Beyond Famous (Famous #3)

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Beyond Famous (Famous #3) Page 35

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Seriously? Awesome!”

  I left Nathan in the den and went into the kitchen to get my phone.

  Jeanne answered on the first ring. "Hey, baby! Are you excited for this weekend?"

  "I am now, Jeanne. I've decided to go to Toulon."

  "Ugh. You have the release of The Dysto-" she began.

  "I have a lonely man over there, and nothing you can say will change my mind."

  "Have you considered that he's trying to get to you? Wouldn't it just be the shit if you passed each other over the Atlantic ocean? And the movie studio won't be happy if you go MIA this weekend."

  "Tell them what's up and call Denise. Make sure Cade doesn't leave Toulon." My heart was beating faster in my chest.

  "We knew you'd do this, Brook. It's been done," Jeanne said with a laugh.

  "What?" I asked, out of breath, excitement pulsing through every cell.

  "KLM is the only airline with a flight from L.A. to Toulon, but it's got one stop for fuel in Paris. It’s twelve hours in flight, Brook."

  My eyes widened. I wished I could hug her. "Jeanne! I love you for doing this. Did you book me?"

  "Yeah. The flight leaves at 7:48 tonight and gets into Toulon around 1:30 in the afternoon their time tomorrow. The guys will pick you up at 5:30."

  My heart was about to fly from my chest. I had all day to pack, but I was already pulling my bag from the closet. "I fucking love you, Jeanne!"

  "Well, you owe me and Denise's big time! Cade is in a foul mood because she practically nailed him down over there."

  "He hinted that on the phone this morning, but he didn't seem mad at her. He's almost finished filming, and if I were rational, I could see him in a few weeks when we’re both free, but..." I laughed out loud, giddy with excitement. "I'll admit it, I'm not rational when it comes to Cade. I can't wait to get my hands on him, Jeanne! Oh my God! I’m so excited to see him."

  She laughed on the other end.

  "He doesn't know, right?"

  "Nope. We didn't want to get his hopes up in case I couldn't get you out of your commitments."

  "Let's keep it that way. I love surprising him."

  "He'll be one happy Brit, Brook. It's your birthday, but he's getting a present."

  "Seeing him is the best gift I could get. I need to call my parents. Maybe my mom and Nathan can come out in a few days? I want to have a couple days alone with Cade first, though."

  "I'll check with Diane and try to work it out, Brook."

  "Great. Thanks, Jeanne. You rock. Love you!"

  CHRIST, I WAS TIRED. And I was worried. I hadn't talked to Brook all day, and she only answered one text. My driver was rushing through Toulon to the little jeweler that Denise found on the west side of downtown. Very exclusive; full of antiques, but also unique pieces. The owner was an old man who was known for his special orders.

  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, which was still caked with the gel they put in it for my character. It was longer than I normally liked it, but the producers wouldn't let me cut it. It was driving me bonkers and the only benefit to having it longer wasn't with me. Brook loved to thread her hands through it and tug on it when we made love. Now there was a thought.

  I glanced at my watch. It was ten in the morning and so it would be midnight in L.A. I pulled out my phone and looked at the list of incoming calls; one from my mum, one from Daniel, and two from Denise. Not one from my girl. What the fuck?

  I was living on our playlist and every photo I could find of her online when I wasn't on set or sleeping. I was thankful for the exhaustion because otherwise I wouldn't sleep at all. I was constantly clock-watching, trying to get in a call to Brook whenever I had a minute. I’d had months of commitments, but I was to the point that I needed some extended time off. I needed a break to see my family, write music, train my dog and be with Brook.

  The shop was old and musty smelling, and had deep red carpeting and lots of glass cases with brass fittings all around. A crystal chandelier hung from the center of the white ceiling lined with antique tiles embossed with a Fleur de Lis design. I was anxious to see what he had made for me. I'd described the bracelet that I'd given Brook on her birthday last year in the hope that he could duplicate it in to a necklace. The bracelet didn't grace her wrist often, not when she was in public so much, so the necklace could nestle underneath most of her clothes and not be seen. At least she'd be able to wear it more often.

  I fingered the black shoestring that was tied around my right wrist. Ever since that limo ride back from Comic Con last year, we both wore it whenever we were apart. So many of the fans noticed and made the connection, but it was something we could do without blatantly going against our contracts. Those days were over, the contracts no longer valid, but we still wore them because it kept us close.

  Mr. Abel, the proprietor, must have been eighty years old, but still his frail hands were steady as a rock. He looked up from where he was working, a smile splitting across his weathered face. "Ah! Caden!" he said, his accent thick as he scooted off of his stool to move toward me. "It's finished! Just as you wanted!"

  "Thank you, sir," I said politely, but bristled with impatience as he turned to retrieve the leather box from the case behind him. He opened it and set it in front of me. Nestled on the black velvet lining was a perfect replica of Brook's infinity bracelet. Platinum with one diamond and one emerald in the center, a very fine box chain ran through one of the loops.

  My fingers hovered over the delicate piece. "It's perfect."

  "I see how strong you love this girl, Caden. She is a lucky girl," the old man said quietly.

  "Thank you for getting it finished. Her birthday is in four days, and now I have time to send it to her. It's brilliant." I smiled and closed the box, pulling out my wallet and handing him a wad of cash. Credit cards left trails and this wasn't something I wanted to share with the world. This was between Brook and me.

  "Maybe you come back for wedding rings, eh?" The old man's brown eyes were alight with mischief and I smiled broadly in response. "You marry this girl, yes?"

  "Yes, I'm sure I will. She already has an engagement ring, but you're the first on my list for wedding rings when the time comes."

  "You bring her here? I have special present for the two of you." He put the jewelry box into a bag and shook my hand before handing it to me.

  "I would if I could, sir, but Brook won't be in France at all during this trip." I silently cringed since I doubted we'd have an occasion to be back unless we made it a point to do so.

  "Oh, no. That is very sad. I am sorry. Will you sign?" He pointed to a piece of paper on the counter. I glanced at it. Was he asking for an autograph? It was blank, not a photo or book, which were the normal canvases I was asked to sign on.

  "Uh... of course." My brain was shooting off warning signals that I shouldn't be leaving any evidence that I was there, but the old man was so kind, I couldn't resist. I signed the paper quickly.

  "Please come back. Five days?" He asked with a smile. "I will have a gift."

  "That isn't necessary, Mr. Abel. I am so happy to have this finished. It's all I could ask..."

  "Caden, come back. Five days." He patted my shoulder and nodded.

  "Yes, sir. I will." I thanked him again, and Bill, the bodyguard, motioned that it was clear to get back in the car. I leaned my head back on the leather seat and closed my eyes, the box in my hand burned and my heart swelled as I smiled. She loved the bracelet and she would love the necklace as well. Too bad I couldn't see her face when she opened it.

  "Back to set, right, Cade?" Bill asked from the front seat. I still had one more scene to shoot before sundown; an outside scene in the streets. I found it funny the studio used the South of France to find a set akin to 18th century Paris. Paris would have worked, but it was expensive and crowded. I glanced at my phone again; still no call from Brook.

  "Yes," I answered tiredly.

  "It's almost over," Bill said quietly.

  "One more week." I
was supposed to go to London when I was finished, but if I couldn't convince Brook to meet me there, I knew I'd be headed back to Los Angeles. Either way, in a week, she'd be in my arms no matter what.

  I WAS SLEEPY. It was 1:45 in the afternoon, but to me it was just before 4 AM. I hated jet lag. As the bodyguards rushed me through customs, I was thankful that there weren't any press shoving cameras in my face. Europe wasn't nearly as horrific as the United States and it was one of the things I always enjoyed about visiting. This smaller town was even less invasive.

  Cade would be working, so I had time to go back and clean up. Denise made arrangements to get a key to Cade's room for me and I was strangely excited just to walk through those doors. He wouldn't be there, but his stuff would be, his scent... and it would ease the constant ache.

  My stomach fluttered as I passed the key in the lock and the door clicked. I pushed it open, and one of the guards followed me in with my bag. I pointed to the couch and he set it down.

  "Will there be anything else, Ms. Halloway?" the man asked. I didn't know him well; he was someone that Jeanne had the agency send last minute specifically for this trip. His name was Steve or Sam or something. I couldn't remember.

  "Um, not for an hour or two. I'm going to shower and then I'd like to surprise Cade on set. Do you have access?"

  "I can make some calls. Denise can make it happen."

  "Thank you... uh..."

  "Steven." He smiled shyly at me. He was huge, as they normally were, towering over me, with dark brown eyes and closely cut hair.

  "Thank you, Steven." I smiled, silently praying he would leave quickly.

  When he did and the door closed loudly behind him, I turned into the room and looked around. Cade's clothes were strewn everywhere, over the couch, the floor, in a pile at the bottom of the closet. A pair of Adidas dropped on the floor in a haphazard manner near the coffee table and there were beer bottles, remnants of a sandwich, and an empty water bottle on top of it.

  "Hmmmph!" I huffed. He probably didn't let the maid in for fear she'd steal his underwear and sell it on Ebay. I smiled, kicking off my shoes and letting them land next to his. I went into the bedroom and glanced over the bed. His guitar was lying on the un-slept-in side, inside its open case, while the covers were pushed back on the other. An impression of his head was clear on the pillow and I fell into it, face down and inhaled his scent, clutching at the sheet at the same time. My heart was racing, his essence emanating from everything around me. I was really here. I was going to see my man in a matter of an hour or two and I couldn't freaking wait.


  I had to stay awake for at least seven more hours so I could lose the jet lag, but I didn't want to be dragging when I finally got to Cade. I pushed off of the bed and walked to my purse, pulling out some Excedrin, picked up the phone and ordered coffee from room service. Caffeine. I needed caffeine. I didn't know much French, but cafe' was a must know.

  Twenty minutes, two cups of coffee and a shower later, I applied a light layer of makeup, a little blush, and some gloss to my lips. I couldn't stand waiting one more minute. Dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and black hoodie, I pushed my feet back into my Chucks and texted Steven.

  Within five minutes, there was a knock at the door and he and one other dude were there to take me to the movie set. In the car, my knee bounced up and down and I found myself biting my nails. Ugh. I pulled my fingers from my lips and shoved both hands under my thighs. It was only a ten-minute ride, but somehow it felt like ten hours.

  "Brook, Cade has just finished and has gone to his trailer. Should we let him know you're here?" Steven asked casually, leaning one arm over the front seat so he could look at me.

  "I'd rather surprise him. Is that possible?"

  He smiled. "Sure, but I have to coordinate with Bill, Cade’s bodyguard. I'll tell him to keep it quiet."

  My hands were shaking by the time the car pulled up into an array of white trailers, scattered closely together over a small lot. I wondered how they knew which was Cade's, but they pulled up next to one near the center and stopped.

  "This is his trailer, and he's in there now. You should knock. He might be naked or something," Steve teased with a grin.

  I smiled brightly, my hand going for the door handle.

  "Keep your hood up and crouch down. Never know where there are photographers. We think it's clean, but it wouldn't hurt to be careful," he warned.

  "Okay. Thanks, Steven. I'll go back to the hotel with Cade and Bill. You can take the night off."

  He smiled. "Okay, but call me if you need me. I should be with you if you decide to go out."

  "Sure. I promise." I was already scrambling out of the back of the big SUV and hurrying toward the trailer door. My hand grabbed the silver knob and pulled it open. There was music playing, but I didn't see Cade when I poked my head inside. I quickly closed the door behind me with a loud bang, hoping to get him out in the open.

  "What the hell?" he mumbled in his delicious accent. "Don't you bloody knock?"

  I could barely contain the happiness bubbling up inside me as he walked out of what must have been the bathroom. He was still dressed in his costume, his hair gelled and pulling at the old fashioned tie around his neck, his long vest unbuttoned.

  "Uh, no, I didn't think I needed to knock," I said, tongue in cheek as his eyes fell upon me for the first time.

  Cade's face lit up and he rushed toward me and I was instantly swallowed up in his arms, my feet dangling off of the floor as we held each other as if we'd never let go. "Oh my God!" Cade breathed into the hair at the side of my neck. "I’m gonna kill Denise. Then I’m gonna kiss her!”

  My hands stroked at the back of his head as we stood there, wrapped up tight. “I know. It never gets any easier, does it? Happy birthday to me.” I whispered, just before his mouth closed hungrily over mine.

  Cade laughed softly before swooping down to claim my lips with his.

  We kissed again and again, not able to get enough of each other, sucking and feasting on each other as if we were starving. We were. My hands wound in his hair and pulled him back after he managed to sit down on the couch and wrap me in his arms. Finally, his mouth lifted and he rested his forehead against mine. “You smell so bloody good. Just like my baby.”

  Tears welled in my eyes at the overwhelming emotions. I would never get used to how much I loved this man. “I love you.” I pushed his hair back and he chuckled when the gel made a crinkling sound in my fingers. I smiled against his cheek and kissed it softly. “I didn’t know they had hair gel in seventeenth century France,” I giggled against him and he joined in.

  “Probably something equally enchanting like afterbirth or lard,” he laughed happily and kissed me softly again. I turned into his arms and wound mine around his shoulders again. “I can’t believe you’re here. I’d resigned myself to not seeing you for your birthday. Do you have to leave? Dystopia…?”

  “Will premiere without me.” I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “I’m where I want to be and I’m not budging.”

  I turned so that I could face him, my knees beside his hips on the leather; I wiggled in his lap and grinned at him. My eyes locked on his, I pulled the tie completely free and threw it over his shoulder. “You don’t need this…” I said softly, making short work of the buttons on the shirt. I pushed it open and splayed my hands on his chest and it expanded as he sucked in his breath. “Or this…” I murmured.

  Cade’s hands closed around my hips and he pulled me tighter against him. “I find I have an affinity for this position,” he said softly, his hands moving from my hips to my thighs.

  I couldn’t help it; I moaned as my mouth settled back on his and my hips surged forward. It launched Cade into action and he stood up, holding me and turning to lay me down on my back. He followed me down, coming into the cradle of my body in one smooth motion. I welcomed him with open arms, my legs wrapping snuggly around his hips, as he pushed his hardness into my heat as we kissed hungrily. �
��God, Brook. I need you. I want you so much. I’ve been starving for you.”

  We’d made love hundreds of times by now but he still made my heart race, his hands pushing up the front of my shirt so that the bare skin of his stomach was now infused with mine, and then cupping my breast, his thumbs teasing my nipples. He knew how to bring heat and wetness to throb at my center. Soon my hands were clawing at his clothes like his were clawing at mine, our mouths sucking and worshiping, dragging across each other’s skin and back, hunger for the other a nagging ache that couldn’t be sated.

  The couch was too small, confining as he pushed my shirt up and away, his hands then moving to the button and zipper of my jeans. We tumbled to the floor, Cade landing beneath me with a thud, but completely shielding me from the hard floor. It was covered in carpet, but it offered little cushion.

  “Baby, are you okay?” I groaned, trying to look in his face for traces of pain. There was only passion and desire. His eyes were hooded, and glowing, his full lips slightly open as his breath rushed in between them in rapid succession. He pulled my shoes off and then my jeans followed, soon I was lying naked beneath his heated gaze. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was so fucking beautiful as he shrugged out of his shirt and vest in one motion then he made short work of the opening of his pants.

  “Brilliant. I’m about to make love to my wife,” it was a guttural groan as he raked his hands over my body, starting at my breasts, down over my ribs and hips until both thumbs worked in gentle prodding at my clit.

  I arched into him and sighed. “Uhhh….”

  “You are my wife, Brook. In my heart. There will never be anyone else but you. I love you more than anything on this earth. I wish the wedding on the set of Don’t Forget to Remember Me had been real.” Cade’s eyes darkened a deeper shade of blue as he looked at me. The sun was going down, and only a small light from the bathroom shone over us, casting shadows over the sharp planes of his face.

  I closed my eyes against the pain of what his words did to my heart. I felt like I would burst and my eyes burned with tears. He was so perfect. “Cade…” my voice cracked on the word but it felt like a prayer. If I could only say one word for the rest of my life, it had to be his name. “I love you that much, too. No one else exists for me.”


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