Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6]

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Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6] Page 11

by Smith, I. J.

  “We’re friends Jack; I hope to see you soon buddy!” Groves replied.

  Jack took a moment and replied, “Thank you Groves, see you soon buddy!” Jack told him while disconnecting the transmission.

  Elle watched Jack, “We’re ready,” she told him with fear in her voice, she had suspected Jack was up to something and she had just now guessed what.

  Jack smiled and walked back around to Frank, “Time to go!” Jack, told him.

  Frank escorted the pilot back to the helicopter.

  Bray walked over to Zoe, “Hang tight we will be back soon!” he told her.

  Zoe smiled, “You better!” she replied.

  As Bray was about to turn away, Zoe stopped him and hugged him, “I was wrong about you!” she whispered in his ear. Bray smiled back and walked back to the helicopter.

  Frank and Bray got on board, Elle spoke to Jack, “Don’t do this, please,” she told him.

  Jack stroked her hair behind her ear; he moved in and kissed her softly. Tears started to roll down her cheeks.

  Frank watched, “What’s he doing?” he whispered.

  Elle turned away from Jack and started to board the chopper. Jack shouted out to the pilot, “GO!” Shock was clear on Frank and Bray’s face.

  “Wait!” Frank told the pilot.

  Frank got off the helicopter and approached Jack, “This was your plan?” he asked.

  “The only option to keep you all alive,” Jack replied.

  “Don’t!” Frank told him.

  “I can’t leave, I am staying. They were abandoned once, I’m not going to do it now,” Jack replied.

  “On board now! That’s an order!” Frank demanded.

  Jack looked emotional, “You have the makings of a great leader. However, this is my battle now. Tell Jenkins I am the only one who spoke to Grant. It will keep you alive, “Jack replied.

  Frank looked angry, “You are a fucking idiot!” he told him as he turned away.

  Jack smiled and looked down; Frank turned back sharply, and hugged Jack, “Goodbye my friend!” Frank whispered, he let go and walked back to the helicopter.

  “What’s going on?” Bray asked Frank. “Jack is staying to look for more survivors,” he simply replied.

  Bray looked confused, “We’re not coming, back are we?” Bray asked. Frank looked at Bray and did not answer; Bray did not need an answer.

  Bray jumped off the helicopter, “Get back here!” Frank shouted.

  Jack walked up to stop Bray, “You have to go now! “Jack told him.

  “Jack, my wife and daughter never made got out during the evacuation. From what I have seen today, there may be a chance, no matter how small that they could be alive,” Bray told him.

  “If you stay, you’re stuck here!” Jack told him.

  “You can’t do this alone,” Bray replied to him.

  Jack decided no more arguments, “OK, I’ll help you find your answers,” Jack told him.

  Before Bray could reply Elle joined them, “What are you doing?” Jack asked firmly.

  “Shut up, I’m staying!” she replied.

  Jack went to speak but was stopped by Elle, “The best place to be is with you,” she told him.

  Jack laughed, “OK!”

  “YOU’ RE ALL IDIOTS!” Frank shouted at them as he also got off the helicopter.

  “BUT YOU’RE MY IDIOTS!” he finished saying.

  Frank walked past them and spoke to the rest of the survivors, “Change of plans, all women on board now!” he told them.

  The women ran to the helicopter and climbed on board. Zoe walked over to the team, “You guys are staying?” she asked.

  They looked at each other, “Yeah, we like it here!” Elle smiled in reply.

  “You are all nuts, so guessing I will hang with you guys!” she replied happily.

  Frank overheard, “Welcome to the crazies!” he told her.

  He then walked to over to Henry, “You need to go!” he told him.

  Henry looked upset, “No, I have no one waiting for me,” he replied.

  Frank simply told him, “You see those kids? They need you, so please go!” Henry started to walk towards the helicopter.

  Ryan rushed past him, “TAKE ME! PLEASE! TAKE ME!” he screamed. As he tried to get on board, he grabbed and started pulling Clare from the helicopter.

  Bray rushed over, “HEY!” he shouted. Ryan turned just in time to see another fist coming at him. Bray hit him in the face, and dragged him away.

  Jack walked over to Clare, “You are the bravest young lady I have ever met!” he told her, as he helped her get back on board the helicopter.

  Clare hugged and kissed him on the cheek, “You are MY hero!” she told him.

  He smiled, “You’re Mine!” he replied.

  “Joe, you’re the man!” Jack told him. “Bye Jack,” he replied.

  Henry stood next to Jack. “Here,” Jack said while handing Henry his sidearm.

  “If the pilot gives you any trouble, you kill him first!” Jack told him.

  Henry looked at him in shock, Jack simply smiled. “When you get to the ship, ask for Commander Groves, and tell him I’m OK,” he told Henry.

  The two men shook hands and the helicopter left. Jack, Frank, Bray, Elle and Zoe stood watching. Frank turned to the rest of the survivors who remained.

  Three young men stood there and Ryan still sat on the roof, his nose bleeding again, “What are your names?” Frank asked.

  The middle man stepped forward, “I’m Chris, this is David, and that’s Mark,” he replied.

  “OK, guys I’m sorry, but we are stuck here, so stick with us!” he told them.

  None of them moaned or grumbled except for Ryan, “We’re all going to die,” Ryan groaned. No one paid any attention to him.

  “What now?” Elle asked.

  “I suggest we get away from this building and find a place to work from,” Jack told her.

  “Why can’t we stay here?” Zoe asked.

  “In case they decide to bomb it,” Frank simply replied.

  Zoe looked confused, “OH, OK!” she replied.

  “What’s the plan, Jack?” Frank asked.

  “Simple, we save as many as we can!” Jack replied while walking back towards the stairs.

  They all walked down the stairs, with Ryan behind them still moaning. They reached the bottom floor just as the fire exit door, that they’d broke into the building through, flew open. The zombies began to pile in, everyone raised their weapons, and Jack pulled out his machete. The zombies rushed at them, groaning and the smell of rotting flesh filled the room.

  “What now?” Elle asked.

  Jack stepped towards the zombies, “WE SURVIVE!” he replied loudly, swinging his machete out and slicing a zombie’s head off.





  Corporal Frank Adams took his team on a secret mission into the abandoned and quarantined Great Britain.

  Under the guise of looking for a lone survivor of an outbreak, that has killed most of the population.

  They are sent to find a Doctor Grant, who they believe has a cure, which could allow the surviving British people to one day, return home.

  While Frank is in command, he relies heavily on Jack, who with a secret past has the skill to survive this mission.

  However, when they arrive, they soon discover they have been lied to.

  At the cost of most of the team, they discover zombies and a secret that could get them all killed.

  They also discover survivors who have become eviler than any living corpse.

  After saving the innocent, they made their way towards a terrible truth and it leads them to a life changing decision.

  Saving the innocent, Jack, Frank, Elle, Bray, Zoe and Ryan stay behind with three male survivors in a world where sacrifices must be made.

  Their journey continues….


br />   Only a short time had passed since the helicopter left, Jack, Frank, Elle, Bray and Zoe had remained behind to allow others to escape to safety. As they made their way down the stairs Elle looked back to see a survivor; a shaggy haired and bearded Ryan almost in tears at being forced to stay behind.

  She looked at the three other survivors who also had to stay behind, Mark, David and Chris neither one of them had complained about having to stay. They knew that getting the children out was the most important thing to do.

  Suddenly, Elle stopped, looking down to see the dead coming up towards them. Nobody said anything, they all knew the damage done to the fire exit door while they were gaining entry to the building had finally given way and allowed the dead inside.

  Within seconds, blood sprayed through the air, as a machete cut through the flesh and bones of a zombie neck, slicing its head straight off, Jack kicked the dead corpse back into the swarm of zombies marching against him. “Come on you dead fuckers!” he screamed out.

  A gunshot echoed out, Frank and Bray stood with Jack trying to push the swarm of zombies back to allow the others to get past and take the last set of stairs down to the rooms under the building; it was their best chance of finding a way out. Elle and Zoe stood on the steps above, shooting the zombies, blood and flesh sprayed everywhere, and bodies lay all over the floor. Zombies moving forward fell over the corpses but carried on crawling their way towards the living.

  “Everyone! Get moving now!” Frank shouted to the others while smashing a claw hammer into the skull of the nearest corpse.

  Ryan was the first to speed past; he gave no concern to the people behind him, he just wanted to get himself to safety. Chris followed close behind, as he reached the bottom of the stairs, he tripped over and fell to the ground. Hitting his head on the ground his forehead gashed open. Blood poured down his face blurring his vision. As he lifted his head, wiping the blood from his eyes, he came face to face with a fallen zombie. Before he could react, the zombies sunk its teeth into Chris’s face, tearing a big chunk of flesh from his face. Blood gushed out as his head hit the ground again. His eyeball dropping from the eye socket, while still attached. The zombie took another bite into Chris’s head.

  Mark and David looked at their dead comrade, who lay on the ground as zombies happily ate away. David was quick to join Ryan, who was already at the bottom. Mark glanced at Jack and the others, fighting to protect them. Mark shook his head, not able to run away to safety; knowing these people were risking their own lives to save his. Looking on the ground, he noticed a small metal pipe, picking it up, he screamed and rushed to join the others fighting.

  Mark showed no fear and began beating the zombies in front of him; Jack looked and smiled as a tall Mark beat the dead with the metal bar. Blood and brain matter sprayed everywhere.

  Jack shouted to Frank, “Get the others down there!” He told him.

  A shocked looking Frank replied, “I’m not leaving you.”

  Jack backed up from the zombies and grabbed Frank, “This is not a debate, you are now in command; act like it!” Jack told him bluntly, before launching himself back towards the dead.

  Frank stood for a second when Bray also shouted at him, “FUCKING MOVE!” Frank quickly moved taking Elle and Zoe with him down the stairs, leaving Jack and Bray to fight.

  Ryan and David were attempting to force open a large metal door, Frank with Elle and Zoe joined them. “What the hell are you doing?” Frank asked them both.

  Ryan looked at Frank in a panic, the fear in his eyes made Frank uncomfortable, he watched as the two continued to try to force the door open.

  “It’s a security door; you’re not going to open it like that!” Frank shouted to them.

  Moving the bare wall beside the door, Frank started to smash at the wall with a hammer, part of the wall was made up of plasterboard, the hammer smashed straight through it. Frank pulled the debris from the wall to reveal a metal handle; he started to pull the handle. A pumping noise echoed, and the door began to open. Ryan and David quickly gripped the gap in the door, pulling it open.

  Elle and Zoe looked out, waiting for Jack and Bray to join them, “We have to go back,” Elle, stated.

  Zoe gave an anxious smile, “Let’s go!” she quickly agreed.

  The women began to move when a body fell over the banister of the stairs, they watched as Bray leaped from the stairs landing the zombie’s head.

  Jack quickly followed him; he was soaked in blood and was still swinging his machete as the zombies piled down the stairs.

  “This way!” Frank shouted.

  Ryan and David rushed into the dark room; Frank followed them, he was being very cautious, he looked at the wall and started smashing it again to reveal another handle.

  Elle, Zoe and Bray rushed into the room, “CLOSE IT!” Jack shouted out as he continued to hold back the swarm of dead.

  With his back to the open door, Jack started to enter as Frank moved the handle. Jack now inside the room watched as the door was about to close, when a decomposing head covered in rotting flesh and missing an eye stopped the door closing. Its head blocked the door from closing, Jack sliced his machete down, taking its head clean off, as the door shut Jack kicked the severed head into the ground, bone and brains splattered all over the floor.

  A scared looking group stared at Jack, waiting for him to give orders and tell them what to do next, waiting for his words to reassure the, he simply stood there exhausted.

  Suddenly lights beamed out brightly; looking up the walls, Jack could see gray metal boxes with two round lights on top of each box.

  “Emergency lighting,” Jack spoke out in a weary voice.

  Ryan looked confused, “I didn’t think there was any power,” he observed.

  Jack glanced at him with a look of anger, Frank noticed this and answered Ryan’s question, “They run off batteries,” he said while being concerned about Jack.

  Leaning against the wall with his back to everyone, Jack was struggling to catch his breath. Frank walked over to him, “Jack, are you OK?” he asked, concerned for him.

  Looking at Frank, Jack smiled, “I’m all good,” he replied, reassuring Frank by a friendly punch to his arm.

  Not convinced Frank spoke to him quietly, “You are exhausted.”

  “We all are, it’s been a long day,” Jack joked.

  Frank knew Jack was taking everything on his shoulders; he was feeling racked with guilt, knowing he should be the one to be taking the pressure. At that moment something changed in him, he knew he needed to start to be the leader Jack knew he could be.

  “OK, this place is secure. It looks like a security room, so look around and see what we can use and then I want everyone to get some rest, and that’s an order,” Frank told everyone with a strict voice.

  Jack smiled, being so proud of him, he whispered to him, “Well done, Sir,” his respect for Frank was growing.

  Everyone began searching the room, Elle and Ryan searched a security locker, the door lock was hanging off, Elle looked noticing the lock had been broken off. She opened the door, there was very little inside, empty bullet packets, and a few loose bullets scattered the shelves. She took the bullets and noticed small canisters at the back of the locker. She took out the four canisters and handed them to Ryan, “Give them to Jack,” she told him.

  Ryan walked over and handed the broad-shouldered Jack the canisters, “Not sure what these are,” he told him.

  “Ryan, you were in the Army, right?” Jack asked.

  Ryan struggled to know how to answer that question so simply replied, “Yeah.”

  Jack held the canisters up, “You really don’t know what these are for, do you?” he asked.

  Ryan shook his head, “No,” he muttered.

  Jack looked at Ryan and noticed something he never did before; he could see the fear in his eyes; but now he could also see the shame too.

  Holding a canister up, Jack spoke to Ryan, “Flash Bangs, they are used for distraction mainly,
these will be useful.” Jack stepped closer to Ryan, “If you need to talk, I am happy to listen. I know we have been hard on you, but if you need help just ask,” Jack finished.

  “Royal Engineers,” Ryan uttered in reply.

  Jack looked at him, realizing this is the first thing he really knew about him. “So, you’re an engineer, I knew a few in my early years, you guys can build and fix anything,” he told him trying to make amends for hitting him earlier.

  Ryan gave a small, scared smile, but quickly turned back to rejoin Elle, Jack spoke out, “You’re scared.”

  Ryan turned around, “Yeah, I am, I’m scared all the time and I am ashamed of myself,” he struggled to reply.

  Jack moved closer to him and spoke quietly, “You don’t think I’m scared?”

  Ryan gave out a laugh, “No, you’re a hero.”

  “I will let you in on a secret, I am petrified,” he looked into Ryan’s eyes, “Fear is a weapon, use it and it keeps you alive. When we are out of this damn city I will show you, until then just do your best,” Jack replied.

  Ryan gave a smile, “Really?” he asked.

  Jack nodded his head, “I promise,” he replied in a happy voice and a half smile on his face.

  Ryan’s face lit up, he gave a big smile as he turned away to rejoin Elle.

  Bray looked through some empty cases, Mark and David helped him. Bray took notice of the two survivors, David was all scruffy dried blood stained on his face, his long facial hair covering most of his face. Mark looked different, almost civilized, clean cut with only a small amount of stubble, this concerned Bray.

  “So how long were you both held captive?” Bray asked, wanting answers to his concerns.

  David spoke out first, “I am not sure, weeks, months, I guess I lost track,” he said in a low voice.

  Bray looked to Mark, “Only a few days, I was with another group. We travelled to London in hope of finding help and instead we found Death. I have no idea what happened to the others I travelled with,” Mark spoke with emotion in his voice.

  “I’m sorry for everything you have been through,” Bray simply said, feeling bad for questioning them.


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