Edge (Parker Reed #2)

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Edge (Parker Reed #2) Page 17

by J. M. Walker

  He sighed and leaned over, placing a kiss on the wooden casket. “I will always be yours,” he whispered.

  We rose to our feet and were embraced by heavy arms. I was pushed against Troy, the group hug enveloping us in a warm blanket of sympathy.

  “We’re here for you,” Colin said, his voice thick.

  Although none of us knew Patrick that well, we knew Troy and him being hurt affected us all.

  “I know,” Troy swallowed a couple of times. “I just…”

  “I’ll go get the car,” Parker offered and grabbed the keys from Jones.

  “I can leave to give you guys a moment,” I suggested, pulling out of the huddle of large men.

  “No,” Troy said, grabbing my arm. “Please stay.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “Keely, do you trust us?” Jones cupped Troy’s nape, looking down at me.

  “Of course. I just…I want Troy happy again.” I squeezed Troy’s middle, trying to pour the strength I didn’t really feel at that moment, but I tried anyways to force it into my hug. “I know it’ll take time, honey, but these guys are here for you. Look at what they’ve done for me. For Parker.”

  “Being with someone else scares me,” Troy whispered.

  “Listen,” Colin leaned his forehead against Troy’s. “We do not want to help you move on. We only want to help you heal. We want you to remember Patrick forever. I would never try and take his place.”

  Troy nodded. “Okay.”

  “Like I said before. One month. And then I want you back at our cottage. Even to just hang out. We could play poker, drink beer, what the fuck ever.” Colin cupped his cheek and placed a soft peck on his forehead, letting his lips linger.

  Tears welled in my eyes at the gentle touch.

  Troy’s eyes fluttered closed, a shaky breath leaving his lips. “It hurts. It hurts so damn much.”

  “I know. Let me help you,” Colin said softly.

  At that moment, I left them alone. I walked to the limo and was met with several hugs from Greyson and his crew. I thanked them for the support and for coming to the funeral.

  “Whatever affects you, affects us. You’re family,” Greyson told me.

  I nodded and glanced back at Troy huddled with Jones and Colin. They would be good for him. His heart would always belong to Patrick but they would help Troy heal. And they would do whatever it took to bring him back.

  THE NEXT day I was finally going to Devin’s hotel to meet him, to try and work this out. We had a plan. I just prayed that it worked. Devin knew that I wouldn’t show up when he told me to.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked Parker as he sat on a picnic bench outside of the hospital that his mom was staying at.

  He let out a heavy sigh and placed his head in his hands. “Yeah. I have to.”

  “Okay.” I nodded towards Colin who was standing by the side door of the large building.

  He nodded back and opened the door, revealing Sylvia Reed, Parker’s mother.

  “She’s coming, my love,” I told Parker.

  Sylvia hesitated and started walking towards us.

  “Please don’t leave. Whatever happens…however she reacts, please stay with me.” The desperation in Parker’s voice broke my heart but I agreed.

  “Of course.” I kissed his cheek and stepped aside, allowing him to greet his mom.

  Her eyes widened. “Parker.” She gasped. “I thought…I…”

  He slid off the bench and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Hi.” He swallowed hard. “Mom.”

  Her cheeks reddened and then unexpected thing happened…something that I never thought I would hear. She laughed. “Hi mom. Hi mom!” she yelled, pointing at her son. “That’s all you have to say to me? I thought you were dead!” She pushed him. When he didn’t budge, she pushed his again. “I thought I lost my baby. My only baby. Do you know what I went through? I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. You…you…” Tears started streaming down her cheeks.

  I choked back a sob, watching the scene play out before me. Sylvia beat her tiny hands against her son’s chest, his tall body towering over hers. A dark shadow passed over his face as he took the beating. He didn’t do or say anything. He just absorbed what his mother gave him.

  His mother’s cries soon turned into heart-wrenching sobs while she pounded against his chest. A minute passed before Parker wrapped his arms around her. She stopped struggling, returning her son’s embrace.

  Wiping the tears from under my eyes, I caught his gaze, pointing to Colin who stood off in the distance. Parker nodded.

  I didn’t want to leave him. And even though he had asked me not to, I knew that they needed some time. It had been months since we had faked his death. Months since Sylvia had seen her baby boy. I was just as guilty for causing her pain, but—

  “Give them time and then you can apologize as well,” Colin said gently, leaning against the brick wall.

  “How did you know what I was thinking?” I asked him, mirroring his pose.

  “I am a Dom, remember?”

  “Oh I remember,” I said softly. Sliding down the wall, I curled my knees up to my chest. Relief washed over me, thankful that Parker had finally been able to reveal himself to his mom. He would have to do the same for his company and for Liz and Aidan. God, they were going to be so pissed.

  “How’s Troy?” I asked, needing to change the subject. Troy had been spending quite a bit of time at their cottage even though Colin told him that he didn’t have to come over for a month.

  “He’s…healing. Slowly.” Colin sat beside me, stretching out his long legs in front of him.

  “I feel like I should give you the if-you-hurt-him-I-will-kill-you speech.”

  Colin grunted. “Trust me, little dove. I am too old for that shit. I’m ready to settle down. I need it.”

  I nodded, understanding completely. “Just please be patient with him.”

  At that point he laughed. “I trained Parker. I have the patience of a fucking saint.”

  I laughed and hooked my arm in his. “I like you and I like you for Troy. If you make each other happy, that’s all that I care about.”

  “He told me that you saved him.”

  I scoffed. “More like he saved me but yes, I guess you could say that I did.”

  “People can be mean and judgmental. Doesn’t matter the age. You will see that in the BDSM lifestyle as well, Keely. But as long as what you and Parker do is strictly consensual, it doesn’t matter what anyone else has to say.” He thought a moment before he continued. “I remember the first sub I was interested in. She asked me if I was abused as a child and if that’s why I was into kink. I had to refrain from bending her over my lap and smacking her ass since she wasn’t mine.”

  I frowned. “Just because you are in the lifestyle doesn’t mean that you were abused.” My case was clearly different but even then, if Parker never suggested it to me, I probably never would have been interested and I definitely wouldn’t be training to be his slave.

  “Exactly. But Parker will teach you all of that. That’s what is fascinating about BDSM. You can grow together and I know your situation, Keely,” he grabbed my hand, linking our fingers. “This right here, you letting me hold your hand just proves that he is helping you. And you allowing yourself to trust again is beautiful.”

  “Well, I know that you’re not hitting on me,” I teased. “So that helps.”

  “Gee. Thanks.” He nudged my shoulder.

  I laughed, leaning my head against him.

  “You are the first person besides Parker and Jones that I can open up to.”

  I lifted my head at his admission. “Well, get used to me. Because as long as that man will have me,” I pointed in Parker’s direction. “You’re stuck with me.”

  We continued talking, smoothing out the cloud of tension that had hovered over us since we had arrived to the hospital. Colin also confessed that he was looking forward to helping Troy in any way that he could. What that meant ex
actly, I wasn’t sure but I could only imagine.


  I looked up as Parker and his mom approached us. The air around them was light. Sylvia’s eyes were red-rimmed but she had a huge smile on her face.

  Rising to my feet, I tentatively approached them.

  She closed the distance between us and threw her arms around my neck. “Thank you. For everything.” Her hold on me tightened.

  “I…I didn’t do anything,” I said, returning the embrace.

  She cupped my cheeks, staring intently into my eyes. “You have done more than I could ever thank you for. You made my son happy.”

  “But I…I helped—”

  “I don’t care.” She shook her head. “He explained everything. He told me it was all his idea.”

  “But I should have stopped him.” My skin tingled under Parker’s heated scrutiny.

  He walked by us, making sure to lightly touch my cheek. My gaze followed him. And he knew it too. He walked a little taller. There was a swagger in his step. And he was…happy.

  THE MOMENT that I stepped into the tall hotel foyer, I felt like a child again. The crisp clean marble flooring of the lobby shone under the glow of the large chandelier in the middle of the vast room. The tiny sparkling lights danced across every single object that took up residence before me.

  Each step I made, led me to my impending suffering. As much as I fought with Parker, he knew I had no choice but to meet with Devin. Alone. He didn’t like it. None of them did but they would get over it. They would have to.

  Everything that had happened before this happened so fast that I felt like I was in some fucked up nightmare. Us hiding. My father being alive after all of this time. Patrick’s death. God, Troy. I would never forget the cries of anguish that wracked through his lean body. The look of pain and judgment as his eyes had bored into mine in the beginning.

  I hurt for him. While we chatted in the office, he had broken down once again and I held him. Soothing him while he sobbed. Although he was now talking to me, the blame in his gaze was still there. Maybe it would be there forever.

  I had betrayed him and then I cost him his boyfriend’s life.

  It had been a couple of days since the funeral but it felt like years since Patrick’s death.

  After the funeral, we all were somber and went back to Colin’s and Jones cottage. With the exception of Troy. We dropped him off at the apartment we had shared together months before. I thought it would be harder for Troy since Patrick had moved in but he had said that he couldn’t be at the place where Patrick was murdered.

  Colin had stayed with him and Troy surprisingly welcomed the company with open arms.

  I didn’t know exactly what Colin’s intentions were but I knew they were nothing bad. Would BDSM help him heal? It had helped me in a way but since everything with Devin, Parker and I couldn’t embrace the lifestyle as much as we would have liked. Or as much as I had needed.

  A ding sounded, bringing me back to the present moment. I took a breath, straightened my skirt, and braced myself for seeing Devin.

  It had been months since he had held me against my will in his limo. Months since he had attacked me and tried to leave his mark on me. Thankfully the abuse I had endured at his hands didn’t leave any physical scars. Only the emotions from dealing with him again could affect me. I liked to think that I was strong. Strong enough to push him away.

  “Keely Price?”

  I bristled at the deep voice in my ear and spun on my heel. I glanced up and up, staring at a beast of a man dressed in a black suit. Although the clothing covered him, it didn’t hide the fact that he was huge. He gave off an air of lethal and deadly power.

  “Who’s asking?” I said, attempting to remain control of my voice but it shook, betraying me.

  The large man smirked and took a step towards me. His heated stare travelled up the length of my body before locking with my gaze. “Why he ever let you go is beyond me,” he said, more to himself than to me.

  I wasn’t sure either. I thought I knew, of course. I thought I actually knew Devin as well but the past twenty-four hours had proved me wrong. I would be the first to admit that I had underestimated him.

  “Let’s go before you accidentally disappear and I keep you to myself.”

  I shivered at the thought. I instantly didn’t like this man. I didn’t like Devin either but there was something about this man standing in front of me that gave me the feeling he would do more than just hurt me. Devin may have hit me but he had been gentle at times as well. It fucked with my head but I had finally realized that Devin was all about himself.

  This guy? He looked about as cuddly as a chainsaw.

  “Devin owns this place?” I already knew the answer but I needed to distract the disturbing man from checking out my breasts and ass.

  He licked his lips and motioned for me to turn around as the elevator doors opened for the second time.

  I took a deep breath and stepped into the elevator.

  “Yes. Devin owns this place and many others in the city just like it.”

  I nodded, leaning against the wall as far away from him as possible. “You like working for him?”

  He stabbed the button to the top floor on the panel leading to the pent house and rubbed his chin. “You sure are a nosy little bitch, aren’t you?”

  “No. I’m inquisitive. Big difference. So…do you?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Do I what?”

  And he wasn’t the brightest either. I let out an aggravated sigh, pretending to sound more annoyed than I actually felt. “Do you like working for him?” I asked slowly.

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  I shrugged. “Oh I don’t know. Maybe because he runs the show. He controls you like a pet. Tell me. Do you bark and sit when he demands as well?”

  Faster than I expected, the guy was across the elevator with his hand wrapped around my throat. My eyes widened, my lungs burning at the lack of air but I refused to give him the satisfaction of scaring me.

  “I don’t know what’s so special about you,” he growled, spittle flying in my face. Scratching at his hand squeezing my neck, I struggled against his hold on me. “If you were mine, I would have killed you first before letting you go.”

  My heart jumped, my blood pounding hard in my ears.

  The sound of the doors opening as the elevator came to an abrupt stop sent a momentary relief over my body. He grinned, a smile so evil, I stared into the eyes of pure hatred itself. He released my throat, landing his fist against my mouth before I had a chance to compose myself.

  I let out a small gasp. Sharp pain shot through my jaw, blood ringing in my ears at the rough impact. Falling to my knees, I breathed through the onslaught of agony that pounded in my skull. The bitter, metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as my tongue grazed over my split bottom lip.

  “On your feet, whore, or else I’ll treat you like the dog you compared me to.”

  I rose onto shaky legs and bit back a smartass remark.

  “Bite your tongue, little girl,” he snarled in my ear and pushed me out into the hall. “Maybe when Devin is through with you, I’ll demand that he give you to me.”

  I scoffed. “Not likely. He doesn’t share well with others.” My head was suddenly pulled back, forcing a whimper to leave my lips. I stared up into the cold, deadly eyes of a man that I never wanted to see again. I would almost rather deal with Devin.


  I jumped at the deep voice that bellowed from behind me.

  John glanced over my head. “You’re lucky.”

  Was I? I was leaving the hands of evil only to be thrown into the fiery pits of hell itself.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Devin sauntered down the hall towards us, his expensive suit fitting him like a second layer.

  John released me and stepped back, holding his hands up in surrender.

  I locked eyes with Devin. They were dark as night, bordering on black. He had grown sin
ce the last time that I saw him. His tall frame towered over me and I couldn’t help but tremble as he came toward to us.

  “Did I give you permission to touch her?” He didn’t wait for John to respond and continued. His voice was eerily calm as the words held an underlining threat. “No. I did not. I told you to bring her to me and that was it.” He closed the distance between us and pinched my chin.

  I tried shoving my head out of his grip but his hold only tightened.

  He tilted my head and brushed his thumb along my swollen bottom lip. “The fact that you’ve left a mark on something that belongs to me has cost you your life.”

  “I don’t belong to you anymore,” I whispered.

  A wicked grin spread on his face. “A part of you will always belong to me.”

  I didn’t argue. I couldn’t. I found myself agreeing with him and even though the words never left my lips, by the smug look on his face, he knew.

  “What?” John yelled. “She’s your ex. She doesn’t even belong to you anymore.”

  I winced when Devin snarled.

  The sound ended so fast, his eyes switching from anger to pure, raw hatred. “Do you remember what I do to people who defy me, princess?”

  “Yes,” I mumbled.

  “Let’s refresh John’s memory, shall we?” Devin said as two more men joined us.

  “No,” John insisted. “You need me. I’m your best man.”

  “You don’t get to tell me what I need.” Devin glanced at me. “No one does.”

  Boy was that the truth.

  “Take him to the roof.” An evil grin spread on Devin’s face. “And have fun.” He grabbed my hand, tugging me down the hall towards a set of double doors.

  The screams made me jump, my heart pounding hard against the walls of my ribcage. I remembered a time where Devin would have inflicted the abuse himself but I guessed now he was too powerful.

  “Where’s my dad?” I asked finally.

  Devin smiled down at me once we reached the set of double doors at the end of the hallway. “All in due time, beautiful.” He pushed the door open and motioned for me to enter the room before closing the doors behind us. A lock clicked into place, jarring my sanity.


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