Jaded: The First Cut is the Deepest

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Jaded: The First Cut is the Deepest Page 5

by Shawn C. Thompson

My spirit.

  My soul.

  I passed out from fear and when I came to, Roland and his friend were standing over me in the club parking lot.

  “Myla, Myla! You alright?” Roland yelled, taking off the overcoat he was wearing to cover my naked and bloody body as he and his friend lifted me up.

  I could feel a sticky substance running from my leg.

  “Help me, please. Help, me.” I muttered, barely able to breathe.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be alright. I’m here.” Roland said, doing his best to console me while I cried.

  Beau called the police and within seconds they arrived. Once they were able to get me to a hospital, it was discovered that the assailants had slipped me a Quaalude and I had been raped.

  This was the day that changed me.

  Broke me.

  I was a different woman.


  “Good Morning Sunshine!” Myla shouted, cutting on my bedroom light and interrupting my slumber.

  I slowly came to and used my hazy vision to read the time on the alarm clock.

  The sun was barely peeking out over the blueish tint of sky.

  It was seven in the morning.

  “Girl, why are you so loud and why are you waking me up this early?” I said groggily.

  I could hear Junior running up from behind Myla as he jumped in the bed with me.

  “Because it’s your first day back at work duh! That PTO you been using wasn’t gonna last forever.”

  I kissed my son on the forehead and reached over to check my schedule.

  “Damn, it’s been three weeks already?” I let out a huge sigh. “I’m just gonna call them and use the rest of my sick days. I’m not feeling up to it this morning.”

  Myla met my eyes with a stern glare.

  “No you aren’t Ivory. I know you been going through alot but you gotta get back into your regular groove. If you can stay up texting Delano, you can muster up the courage to return to work.”

  Since I first met Delano, which was almost a week ago, we had been in constant communication. He and I hadn’t met up yet, due to his busy schedule, but I knew that once we did, I would be able to get the evidence Denise needed.

  “You’re right mama.” I mocked, inching out of bed and heading to my closet to pick out an outfit. “I gotta set a good example for my son. Ain’t that right Junior?”

  I turned my head to look at Junior who was giving me a “thumbs up” and a snaggletooth grin.

  Myla and I chucked.

  “Speaking of good examples, you haven’t from ya baby daddy?”

  “Gross. Don’t ever call him that.” I said, frowning while sifting through clothes. “And no I haven’t. I’m sure Pierce is lurking around somewhere.”

  “Or he could be in serious trouble. I’d be worried if I was you because if he’s missing or dead, you’d be the first suspect.”

  “Whatever girl, it’s only been a few days.” I waved her off with one of my manicured hands. “He’ll turn up. Besides, if it ever were to come to that, I have enough money to hire a bomb ass attorney.”

  “Touche.” she responded.

  Myla went to get Junior dressed for school while I spent the next few minutes gathering my thoughts and getting ready.

  Twenty minutes later, I met them both at the bottom of the steps in a modest charcoal shift dress and black wedges. My hair was done in a simple ponytail.

  “How do I look?” I inquired, spinning around for the both of them to see.

  “Basic.” Myla grumbled as she eyed my worn wedges.

  “Perfect.” I stuck my tongue out at her. “Just the way I want to look. A licensed marriage and family therapist shouldn’t look like a club THOT on her way to find some dick.”

  “And she shouldn’t look like a grandma of five either.”

  “Coming from the woman who barely wears any clothes, I’ll take that as a compliment.” I countered.

  Myla looked down at her tattered and oversized boyfriend shirt that she used as a nightgown and grinned.

  “Hey, why hide what God gave you? Especially if its poppin.”

  I agreed, gave her a hug goodbye and ushered my son into his car seat, ready to face my first Monday back at the office.


  As I walked onto the premises of Bancroft Couples Counseling Center, I could feel my stomach turning inside out.

  Familiar faces greeted me with peculiar smiles and whispers as I walked up to the reception desk, letting me know that even though it had been several weeks since Pierce’s jump-off had decided to act a complete ass at my job, it was still in the forefront of everyone’s minds.

  “Lucille.” I said cheerfully, doing my best to ignore the office room vibe.

  Lucille Hansen, the white sixty-something receptionist who minded everyone’s business but her own, nearly spit out her French Vanilla coffee the moment she cast eyes on me.

  “Ivory, wow what a surprise it is to see you this morning dear.” She looked at me through the rim of her glasses and minimized her game of bejeweled to give me her undivided attention. “What brings you in today?”

  “The same thing that has brought me in here every day for the past five years.”

  She drew her lip in at my wit.

  “Certainty, I just thought that after what happened you’d need some more time.”

  I could tell by the way Lucille was addressing our conversation that she was well aware of the details.

  “Three weeks is enough. Can’t let every aspect of your life go down in flames.”

  I clutched my notebook to keep from letting inner emotions emerge in front of Ms. Nosey.

  “I guess so. My husband and I have been together for almost forty years. I don’t know what I would do if he treated me the way your husband treated you.”

  I ran my tongue across my teeth before responding.

  “Thanks for your enormous amount of respect and empathy. I really appreciate it.”

  Before she could answer my sarcasm, I took the key card she laid out on the desk during our little chat and let myself in through the double doors. To avoid any other anxiety-ridden conversation, I made a B-line directly into my office and shut the door.

  It felt good to return to the sanctum that was my office. It was a safe haven and my go-to place when I needed a break from home life. Filled with warm hues of brown, orange and forest green, my clients felt just as at home with this room as I did.

  Before I could even take a seat at my desk, there was knock at the door.

  “Ivory, you in there?” A voice called.

  I knew that voice from anywhere.

  It was my close-friend and supervisor Tegan Whitmore.

  “Yes sir I am; is there anything I can help you with?” I questioned from the other end of the door.

  I looked down at the wedding picture of Pierce and I that sat by my computer and tossed it in the wastebasket.

  Even though Tegan was pretty laid-back, I really didn’t feel like beating a dead horse by talking about my marital problems.

  “Nothing. Just seeing how you were holding up. You gonna open the door or do I have to pry my way in?”

  I smirked at his humor, decided against my initial feelings and opened the door.

  T stood in his usual five eleven frame wearing a plaid button-up and beige slacks. The one thing I couldn’t deny about my friend was that he was as smart and he was good-looking. His caramel skin, Caesar fade and kind brown eyes made the women in our office very fond of him.

  “I suppose I could squeeze in a little chit chat.” I joked, letting him in.

  He closed the door behind us.

  “Anything for Turn up T huh?” He said, laughing.

  I shook my head at the ridiculous name.

  “So what’s been going on with you? I’ve been leaving you all types of voicemails and you haven’t reached out.”

  “I’ve just been going through stuff.” I admitted vaguely. “Many of which I’m sure you are aware of.”r />
  “Per loose lip Lucille, yes.” He replied in a snarky tone. “I feel like that information should have come from my best-friend. I could have hooked you up with a few more days of PTO.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder.

  “You are right; I should’ve told you. I just felt like I should do the professional thing and use the time I’ve earned to get away.”

  Tegan smiled and rubbed his wavy black hair.

  “That’s what I admire about you, always willing to do the right thing. You holding up okay? Self-care is first in our profession.”

  “A step that I am continuing with work.” I began as I sat in the comfy chair behind my desk. “Everything is fine T, I promise. Myla’s moved in with me for the time being and is helping with Junior to lighten the load.”

  His winced at my mention of Myla.

  “I could have helped you with PJ. I’m sure my pal misses his uncle.”

  “He does. You should come over Sunday for dinner. I’ll make something really nice.”

  “I’d love to come even though your friend will be there.” He replied nastily.

  From the moment I introduced Myla and T, they were not fans of one another. The only time they would ever be in each other’s presence is if I invited them to something that they both felt they need to be at. Graduations, baby showers and birthday parties to name a few.

  “Even though she won’t be, I really wish that didn’t make a difference.”

  “Me too but I’m a man of vibes and something about that woman needs some serious healing.” T countered.

  I frowned as he turned to leave me to my work.

  “Well just checking up on my friend, your client Loopy Lupe will be here in a few and from what I’ve been hearing, he’s feeling extra loopy.”

  We shared a deep chuckle.

  The disposition of the room shifted as Lucile briskly waltzed her way into my office, visibly disturbed.

  “Sorry about bursting in but I have a piece of mail for you that I think you should take a look at.”

  I looked at the envelope in her hand and noticed that she had already snuck a peek.

  “Just leave it in my box.”

  “You have to sign for it.”

  I took the piece of mail from her hands and signed so she could leave.

  Lucille left quickly without a fight which was very unlike her.

  “Must be a pretty important piece of mail if you have to sign for it.” Tegan added, moving in closer so that he could see what it was.

  I leaned my body away from his.

  “Back up Lucille number two.”

  When I opened the letter and my eyes fell on its contents, I struggled to keep tears from falling down my beet red face.

  “What is it?” T questioned.

  I uttered a response in a horse whisper.

  “It’s a summons. Pierce is fighting for custody of Junior.”

  My knees gave out from under me as Tegan caught my fall.

  The thought of losing Junior was too much to handle.

  So much for a great first day back.


  “That fuckin asshole!” I spewed, bursting into my home and slamming the summons on the kitchen table.

  I could hear Myla jogging down the steps to meet the commotion.

  “Shh you’re gonna wake up Junior.” She said, pressing her index finger against her lips. “What’s going on sis?”

  Myla’s stood frozen, watching my hands as they trembled with rage.

  “Pierce is taking me to court for custody of our son.”

  “What? Why would he do a thing like that? Maybe it’s just partial custody or visitation.”

  She grabbed the summons from the table and read its contents in silence.

  “I read over it almost thirty fucking times while I was at work. I could barely focus and nearly snapped on my client Loopy Lupe.”

  “Who the hell is Loopy Lupe?” Myla asked, obviously confused.

  “Never mind him. I can’t believe Pierce is trying to take the only thing that really matters in this world away from me. And for what? Spite.”

  Myla shook her head in dismay.

  “That’s probably why his spineless ass has been AWOL all of this time. He couldn’t even face you like a real man.”

  “Oh baby, never mistake me for anything less than a real man.”

  Myla and I turned around to face the devil himself.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my house?” I bellowed.

  I could feel my heart quickening in pace.

  “You must mean our house. It’s just as much mine as it is yours.” Pierce reached in his pocket and pulled out his duplicate copy of the keys. “Nice furniture. I’ve been meaning to ask you for the past few days where you got the money to buy all of this.”

  “It’s none of your business quite frankly.” Myla interjected, scowling at Pierce just as I was.

  “You’ve been in my house while I was gone?” I questioned.

  The thought of Pierce rummaging through my things while I was out and about sent an uncomfortable chill down my spine.

  “Again dear it’s OUR house and anything that goes on in it is my business.”

  Pierce maneuvered his head to inspect his surroundings and noticed Myla’s things.

  “Speaking of things that are my business, you also didn’t tell me you’d had THOT’s RUS living in our house.”

  Before Myla could put in her two cents, I stepped in front of her to face Pierce head on.

  “Just like you didn’t tell me about the other bitch you impregnated.”

  “Here we go again with the same old song and dance.”

  I put my hands on my hips and stood firmly in place, ready for battle.

  “She came over here the other day while you were out doing God knows what.”

  Pierce chuckled to conceal the uneasiness he was feeling.

  “I doubt that.”

  “Well don’t. She was looking for you and seemed very upset. You know, you should probably spend less time wondering what goes on around here and more time worrying about her like you have been for the past year.”

  I could see Myla from my side view rolling her neck to co-sign.

  He gave me a lopsided grin and briefly scanned what was in Myla’s hand.

  “I see you got the summons.”

  His mention of it only made my blood boil even more.

  “I did. What baffles me is how you think that you are more fit to be Junior’s custodial parent than I am.” I took the papers from her hand and waved them in Pierce’s face. “Once the courts find out the reason for our divorce along with the public humiliation you’ve caused at my job, we’ll see which way the pendulum swings.”

  Pierce simply scoffed and waved the summons away from his face.

  “I’ve been a lawyer for almost eight years. Trust and believe, just because someone seems innocent doesn’t mean you can’t dig up info to make them look like the opposite.”

  He took a moment to adjust his glasses and clear his throat.

  “From my point of view you are emotionally unstable due to recent marital problems and have a club hopping hoe living in our home. I think that’s reason enough.”

  “Fuck you prick!” Myla seethed.

  “Correction, a club hopping hoe with a foul mouth.”

  I stood stunned at his response as Junior came running down the steps.

  “Daddy is that you?”

  Junior ran into his father’s embrace.

  I tried my best to hide the intense feelings of anxiety and worry that weighed heavily on my chest.

  “Wassup baby boy? You been good for your Momma?”

  “Yes daddy. I missed you a lot.”

  I shot daggers at an amused Pierce as he tickled our son into uncontrollable laughter.

  “You did huh? Whats say you pack your things and come stay with me for a few days.”


  Before he could run back up the steps, Pier
ce grabbed him by the arm.

  “Ask your Momma first.” He ordered.

  Junior turned his attention to me and gave me his best sad face.

  “Mommy please! Can I? Can I?”

  Despite how I currently felt about his father, I gritted my teeth and nodded in approval.

  Junior beamed with joy as he made a trip upstairs to retrieve his things.

  “I want him back with all of his limbs.” I commanded, tossing the summons back on the table and walking over to the front door to let him out.

  “You have my word.”

  Pierce followed me to the foyer to wait for Junior, leaving the two of us to talk.

  “It really is a shame that it has come to all of this.”

  I scrunched my face at his less than impressive attempt at remorse.

  “You caused this. We were a family. A perfect family.” I muttered.

  “Nothing in life is perfect.”

  “I see that now.”

  When Junior came down the steps in his pajamas and overnight bag, I kneeled down to give him a kiss goodbye.

  “Have fun baby.” I kissed him on his forehead and secured the bag around his little arms. “You remember Mommy’s phone number in case of emergencies?”

  “Yes Mommy.” He smiled as Pierce grabbed him by the hand and led him out the door.

  I continued to blow him kisses until they got in the car and sped down the street.

  Tears began to fall from my eyes.

  “Ivory, its gonna be okay.” Myla said reassuringly, helping me off the ground and over to the couch. “When this is all over, we will look back at his foolishness and laugh.”

  I cut my eyes at her, instantly making her recant what she said.

  “Well maybe not laugh but chuckle.”

  I kept my cold stare as she stumbled over her words.

  “Maybe not chuckle but more like a giggle. Uh well not giggle maybe...”

  “I get it Myla” I said, finally cracking a smile through my tears. “The sooner this is all over, the better.”

  About thirty minutes some popcorn and a bowl of ice cream later, my phone rang with Delano on the caller ID.

  “Hello” I answered as Myla watched our conversation.

  “Hey, I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

  “It’s never a bad time to speak with you.”

  Myla mocked my words jokingly as she continued her meddling.


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