Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6]

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Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6] Page 33

by Smith, I. J.

  “We just want to trade!” he shouted to the men.

  Jack walked closer to them; he could see their overgrown facial hair and beady eyes staring at him.

  “Only two people can come in!” one of the men shouted.

  Sarah was quick to jump from the motorhome.

  “Then I make it two,” she told them.

  Ray stood in the doorway of the motorhome, looking at his friend.

  “It’s OK, lock the doors,” Jack told him.

  “Be careful!” Ray replied.

  The two men opened the gate, allowing Jack and Sarah inside.

  Only one of the men guided Jack and Sarah into the pub. Looking around the car park, Jack noticed the cars and motorbikes parked there. As they walked into the pub, they could see bright candles burning away everywhere. The former pub had been torn apart, and now housed a large cage filled with tradeable goods. Food and medicine scattered on the shelves.

  A strong, built black man with long dreadlocks sat at a table playing solitaire.

  “I told you fucking idiots, we’re closed!” the black man shouted.

  The men and Women who worked in the cage and sat around the other tables all laughed loudly.

  Jack was in no mood for games, “Well, now you’re fucking open!” he shouted in reply.

  The room went quiet, everyone looked at Jack and then to the dreadlocked man.

  He threw his cards across the table and stood up, he walked towards Jack. He walked so close to Jack, that their noses touched, the man stared deep into Jacks eyes.

  Suddenly the man smiled, “I like you!” he said with a Jamaican accent.

  “I don’t give a shit!” Jack replied.

  The man laughed aloud, everyone else stayed quiet.

  The man pointed his finger at Jack, “Everyone look at this man, this is a man with big fucking balls. This is a man who comes into my house and tells me I am open for business. I look at this man and I will not argue, because he has a look of death in his eyes,” the man said with a smile.

  “Okay my friend, we are open. My name is Jacob and this is my castle,” he joked.

  “Nice to meet you Jacob,” Sarah suddenly spoke.

  Jacob turned his attention to Sarah, “Oh, a pretty lady,” he said to her.

  “Be careful there, she’ll kick your ass!” Jack told him.

  Jacob laughed again.

  “You are both welcome here,” Jacob told them.

  “There are more outside,” the man who guided them in told Jacob.

  Jacob looked at him in disgust, “You left valuable customers outside? Bring them in!” he told him.

  While the man went to get the others, Jack introduced himself and Sarah.

  A disgusting fat man, with overgrown stubble wearing only a vest and jeans that sat too low on his hips walked over to Jacob.

  “Come on, we are here to trade!” the fat man said to Jacob.

  Jacob looked at the man with anger, “I already told you, I don’t trade in that shit!” he replied.

  This caught Jack’s attention, but he was wary of all the men scattered around. He placed his hand on Sarah’s back and pulled her in close to him, like they were a couple. Their faces close together, Sarah could feel his warm breath against her skin, this aroused her. She looked him in the eyes and realized immediately this was just a way to talk in private. He whispered in her ear.

  “If anything kicks off, head straight for the cage. It’s the safest place in here,” Jack whispered to her.

  She heard every word, but was shocked by how much his touch and closeness affected her. She simply nodded in reply.

  “Lovebirds, now that is what the world should be. Not all this death and blood!” Jacob stated happily.

  Jack gave his usual half-smile in response.

  “So, you’re The Roamers?” Jack asked.

  “I hate that name, people gave us that name. We are more like scavengers, no shame in being called what we are,” Jacob replied.

  This surprised Jack, on any other occasion Jack would like this man and possible have a drink with him, but this was not any other occasion.

  At that moment the door opened and in walked Tommy, Raven and Kat.

  “Where’s Ray?” Jack immediately asked.

  “He opted to stay with the vehicle,” Raven replied quickly.

  Kat walked over to Jack, “It’s Ok, they were really nice outside,” she told him.

  “Of course, they were, now we can talk business. You are welcome to look around,” Jacob told them.

  Jack approached the cage with Jacob, but suddenly stopped when out the corner of his eye he noticed the fat disgusting man approaching Kat.

  “Oh shit!” Jacob sighed.

  The fat man spoke to Kat.

  “You are a beauty!” he said to her.

  She gave an attempt at a smile, but was freaked out by the man. “Thank you!” she struggled to reply.

  As she began to walk off he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

  “HOW MUCH?” He asked.

  Jack was quick to move toward him.

  The fat man looked at Jack, “How much?” he asked again.

  “She’s not for sale, now let her go!” Jack ordered him.

  “I only want an hour!” the fat man claimed.

  This angered Jack.

  “Listen, you fucking fat, disgusting, blob of lard, let her go!” he spoke slowly.

  The fat man smiled and then without warning stuck out his tongue and licked Kat across the face. Before the fat man could react, Jack threw his hand up and stuck his fingers deep into the man’s eye socket. He squeezed so hard that blood, pus, and the eyeball began to emerge from the socket. Jack pulled his machete out and shoved it up to the man’s groin.

  “Do I need to repeat myself?” Jack asked calmly.

  The entire room was quiet, except for the fat man screaming like a little girl.

  Kat looked on with a smile on her face, she watched the fat man screaming and even crying for mercy.

  “Pleeeaassse, I’m sorry,” the fat man begged.

  Jack pulled his fingers from the man’s eye socket and removed his machete the man’s groin; he backed off but was then startled by Sarah kicking the man in the balls terribly hard. As the fat man dropped to the floor in pain, Jack glanced at Sarah.

  “What?” she shrugged.

  Jack was impressed; Kat put her arms around Jack and together they walked back towards Jacob.

  Jacob stood waving his finger at Jack, “I knew you were a bad man, a very bad man. I really like you now!”

  As they walked towards the cage, a bright light followed by a loud explosion tore through the pub.

  Ray watched from his motorhome as a group of bikers appeared and invaded the exploding pub.



  Jack shook his head, blood dripped onto the floor from a cut on his head. It took him a moment to get his bearings back; he was light headed as he pushed himself back up onto his feet. He stumbled over the debris that scattered the floor.

  “Argghhh!” a voice screamed out.

  Jack looked down to see that he was standing on someone’s hand. A large panel was resting over the rest of the person’s body; Jack quickly lifted up the panel and threw it across the room.

  “Help me up!” the Jamaican voice shouted out.

  Jacob raised his hand; Jack reached down and quickly pulled Jacob back up onto his feet.

  “Look at my home!” Jacob said in anger.

  Jack looked around, bodies were scattered all around the building. Some were moving; others were not. As the smoke and dust cleared Jack could make out that, Sarah and Raven were both standing against the back wall. The falling of broken glass from a window made Jack aware of Tommy, who was pinned against the wall by a large table. Jack began to walk over to help Tommy, when he stopped suddenly.

  “NO! HELP! JACK!” a girl’s voice screamed out.

  Instantly Jack recognized the voice.

sp; “Kat!” Jack shouted out.

  Jack disappeared from sight, he rushed to the entrance and without thinking he smashed through the closed door.

  “He’s a crazy man!” Jacob said at the sight of Jack smashing through the door.

  A stunned Sarah and Raven rushed to follow Jack outside.

  Outside, Jack was met with a flying sledgehammer headed for him. Moving to the side, he grabbed the hammer and smashed it into the man’s face. Blood sprayed out from the man’s face. Jack wasted no time in grabbing the man around his neck and quickly snapping it. The man fell to the ground, dead.

  “Help! Help!” the voice continued screaming.

  The car park was full of motorbikes; all the fencing was hanging down and broken. A small army of men dressed in blood-stained clothes roamed around the motorhome. A few ran towards Jack, attacking with swinging chains and metal bars. Jack pulled both his machetes clear and began to fight them.

  As chain swung over his head, Jack sliced his machete across the leg of one of the attacking men. Before he could stab the man in the chest, Sarah appeared and sank her machete into the man’s head. Raven pulled the chain away from the dead man’s hands. As someone ran at her, she locked the chain around his neck and pulled him back, a loud snapping noise echoed from the man’s neck breaking.

  Jack wasted no time in rushing towards the motorhome. Jacob appeared from the entrance of the pub; he held up a rifle and in seconds began shooting the bastards who destroyed his home.

  The motorhome began to reverse at a fast speed, tearing down more of the fence as it drove backwards. Jack ran towards the motorhome and through the window could see Ray and Kat being held as prisoners. The motorhome stopped and suddenly sped forward towards Jack. Jack continued to race forward, while the van raced towards him.

  “JACK!” Sarah screamed out.

  In anger Jack stayed on his path.

  Sarah watched as Raven tackled Jack to safety. They both fell onto the side of the road as the motorhome rushed past. Several motorbikes roared past them following the motorhome, the sound of cheering echoed out from the riders.

  Jack stared at the lights of the vehicles as they drove away. He turned and looked at Raven; she held her hand that was bleeding deeply.

  “Oh Shit!” he said in dismay.

  “Come on.” Jack said, extending his hand to Raven.

  Jack helped Raven to her feet and together they walked back towards the pub, the groaning of zombies followed them.

  “Oh, fuck off!” Jack shouted at them.

  Jacob appeared and began shooting, the zombies fell.

  Back inside the pub, Jacob and Sarah blocked the entrance. Tommy was now free and drinking from a large bottle of water. Jack started to patch up Raven’s hand.

  “Thank you,” he told her gently.

  She looked at him, “You can’t help them if you’re dead, remember that!” she replied.

  He gave an attempt of a smile of gratitude, but he was angry.

  “Who were they?” Jack asked.

  Jacob immediately realized he was being spoken to. He glanced at Sarah and then to Jack.

  “I don’t know them, brother,” he replied.

  Jack moved towards Jacob, he walked with angry expression on his face.

  “They were in your house, they were trading with you. Now who are they?” Jack demanded.

  “Fuck you!” Jacob immediately replied.

  “I don’t deal with scum and if you don’t believe me, I don’t give a shit!”

  Jack went to attack Jacob, but Sarah jumped in his path.

  “Hey, He-man! They destroyed his house and look the cage has been ransacked,” she spoke firmly, trying to calm Jack down.

  Jack glanced at the cage, he could see everything inside was scattered and trashed. He turned and tilted his head in apology to Jacob.

  “I know they took your friends, I will help you all I can!” Jacob said sincerely.

  “Good news, that fat fuck whose eye you gouged out was with them,” he added.

  Jack turned with a hint of a smile on his face; he looked in the corner of the pub where the fat man was still unconscious.

  “Playtime!” Jack muttered as he walked towards him.



  The fat man was crying out in pain, his eye was missing from Jack gouging it out when he touched Kat. He was pinned to the floor by a fallen beam of wood from the ceiling. He was looking with his only eye at Jack approaching him, noticing the anger in Jack’s eyes.

  Jacob ran up behind Jack.

  “My friend, these people have tried trading children with me, but that’s not my thing!” he told Jack.

  “So, what are you asking?”

  Jacob looked around at the ruins of his home and the bodies of his dead friends.

  “Hurt him!” Jacob said with hate in his voice.

  “You’re about to meet the Reaper!” Jack replied to Jacob.

  Tommy stood with Raven and Sarah.

  “I don’t want to see this!” he suddenly said.

  Jack stopped having heard Tommy’s words, he glanced back at him.

  “Let’s look around for something to eat, I’m starving,” Raven suggested.

  Tommy walked away, quickly followed by Raven. She looked over at Jack; he tilted his head in thanks before turning his attention back to the fat man.

  Jack looked down at the fat man.

  “So, what’s your name?” Jack asked.

  The fat man looked up in fear, “J...J...James!”

  “Well James, this just isn’t your night. You can talk, or you can talk,” Jack told him while smiling.

  The room was silent; the sound of dripping water could be heard.

  “Oh man, at least die with some dignity!” Jacob said to the fat man.

  Everyone noticed that James had soiled himself, a small puddle of urine formed around him.

  “Where are my kids?” Sarah suddenly asked.

  James could not focus on her; his remaining eye was locked on Jack.

  “Please, I just do as I am told!” James cried out.

  “And who tells you what to do?” Jack asked.

  “A fucked-up bitch called Alina,” James quickly replied.

  Jack’s facial expression changed to fear. He stood up, Sarah and Jacob noticed the look on Jack’s face.

  Jack walked over to the cage, he remained silent. The others looked at each other, with looks of concern on their faces. They watched as Jack rummaged through the cage and walked out with a claw hammer in his hand. Jack walked back to James.

  Beginning to panic, James screamed out. “NO! YOU DON’T NEED THAT! I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING!”

  Jack tightened his grip on the hammer. “I know you will!”

  The hammer swung through the air, Jack rammed the claw part of the hammer into James’ shoulder. Jack twisted the hammer; the claw was deep into James’ shoulder and blood rushed from the wound.

  James screamed in agony.

  Sarah lowered her head, unable to watch.

  “You the fucking devil,” Jacob said to Jack, as he threw up.

  The sight of Jack ripping at the man’s flesh with the claw hammer and the sound of cracking of bones, made Sarah walk away. Jacob looked up from being sick just in time to see Jack removing James’ arm, at that moment Jacob dropped his head to be sick again.

  Jack held out the arm, his hands were covered in blood. He looked down at a sobbing and screaming James. He held the arm out toward James, “Need a hand?” he joked.

  “One down, one to go!” Jack announced.

  “Please just ask me anything, I will tell you!” James begged as he continued to sob.

  Jack leaned down, to be face to face with James.

  “OK, no more fun for me! Where are they?” he asked.

  Tears and snot covered James’ face, he looked at Jack and tried to speak, but the words would not come.

  “OK, have it your way,” Jack told him.

  Holding the
hammer with the claw facing downward, he touched James’ leg and smiled.

  “RIVERHOUSE! RIVERHOUSE! RIVERHOUSE!” James screamed repeatedly.

  Jack looked over at Jacob. “You know it?” he asked.

  Jacob was wiping sick from his mouth again, “Yeah, it’s an old fish restaurant.”

  Jack nodded.

  “You think he is telling me the truth?” Jack asked Jacob.

  “You are kidding right?” Jacob replied.

  “I AM! I AM!” James screamed.

  Jack stood up holding the hammer.

  Raven, Sarah and Tommy re-entered the room just at that time.

  Jack looked down at James.

  “You touched Kat; that means you’ve touched other kids too!” Jack said seriously.

  James opened his mouth to scream but no noise came out. Jack raised the hammer and began to hit James in the head with the claw part of the hammer.

  Tommy turned away.

  Sarah stood next to Raven.

  “I think that’s too much!” Sarah said to Raven.

  Raven watched with a hint of a smile, “He has a good heart. Not many men like that anymore,” Raven replied.

  The sound of James’ screaming finally stopped, blood, flesh and bone fragments sprayed throughout the room. Only the sound, of Jacob being sick again, could be heard.

  Jack stopped and turned away, they all watched as a blood-soaked Jack walked towards them.

  “I am going to Riverhouse!” he announced.

  “Not without us!” Raven added.

  “I’m in!” Sarah spoke up.

  Jack looked at Tommy, “You want to stay here?” Jack asked.

  “No! I’m going to get Kat!” Tommy replied.

  “Maybe you should stay here,” Raven said to Tommy.

  Tommy walked towards them, “I’M GOING!”

  The last sound of Jacob being sick echoed out.

  “OK, I feel better now! Let’s go!” Jacob told Jack.

  Jack looked at him. “They don’t have your people,” he mentioned.

  “No, but they do have children who need help. I am going with you!” Jacob replied while picking up his gun.


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