With the lights off, the parents and children are unaware of the transformation taking place. They continue to climb over one another in a desperate attempt to get out of the building. But as soon as they reach the exits, they realise that all the doors and windows have been locked tight. There’s no escape.
Suddenly, the lights flicker back on. Eve is proudly standing at the side of her new owner in all her demonic glory. Raising her arms, Jezebel commands, “Dormire.”
Every single person in the room, both big and small, instantly falls to the floor. They’re frozen stiff. Their eyes are open wide, but it appears as though there is no soul there. Making her way to the exit at the side of Jezebel, Eve says, “You are all lucky I didn’t kill you. Your time will come.”
Smiling, Jezebel appears happy with Eve’s quick acceptance and transition.
Getting up from their chairs in the boardroom, Matthew, Christina, Daniel, Vera, Bill and his nephew Atticus gather their notes from today’s meeting. It has gone well, and Bill seems content with the decisions that have been made regarding the finalised advertisement for SaintsVill clothing.
“Atticus, it was great to meet you,” says Christina. “I’m sure that, following in your uncle’s footsteps, you’re going to be a great success.”
“Thanks, Christina. Actually, film production has always excited me and so when Uncle Bill invited me to this meeting, there was absolutely no way I was passing up this opportunity.”
“Oh, bless you. Well maybe we could get you on an intern here. Matthew, what do you think?”
“I was saying to Atticus that we could get him on an intern here.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.”
Bill looks to Matthew. “You alright, Matty lad? You seem tired.”
“I said are you alright, Matty lad?”
This is the second time Matthew’s had to answer the same question. Shaking himself, he replies, “Yeah, sorry Bill, I didn’t sleep much last night.”
“Oh, up all night with a lady caller was you?” Bill says as he winks, nods his head and laughs.
Not wanting to tell the truth, Matthew laughs and replies, “Yeah – something like that.”
Smirking, Bill says, “Leave out the seedy details aye, there’s young ears about.”
Smiling, Matthew looks to Bill’s nephew and says, “Yeah, it was nice to meet you, Aaron.”
“It’s Atticus.”
“Oh, sorry, yes, my mistake, it is, isn’t it?”
Putting out his hand, Atticus says, “It’s been a real pleasure to meet you, Matthew, and I was just saying to Christina how much I admire the film production industry.”
“I said he could start an intern here.” Christina says.
“Atticus, get Daniel’s email address and arrange to come in, this way you can see a day in the life of Honey Productions. You can then decide if you want to start on as an intern with us.”
“Aye, Matty boy, you best be coughing up a finder’s fee for him, or better still, let’s say, a free advertisement. Ha-ha, that should cover it, right?”
“Aye, Bill, is this your secret weapon – get a freebie using this one and keep the wealth? Ha-ha. I tell you what, if he’s half as good at business as you are, the lad will be worth every pound.”
“You sussed me, Matty boy. I tell you, fine lad is our Atticus. I assure you he’s made with great genes. Raised well, aren’t you, lad?”
“Thanks, Uncle Bill. I learned from the best.”
“You’ve paid him to say that, haven’t you, Bill?” Christina says.
“Aye, cheeky.” Putting out his arms, Bill continues, “Christina, come now, bring it in for a hug.”
Looking at his watch, Matthew sees the time is 6 p.m. Gathering his things in a rush, he says, “I’m gonna have to shoot. Daniel, don’t forget to type the minutes and send them out to everyone. Oh, and pass Aaron, sorry, I mean, Atticus, your email, cause he’s going to come in on an intern thing. Right, everyone, it has been a real pleasure, but I must go.”
Matthew is in the kitchen, swaying slightly. He’s had enough! Like an alcoholic he’s drinking straight from the bottle, throwing back gulps of wine. His tie is pulled down and his shirt’s hanging out of his pants. No longer resembling the strong man he once was, Matthew looks a mess. His hair’s sticking up and his whole appearance is neglected. Slightly drunk from the amount of wine he has consumed in such a short period of time, he stumbles out of the kitchen and begins making his way up the two spiral staircases to his office on the second floor.
He pushes the door open with one arm and waves his bottle of wine around with the other. Matthew sits at the desk and turns the computer on. “Operation bump in the night, ha-ha. I like it. So, now then, now then, now then… what do we have here? I know I turned you on this time, ha, you can’t outsmart Matthew Honey,” he says, slurring, as he waits for the computer to start up.
Taking another swig of wine, Matthew manages to log in and open up the CCTV camera file. “Now —” he unexpectedly hiccups, “—let us see what’s going on then—” another hiccup, “—nanny cam, and, login—” He pauses for another hiccup. The alcohol is clearly having an effect on his system. “Kaboom! CCTV camera. Oh hello, lookie, what is it we have here then! So…” He takes another gulp of his wine from the bottle. “We’ve decided to play ball this time, have we?”
He clicks the link and the live footage currently recording begins to play. Completely intoxicated, he almost tumbles from his office chair, dramatically waving his arms around. He reaches out to the solid dark-oak cabinet that holds his library of books to steady himself. Laughing hysterically to himself, he says, “Whoopsyyyyy.”
He regains his balance and places the virtually empty bottle of wine down on the edge of the desk. Suddenly, he feels a freezing cold draft against the back of his neck, making the hairs on his skin stand to attention. Looking up, he sees the office door is closed, but it’s not shut tight. He gets up from his chair and stumbles over to the door, peering through the gap into the dark empty hallway.
“Eve… Jess?”
There’s no response. Content that he is, in fact, alone, Matthew ignores the shiver and stumbles back to his desk. Looking at the time on his computer, he sees it’s 06.47 p.m. on the 7/7. He has been so distracted that it hasn’t registered that he has not spoken to his daughter all day. A look of confusion spreads across his features and he shakes his head as he tries to figure out where he was up to. Reaching for the mouse next to the keyboard he sways slightly, then loses his balance once more. This time he almost knocks the bottle off the edge of the desk as he carelessly begins directing the mouse towards the pre-recorded footage from last night. Rewinding the recording to the time when Eve went to bed, Matthew observes his daughter sleeping, looking her usual angelic and innocent self in her pure white bedsheets. He smiles as he watches her sleeping peacefully. He fast-forwards the recording, Eve’s body moving around in her bed at a heightened pace as the hours, minutes and seconds speed by. All looks normal in the room. But no sooner has he begun to feel relieved than something mysterious catches his eye.
He stops the recording at 3.07 a.m. Matthew leans closer to the monitor, staring intently. He can see what looks like smoke seeping around the doorframe. Pressing play once more, he hones in on this spot and watches as the mysterious grey smoke grows thicker and thicker into Eve’s room. Matthew sees that his daughter is completely unaware of this presence surrounding her. As the footage continues to play, Matthew is frozen stiff. He can no longer believe what he’s seeing. Things like this don’t happen in the real world. This is surely wrong; someone has edited the footage as a prank!
Gliding through the closed wooden door, as though the sturdy barrier doesn’t even exist, is the same demonic-looking grey woman he’s being taunted by in his mind, except this time it isn’t in his mind.
This recording tells no lies. She’s there as clear as day in his daughter’s bedroom.
Unsure if he should feel relieved at this confirmation that he’s not going insane, or petrified that she is real, Matthew sheds a single silent tear which falls slowly down his face. This image disturbs him so much it literally shocks the alcohol out of his system and pushes him right back to being sober. Watching as the events unfold, he sees her true horrific form; he sees her grey body and her long black hair which is dripping a black substance everywhere she steps.
Suddenly, Matthew sees Eve’s sleeping body shoot up. Eve sits up straight in her bed, her eyes wide open. Once again, Matthew leans closer to the monitor, with a look of regret and horror on his face. He sees Eve is no longer Eve. She’s a mini mirror reflection of this demonic entity. Her eyes resemble gaping black holes and black blood oozes from around her eye sockets. Her skin has turned an unearthly shade of grey and rips have formed all over her body, with black blood pulsing out of each one.
Trying to come to terms with the horrific image of his daughter, Matthew slumps back in his office chair when suddenly a huge, black raven appears on screen. This sinful-looking creature lands on Eve’s shoulder and begins pecking at her face. Eve doesn’t flinch or react to this. The grey demonic entity makes her way from the doorway across to Eve to join her evil acquaintance. With the raven on one side, the demonic entity leans over to Eve’s face and with her black tongue she licks and begins ingesting the substance oozing from Eve’s existence.
Matthew feels a vibration on the table. It becomes repetitive and rhythmic. The demonic entity’s mouth is moving. Sitting up in bed, Eve appears to be embracing the words spoken. He rewinds the footage and turns the volume to its highest point. Through the distorted recording he struggles to hear the words she speaks, but he can make out a tune. Grabbing his headphones from the drawer, he plugs these in and once again presses play. Closing his eyes, Matthew hears it! It’s a nursery rhyme. With a dulcet and eerie tone, he hears the demonic entity singing Ring a’ Ring o’ Roses, but the words aren’t quite right. Fiddling with the settings, Matthew rewinds the footage and listens again. This time he hears, “Ring a’ Ring o’ Roses – your soul is mine. Ring a’ Ring o’ Roses – you’ve been chosen for the dark side.”
The rhyme sparks a sense of familiarity. He’s heard it before. Continuing to watch in disbelief, Matthew feels numb. The raven suddenly flaps her huge wings and goes out of sight. The demonic entity looks straight to the door, appearing startled. A sudden transformation begins to take place. Holding his breath, Matthew can’t believe his eyes. He can’t process what he’s seeing. It’s her… it’s…
“Matthew, what are you doing?”
Matthew jumps out of his skin, this time successfully knocking the wine bottle off the desk and onto the floor. He looks like he’s just seen a ghost. His eyes are open wide and he’s breathing at a rapid rate, frozen stiff to his chair.
Standing in the doorway, Jess once again speaks. “Matthew, what’s wrong?”
“Jess… I… Erm…”
“You what?”
With his voice low and his eyes still wide he says, “Where’s Eve?”
Looking to the monitor on the desk, she smirks as she makes her way closer to him. “So, now you know.”
“Where is she, where is my daughter?”
“Don’t you worry. I told you, Mr Honey, I always take good care of my pieces. Evelyn Jade, come here, please.”
Entering the office, Eve stands directly at the side of Jess.
“Eve, come here, get away from her. Get away from her now!”
Matthew tries to stand but realises he’s stuck to his chair. “Please, I beg you, don’t do this; she’s all I have.”
“You see, that’s the problem, she’s actually all you never had. I selected you from billions of souls. I mapped out your fate. I created your destiny. You should know something, Mr Honey. I might as well tell you, now that the truth is out. I have been watching you for years – many, many, many years. Your first and only born, Evelyn Jade, way before she was even conceived, had been chosen for a great purpose. She was always a possession of mine. Did you think it was a coincidence that you chose that gift for Lauren all those years ago - the solid silver locket from the old gypsy lady’s stall? Did you think I turned up wearing one almost identical to it by chance?”
Choosing not to answer Jess’s question, Matthew’s desperate to get his daughter away from this evil individual. “Eve, come here, please. Eve, listen to my voice. It’s me, your dad.”
“Fuck you, Mr Honey and your innocence, or should I say your desperate and weak mind. You see, you were so obsessed with your dead wife that you totally missed all the signs. I’m calculated, but you’re stupid. You’ve made this so very easy for me. I couldn’t have you taking off with my chosen one. The locket your wife fell so desperately in love with, it was my hunter, my tracker, so to speak. I have always been watching, watching every single move you’ve each made. You see, I always knew I was up against one teeny tiny problem…”
Matthew looks at Eve, who stands still in the doorway. Her skin tone is slowly changing to a slight shade of grey. Jess makes her way over to Matthew and leans into his ear. Her breath is ice-cold and smells pungent. It leaves a strong metallic taste at the back of his throat, making him feel nauseous.
“Unfortunately,” Jess continues, “you both got too attached to something that never belonged you. I was faced with a dilemma, so to speak. I was faced with the fact that my possession, my creation, my chosen soul, had two very strong keepers who loved her very much, and so I decided that one of you had to go. Yes! It was I who killed your poor little Lauren. It was I who ripped your world apart and made you weak and vulnerable. Now, Mr Honey, I’m taking what’s rightfully mine! Did you really think you could keep her from me? Ha! I killed your wife and you’re lucky that I don’t kill you too, now that you’ve served your purpose. The clock is ticking. My demonic empire will be unleashed upon the world. I am the Dark Empress and the universe will be mine. This is just the beginning,” she says, standing up straight and re-joining Eve.
Silent tears fall rapidly down Matthew’s motionless face as he realises what she’s saying. It’s worse than he could have ever imagined. All his worst fears and nightmares are coming true.
“I am Jezebel. And she is mine. Now, let’s have some fun. Do you like to play games, Mr Honey? Ring a’ Ring o’ Roses…”
As these words leave her lips, Jezebel and Eve begin showcasing their horrific true demonic forms. Cracks appear in Eve’s grey skin and a black, thick substance begins to drip from them and out of her mouth. She coughs and the thick substance rolls down her chin and onto her chest.
The silver necklace and heart-shaped locket hanging around Eve’s neck is enveloped by the sticky slime, destroying the beauty that this item once possessed. The weight of it hangs heavy and the chain snaps, the treasured piece of jewellery falling to the floor. The final piece of the puzzle, the final item to remind Eve of the life she once had, has now gone! As it lands on the floor, the Dark Empress and her chosen soul are united at last, standing strong side by side. With their transformation complete, the pair throw themselves at Matthew and begin dragging his soul deeper and deeper into the dark abyss of his own mind.
The time has come; it’s the final game.
Chapter Sixteen
The Final Game
“Eve… Eve… Eve!”
“Yes, Dad?”
“Eve – where are you?”
“I’m here.”
“Where? I can’t see anything.”
“Listen to me, princess, I don’t want you to panic, just follow my voice. I’m coming to find you and we’re going to get out of here together and go home.”
“Help me, please, save me, you must before it’s
; “Eve? Eve! Before it’s too what?”
As the echoes of his voice disappear, the silence becomes deafening. Matthew is desperate to hear his daughter’s voice. Holding hope in his heart that she’s still nearby he shouts out, “Darling, everything’s going to be all right. I’m coming to find you.”
He is alone and completely surrounded by darkness, unaware that he’s been trapped inside the darkest depths of his own mind. His fear taking over, Matthew feels exposed and vulnerable. He bravely takes one step forward, hearing only the sound of his breath as it leaves his body.
Suddenly he feels an excruciating pain in his wrists. An unseen force is cutting through his soft flesh as his arms are mysteriously ripped apart and raised above his head. Screaming out in agony, he is forcefully pulled off his feet. He comes to an abrupt halt and is left dangling from what he can only imagine is a great height. He feels the same excruciating pain in his ankles as they are also ripped apart and restrained in the same manner. Unable to see who, or what, is doing this to him, Matthew struggles to free himself. But the fiercer he pulls, the tighter the grip becomes.
He gives in and stays still. The movement creates too much pain for him to bear. Matthew drops his head. His energy levels are low. There is an eerie silence, but he doesn’t feel alone. The dark energy embedded in this still place begins toying with his thoughts. With his sight gone, his hearing becomes strong. His ears twitch as a tune circulates inside his mind, taking over his thoughts. The haunting, eerie version of Ring a’ Ring o’ Roses is being hummed repeatedly.
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