Best in Show

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Best in Show Page 5

by Lilliana Rose

  “So you’ve come back for more then?”

  “More of what?” She’d totally forgotten about standing there in the sheep pavilion next to Billie. And she hated to think of the quality of work she produced today. She’d gotten it done, but there was no way it would’ve been to her usual standard. And with Max filling her mind with dirty thoughts she wasn’t sure she even cared.

  “This is where I get worried about you.”

  “I thought you said I was glowing?” Zoe went to lean against the fence, but at a closer look, she saw what might have been rust or something else, so she decided to keep standing. Once again she wasn’t wearing clothes that were suitable for the show. Today had been a warm spring day, and she’d worn a tight skirt to work, with a soft flowing shirt over a lycra top to hide her bra. She didn’t want to give the wrong idea to the men she worked with. She might behave easy and free with Max, but that wasn’t what she usually did.

  This was a once off. She was at least clear to herself about that. And while she was exploring her lustful side openly, she was going to enjoy every second of it.

  “You are, but I thought it was a once off.” Billie took out a brush and scrubbed some piece of metal that looked like a comb.

  Zoe shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t like having to explain herself. “We’ve made it clear that this is just fun, nothing more.” Not having expectations turned her on even more. This was pure, hot sex. Fucking. Giving and taking pleasure.

  Billie rolled her eyes and sighed. “Here, hold this.”

  Zoe stepped forward to take the polished piece of metal comb-like thing from Billie. “Ahh.” Her heel caught in the grating of the wooden flooring. “What the hell?” She looked down to see her black leather heel stuck firmly in the gap between the two pieces of wood. “Bloody hell, I only got these shoes last month.”

  Zoe had worn low heels though and no stockings, only because she didn’t want the fuss of having Max struggle to take them off later tonight. What if he changed his mind? Her stomach twisted with such a thought, and not for the first time today. It was better thinking of that than her stuck heel, and potentially ruining another pair of shoes. There had been a hint of doubt whispering in her mind all day. They hadn’t exchanged phone numbers, only set a time to meet today after her work.



  Fuck, it turned her on.

  “Really, I can’t take you anywhere.” Billie sighed heavily as she stood up. “Don’t move, I’ll help you.”

  “I’m not an invalid,” retorted Zoe. She wriggled her leg and pulled. Her foot slipped out of her shoe. “Fuck.” Her expensive leather shoe was stuck between the gap in the wooden grating.

  “Why the hell have flooring like this around here. It’s got to be a safety hazard.”

  “Only for the likes of you.” Billie laughed gently. She bent down and wriggled the heel out of the grating. “Oh, I feel like your prince charming giving you this shoe.”

  Zoe snatched at her shoe, unbalanced she nearly toppled over and was forced to put her bare foot down on the dirty ground. “Fuck it.” She hated to think what might be on the ground. Fortunately, she missed stepping in shit like yesterday.

  “I don’t know why you’re bothering with a country boy, you are city through and through,” said Billie.

  “Ouch.” Zoe took a deep breath then immediately regretted it as the acrid smell of sheep filled her senses.

  “I know why she’s bothering,” said Ellie as she walked up to the girls. “It’s very obvious our city gal has been bitten by the lust bug and has become a sex addict.”

  “I have not.”

  “Here, lift your foot, and I’ll put your shoe on.” Billie squatted down.

  “I can do it myself.” Zoe grabbed her shoe from Billie. She wobbled as she lifted her foot to slip on her shoe. She carefully put her foot down to miss the grating.

  “Good to know you can put on your shoes.” Ellie folded her arms over her shoulders. “We do still need to educate you on what to wear to the show, though.”

  Zoe sighed with frustration. “I thought my friends want me to be who I am.”

  “We do,” replied Ellie. “Just not when you seem to have trouble with your shoes.”

  Billie giggled as she stood up. “She’s off to meet Max again, which I’m sure that’s why she’s dressed so … upmarket.”

  “I’ve come straight from work,” retorted Zoe, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at her friends. Ideally, she would’ve gone home, showered and changed, though all her wardrobe was fashionable and not suitable for wearing to the show. Though perhaps she could’ve worn jeans and a T-shirt, but that’s what she lounged around in on the weekends, and not something she wanted to wear to the show when she was wanting to turn on Max just at the sight of her. This might be a few days of sexual fun, but it also meant she was going to wear her best.

  “Yeah, right,” said Ellie. “And what are you doing seeing him again?”

  Zoe’s cheeks burned. “What do you think?”

  Ellie put on a fake surprised look. “Him? Really?”

  Hot sex, mouthed Billie.

  “And I won’t be getting any more if I don’t go… now.” Zoe carefully stepped away to the area where there was no grating.

  “Wait up.” Billie quickly put away her shearing gear and ran to the lockers.

  “Yeah, we’re coming with you.” Ellie rushed to catch up with Zoe.

  “This isn’t a multiple partner thing,” grumbled Zoe. She was tired of the third degree. It was taking the edge off the fun she was about to have, and the thrill of agreeing to only be with a man for a few days with the single intention of sex, sex, sex.

  “So disappointed to hear that.”

  “What?” Zoe stopped and turned to look at Ellie. She saw the cheeky expression on her friend’s face. She exhaled slowly. Bloody hell. Her friends were only teasing and she fell for it.

  “You’re so wound up, he must be good in the sack.” Ellie linked hands with Zoe.

  Zoe giggled. She’d not had fun like this with a man before. It also made her want more so badly she couldn’t wait to see Max. What happens if it’s not so good this time? She couldn’t believe how much tension was coursing through her body. How could she be turned on and second-guessing at the same time?

  They started walking out of the shed, down the ramp and into the noise of the showgrounds. It was nearly six, darkening sky as the sun had set, giving a more party type atmosphere to the showgrounds.

  “Hey, wait for me,” Billie ran up to the other side of Zoe and linked arms. “We gotta take care of our city girl.”

  “That we do.”

  “I’m doing all right. Besides, we’re in the city. I should be looking after you.”

  “This is neutral grounds, here we have to look after you,” said Ellie.

  “And we’re going to have a word with Max again to make sure he looks after you.”

  He’ll look after me more than you can imagine. Zoe’s breath caught in her throat as she remembered last night. Even if it were only half as good, it would still be fun, and worth seeing him again. Her expectations rose, her body heating up with the thoughts of Max. She quickly pushed them away. It will happen in real life soon enough.

  “You guys are worse than my parents.”

  “Yeah, but there are things you can tell us that you can’t tell your parents, which is why we’re looking out for you.”

  Zoe laughed. She had to admit that while she felt safe with Max, it was good to have friends like Ellie and Billie.

  “First beer on me,” said Ellie.

  Zoe went to open her mouth to say she didn’t have time but Billie interrupted.

  “And you do have time. Max will be inside drinking, and if he really wants you, he’ll wait until we say you can go.” Billie winked.

  But I don’t want to wait. Zoe sighed. She was going to have to.

  Max only had a sip or two of his first beer. He wanted to drain it
to settle his nerves of seeing Zoe again. Get a grip. He was never this unsettled before seeing a woman before. What am I doing?

  “Where’s that second beer?” asked Sam, he leant on Max’s shoulder.


  “And why are you not drinking?”

  “Oh, I’ll catch up.” He shook Sam away and went and ordered another beer. Drinking was the last thing on his mind, as much as he wanted to. It would take the edge off his nerves, or anticipation. His thoughts had been swinging between, will she come, won’t she, and will I still think she’s sexy hot? Stupid thoughts that just wouldn’t go away. But he didn’t want to be beer affected when with Zoe. He wanted his senses alert, ready for the enjoyment ahead.

  He left his unfinished beer, and took the two freshly poured pints back to Sam, pushing through the largely dominated male crowd in the pub.

  “Here you go, beer number two.”

  “And the start of a high number to come.” Sam took the beer and clinked glasses with Max’s. “Bottoms up.”

  Max resisted the urge to down the beer. He was too old for such behaviour anyway. He did take a big gulp. The cold amber liquid eased the burning desires within him which had been ramping up all day in anticipation of seeing Zoe again.

  Max looked up from his beer and saw her walking into the bar with her two friends. His body tensed. She was even hotter today. A tight skirt, loose top, straight hair, she looked like she’d just come from some photoshoot for a magazine. But he also noticed something else. She was young. What the hell would she want with someone like me?

  She smiled at him. A bolt of desire ripped through him. Why bother with a small detail of age. She was old enough, she matched him, and she turned him on.

  He held his breath as she walked up to him. “I’m looking forward to spending some more time with you.” She winked, ran her hand down his arm, then walked away.

  Fuck. Every bit of his body felt like it was flamed with desire and she’d just set him on a slow burn. He watched her walk away, her arse firm and full in the short skirt. Fuck, he wanted to squeeze it. He went to follow her then caught a glare from her two friends. He stopped short.

  “We’re having a drink with her first,” said Billie.

  “Then maybe we’ll let her go with you, but you know your reputation and all,” said Ellie.

  Max swallowed hard. He was a grumpy old man, a prick, and he was well aware of some of the things the women he’d been with had spread around. His ex had told him that was what he was. He had a farm to manage in his mid-twenties, and his stress was high, he’d turned to women for a release, and somehow it had backfired. But not so with Zoe.

  “Hey, let me get you a drink.” Sam tapped him on the shoulder. “You better drink up.”

  “In good time,” answered Max. He turned away from the women, from Zoe. He didn’t like having to wait for a woman to come to him, not after what was promised. His temper boiled under the surface, just a little. It will be worth the wait, he reminded himself.

  He downed his beer. “I’m ready.” He handed his empty glass to Sam. “Hit me up.” He couldn’t keep in control without a bit of amber liquid help, not with Zoe in the same room. There was no doubt now that she was going to come to him, and they’ll continue from last night. But for now, he had to wait.

  He silenced a groan. It was the last thing he wanted to do. He was going to pass the time with his mates. Maybe I won’t be ready when she comes to me? But he knew damn well he was ready now, and no matter how long she made him wait, he wanted her and would say yes.

  “I think we’ve made him wait long enough,” said Zoe. She barely touched her beer. Her friends decided she had to get used to the taste if she was going with a country boy, even if it was only a fling-sex-type thing. They’d ignored her protests. And she was forced to cool her desires with a sip of cool beer, and not glance across to room to where Max was standing drinking with his mates. He didn’t appear happy.

  “Hmmm… I dunno,” said Billie.

  “A little longer.” Ellie finished her beer.

  “I can’t wait a little longer.” Zoe decided she’d had enough. “I’m going now.” She slipped off the stool she’d been sitting on.

  “No. Not yet.” Billie grabbed her arm.

  “Billie, please.” Zoe was getting to the point beyond being able to wait.

  “I want you to text us by midnight to let us know you’re all right.”

  “Good idea, Billie.” Ellie signalled to the bartender for another beer.

  “What do you think Max is going to do to me?”

  “Nothing bad, but still we gotta look after you. So deal?”

  “Fine.” Zoe agreed if only it meant she could leave her friends and see Max for the hot fun that they’d planned on continuing, hours ago. She’d caught him looking at her, and his stare was getting moodier as the minutes passed.

  “So what will you do exactly?” Ellie put on a stern tone as she spoke.

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “I’ll text you at midnight.” But not if I’m still going hot with Max.

  “You better.” Ellie smiled.

  Zoe couldn’t help but return the grin. She could see her friends meant well. But seriously, nothing was going to go wrong tonight. And she reckoned that they were secretly using this as an excuse to have more catch up time with her. She hugged them both. “The night is young you never know what might happen.”

  Billie scoffed spilling her beer a little onto the bar.

  Ellie laughed. “I guess not. What do you think Billie, should we look over this crowd?”

  Billie laughed. “Done too many times already over the years, we know the guys that stand here, and I’m not getting closer to any of them.”

  “True.” Ellie nodded her head.

  “Well girls, maybe you need to go to a different bar.” Zoe grinned cheekily. “Now, I’ll catch you later.”

  Zoe turned and looked over to the other side of the room to where Max was. She’d waited way too long for this, the last hour only adding more frustration to her need for fun. It’s what they had agreed on, and she didn’t want to do any more delayed gratification. She wanted it now. With him.

  A flutter of nerves extended out from her stomach. He looked just as hot as before when she walked in, perhaps a little grumpy with his facial expression but she knew she could change that quickly. She kept her focus on him as she made her way between the male-dominated crowd at the bar.

  Max had a slight dark shadow on his jawline, his hair neat, and he wore similar clothes to yesterday as if it were a country boy uniform or something—long-sleeved shirt rolled up to his elbows, tight moleskins, and an RM Williams belt. She could sense the outline of his body under his clothing. She knew the feel of his body, which caused a rush of heat to flood through hers. Her intimate muscles contracted, the anticipation within her was hot and tightly wound and in need of release.

  Zoe stepped up to Max. He ignored her. She sensed he knew she was there. She guessed the game plan. There was no way in hell she was going to stand there and wait for him to acknowledge her. She slipped her hand over his hip, softly pressing through the material. He felt hot. Still, he didn’t turn to her. She moved her hand over his lower back. No response. She grabbed his arse. It was tight, full of muscles. He jumped. The beer he was holding spilt.

  He glared at Zoe. She smiled sweetly back at him, not put off by his dark expression. She moved closer, she went up on her toes to whisper in his ear, “Do you want to take me here?”

  She saw the veins on his neck stand out. She blew softly on his skin. Teasing him. Enjoying watching how he tensed as the desire filtrated his body but he struggled to keep it under control.

  One of his drinking buddies whistled. She didn’t look at the mates around him. She only cared about one thing—getting laid with Max. Preferably not here of course, but it was so worth witnessing his response to the suggestion. She could feel he was just as hot for her.

  “I dunno, I want to finish my beer.�
� His voice was strained.

  “Fine.” She raised an eyebrow surprised he wanted to try and play it cool. She tugged at his shirt pulling it from his trousers so she could slip her hand under. She moved her fingertips over his hot skin. The feel of his toned muscles turned her on.

  His jaw clenched tighter.

  Cheekily, she slipped her fingers below the top of his trousers, moving them down towards his butt cheeks. She could feel him giving in. His temper softening.

  He downed his beer. Slammed the glass on a nearby table, then grabbed her hand and moved quickly towards the door.

  Once outside he spun her around. He paused. She looked up into this dark eyes, they were full of desire, of lust.

  “Didn’t you like that?” She pressed her body into his. He was hard. “Oh, so you did.”

  “Too much,” he mumbled and placed his lips on her passionately while wrapping his hands around her waist to pull her into him. “I don’t like waiting.”

  “Me either.” She felt his anger soften further at her words. “You know I’m worth waiting for.”

  “Hmmm… you are.” His hands moved down over her buttocks, squeezing them. She gasped as the pleasure tore through her.

  Zoe knew she couldn’t resist him any longer, the little play act inside she’d executed took the last of her resolve. She kissed him back, hard, her movement over his lips full of need. Her head spun with desire, as their bodies began to tune into each other’s.

  “Come on.” He pulled away.

  “Where?” It was almost like last night. The desire took them both over and they just had to finish what was started. Really, she didn’t care where just as long as it was close.

  He dragged her across to the laneway to a small building she’d never noticed at the showgrounds before.


  The click of the door lock set Zoe on edge. A pleasurable edge. Not long now. She wanted him. With such a strong need, it had taken all of her self-control to walk the few hundred meters from the pub to this building. And very soon she was going to get Max naked, and feel his body on hers. Her lower abdominal muscles clenched. Hard. A fresh flow of juices dampened her panties. It was a sensation that was beginning to rule her body when she was near him.


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