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The Seventh Chakra

Page 72

by J.R. Bowles


  As the room began to return, John felt himself gasping for air. Zolar was doing the same. Their lights were shining brightly.

  After several moments of reorienting themselves John stood up and offered Zolar his hand.

  “Let's get out of here.”

  “I'm with you.” Zolar said accepting John's hand.

  They followed the directions Kumara had given them and were soon standing in the moat. It always felt strange how the return trip seems shorter than when you first go somewhere but then they weren't wasting anytime. They wanted out into the open.

  Zolar was the first to speak after they had worked their way back onto the golf course.

  “John, ever since Jackie and Bernie's center opened they seemed to be mentally linked. Have you experienced that or anything like it?”

  “I've noticed how all of them seemed to be connected but I’m not mentally connected to them; although, I have had some experiences with other people. After the second center opened, it was like a feeling, but I felt disgusted with sex and everyone. I mean it seemed to be like they were dogs in rutting heat. And I had other experiences with the Commander here on the base but I haven't had any telepathic experiences. In the beginning when the centers opened I mostly felt disoriented. I couldn't seem to think clearly, I was in a stupor after each center opened but this time I feel clear headed. Strange.”

  They began to walk toward the Ferry Boat terminal to catch the boat back to Manhattan.

  “I wonder if I could contact Billy and see if he can pick us up on the other side.” Zolar suggested.

  “We can take a taxi.” John said.

  “Okay, I guess I just wanted a reason to see if I have telepathic ability too.” Zolar shrugged.

  John smiled. “Go ahead, give it a try.”

  “Thanks, that's all the encouragement I needed.” Zolar smiled back.

  “Billy.” Zolar thought. “Can you hear me?”

  Slowly in the depth of his mind Zolar felt the sound of Billy's voice. It felt like a whisper shot rapidly across his mind.

  “Yes,” Came the answer.

  “Can you pick us up at the Ferry Boat Terminal?” He thought again.

  “Twenty minutes, I'll be there,” Came the reply.

  Zolar spoke. “I think it worked. I seemed to have got through, at least I think I heard or should I say I felt a response.”

  “Good.” John said.

  When the Ferry Boat pulled into the Governors Island side of the terminal John and Zolar boarded. It was almost one a.m. And several cars drove off of the boat while they reloaded several more.

  “Strange how so many people run around in this city at all hours.” Zolar commented. “You would think they would be at home asleep.”

  “It is strange.” John answered. “But I guess we are not anybody to talk. We're still up.”

  “Yeah, you're right.”

  They went up to the second deck and sat outside watching the Manhattan skyline looming massively on the opposite shore. The Staten Island Ferry Boat sounded its horn as it departed its slip on the other side. And almost as if the Coast Guard Ferry Boat was responding it sounded its horn as it departed Governors Island.

  “I hope I never come back here. “John thought to himself.

  After several minutes of listening to the night sounds of New York harbor John spoke.

  “What did you see?”

  Zolar turned to John as they leaned over the railing the water below slapping at the hull of the boat.

  “I think we went to hell.”

  “So do I,” John agreed. “There was nothing. I existed but there was nothing else. I didn't even have any memories. I had no thoughts. I just existed. If it wasn't hell then it sure felt like hell.”

  “I guess everyone has a different opinion of hell. Some say fire and brimstone and some believe you just live over and over the most horrible experience in your life but total existence without anyone or anything, all alone. That felt like hell.”

  John nodded as they stood there staring out at the water, the Statute of Liberty standing tall in the distance. They didn't talk anymore and when the boat landed they left the boat. As they exited the terminal building there was Billy's truck.

  “It worked.” Zolar said as they went over to greet Billy. Zolar opened the truck door and let John climb in first.

  “How's everything?” John asked as he felt Billy's uneasiness.

  “John something has happen.” Billy said as he put the truck into gear, even before Zolar had completely closed the truck door.

  “What's wrong?” John asked.

  “It's Rudy. He's dead.” Billy said as he stepped down on the accelerator.

  “What happen?” John said watching Billy.

  “We were all sitting around waiting for the center to open. Everyone was there. Jamal, Mindy, the preacher, everybody in Bernie's room and we talked about the centers and Rudy came—Michael had invited him. Michael thought that since Rudy had experienced one of the openings he might be important. Anyway, Michael invited him and we all sat around talking. Well Michael told us how he thought we should all go to Roanoke tomorrow. I mean, actually he called us earlier in the day and told us. Well, it all made sense. Michael has even scheduled reservations for all of us to go to Roanoke. He invited Rudy and we were all just sitting around talking about what's been going on and trying to answer Rudy's questions. It got quiet and we just sat there waiting for the center to open. Then it opened and I guess you experienced what we did. I mean, we compared notes and we were all stuck off alone, with nothing. We knew nothing, felt nothing. Just totally alone ― Then we came back and there was Rudy sitting in the arm chair dead.”

  “What caused it?” John asked.

  “We don't know unless it's a heart attack or something. We hadn’t examined the body yet. We were going to look at him when I got the message from Zolar to come and pick you guys up. I guess they're looking now. Hopefully they will know what happen by the time we get back.”


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