The Friend Zone (The Relationship Quo Series Book 2)

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The Friend Zone (The Relationship Quo Series Book 2) Page 26

by Nicole Strycharz

  She shouldered her bag and watched me, “you’re lying. You never get jealous.”

  I leaned into the buttons, “yeah, well apparently with you I do.”

  We just stood and stared at each other. “Well stop it. We’re friends so…you can’t feel like that. Why did you tell me that?”

  “Because,” I started, “you thinking you’re worthless isn’t worth my pride.”

  She looked me up and down and I wished I could hear her thoughts the way Jenzy thinks people can.

  “You’re my friend, we aren’t together so you aren’t supposed to feel jealous.”

  I pushed away from the wall but kept my distance. “It was just a passing thing. No big deal. I saw you guys kiss and it just…” eww, there it is again. The feeling. “It just pissed me the fuck off. I mean, if we’re sleeping together would you need to kiss other guys?”

  She went from really confused, to offended, to…oh no…teasing. “Did it bother you that much?” She said with a smirk.

  I shrugged her off, “no. I’m fine.”

  She glided closer and walked her fingers like legs up my arm, “I think someone has a crush on me.”

  “Fuck off.”

  She giggled, “is someone upset because someone else was moving in on his crush?”

  My temper surfaced, “it’s not funny Chloe. I don’t have a crush.”

  She just had to keep it up, “wow, big strong man chest all puffed up.” She poked my chest and I swatted her hand.

  “None of this is working, that’s not-.”

  “Karma is such a bitch.” She added.

  I rolled my eyes but then she pulled my chin down and kissed my lips. It was just a press, almost like what Elijah got but longer. Then she pulled back but stayed close to my face, “you can’t feel jealous because jealous implies you feel more than just wanting my body or my friendship. We said we wouldn’t do that. You said unzoned love wasn’t safe so, you have to just be my friend. You can’t want anything else that’s mine.”

  I heard a voice on the intercom of my mind saying in a German accent. “Moses Livingston, you have stepped outside the friend zone. Please put down all threatening weapons of deeper emotion and return to your zone. Thank you.”

  I’d zoned Chloe a long time ago and she’d fought all this jealousy crap for years. Dealing with Katies and Jenzys and countless others. I’m just now seeing what she went through. Now as she’s telling me to squash any budding blossoms of interest I feel wounded by my own words. I’m realizing in this stupid elevator that the feelings I’m getting for Chloe are extremely free range. Completely unzoned.

  Problem is I’ve convinced her there’s no good that could come from anything other than what we’ve got.

  I tried to shake it all off, “yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t want more and I’m not the type to get that way but please forget the ugly words that were my monster of envy.”

  She smiled and stood on her toes to hug me with her free arm while she kept her papers close. “I love you, and I forgive your man-gina moment.”

  I laughed and hugged her close. Knowing full good and well that the reaction I had to her saying ‘I love you’ just now was way over the top. I’m in trouble I think.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I said turning to hit the lobby button. We both waited but the elevator didn’t move. We waited an extra second and hit the button a few hundred times then waited some more.

  “Moses?” she said in a warning.

  “Just chill out, it’s just a little stuck.”

  “A little stuck? We aren’t moving!”

  I hit it again, “well if you hadn’t gone she-bitch on me and stopped turning it off and on!”

  She pushed around to try, “if you got us stuck in here…!”

  This ended with her landlord getting us out a good two hours later in which time our arguing turned to a heated need to test the fates and see if we could have sex before they fixed it.

  “We could totally make it.” I insisted.

  She rolled her eyes, “no we can’t, you aren’t a minute man.”

  “I didn’t say we’d finish, I said-.”


  But then she slipped to her knees and blew me against the doors which led to my shoving her down on the floor and fucking the jealousy out.

  When the doors opened her hoodie was barely on and she was only wearing a bra under there. My shirt was buttoned way wrong and though her hair was telling enough, my hair was sticking in several different directions, and my fly was open.

  Her landlord shook his head, “Friends my ass.”

  Chapter Thirty


  April 1st

  “Okay, you’re really acting weird,” I said as I stood in my underwear before Moses. Here I am in my sexiest bra and panties, hair and makeup on and he’s not responding. He’s just sitting there on the edge of my bed checking his watch every few minutes.

  “We need to get you dressed and head out.” He said distractedly.

  I came over and stood between his legs to entice him, “give it up Moses, I know you and Brianna are planning some kind of birthday bash.”

  “And if that’s the case you should get dressed.”

  I hooked my panties on the sides and started to shimmy them down my hips but he groaned and pulled them up. “Listen, Chloe,” he dropped his eyes to my pussy and pressed his lips together like he was thinking about it then, “I really need you to get dressed and stuff.”

  I frowned, “why are you being so whacky? First, you cleaned my already clean apartment; that was odd enough. Then you stocked my kitchen, which I really don’t get. I have enough food to feed a small country. Then you insisted on coming over again. Early. I figured you meant to like…” I reached up and started to pull my bra straps down but he jumped up and pulled them back up.

  “Please don’t make this harder. We have to be on time and if you do that we won’t be.”

  I came closer and kissed his neck where his collar was open. I held his open tie and used it to pull him lower so I could lick a line up his throat. He shivered and his pants tented. “It’s my party…I can come late.” I licked him again, “or early,” I licked up behind his ear, “I can…come whenever I want.”

  He gave in and kissed me like the kiss itself was sex. Then he moaned and groaned before pulling me off. “Stop! Ahhhh! Please, get dressed.”

  I murmured to myself and went to my closet. I pulled a skimpy black dress but as soon as it was part way out he was at my side and rehanging it. “No, not that one.”

  I looked back at him, “why not? Aren’t we going to a bar?”

  “Yeah, but…uh…it’s too short.”

  I raised a brow. “I thought we talked about this jealousy thing.”

  “It’s not that, it’s just that, the bar is conservative.”

  I raised both brows for that one, “really?” I turned and pulled another but with one glance at it, he rehung that one too.

  “It’s too much cleavage.”

  I gaped at him, “it’s a club dress.”

  “Where’s the one you wear on first dates? That…-.” He pushed past me and went into my tiny closet to browse, “The one with the black and white striped skirt.”

  I crossed my arms, “I don’t mean this as an insult but if we weren’t fucking, I’d say you sound really gay right now.”

  “Work with me Chloe! A conservative but sexy dress, that’s very you, but without the oozing sex appeal your body tends to demand.”

  I laughed and pulled him out. I sifted a minute and he checked his watch again. I pulled a buff dress with water colored brown and steel flowers printed all over. The neckline was sweetheart but modest and the hem stopped just above my knees and the sleeves were short but gathered. I held it up.

  Moses smiled, “perfect.”

  I stepped into it and once it was on, he zipped the back. Then I pushed on velvet brown heels and a light spring coat the same cream as the dress. A tiny trench
coat cut but short. My hair was up on the sides and down in the back, from the way I styled it the curls are tame and wavier.

  I turned to him after checking in the mirror and waited, “well? Do you approve now?”

  He came over and hugged me to my surprise. He looks yummy tonight in a sky blue button-down and a beige blazer. His dark jeans were making his legs look even longer and I had to push back the sex thoughts.

  We got in the car and drove forever! No, it was literally forever! He took five wrong turns and claimed the GPS was wrong! We finally got to the ‘conservative bar’ to find everyone was dressed the way I expected. The way I was going to dress. Black, slinky dresses and such.

  We looked pretty vanilla, but I dealt.

  Then he ordered us drinks and goes, “oh shit! My wallet.”



  Hell no, something is up.

  “Moses...I’m not going back home. I’d rather strip right here and now to pay for the drinks. Just let me pay.”

  “Hell no, it’s your birthday!” He took my hand and tugged us to the door, “I need my wallet.”

  “What about Brianna? She’s meeting us here in a cab.”

  “Oh right!” He dialed on his phone then hurried us out of the bar to the quiet street where I walked in a lazy circle and sighed.

  He answered, “hey.” On the phone. “Birthday Girl is with me yeah. Okay. Okay. Right. Is…the…cake ready?”

  I gave him a ‘yeah right’ look. Cake is code for something and he’s not fooling me. He only smiled back like he didn’t care that I knew.

  “Brianna?” he asked. “Why don’t we just celebrate at Chloe’s? Right. Can you…get there? Meet us? Uh huh. Right. You have a key yeah? Perfect. See you in a bit.”

  He hung up and jerked his head to the car. “Come on.”

  I eyed him, “whatcha up to?”

  “You trust me?”


  “Then come on.”

  I rolled my eyes but he held out his arm and I took it. We drove home with no oopsies. No wrong turns. He held my hand while we drove. That was interesting. It felt so good. The warmth of him traveled up my arm and took over my body.

  We got in the elevator and made our way back up to my apartment. I leaned into him and he hugged me close. He’s being so affectionate. I turned my face up to try and read his expressions but when he saw me he just kissed my temple, then my mouth. I turned into him more and he gently deepened it.

  This isn’t a screw buddy kiss, this is an endearing kiss. Then the doors opened and we pulled apart.

  He used his own key to unlock the door…I guess Brianna hasn’t made it yet.

  Once inside I saw that all my lights were off and Goliath didn’t meet us; a giveaway. “Is this where all two of my family members jump out?” I teased him.

  His dad flipped on the lights and yelled, “Happy Birthday!”

  Brianna shook his arm, “turn on the lights first!”

  I laughed into Moses’ shoulder and he chuckled, “they’re on Bri.”

  She laughed, “oh. My bad.”

  They let go of Goliath, who was wearing a party cone hat and a ribbon. I knelt to give him love and he licked my face, “thanks, guys. You’re incredible people,” I looked up at Moses, “even if you are a little obvious.”

  He smirked and gestured to Brianna. “You mind waiting by your girlie? There’s a surprise still.”

  I looked around my bare apartment. They’d hung a little banner over my doorframe, a sheet cake was frosted and set on my table and there were a few balloons. On the floor by my table was a tiny group of gifts too.

  I stood up and clasped my hands in front of me, “I thought this was the surprise.”

  His dad came up and hugged me, “no prying birthday girl. You know Moses and gifting. He’s a master.”

  I laughed and went to stand next to Brianna. “Okay, I’m ready.” She held my hand tight and fidgeted. I bumped her with my shoulder, “what’s got you buzzing?” I asked.

  She held my hand closer and rubbed my arm, “you’ll see…”

  Moses went out in the hall and his dad took my other hand. What’s going on? What did he do? The last time he was this secretive and excited he got me Goliath.

  He was in the hall a long time and suddenly I felt nervous. Then I heard him coming from my open door and shifted on my heels. I heard him talk to me before he approached, “remember when I gave you that double frame with your parent’s pictures?”

  I looked over at the only framed picture in my naked apartment. They sat on my nightstand. “Yeah…” I said. Why was it taking him a bit to round the corner?

  “Well, this is part two of that gift okay?”

  Now I felt eager. What trace of them did he find? Was it belongings? More pictures? A video?

  Then he came into view with a much older woman on his arm and right behind her was a very tall older man. Behind both of them was a tall and elegant woman about my age maybe older with hair just like my mother’s in the picture. She had dark brown eyes and skin a little lighter than mine.

  I looked back and forth between all three new faces and something about them felt familiar but I don’t know what.

  Moses stopped in the room and the woman on his arm did too. “Chloe, this is Nuri Weizman and this,” he looked to the man coming forward, “is Alon Weizman. Your…Grandparents…” he watched me close for a reaction but I was so frozen. He gestured to the woman coming alongside them, “and this is your cousin Zivah.”

  She smiled warmly and nodded once at me.

  I stood in total shock without movement in any of my body parts. This is…my family. Remnants of who I am and who my parents were. Who my Mother was. My ears burned and my throat tightened. What do I say to them? Do they even like me? I’m a product of their daughter’s rebellion to love my father.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “H-h…” I just need to say hello but the words won’t come. Instead, my chest keeps heaving and my breath is coming in short little bouts. I’m gripping Bri’s hand like its’ life support and Moses’ Dad is making calming circles at my back.

  The woman, my Grandmother, let go of Moses and came toward me. She has dark hair that falls in loose curls but they’re streaked with gray. Her eyes are brown and though her face is aged she’s stunning I think.

  She took small steps but she’s limber and floats when she walks. She came right up to me and I felt my eyes go glassy as I pulled my neck back in uncertainty. She reached out and touched my cheek but I stayed still. Her hands were soft and warm and her long fingers traced the line of my jaw and chin. “You look like…you’re mother…” She said in a wobbled voice. It didn’t befit the power of her presence but it broke all defenses I had.

  Her accent was thick and it held a melody to it that my mother’s had. A melody I knew for such a short time.

  I covered her hand, “hello.” I managed.

  She pulled me to her and my soul fell asleep I think. That’s all I can equate it to. I finally felt rested and belonged.

  Her embrace was strong and motherly. Sensing she didn’t mind, I squeezed her closer. Then she let go, and hugged me like she wanted. It was tight, and desperate and maybe even sorry. Her scent, her arms, her voice, they all echoed in my heart, the sweetest memories. I’d never met her before but she carried a feel my mother had and that bonded us.

  When she finally let go we were both crying. Deep sobs that felt so horribly good. I was rushed by…I can call him Grandfather. My Grandfather hugged me so close and though I didn’t understand he spoke a language I heard when I was little and it made me fall apart.

  Zivah, my cousin came and engulfed me. This is like meeting a sister. Did my mother have siblings then?

  As they migrated from me to be better introduced to Brianna and Moses’ Dad I turned to Moses, covering my mouth is astonishment with eyes so wet I could barely see him.

  He smiled and I leapt into his arms. He hugged me close and whispered
things but I don’t know what. He just gave me my past. He gave me hope for my future and people to love and be loved by.

  “Thank you!” I said in his shoulder, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  He kept me close. When we parted all of us sat in my tiny apartment and mingled. I don’t have much furniture so my grandparents and Moses’ Dad sat on my futon/couch, and Zivah and Brianna sat on the edge of my bed petting Goliath to forever happiness.

  Moses and I sat on the floor side by side and everything in me was blissfully happy.

  “So,” I tucked my skirt under my knees. “how did Moses find you?” I looked between him and them, “how did you pull this off?”

  My Grandfather was still very handsome, with circular, thick, black framed glasses and dark gray hair that’s combed back. He has a very demanding aura and his voice is in charge, “he called us…one year ago?” He looked to my grandmother, “yes?” She nodded and he went on, “he says, he is a friend of…what he believed to be…our granddaughter. So I tell him our only grandchild, Zivah lives in Tel Aviv where we live also. He says, your mother’s name…Mika. Your Grandmother gets a feeling and…”

  I looked to Moses. “How did you manage to get them here?”

  He was sipping his wine, but then smiled, “the book sales we’ve been having at the store since last year were to raise money.”

  Brianna jumped in, “and Moses took up extra yoga classes...”

  My heart can’t take another melting but it did. I held his hand, I don’t even care what people think.

  I faced my Grandparents. “Did you not know about me?”

  My Grandmother’s eyes filled with sadness, “when your mother tells us that she is in…love with your father…we tell her not to…we…what is this word for you? We…”

  Zivah set down her own wine, “Forbid, Grandma…” she provided.

  My Grandmother nodded, “yes, we forbid this. We did not like him and he live too far away.”

  Grandpa frowned, “he was foolish. Your father was very joking all the time. I didn’t feel he was serious for anything. Not even your mother.”


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