Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 50

by Wells, Linda

  “She must not die!” Mrs. Bennet declared.

  “I am sure that she will have the best of care, my dear. I am sure that she will recover. Do not fret.” He said reassuringly.

  “If she dies, then Mr. Darcy will feel no obligation to care for us at all!” She said piteously.

  Mr. Bennet rose to his feet and bellowed. “Is THAT all that matters to you? Not her health? Not her husband’s health? Only YOUR comfort? You disgust me madam! If I had a hunting cabin in Scotland I would banish you there for the rest of your days!”

  “Mr. Bennet!”

  “I realize that you fear for your future should I die. I know that I did not save as I should or prepare our children for life. I understand my failings and I am trying to make up for it. You should be grateful that Elizabeth found a man such as Mr. Darcy, but it is not her obligation to marry off our daughters. Jane WILL marry Mr. Lucas, and if she had never met any of these men who did not offer for her, you would have been overjoyed with such a fine match! Lizzy’s success has made you avaricious; you crave her circumstances and disdain her happiness. I will go to London to see our daughter because I care for her and respect our son. When I am there, if he is able to hear me, I will beg him to ignore this family when I die. It is not for him to repair what I created.” He stood and began to leave the room and stopped. “The curate in Meryton is named Collins. He will be the heir of Longbourn one day. If you wish to court some man’s favour to help you survive, I suggest that you ingratiate yourself to him.”

  “Mr. Collins is the heir?” She whispered.

  “His father is, but eventually this will be his home.” He looked at her in disbelief. “Do you even care how Lizzy fares?”

  She looked at her husband and lifted her chin. “Of course I do. She is Mrs. Darcy. I only feel that she should show her gratitude for all I have done for her.”

  “If you ever realized what she has done for you, you would be on your knees begging for her forgiveness.” Mr. Bennet left the room to go find Jane.

  ROBERT LUCAS SMILED at Jane and looked down at her hand on his arm. “I cannot quite believe this is real.”

  “That we are engaged?” She smiled softly and blushed.

  “Yes.” He fought his urge to kiss her, and drawing a deep breath, turned his eyes forward as they strolled the lanes. “Do you know when I first noticed you?”

  “I have a feeling that it was during one of our family dinners.” She said ruefully.

  “It was not; it was at the assembly, about three years ago, as a matter of fact.” Seeing her apprehension, he laughed. “No, it was not so bad. We danced, do you remember?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I think that was the first time that we did.”

  “Yes.” He stopped their walk to take both of her hands in his, then began to move through the familiar pattern of a simple dance. Jane laughed as he hummed a tune. When he stopped, he smiled into her clear blue eyes. “I was lost then.”

  “Why did you not say something?”

  “Oh …no, no. I was but two and twenty, fresh from Cambridge. What did I have to offer a woman? All I could do is watch as the most beautiful girl in the county danced with every man who approached. I cursed every one of them.”

  She gasped. “Robert!”

  “I did.” Slipping his arms around her waist, he drew her against his chest. “I was sure that some lucky man would take you away, put you on a pedestal and worship you for all of your days for the angel you are.”

  Jane blushed when she felt his lips caress her cheek. “I am no angel; please do not call me that.”


  “Such words do not suit me and sound odd coming from you.” She closed her eyes and trembled when his mouth wandered to her jaw. “I … I … I am just … Jane.”

  Lucas moved away, and untying the ribbons of her bonnet, pulled it off so that her hair was free to shine in the sunlight. He ran his fingers through it and then lifted her chin up to meet his lips in a tender kiss. “My Jane.”

  “Yes.” She whispered against his mouth and wrapped her arms around him. “Yours.”

  “Sweet Jane?” He asked and kissed her again. “Will you allow me to call you my dear, sweet Jane?”

  “If I may call you my dear, handsome, Robert.”

  He laughed softly and kissed her cheek. “I can bear to be handsome if you can bear to be lovely.”

  “Only if you promise to never make me beautiful or …anything meant for heaven.” She said seriously. “Please.”

  “Done.” He agreed and kissed her again. “My dear, sweet, lovely, Jane.” He rested his forehead on hers and spoke seriously. “Our mothers are not so happy. They both wished for more in our mates, I am afraid. Will you let them ruin this for us? I think that my mother will come around and will rather enjoy taking on your mother for the wedding plans.”

  “I … I suppose that I will someday wish that we lived farther away from Mama, but … I know that she will not feel free to burst in upon us to visit as it is still your parents’ home. I believe that as long as I get along with Lady Lucas, all will be well.”

  “That is an excellent point, my dear.” He hugged her tight.

  “This is very nice.” Jane sighed.

  Robert kissed her and smiled as she snuggled into his arms. “I certainly enjoy it.”

  “Now I understand why Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are always this way.” She looked up to his soft brown eyes. “We will do this often?”

  “I think that I can manage that.” He laughed and saw her smile grow. “I can think of a great many things that I look forward to doing with you often.”

  “Oh!” Jane startled. “You mean …”

  “yes.” He whispered into her ear and clasped her tightly to his body. “Do you feel me, my Jane?”

  “I … I yes, I have felt this before with you.”

  “Do you wonder what it is?” He kissed her throat. “It is my desire for you.”


  “We will have to learn to be quiet, I am afraid that the walls are thin, but … I hope to love you often …my dear Jane.” His breathing hitched and wrapping her up in his arms, one hand in her hair, the other on her bottom, he kissed her, seeking and gaining entry into her mouth and letting her feel the heat raging in his loins. Jane nearly fainted from the kiss but as he did not relent, she began to respond, kissing him back and touching his tongue, even moving her hips against his. She heard him groan in her mouth then felt his tongue in her ear, and his lips on her throat. “Yes, Jane, that is it, move with me, enjoy this.” He urged her. “Do not be afraid.” He looked into her eyes. “I want you to welcome your husband into your embrace.”

  “I … I will. But … oh Robert, we will be seen …” His mouth fell upon hers and they kissed more deeply with each passing moment, until at last he stopped and held her to his chest. “Why …”

  “Did I stop?” He panted.


  “Do you wish to go on, my Jane?” He looked into her eyes. “If we continue, we will anticipate our vows. My control is at its edge.”


  He saw the conflict in her eyes and he smiled. “Do I speak too plainly?”

  “I … I am not sure.” She looked down and blushed. “Lizzy has spoken to me of …marriage; and my aunt as well. I understand …”

  “But you wish to wait?” He smiled and laughed. “I never intended to continue, dear. I respect you too much, and I can feel your discomfort being out in the open like this. I am a private man as well, but how can I resist you in my arms? Besides, I was curious what you would say.”

  “You are unkind!” Jane said furiously.

  “No. I am myself. And you, my dear, will have to grow used to that. I am not above teasing, as my siblings can attest.”

  “Lizzy teases.” She said pensively. “Did you ever like her?”

  “Hmm.” He looked thoughtfully up to the sky.

  “Robert!” She demanded, but he could hear the note of worry in her v

  “No, Jane, I honestly was never drawn to her. She is sweet and kind as are you, and her wit and talent for conversation are admirable, but … she just was not the one for me. Remember, I was caught up in thoughts of you, and she was a young girl when I last really saw her. I wished for a woman.” He could see the relief in her eyes. “I answered properly, I see.”

  “I am tired of competing with her.”

  “I have a feeling that she was tired of competing with you.” Lucas said seriously. “She did all of her life, compete for your mother’s attention and that of every man in Hertfordshire? I watched.”

  “I never encouraged it!”

  “You did not have to, you exuded beauty which attracted the attention, wanted or not.”

  “Do you truly believe that Lizzy wished to be like me?” Jane stared at him in wonder.

  Brushing back the hair that blew into her eyes, he tilted his head. “I thought that you were close.”

  “We were.” She whispered. “I ruined it.”

  “What happened? I saw her behaviour with you. She loves you.” He kissed her softly. “Tell me what happened. She married Darcy, and …”

  Glancing up at him, she felt his love and felt safe enough to be honest. “I became jealous.”

  “And now?”

  Jane did not answer. Lucas watched her face and then saw her eyes close for a moment before meeting his. “Why do you want me? Why were you attracted to me?”

  “You are beautiful.” He said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Oh I am so tired of being told that I am beautiful!” She cried. “Is there nothing else of me that … Why, why do you want to tie yourself to me for the rest of your days?”

  “Why do you feel it would be a torture to do so?” Lucas smiled as she was forced to think. “Jane, you were always a calm centre in the world of your rather chaotic family. I enjoyed watching you attempt to soothe everyone and make all disgruntlement disappear.” He chuckled. “And sometimes it was a success, at least with your mother, and you did handle your younger sisters well. That tells me that you would prefer a harmonious home life, which is appealing to me. However, I do know all of your behaviour towards your sister when she found love.”

  “That was not me.” She said with a blush.

  “Of course it was.” Robert laughed at her shock. “Jane, something inside of you felt desire for love and excitement, perhaps passion. You watched your sister attract one man after another; men of means, men with great strength of character? I believe, dear Jane, that you wanted a man who would allow you to at last be yourself, but one who did not force you to become someone you did not wish to be at the same time.”

  “What do you mean?” She stared at him in fascination.

  “I mean, you had no desire to live in the society where Mrs. Darcy resides, it does not interest you in the slightest, but you would dearly love to have the freedom to …not be perfect. It must be terribly hard work to always smile and see the good in everyone, to be admired and praised for your beauty?”

  “It is exhausting.” She admitted and then lifted her hand to her mouth.

  Lucas smiled and kissed her. “Well, hearing of your lapse with your sister told me that deep inside of you there is a woman just itching to discover who she is. And I hope to spend my days coaxing her out.”

  “What if you do not like who you find?”

  “Oh, I am sure that I will. You cannot drift too far from your sweet persona, but I do expect to meet the side of you with the sharp tongue, and I will not be in the least afraid to take you on. I may even provoke you to use it.” He laughed as her eyes widened. “Dear Jane, how could you be your mother’s daughter and not possess such a skill?”

  Jane’s mouth dropped open. “You …you think that I am as … outspoken as Mama?”

  “I said that you have the potential.” His eyes laughed as her face grew red. “Shall we discuss your sisters?”

  “No!” She drew herself up. “Perhaps we should discuss your family?”

  Lucas laughed. “I would be delighted, my dear! Have at them!”

  She stopped just as she was about to speak. “Robert, is this what you meant? That … I will be free to be …”

  “Yourself.” He kissed her softly and smiled to see her eyes light up. “I cannot wait to meet the true Jane you have kept hidden away while you tried to please everyone but yourself.”

  “Lizzy always tried to make me be myself.” Hugging her to him, he heard her sigh. “We will not see her often will we?”

  “Probably not. We might go to Pemberley once every few years, perhaps to London more often when they are visiting. Do you mind?”

  “No.” She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “I am home right here, where I can just be Jane for you.” The sound of an approaching horse forced them apart quickly, and to see that it was Mr. Bennet brought blushes to both of their faces.

  “Lucas … I am in no doubt that I caught you behaving questionably with my daughter, and am surprised that you have no chaperone, Jane …”

  “Mr. Bennet …”

  “Papa … I …”

  He held up his hand and shook his head. “No, I will not say anything else, I have far more pressing business than a stolen embrace between an engaged couple.” Dismounting, he handed the letter from Mr. Gardiner to Jane. “Prepare yourself for some terrible news.”

  “SO WHAT WAS IT, his lover’s husband come to call him out?” The men gathered in the card room of the gentleman’s club laughed loudly.

  “Darcy with a lover? A married one? That dull stick wouldn’t know where to put his pole, let alone how to use it!” Creary laughed. “Now I could give the boy a lesson or two.”

  “We all know to lock up our daughters when you are on the premises, Creary.”

  Gannon poked him. “I imagine that Darcy’s wife would beg to differ with your opinion, he is a new father.”

  Red faced, Creary snorted. “Ha! I suspect that the man was her lover. He is the one that got her with child, and now Darcy has found out about him! Cuckolded no doubt! If she had agreed to accept my favour, it would be a male child. Imagine that, Creary blood in Pemberley. Well, perhaps I will offer my services again … I saw her the other day, pregnancy did a great deal for her already delectable figure. I do enjoy taking small women.” Creary smacked his lips and the others laughed.

  Stewart looked up from his table when the conversation mentioned Darcy’s name, and when they began debating his and Elizabeth’s commitment, he put down his cards and went to stand nearby. Feeling a presence at his elbow, he noticed that his father had quietly joined him.

  “Well, whoever the man is, it seems that Darcy got the best of him. I hear he is in Newgate.”

  “For a duel? They don’t prosecute gentlemen for that!”

  “What’s the name?”

  “Let me see.” One man rattled his paper and searched the columns. “Ah here it is, Wickham.”

  “Wickham!” Stewart startled and moved forward to grab the paper. “But he is dead!”

  “Moreland, you really should teach your boy some manners.” Lord Creary sniffed. “Oh, but then he fancies himself a friend to Darcy, so he has none at all.”

  “If anyone is going to learn manners it is you, Creary. I thought that I told you not to spread wild gossip, and here you are with your cackling hens doing it just the same. Extraordinary how desperate you are to knock down a man who did nothing more than tell you to leave his wife alone, and not to invite him to your parties. Or are you jealous of Devonshire publicly acknowledging him and his wife?”

  Creary ignored the last comment. “Seems to me his wife wants to be with somebody, why else would she be bedding this Wickham?”

  “You bastard! How dare you suggest such a thing of Mrs. Darcy!” Stewart growled and the men laughed at him.

  “What’s this? A soft spot for the lady? My, my, poor Darcy, how many lovers does she have?”

  “If you knew them you would choke on your wor
ds.” Stewart spat and shook the paper. “What happened? This says nothing, only that there was an attack!”

  “I told you, boy. He was facing his wife’s lover down.” Creary sneered.

  Stewart spun around. “Do you know anything more, Father?”

  “No Son, I am sorry, I only know that Matlock was summoned to Darcy House four days ago, I have heard nothing since. I thought that to inquire would be an intrusion. Matlock will contact me if there is anything I need to know. He pointed the paper. “I had not read that news.”

  “I am going to Darcy House and learn the truth of this.” Stewart started to leave and returned to the table. “I will also present your theories to Lord and Lady Matlock. I am certain that they will be interested to hear of them, and to add some theories of their own to your fantasies.” Stewart stormed out and Lord Moreland smiled at his son’s back.

  “You had better do something about your boy, Moreland. He won’t ever get his silks if he keeps crossing his betters.”

  “His betters? Moreland growled. “Watch your tongue, Creary. You are not talking to a servant. Your importance is falling as your age increases. How many ladies sneer at your approach now? And …” he laughed, “How many can you keep properly entertained?” Creary’s companions joined in the joke until they felt his gaze upon them, and returned to their game. Lord Moreland looked over the room and seeing the interest of the crowd waning, left to see what he could learn on his own.

  “I AM SORRY, SIR; the Darcys are not accepting visitors.” Foster said diffidently at the door.

  “Is there … I am hearing terrible rumours can you confirm that they are well? I would like to protect their good names.” Stewart argued with the gatekeeper. “Is Lord Matlock present?” Foster hesitated and Stewart jumped on it. “I would like to speak to him, please.”

  “Stewart!” Bingley called from the walkway. “I have heard the most outrageous rumours about Darcy! Caroline was full of it this morning. What has happened?”


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