm.” He turned his head to his son. “So your mother is usurped by a country upstart?”

  “If I am not mistaken Father, Matlock is in the country as well.”

  “Touché.” Layton grinned as he came in with Harwick, followed closely by Stewart and Bingley. “I see that your little mother is in the same condition as mine.”

  “In more ways than one.” Darcy chuckled. “Although you successfully convinced yours to retire.”

  “No convincing was necessary, after the last dance she practically led me up the stairs.” Layton sighed and accepted his port from Stewart. “Well it was good to change from the formal wear. I see that you have simply decided to undress here?”

  Darcy looked down at his rather unkempt appearance and shrugged. “I am much more casual about attire when we are alone.”

  “I imagine you will be putting on the layers soon enough.” Lord Matlock shifted his chair closer to the fire.

  “Lord Moreland chose not to join us, I see?”

  “No, Father was done in. Giddy with Laura’s success.” He lifted his glass to Harwick who beamed. “Well, come on man; tell how my sister charmed you.”

  Harwick laughed happily. “No, I will not be the first, but I will say that …” He paused and looked at Elizabeth. “Tonight when I watched Mrs. Darcy, I saw her. I no longer saw a reminder of Ellen. I think that Ellen stayed with me until she knew I was safe and happy again, and now she is leaving me to move forward with Laura and not dwell on the memory of the past.”

  “She will never leave you.” Lord Matlock said quietly.

  “No, but instead of searching for her in the crowds, I will instead see her in the eyes of our daughters, and that is where she will live on.” Harwick smiled and laughed. “Thank you for the loan of your wife, Darcy.”

  The other men joined in, relieving the seriousness of the conversation. “I will not address the implications of that statement, sir, but I am certain that Elizabeth will be glad to know that she helped.” She squeezed him and he kissed her forehead. “So, will you propose?”

  “Oh of course. I plan to do so before we depart Pemberley and invite her parents to Meadowbrook before they return home. I want them to see
the estate and especially wish for her to meet the girls. I know that she has helped your brother’s wife with her baby, Stewart.” He nodded. “My concern now will not be so much the introduction of Laura into their lives, but the removal of Evangeline.”

  Richard nodded. “I think that it will be harder on her, as well. They have been very important to her over the last three years. Thank you for reminding me of that, in case she does not tell me her feelings of loss. I will understand any melancholy that comes about.”

  The men sipped their drinks and Bingley glanced at Elizabeth. “Um, is she truly asleep?”

  Darcy tilted his head and watched as Elizabeth’s lashes fluttered. “Yes, she is dreaming.” He lifted his brows to Bingley and he cleared his throat.

  “What is your opinion of Miss Bennet?” He looked around the room. “I know that she was not at all suited for you Harwick, and Stewart, you had the opportunity to court her in Hertfordshire but looked to Mrs. Darcy instead. Fitzwilliam?”

  He sighed and stretched his legs out. “My first impression was that of a beautiful smile with nothing of substance behind it.” He saw the other two men nodding. “All the proper behaviours were there, but I was not at all intrigued by her display of envy and dogged adherence to her mother’s teachings even when they were clearly proven incorrect.” Bingley nodded and met Darcy’s eyes as he continued to listen to Fitzwilliam. “However, since meeting her again at Pemberley, I believe that some improvements have been wrought, and perhaps with time she might be worth more than a first look. What say you, Darcy? You have been living in close quarters with her?”

  Darcy checked again to be sure that Elizabeth truly was asleep. He bit his lip and looked to Bingley. “Miss Bennet did little to encourage my good opinion, and for a time when we were here together, her presence was like a cold mist that dampened our desires to simply be ourselves as we had been this summer. Eventually it was Miss Bennet who addressed the situation and as you see, Elizabeth and I do not care at all if our close friends see us display our affection openly anymore. She has changed, she has grown. She spends time with Elizabeth learning how to manage Pemberley, she is reading, she takes walks and she is willing to sing in public. None of this would have been possible without Elizabeth’s determined support. She is the miracle worker here, but it also required Jane’s determination to improve. So to answer your question Bingley, I feel that Miss Bennet is making up for the absence of an education and the neglect of her personal fulfilment now, and with time she will hopefully be a woman who is admired for both beauty and accomplishment.”


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