by Eric Rutkow
Newsweek, 265, 330, 333
New York:
Adirondack plateau in, 137–38
Adirondack protection in, 139–45, 246–47
Board of Trade and Transportation in, 144
commercial logging in, 108
Dutch elm disease in, 223
1872 drought in, 139
farming in, 248
FDR’s forestry initiatives in, 246–47, 248–49
Forest Commission in, 142, 143, 144
paper industry in, 125
tanning industry in, 127, 153
New York, N.Y.:
Earth Day in, 314–15
Liberty Pole protests in, 37–38
maple tree disease in, 342
nineteenth-century life in, 84–85
population explosion in, 84, 85
public park creation in, 87–92
river-based commerce in, 140
skyscrapers in, 90
New Yorker, 221, 226, 265
New York Evening Post, 86, 87, 122
New York Herald, 77, 124
New York State Forestry Association, 143
New York Stock Exchange, 35
New York Times, 114, 123, 138, 142, 143, 152, 208, 215, 226, 241–42, 244, 251, 253, 260, 278, 292, 304, 313, 315, 316, 324, 325, 330, 331, 333, 336, 339, 343
New York Tribune, 119, 122, 140, 149
New York World, 123, 124
New York World’s Fair, 74
Niagara Falls State Park, 92
Nixon, Richard, 281, 309, 315, 319
Nobel Peace Prize, 340–41
Norris-Doxey Farm Forestry Act, 260
North, J. W., 172
North America:
apples introduced to, 55–56
English colonization of, 5, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18–21
European “cultural degeneracy” theory about, 48, 56
oranges introduced to, 171, 204
tree resources in, 5, 13, 15, 339
see also America, colonial
blizzards in, 341
Great Hurricane in, 225
logging in, 107–8, 125
paper production in, 125, 126
spruce in, 230
Northern Pacific Railroad, 161, 188, 189
forest fires in, 192–93
forest regrowth in, 194–95
land transfers in, 188, 190
logging in, 7, 188–95, 229, 231–38, 317, 320–21, 322, 323
lumber workers in, 191–92, 231, 232–33, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239
spotted owl controversy in, 316, 317–18
transportation networks in, 189, 194, 236, 237
tree farming in, 285, 286
tree resources in, 188–89, 231, 264
Northwest Forest Plan (NFP), 323, 324
Northwest Territory, 54
Johnny Appleseed’s travels through, 58–61
Protestantism in, 60
Norton, Matthew, 111, 112, 113, 114
Norwood; or, Village Life in New England (Beecher), 220
Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 48
oak, 14, 23, 342
oak, black, 23, 127
oak, live, 151
oak, white, 11, 23, 35, 104, 272
Obama, Barack, 341
Ogden, William Butler, 116, 120, 146
Ohio, apple trees in, 61
Ohio Company, 58
oil spills, 311
Old Faithful, 332
Oliver, Andrew, 33, 34, 36
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 88–94, 138, 141, 147, 156, 211, 269, 287, 297
Olympic Games, of 1960, 296
Omaha, 130
Omaha Daily Herald, 133
O’Neal, Tatum, 330
“Operation Outdoors,” 296
orange crates, 175
orange juice, 178
oranges, 7, 168, 168–79
advertising of, 175, 177–78
cooperative associations for, 176–78
demand for, 174–75, 178–79
farm labor for, 175–76
irrigation for, 172, 175, 179
North American introduction of, 171, 204
transportation of, 172, 174, 175
varieties of, 172, 173
windbreaks for, 256
Oranges (McPhee), 179
forest fire prevention in, 193
logging in, 194
spotted owl controversy in, 316, 319–23
Oregon, University of, 197
Oregon Law Review, 295
Organization Man, The (Whyte), 281
Osage Orange, 50
O’Shaughnessy Dam, 166
Otoe, 130
Outdoor Recreation Act Program (ORAP), 310
Outdoor Recreation Bureau, U.S., 295
Outlook, 243
owl, barred, 324
owl, northern spotted, 317–18, 319–23, 324
Ozaki, Mayor, 209
ozone depletion, 336–37
Pachappa Orange Growers’ Association, 176
Pack, Charles Lathrop, 243, 249, 258
Palm Beach, Fla., 170
Panama Canal, 194
Pando, 8
paper, 6, 120–28
consumption of, 6
creation of, 120–21
disposable products from, 279–80
importance of, 126
kraft, 187, 188
rag, 121–22
wood-pulp, 122–24, 125–26, 187, 188, 230
papyrus, 121
Parker, Carleton, 234
parks, national, 77, 139, 145, 151, 152
expansion of, 152
opposition to, 151
see also forests, national; National Park Service, U.S.
parks, public, 86–87, 92–93, 98
see also Central Park
parks, state, 143, 145
Parliament, British:
American plant legislation in, 43
Broad Arrow policy in, 29
tree preservation measures in, 14
see also Great Britain
Pasadena, Calif., 175
passenger pigeon, 318
Patterson, Flora, 214
Patuxet, 20
Paulding, James, 65–66
Pauly, Philip, 207
peaches, 58, 278
peanuts, 187
pear, sickle, 245
Peattie, Donald Culross, 27
Penn, William, 34–35
apple trees in, 61
chestnut protection measures in, 215, 216
commercial logging in, 108
leather industry in, 127
Pennsylvania Gazette, 44
People, 331
Pepys, Samuel, 26
Pernin, Peter, 115, 117, 118, 119
Pershing, John J., 228–29, 231, 232, 236, 242
Peshtigo, Wis., 115, 116, 117–20, 139
Peshtigo Company, 116
pesticides, 226–27
Petre, Lord, 43
Pettigrew, Richard, 159
Pettigrew Amendment, 159, 287, 294
Philadelphia, Pa., as intellectual center, 46
Philadelphia Daily Evening Register, 122
Philadelphia Inquirer, 123
Philipp, Emanuel, 195
Philippines, 205
Pilat, Ignaz, 91
Pilgrims, 19, 20
Pinchot, Gifford, 8, 153–57, 158–59, 160–67, 173, 193, 196–97, 198, 204, 217, 246–47, 250, 283, 284, 287–88, 297, 298, 304, 311
Pinchot, James, 153, 154
Pinchot, Mary, 153
pine, bristlecone, 1–2, 8
federal protection of, 9
pine, longleaf, 70, 127, 180, 182, 184, 187, 195, 197
pine, pitch, 23
pine, ponderosa, 189
pine, Scotch, 15
pine, white, 1, 72, 273
early medicinal uses of, 23
logging of, 5, 26–27, 107–8, 109–15, 125, 127
, 128, 138, 180, 190
overuse of, 79
in shipbuilding, 23, 26–27, 32, 33
pine, whitebark, 342
pine, yellow, 195
Pioneers, The (Cooper), 66–67
pitch, 15, 70
Plant Genetic Resources Unit, 61
Plant Quarantine Act, 210, 215, 223
Plymouth Company, 18, 19
Plymouth Rock, splitting of, 38–39
plywood, 275
consumption of, 6
pollution, 308–9, 312, 335, 344
Popham, George, 19
poplar, 123, 125
Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 312
populism, 176
colonial timber trade with, 24
American colonization by, 11
Powell, John Wesley, 135–36
Precaution (Cooper), 65, 66
preservation, 304, 305–6
and Aldo Leopold, 300, 301
and Gifford Pinchot, 154, 162, 166–67
and Muir, 149, 150, 151, 152, 157
and sequoias, 77, 92
Prince Nurseries, 52
Principall Navigations (Hakluyt), 17
“Problem of the Wilderness, The” (Marshall), 302
Progressivism, 165, 166
Prohibition, 178
“Prometheus,” 1, 3, 4–5, 9
Promontory Summit, 99
Prospect Park, 92
Providence Journal, 123
Public Works Administration (PWA), 223
Pulitzer, Joseph, 124
Pullman, George, 103
Purdue University, 197
railroads, 99–105
bridges for, 101–2
cars for, 103
crossties for, 104–5, 130, 212
federal land grants to, 190
and forest fires, 103, 116, 117, 142
and forestry, 163
logging industry competition with, 115
refrigeration systems on, 175
in South, 181, 183, 184
steam engines on, 102–3
strap, 101
transcontinental, 173–74, 189
tree planting by, 130
wood use in, 70, 100–105, 109, 110, 127, 130
World War I construction of, 237
Rain Forest Action Network (RAN), 329, 330
rain forests:
biodiversity in, 327
destruction of, 324, 327–28, 336, 344
logging in, 327
preservation of, 329–32
ranching in, 328
Raleigh, Walter, 12, 16
ranching, 134, 137
in rain forests, 328
Rather, Dan, 315
Reagan, Ronald, 316, 320
Reclamation Bureau, U.S., 304
Reconstruction, 181
Redford, Robert, 325
Red River Lumber Company, 191
Reducing Emissions Through Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), 343
redwoods, coastal, 8, 76, 188, 230
Report of the Chief of the Forest Service (1946), 294
Report on the Forests of North America, 141, 179–80, 181, 190
Republican Party, U.S., 130, 341
Revere, Paul, 34, 36
Revolutionary War, 8, 39, 45, 51
British mast shortage in, 32–33
trees’ emblematic usage in, 35
Rhode Island:
Dutch elm disease in, 226
Tree of Liberty in, 37
Ribault, John, 13
Richmond, Duke of, 43
Richthofen, Manfred von, 229
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 229
Riverside, Calif., 172–73, 175, 179
Roanoke colony, 16
Rockefeller, John D., 113, 169
Rock Island, Ill., 106
Rolling Stones, 330
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 244, 245, 251
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 8, 224, 244–45, 262, 263, 266, 270, 304
Depression-era forestry initiatives of, 249–54, 255, 256–60, 261, 293, 298, 302
early forestry interests of, 245–49, 283
Roosevelt, Sara, 244
Roosevelt, Theodore, 8, 75, 138, 161–62, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 175, 204, 206, 211, 244, 256, 287, 318
Root, Elihu, 293
root gall worm, 208
rosewood, 327
Royal Poinciana, 170
rum, 57
Rural Hours (Cooper), 78
Russell, Charles Edward, 194
Russo-Japanese War, 206
Rybczynski, Witold, 270
Sacramento, Calif., elm planting in, 221
Sacramento Daily Record-Union, 149
St. Augustine, Fla., 169
sakuras, 201–3, 204–7, 208–10
Salmond, John, 253
San Francisco, Calif., 166, 189
Sanitary Commission, U.S., 92
sanitoriums, 138
San Jose scale, 208
San Padre National Forest, 262
Santa Barbara, Calif., oil spill in, 311
Saranac Lake, 137
Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 85, 220
Sargent, Charles Sprague, 141, 142, 144, 148, 152, 155, 158, 159, 162, 179, 188, 190, 218
sassafras, 17, 23
Saunders, William, 173
sawmills, 69, 108, 182, 184, 236, 237
Scandinavia, elm disease in, 222
Scharf, Kenny, 330
Schulman, Edmund, 2, 3
Schwarz, Maria Beatrice, 221
Scidmore, Eliza, 202–3, 204, 205, 209
Science, 327
Scientific Monthly, 302
Scientific Revolution, 41
Scribner, Charles, 97
Seattle, Wash., growth of, 189
Sedition Act of 1798, 39
Senate, U.S.:
Timber Culture Act in, 136
wildfire hearings in, 342
Seneca Village, 88
Sequoia National Park, 152
sequoias, 8, 72–78
federal protection of, 76–78, 92, 98, 149, 151, 152
Seward, William, 96
Seymour, Horatio, 140
Shakespeare, William, 17
Shawnee, 64
sheep, 149, 150
Sheetrock, 274
Shelterbelt, 255, 256–60, 261
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 75
in colonial New England, 23–24
masts for, 23, 25, 26–28, 32–33
trees in, 5, 14–15, 23, 46–47, 151
Sierra Club, 152
Sierra Nevadas, 71, 72, 73, 147, 148, 149
Silent Spring (Carson), 227, 308, 312
Simmons’ Spice Mill, 178
Siskiyou National Forest, 264
skid roads, 190–91
skid row, 192
slavery, 51, 130
slaves, forest meeting places of, 35
slave trade, 25, 327
Smith, John, 18
Smokey Bear, 265, 266–67
Society of American Foresters, 161, 285
soda pulp, 123
Soil Conservation Act, 260
Soil Conservation Service (SCS), 260
Sonora Herald, 73
Sons of Liberty, 8, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
brick home construction in, 274
chestnut blight in, 217
commercial logging in, 115, 179–88, 194
company towns in, 182, 184–85
convict labor in, 127
economic development in, 181
farming in, 176
lumber workers in, 182, 184, 185–87
naval stores industry in, 70, 127
plantations in, 50–51
transportation network in, 181, 183, 184
tree farming in, 285, 286
South Carolina Railroad, 102
Southeast, droughts in, 341
Southern California Colony Association, 172
Southern California Frui
t Exchange, 176
Southern Lumber Operators’ Association, 185, 186
Southern Pacific Railroad, 174, 189
bristlecone pines in, 1–2
national forests in, 298
British war with, 17
colonial timber trade with, 24
naval superiority of, 12, 16
American colonization by, 11–12
Spielberg, Steven, 325
Springwood, 245, 247
spruce, 15, 23, 125, 126
in airplane construction, 230, 231, 236, 237, 238, 239
spruce, Norway, 228, 247
spruce, red, 230
spruce, Sitka, 230–31
World War I logging of, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238
Staehle, Albert, 265
Stamp Act, 33–34, 36
Standard Oil, 114, 169
Stanford, Leland, 99, 100
Starr, Frederick, 97
Starr, Kevin, 175
State Department, U.S., in Japanese cherry tree incident, 208
steam power, 70, 102–3
steel, 70, 102
Steinbeck, John, 176
Stephenson, Isaac, 116, 119, 120
Stevenson, Adlai, III, 326
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 169
Strentzel, Louie Wanda, 150
Students for a Democratic Society, 315
stump speech, 62
Stuyvesant, Peter, 56
consumerism in, 279
criticisms of, 281, 282
growth of, 268–69, 278, 282–83, 306
racism in, 282–83
as symbol of capitalism, 281
trees’ importance to, 7, 277–78, 280
“Succession of Forest Trees, The” (Thoreau), 83
“Sudden Oak Death,” 342
sugar, 24
Sullivan, William, 183, 184
sumac, 23
Sunkist, 177–78
Sunset, 174
Sustainable Forest Initiative, 287
Sweden, 273, 326
Swedenborgianism, 59, 60, 80
sycamore, American, 35
Taft, Helen “Nellie,” 201, 205, 206, 209
Taft, William Howard, 75, 165, 201, 205, 206, 208
Tahoe National Forest, 296
Takamine, Jokichi, 206
tannin, 127, 212
tar, 15
teak, 327
Technics and Civilization (Mumford), 68
telegraph poles, 212
temperance movement, 61
Texas, droughts in, 341
Thayer, James Bradley, 145, 146
Thomas, Jack Ward, 321, 322–24
Thoreau, Henry David, 8, 78–84, 105, 146, 150, 211, 220, 287, 300
Thoreau, John, 80
Tibbets, Luther and Eliza, 173, 175
Tien Shan Mountains, 55
Tillamook blowup of 1933, 193
British shortage of, 13–15, 26, 29
colonial trade in, 24–25, 27
in composite materials, 275
consumption of, 6
nineteenth-century production of, 108, 157
Pilgrims’ need for, 21–22
research studies of, 197, 198–99, 274
and urbanization, 68, 85
uses of, 5–6, 105, 272–73
World War I use of, 231–41