A Holiday to Remember

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A Holiday to Remember Page 5

by Jennifer Redlarczyk

  “Great! I’ll send the dean an email to give him a head’s up and if you like, I can try to schedule a meeting for you and Georgie when I go in on Monday. Does Tuesday work for you?”

  “Tuesday should be fine. I don’t have any pressing meetings until later in the week so I can easily clear my calendar.”


  “You know, Liz, after talking with Georgie, I realized I never should have stopped her lessons at the studio. When I mentioned the possibility of studying again with your aunt, she broke down in tears.”

  “Oh, no. Poor Georgie.”

  “I only hope my past insults won’t discourage Mrs. Gardiner from resuming my sister’s lessons.”

  “Not to worry, William. I spoke with Aunt Maddy this morning, and she would like to do whatever she can to help Georgie get into the academy.”

  “Are you serious?” he asked, taken aback by this information.

  “I am. In fact, my aunt plans to write a recommendation for your sister, and she would also like to help her prepare for the audition, if you have no objection.”

  “Objection?! Definitely not. In fact, I hardly know what to say. Your aunt is very generous.”

  “Yes, she is. Aunt Maddy thinks the academy will be an excellent place for Georgie.”

  William paused for a moment. “Liz, do you think Mrs. Gardiner would mind if I contacted her this weekend to make the arrangements?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Good. I only wish I could speak with her in person. I don’t like the idea of apologizing over the phone.” He knitted his brows in frustration.

  “I think you can put that frown away, Mr. Darcy,” she playfully teased. “If you and Georgie are free tomorrow afternoon, your wish can be arranged.”


  “Yes. My aunt is having a very special gathering at her home on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. When we spoke, she specifically asked me to invite you and Georgie.”

  “Why, I’d be more than happy to bring her. What’s going on?”

  “You of all people must have some insight into my aunt’s affairs after your investigation.” This time Elizabeth gave him a knowing look.

  “Uh … yes, I might.” He unconsciously tugged at the collar on his polo shirt, as if in some discomfort.

  “Well, then are you aware that many notable musicians who perform with the Chicago Symphony often stay at the Gardiners’ residence when they are in town?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Aunt Maddy may live in Meryton Heights, but her house is worthy of the North Shore. She and Uncle Ed had it built after she retired from touring and took up teaching. Without giving away too many details, I have to tell you about one particular room at the rear of the house. My aunt worked with an architect to design a small recital hall which seats up to a hundred and fifty guests. With hardwood floors and a domed ceiling, the room is ideal for recording and giving chamber concerts. Then on an elevated stage, my aunt has placed two back-to-back concert grand pianos—a Steinway and Yamaha. Need I say more?”

  “I’m impressed.”

  Speaking in a hushed tone, she continued, “This weekend a very famous Chinese pianist whose initials are L.L. is staying at the house incognito and has agreed to give a master class to one of our exceptional seniors from the academy. Can you guess who he is?”

  William smiled. “I have a pretty good idea since I recently bought tickets to take Georgie to hear one such virtuoso pianist with the same initials this Monday night at Symphony Center.”

  “Our student was recently accepted by the Curtis Institute in New York where my aunt’s guest went to school. She will be playing the first movement of the Beethoven Appassionata, which if I remember correctly, Georgie was studying before she stopped her lessons with Aunt Maddy. It’s going to be a very exciting afternoon.”

  “I agree. Georgie will be beside herself when I tell her.”

  “If you two pick me up at my place around one o’clock, we should arrive early enough for you and Aunt Maddy to clear the air before the master class begins.”

  “I can’t believe you arranged all of this. Liz, you are amazing.”

  “Amazing? You just keep on thinking that, Mr. Darcy,” she teased. “Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak with your sister.”

  “Sure, hold on, I’ll get her. Thanks, Liz.”

  “No problem.”

  ~ ♫ ~

  10 December, Sunday

  The Gardiner residence

  The outing at Madeline Gardiner’s House turned out to be exactly what Georgiana needed to be lifted out of her doldrums. Happy to see her former teacher, she was nearly in tears when they greeted one another. Georgiana wasted no time in making arrangements to resume her lessons in preparation for her audition at the music academy while William took the opportunity to apologize for his past behavior and unfounded accusations regarding the incident with George Wickham.

  Not only did Georgiana delight in witnessing the skill of the world-renowned virtuoso pianist, but she also found a kindred spirit in the academy student, Ellen Masaki, who played with a musical sensitivity and maturity rarely found in a seventeen-year-old. Georgiana paid close attention when the maestro not only made suggestions, but also illustrated what he was trying to convey through demonstration. Following the master class, Mrs. Gardiner held an informal reception where spectators could ask questions of both student and teacher. Inspired by the events of the day, Georgiana eagerly sought out Ellen and the two of them formed an immediate friendship based on their mutual love of music. All in all, the afternoon proved to be an extraordinary experience for her.

  ~ ♫ ~

  William’s Car

  “Oh, William,” Georgiana gushed as soon as they were all situated in the car. “I never dreamed playing the piano could be so exciting. I think I have died and gone to heaven.” Both William and Elizabeth chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Ellen Masaki was brilliant, but every time HE played, I got the shivers. His music spoke to me here.” She clasped her hand to her breast. “I’m so inspired! I can’t wait to get home and begin practicing for my lesson on Wednesday. Did you hear Ellen say she practices as much as five hours a day? And Mrs. Gardiner said once I am admitted to the academy, she’ll place me in her advanced performance workshop along with Ellen, providing I work very hard. William, thank you so much for bringing me today.”

  “I can hardly take credit, Georgie, since it was Liz who arranged everything with her aunt.”

  “I’m so sorry, Miss Bennet. In my excitement, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. How can we ever repay you?”

  “Georgie, I don’t expect anything in return. All I ask is that you work hard and take advantage of the wonderful opportunities you’ll be given when you begin the academy next semester.”

  “I know I will, I promise.” Georgiana sighed and leaned back into her seat, obviously reflecting over her afternoon.

  Elizabeth and William continued making small talk about the master class and music in general with a few comments from Georgiana until they reached Elizabeth’s apartment. Elizabeth had intended to invite the Darcys to come inside, but with Georgiana anxious to get home to begin practicing for her piano lesson, she decided to wait until another time. William did insist, however, on walking Elizabeth up to the front door of her building.

  “Liz, I hardly know where to begin.” He took her hands in his. “This afternoon was a real turning point for Georgie, and it’s all your doing.”

  “William, I didn’t do anything … really. I merely had an inspiration and acted on it.”

  “Well, Miss Bennet.” He reached up and gently touched her lips with his finger. “I have an inspiration which I’m dying to act on right now, but with my little sister watching from the car, I guess it will have to wait.” He playfully wiggled his eyebrows in jest, causing her to giggle.

  “Mr. Darcy, are you attempting to flirt with me?”

  “It would seem so, Miss Bennet.”

nbsp; “Does this mean I can take a rain check?” She teasingly smiled and tilted her head in a way that made her appear very alluring.

  “You can count on it. In the meantime, how about I call you later on tonight? I know you’re pretty busy this week getting ready for the showcase, but if we can manage a late dinner during the week or plan something for the weekend, I’d really like to see you for a one-on-one.”

  “I’d love to.” She beamed.

  “Good, we’ll talk soon.” He gave Elizabeth a quick hug and kissed her cheek before leaving.

  Watching them drive off, her hand involuntarily went to the place he had just kissed. “I’ll be waiting, William,” she whispered.

  Chapter 6

  Feel The Joy That’s In The Air

  Meryton Academy for the Performing Arts

  Outside of the main office, Tuesday afternoon

  “Elizabeth Bennet, what do you mean you’re having dinner with William Darcy on Friday night? And he’s also taking you to the gala? Wow! And here I thought you didn’t even know the man. It must have been the dress.” Elizabeth returned Charlotte’s bra on Monday with the promise of buying a replacement, but they only now had a chance to discuss what had transpired since Bingley’s party. At the time, nothing was said about one William Darcy or what had occurred between the two of them.

  “Charlotte, don’t even mention that dress. Rent the Modern Closet wasn’t particularly happy when I told them what happened. Of course, in the end, they did offer me a free rental because of the mix-up. I’m thinking I’ll cash it in for the gala. After all, it’s going to be New Year’s Eve, and I need a dress that will look great at the party. Plus, William plans to ask Skip if the band will play a tango for us. The man is incredible on the dance floor, by the way.”

  “The tango?” Charlotte slyly looked at Elizabeth. “If you ask me, I think Billy will be jealous.”

  “What are you talking about? I already told BC I’m not his date for the gala.”

  “If you say so. Although from what I heard in the teacher’s lounge, he doesn’t believe you actually have a date with the all-important CEO of Darcy Enterprises. He thinks you’re just messing with him.”


  “Speaking of…. Here he comes now.” Billy Collins was hurrying down the hallway, eagerly maneuvering his way between students while carrying an assortment of cables in one arm and a high-tech tool box in the other.

  “Miss Bennet, Miss Bennet,” he called somewhat out of breath as he approached the women. “May I please have a moment of your time? Nice to see you, Miss Lucas.”

  “Hey, Billy, what’s up,” Elizabeth casually responded.

  “As you can see, I’ve just come from the Piano Lab. I replaced the faulty port on the console along with these two frayed connecting cables. You should have no problems in the foreseeable future.”

  “Thank you, Billy. You’re a life-saver, and I appreciate your help.” Her attention was suddenly drawn to the front doors, where William and Georgiana had entered. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  Greeting the Darcys, she quickly gave Georgiana a hug and asked them to meet two of her fellow colleagues. “Mr. William Darcy and Miss Georgiana Darcy, please allow me to present our resident dance instructor, Miss Charlotte Lucas, and one of our IT specialists, Mr. Billy Collins.

  Before anyone could respond, Billy held out his hand to William saying, “William H. Collins the Second, at your service, sir.” Firmly gripping William’s hand as if to display his masculinity, he immediately offered, “H standing for Horatio—the proud name of my dear departed grandfather.” He drew himself to his full height, although his eye only came level with William’s chin.

  William was a little surprised by the unusual manner of address, but having been forewarned by Elizabeth, he immediately responded with, “My pleasure, Mr. Collins.” Then turning to Charlotte, he offered, “Miss Lucas, I have heard nothing but praise from Miss Bennet with regards to your dance program here at the academy. Georgiana and I are looking forward to attending the December Showcase on Thursday.”

  “Thank you. I know you’ll both enjoy it.”

  “Charlotte, Billy, please excuse us. The Darcys have an appointment with the dean at one o’clock, and I need to get to class.”

  As Elizabeth escorted the Darcys into the office, Charlotte leaned over to Billy, who was frowning with disdain at the familiarity between Elizabeth and William. “Give it up, Billy. She’s with him.”

  The meeting with the dean of the academy went smoothly. The Darcys filled out the appropriate paperwork, Georgiana’s transcripts were to be sent to the school, and the final audition for admission was scheduled during the second week in January.

  As soon as the formalities were taken care of, Kitty was summoned to begin the official tour of the school, including the practice wing where the piano majors spent several hours a day. Kitty and Georgiana easily related to one another, and the trio enjoyed stopping by various classes—particularly Mrs. Gardiner’s advanced piano performance workshop. The students were playing their recital pieces for one another and were encouraged to offer constructive criticism. Georgiana was introduced to the class as a prospective student and was warmly greeted by the piano majors, including Ellen Masaki, whom she had met on Sunday.

  The final stop of the tour was at the auditorium where Elizabeth was rehearsing with the Vocalteens for their part in the showcase. Neither William nor Georgiana could believe how professional these students were, considering their ages. When William saw Elizabeth at work, he knew without a doubt he had made the right decision by encouraging his sister to apply. The caring atmosphere created by Elizabeth and so many other staff members who were dedicated to helping their students reach their potential was invigorating.

  It’s a holiday to remember, feel the joy that’s in the air.

  Once a year each December comes a magical time

  When your spirits will climb,

  A time to share, A time to give and a time to care

  It’s a holiday to remember

  A season filled with love!

  A Holiday to Remember – by Mac Huff

  Watching the young people singing and dancing under Elizabeth’s direction stirred something within William. Perhaps it was a little corny, but this was the first time since his parents died that he did feel the so-called magic. And he knew Georgiana felt it, too. It was all because of Elizabeth Bennet—a beautiful woman with a big heart, who somehow had captured his. This year, he vowed to do everything within his power to insure it was truly A Holiday to Remember.

  ~ ♫ ~

  Late Thursday night following the showcase

  “William!” Elizabeth exclaimed opening up the chat feature on her phone.

  “It’s not too late for you, is it?”

  “No, not at all. It’s always hard for me to unwind after my students perform. Right now, I’m sitting here with my chamomile tea watching a syrupy movie.” She giggled. “It’s called A Holiday to Remember, of all things. Can you believe it?”

  “It must be fate.” He chuckled.

  “How did Georgie like the showcase? With so many parents wanting my attention, I hardly had a chance to speak with her.”

  “Need you ask? She wouldn’t stop talking all the way home, and she was absolutely thrilled to meet your family. I figured Kitty must have told your mom about our parents. She’s kind of a mother hen, isn’t she?”

  Elizabeth gave him a questioning look. “You mean to say my mother’s exuberance didn’t turn you off?”

  “Not really. Aside from Richard’s mother who comes by every now and then, my sister gets very little motherly attention. True, we do have our housekeeper, Mrs. Annesley, who is very competent, but she’s not much of a mother figure. Your mom was so attentive, and Georgie loved it when she hugged her goodbye and invited her to come over on Saturday for the cookie bake.”

  “William….” Elizabeth tried not to giggle. “You have no idea what your sister has gott
en into. By the time my mom is ready to release Georgie from her kitchen—she will never be the same. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a budding cookie chef on your hands when she gets back to your place. It’s rather addicting.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” He smiled.

  “My younger sister, Lydia, who wasn’t at the showcase, has also invited a couple of her friends, so I know Georgie will get lots of girl time as well. Lydia is a freshman and on the cheerleading squad at Meryton High. They had a basketball game tonight; otherwise you would have met her.”

  “Georgie will love it. Is there anything she can bring along to help out?”

  “Are you kidding? My mom, Cookie Baker Extraordinaire, has all the bases covered. You name it—from Mexican Vanilla to Saigon Cinnamon to the world’s finest chocolate—her baking cupboard is never empty. She and her many recruits have been baking cookies every Saturday for the last two months. In addition to the cookie exchange Mom organized at church, she also creates gift boxes filled with cookies to give to the elderly parishioners and our local nursing home. Not to mention her woman’s circle probably supplies most of the military with cookies at the VA hospital where my sister Mary works as a physical therapist. Since you’ve offered to bring pizza for a bunch of hungry teenage bakers, I expect you’re already on the list for your own gift box.”

  “I look forward to it. And trust me—they will not go to waste. Georgie and I plan to join Richard’s family for a few days at Christmas in Northern Michigan. On his side of the family, there is an abundance of little cousins who will happily devour whatever we bring.”


  “Liz … I was wondering. While the cooks are heating up the kitchen on Saturday, would you be up for a little shopping? With Georgie resuming her lessons and looking forward to attending the academy, I would really like to buy her a better piano. I’ve browsed some on the internet, but truthfully, I haven’t a clue what to look for.”


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