Out of Practice Aphrodite (The Goddess Chronicles Book 1)

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Out of Practice Aphrodite (The Goddess Chronicles Book 1) Page 16

by S. E. Babin

  “It didn’t end well. I was too controlling, too concerned about her safety. I ended up smothering her, ruining her sense of fun. As a law enforcement officer, I see danger every day. I was always concerned about her safety. It’s not safe to be with me.” He paused and looked at the ceiling, his throat working.

  “It’s not safe to be with me either, Marshall.” We both knew this to be true, but no one had addressed the elephant in the room. I was immortal, bound to Olympus for eternity. Short of a bloody and violent death, I would outlive Marshall by millennia. Enemies were plentiful between the gods. Normally I stayed out of political machinations, but Zeus had managed to wrap me up in this one and there was a good chance this would be the last conversation Marshall and I had.

  He chuckled, deeply amused. “Of course it’s not. I don’t even know why I said that, but I feel the need to tell you that my wife and I are not divorced.”

  My heart lurched even though I knew I shouldn’t care. I thought for a moment and tried to phrase my next question in a way that wouldn’t give away any emotion. “So where is she?”

  Deep gray eyes met mine. “Dead, Abby. She’s dead. And I curse myself every day for getting involved with her.”

  I expected him to make any number of excuses. I had seen and heard every excuse known to man. Thousands of years of matchmaking and there were always a few worms that managed to find their way inside of a delicious apple. But I wasn’t expecting this. “Dead?” I echoed. “How?”

  “It was my fault,” he said. “I tried so hard to keep her safe. I took a case several years ago. It looked harmless at first, just a routine drug bust. But the person we arrested belonged to a much larger drug ring and ended up being connected to a much bigger player than we expected.”

  I had a dreadful feeling where this was going and my heart ached for him. I raised my hand in a placating gesture. “You don’t – you don’t have to tell me this.”

  “But I do. I want you to understand me.”

  “I’ve always understood you.” I smiled, tears filling my eyes. “No matter what happened, it wasn’t your fault. Evil exists everywhere, Marshall. In humans and in the gods. No one can escape it and sometimes terrible things happen due to no fault of our own.”

  “I know that, but I struggle with the decisions I made. After I realized what I was dealing with, I should have moved her out of our home and some place safer. But I mistakenly thought we were small fish in a big pond and he wouldn’t bother with us. I was wrong. So very wrong and I think about it every single day since it happened.”

  I wanted him to stop. I didn’t want to hear this, but I felt like he needed to tell me so I crossed my legs, uncomfortable in my dress toga, and leaned back in the chair, bracing myself for his next words.

  I came home late from work one night, just like I had hundreds of times before. She was lying in the kitchen and blood–” He drew a ragged breath. “There was blood everywhere. The bastard had come into my house that morning and murdered my wife while I sat at work completely oblivious.”

  His jaw worked and he opened and closed his fists in an attempt to tamp down his rage. Tears filled my eyes and I left my chair to sit beside him. I touched his knee and opened my arms to him. He grasped me in a tight embrace, uncomfortable, yet I let him hold me as long as he needed. I threaded my fingers through his hair and tried to take his pain away with my touch. Neither of us said anything but held each other, both lost in thoughts of our own pain.

  He lifted his head from my shoulder, his face inches from my own. My heart skittered like prey and I opened my mouth to offer a witty remark to ease the tension, but he silenced any words I had by covering it with his own. Fire skimmed down my body. I was shocked and delighted at the same time. In the back of my mind I knew I was running out of time, but for now there was nothing but Marshall – the scent and feel of him in my arms.


  Chapter Fifteen

  Caught up in the moment, thoughts of the Fates, Keto, and even Hermes fell away. I wanted to stay wrapped in Marshall’s arms forever and forget everything dragging me down. The sound of someone clearing her throat dragged through my fogged brain and I paused, my hands wrapped in Marshall’s hair and his lips licking a trail of fire down my neck.

  “Marshall.” I patted him on the head as I stared up at Artie’s amused face.

  “Hmmm?” He didn’t stop what he was doing, instead tracing his hand down my upper arm and closer to one of my breasts. Artie’s grin widened.

  An exasperated laugh broke from me as I tried to extricate myself from him. “Artie,” I finally said. “It’s not what it–”

  She laughed aloud. “Oh, Abby. Don’t deny it. It’s exactly what it looks like and I couldn’t be more delighted. Although, Hermes might not be when he realizes what you two have been up to.”

  Marshall sat up and straightened his shirt. He offered a sheepish smile to Artie. “Hey.”

  “Well, hello to you, too. Who knew you had it in you?”

  I groaned. “Artie, shut up.”

  “I suggest you two go run a brush through your hair and try to look somewhat presentable. You’ve been caught up for a while and I’m sure it won’t be long before the menfolk get back here to see what the holdup is. I’ll try to stall them for a few more minutes.”

  Even though she’d caught us in an embarrassing position, I was glad to see her looking so well. The strain of Eris’ enchantment had fallen away, leaving her skin a burnished gold. The color was back in her cheeks and the sparkle had returned to her eyes.

  I stood up and embraced her, inhaling her unique scent of chestnuts and rosemary. “I’m glad you’re back,” I whispered.

  “Me, too. But never, ever hug me again before taking a shower after I’ve just caught you making out with someone.”

  I grinned at her. “You got it. Give me five minutes if you can and I’ll be right as rain.”

  “Hermes is going to know exactly what you two were up to when he sees you.”

  The grin fell from my face. “I know.”

  Marshall got up from the couch and snagged me around the waist. He buried his face in my hair and mumbled, “So?”

  Artie winked at me. “I like him,” she said and blinked out of the cabin to stall Keto and Hermes while we made ourselves presentable.

  I stood there for a second, content in Marshall’s possessiveness. “There’s something I need to tell you,” I said.

  He groaned. “Are you racing into sudden death? Do you have another warrant out for your arrest? Are you sure I really want to know?”

  I turned toward him and touched both of his cheeks. “Yes, no, and no. We were right about the apples having more powers than we thought. If we don’t find a way to retrieve them, the entire city of Olympus could fall. The effects would trickle down to the human world, and I’m afraid it won’t be pretty.”

  His face hardened. Mouth set in a grim line, he asked me, “How bad?”

  “Very bad.” I pulled him toward me in another embrace and gave him a spine tingling kiss.

  When we broke apart, I said, “I have to visit the Fates.”

  Marshall, surprising in his knowledge of mythology, nodded. “What’s so bad about that?”

  “History books don’t talk about their personalities in depth. The stories of mythology have changed every few years, especially when a scholar gets a new theory in their head. These women are ancient and dangerous.”

  Marshall shrugged. “So are you.”

  I loved how much faith he put in me, but I felt like I needed to make him understand exactly what I was dealing with. “I can be, but these women have been around since before Zeus. They are ageless. Not many Olympians deal with old age well. Many turn insane and evil. The Fates aren’t necessarily evil, but they don’t think of the world the same way we do. They see things, events that can be shaped and those that cannot. It’s a trying life to constantly know of one’s despair, hopes, dreams, and end. I’m afraid it has changed them.”

  He was listening to me intently now based upon the way he was staring at me. “So why is it that you have to go? Why not Keto or Hermes?”

  “They hate men. These women will strike a man down for daring to enter their lair. I’m much safer than Keto or Hermes could ever be, but I’m afraid visiting them is taking my life into my own hands.”

  “Isn’t there another option?”

  Another voice rang out through the cabin, derision dripping in his tone. “No, there’s not, mortal.”

  Ah. Hermes was here. Marshall tightened his grip around my waist and spun around toward the voice. Keto stood beside Hermes, his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face. Amusement twinkled in his eyes, but his glance bounced between Marshall and Hermes, perhaps sensing the propensity for violence ratcheting up in the room.

  “Mortal now? Your reception is much frostier than before, Hermes, considering I opened my home to you when you were grievously injured.”

  I stiffened. Marshall was playing with fire. I loosened his hold around my waist, attempting to defuse the situation and carefully stepped away from him. Artie appeared in the room and I made a beeline toward her.

  “Sorry,” she whispered toward me. “My powers are still a bit slow from Eris’ meddling. I meant to make it back before them, but it took me quite a bit longer to travel than it normally does.”

  “No worries,” I whispered back, but I was unable to keep the trepidation off my face.

  Hermes stepped toward Marshall, anger evident in every line of his body. Keto stepped between the two men, his hands held up in a placating gesture. “As much as I love to see people come to blows over a beautiful woman, I must stop this. We don’t have time to engage in such horseplay.”

  “Horseplay?” Marshall and Hermes echoed.

  “Exactly,” said Keto. “If we manage to end up not dying, then I’d be pleased to set the stage up, boxing ring and everything if you two want, but for now, children, we have to go save the world.”

  My Bird Man was kind of awesome. The fight fell off the men, but the stare they gave each other sent shivers down my spine. This was not over. I knew it and they did, too. I needed to make a choice between them – quickly. Marshall was no match for someone like Hermes, although I doubted it would stop him from trying to win.

  Artie patted my hand. “Choices are difficult, Abby, but living with the choice is even more difficult.”

  That was Artie – cryptic as always. “Are we ready to go? I’m all dressed up and have nothing to show for it so far.”

  Marshall’s smoldering glance caused me to blush from the top of my head to my feet. Hermes caught the look and a flash of anger and something else I couldn’t identify reflected in his eyes before he turned away and walked out of the cabin. The door slammed behind him and the four of us stood there staring at it silently.

  Keto came up behind me and laid a hand on my shoulder. “You have to fix this, Abby.”

  My shoulders drooped. “I know,” I said softly. Matters of the heart never came easily, this was one thing I knew. But in all my years of existence I’d never had feelings for two completely different men, both of whom might be wrong for me. Hermes was the most logical choice, but he was the son of Zeus and inexorably tied to Olympus. I loved living on earth, the culture, food, and lifestyle offered so much more freedom than I was used to having. It offered me the opportunity to be myself, something I was never allowed to do. Marshall was everything I could ask for in a man – strong, sensitive, sexy as all get out, and his kisses were addictive. I knew what my choice should be, but my heart was torn by the Stetson-wearing mortal.

  Marshall, appearing to sense my thoughts, came closer and tugged one of my curls. “I don’t really know where you’re going or what will happen, but take care. I expect you to be back very soon, in one piece. We have lots to discuss.”

  He touched one of my cheeks briefly, picked up his Stetson, and started toward the door. Just as I was feeling the loss of him, he turned back. “Don’t think for one moment that I’m not willing to battle a god for you. You’re mine, Abby. I don’t like to share.” He nodded toward Keto and Artie, gave me one last look, and strolled outside.

  My knees felt weak and my heart tripped over itself. I could feel my mouth open, but all I could do was clear my throat.

  Artie’s elbow nudged me in the side. “How hot was that?” she exclaimed. “Damn, Abby. You lead the most interesting life.”

  Keto glared at her and she raised her hands. “Hey, I’ve never heard you say anything like that. If I want to swoon over a storybook romantic gesture I will.”

  My feet were rooted to the floor. All I wanted to do was kick everyone out, chase after Marshall, and drag him back to the cabin so I could have my way with him. Instead I was caught up in a situation that couldn’t possibly end well. I had Zeus and Eris to thank for this one.

  “I guess I’d have to agree I’m pretty lucky.”

  Artie snorted. “Lucky isn’t the word I would have used, but whatever. She linked arms with me and pulled me toward the door. “The boys have caught me up on everything going on. Time to go meet up with the Fates and hopefully not die.”

  Artie sure had a way with words. The locket was still snuggled firmly between my breasts, and I knew I would feel a sense of comfort as long as I held on tight to the only bargaining chip I had.

  Once we were outside, I noticed the circle drawn on the ground. Anxiety tightened my stomach. I hated traveling that way, but so far it was the only way to get to the Fates without getting lost. I was sure those old hags enjoyed it that way – the more disorienting and painful, the easier it was to trick people desperate enough to visit. I didn’t plan on letting that happen today, so I tried to calm my mind before I stepped inside. There was too much to risk to get tripped up on something small. It wasn’t a pleasant mode of transportation, but it was something I was familiar with. They were going to have to be on their toes if they wanted to tangle with me today. I finally had something worth coming home to. And he was wearing a Stetson.

  Hermes stood outside the perimeter of the circle, arms crossed in front of his massive chest and his face set in an impassive mask. I knew he was angry. I could feel it pouring off him in waves. There was nothing I could do to ease his pain right now. In a few days, with any hope, he would be calm enough to talk with me. I cared about him, deeply in fact, but today had shown me where my true feelings lay. Even if it was a mistake – because it probably was – I knew I had to at least try.

  I stepped toward the circle and in front of Hermes. I offered him a small bow and a tentative smile. Up close I could see the pain in his eyes and it made my stomach feel sour. I mouthed the words I’m sorry to him. He didn’t acknowledge me. Instead his mouth tightened and he stood up straighter before he motioned for Keto to join him. Keto offered me a sad smile as he took his place beside Hermes in order to fully close the circle.

  “Aphrodite, daughter of the sea, do you willingly travel by circle?” Hermes’ voice echoed throughout the trees. His face was now a blank mask as he stared at me, awaiting my answer. No one traveled through circles without a ritual beforehand. It was a dangerous method and protection magic was used before the circle was fully activated.

  I bowed my head and murmured, “I do.” Even though my insides were screaming at me to run away. Artie passed by as she took her place next to the two men. She gave my arm a comforting pat and leaned over to whisper words of encouragement.

  I was too nervous and heartsick to listen to her. I straightened my spine and watched as Hermes stooped to gather the censer of incense resting beside his foot. He glided toward me, his steps sure and smooth as he swung the censer to and fro in and out of the circle. He stopped in front of me, the censer in front of him, swaying hypnotically. I inhaled deeply and felt a sense of brief comfort from the scent of sandalwood and jasmine that filtered through the air. Smoke curled around our bodies in an intimate dance. I took a step closer to Hermes. His nostrils flared and those golde
n eyes flashed at me, anger and something else evident within them. “State your destination,” he said, and gave me nothing more.

  So that was how it was going to be. It could be worse; he could have tried to sabotage the ceremony. “I seek the Fates,” I said, surprised at how strong and clear my voice sounded when my insides felt like jelly.

  “And are the Fates expecting you?” I raised an eyebrow at Hermes, surprised at the question.

  “I haven’t picked up the phone and texted them or anything, but I won’t be the one who says the Fates are unaware of my imminent visit. They, after all, know just about everything that’s going to happen.” I heard a soft snort and a snicker from Keto and Artie, but Hermes’ face remained stoic.

  “Come forward and accept the blessings of Zeus.” I stepped closer to Hermes, fully aware of the heat of his body. I wasn’t immune to his charms, and something inside of me twisted for hurting him. I knew he didn’t understand the allure of a mortal, and sometimes I didn’t understand it myself, but Marshall had touched something inside of me I’d thought long dead.

  He swept the censer around my body, from my feet to my head. When he finished, he set it down and grabbed my face between his hands. Shocked, I could only stand there and wonder what he was about to do. The blessing involved an anointing of the traveling party and a dedication of the circle, neither of which Hermes looked like he was about to do.

  He stared into my eyes, his mouth twisted in a way that made it uncomfortable for me to look at him. “We will talk when you return, Abby,” he whispered urgently. “But know this. I will not lose to a mortal. I know the reasons you are uncomfortable being with me, my father probably at the top of your list. Make no mistake. I will have you.”

  A blush worked its way up my body and I swallowed hard. What could a girl possibly say to that? His hands fell away from my face, but my skin still felt branded. I nodded, unable to form a coherent thought. I broke eye contact with him, silently praying no one else had heard his declaration. He turned away from me and took his place beside the other two. “Let us know when you’re ready,” Keto finally said. I nodded, still not trusting myself to speak.


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