A Home with the Rancher

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A Home with the Rancher Page 1

by April Arrington


  Widowed single dad Mac Tenley is determined to save his family’s struggling guest ranch, the Elk Valley. And as a father of three rambunctious kids, he needs help—fast. But the only applicant for his entry-level ranch hand position is a beautiful mystery woman from New York City...with no experience!

  Undercover real estate developer Dani Vaughn is desperate to earn her ruthless father’s approval. To do that, she must convince Mac to give up Elk Valley. Getting hired is easy. Getting used to ranch life is tougher, and getting the handsome rancher to sell is near impossible. Especially now that she’s falling for Mac and his family. But Dani’s secret still stands between her and happiness. Will the truth drive Mac away?

  “Having second thoughts?”

  Dani glanced up, the grin on Mac’s handsome face making her catch her breath.

  Oh, boy. She was in more trouble than she’d initially thought.

  “Nope.” She ripped her attention away from him and focused on Jaxon and the girls as they chased each other across the field. “I’m happy to help.”

  “So you say.” Mac’s grin grew. He glanced at his kids before leaning in to whisper, “But my girls can be a handful.”

  She smiled and tapped his chest with a finger. “I can be a handful myself, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  His laughter faded and he studied her from head to toe. “Oh, I’ve noticed.”

  He shifted closer, his fingers caressing her elbow.

  “What’re y’all whispering about?”

  They sprang apart. Maddie stood a couple of feet behind Mac, frowning, and waiting for an answer. Nadine and Jaxon stood at their sister’s side with smug grins.

  “Nothing.” Dani stumbled back.

  Oh yeah. She was definitely in over her head.

  Dear Reader,

  Writers deal with thousands of words on a daily basis. We weigh syllables to create the right rhythm, sift through phrases to find those with the most impact and scrutinize words we’ve typed for hours, trying our best to decide which ones to cut and which ones to save.

  Over time, a few have become my favorites. One, in particular.


  There’s something about it that warms my heart and helps me breathe easier. Something simple and precious. Something that has little to do with bricks or shingles and so much to do with the people I love and admire. Because that’s how those people make me feel. Warm and welcome. Valued and forgiven. There’s no greater home in the world than the one you find in someone who has seen you at your worst...but still loves you just as much as when you’re at your best.

  In A Home with the Rancher, Dani Vaughn wants to be seen. To be noticed and loved. And Mac Tenley has been searching for home for a long time. What they find in each other is more than either ever expected.

  As always, thank you for reading.



  April Arrington

  April Arrington grew up in a small Southern town and developed a love for movies and books at an early age. Emotionally moving stories have always held a special place in her heart. April enjoys collecting pottery and soaking up the Georgia sun on her front porch.

  Visit April at Twitter.com/april_arrington or Facebook.com/authoraprilarrington.

  Books by April Arrington

  Harlequin Western Romance

  Men of Raintree Ranch

  Twins for the Bull Rider

  The Rancher’s Wife

  The Bull Rider’s Cowgirl

  The Rancher’s Miracle Baby

  Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com for more titles.

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  Dedicated to Billie Ann

  Doesn’t matter where we are...Sharing laughs on the day job, gossiping over cheese sticks in a restaurant or kicking back in a cool movie theater on a hot summer day. With you, every place feels like home.

  You’re more than a coworker or friend—you’re family.

  And I thank my lucky stars God put us on the same path.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Excerpt from Twins for the Rancher by Trish Milburn

  Chapter One

  Lies always multiplied. That was one reason Danielle Vaughn never told them.

  “I said what’s your name, ma’am?”

  Danielle eyed the older man straddling the wooden fence and cringed, wondering how big this lie would get. At the moment, it stuck in her throat, feeling sharper and thicker than the angular mountains shrouded in dense fog at the man’s back. And it beat heavier through her veins than the rhythmic pound of a hammer in the distance.

  He scoffed and the straw of hay clenched between his teeth flopped against his scruffy jaw. “You got one, don’t you, gal?”

  “Danielle Vau—” She bit her tongue and winced. Jones. That was the one she’d settled on. Her lips trembled. Wasn’t it? “Danielle Jones. I’m here to see Mac Tenley.”

  The man’s expression remained bored and he looked away, chewing on the hay and shifting to a more comfortable position on the top fence rung. “Mac’s busy. Whatcha want with him?”

  His land. Or rather, her father wanted it. Danielle swallowed hard against the churn in her stomach. Despite his dismissive laughter and her misgivings, she’d promised to acquire it for him.

  She glanced up at the sign hanging over the entrance of the gravel driveway, the words Elk Valley Ranch barely discernable on the weathered wood. Judging from first impressions and the photos she’d seen in the New York boardroom of Vaughn Real Estate, the guest lodge and cabins that lay beyond the winding drive would need a ton of work.

  “My name is Danielle,” she repeated, returning her eyes to the man. “But I go by Dani.”

  He stilled, his wrinkled brow furrowing as he faced her. “Dani Jones?”

  She nodded.

  His eyes narrowed then traveled down the length of her. His jaw slackened, the hay falling out of his mouth and his loud guffaws echoing across the peaceful Tennessee landscape. “Hey, Tim! Get a load of this.”

  Dani stiffened.

  The distant pounding stopped and moments later, a younger man rounded the bend in the driveway, carrying a hammer and frowning. “You think you could do at least ten minutes of work today, man?”

  “Aw, forget that, Tim.” The man jumped off the fence, jabbed a thick finger in her direction then doubled over with laughter. “This puny girl here’s the man Mac said was coming to interview as new hand.”

  Puny? Girl? Dani’s face heated and she gritted her teeth, wishing she wore her stilettos instead of flat-soled sneakers. She’d shove the sharp edge right up his chauvinistic—

  “Mac’s gonna...” The man sucked in quick breaths between bouts of laughter. “Mac’s gonna have a fit.”

  “I hate to spoil a boy’s good time.” Dani edged around the chuckling buffoon and extended her hand. “So I’ll just ask a man for assistance instead.” She smiled. “Tim, was it? I’m Dani. It’s nice to meet you and I’m sure it’ll b
e even nicer working with you since it’s obvious your help is lacking.” She jerked her chin over her shoulder as the man stopped laughing. “Would you please tell me where I can find Mac Tenley?”

  Tim grinned, his handsome face lighting with amusement. “Yes, ma’am.” He took her hand, squeezed gently then pointed toward the lush line of poplar and cedar trees obscuring the winding driveway. “Just follow the drive up to the lodge and go on in. The office opened a half hour ago and Mac’s probably still in there.”

  “Thank you.”

  Tim’s grin widened and he tipped his Stetson. “Look forward to working with you.”

  Dani nodded, her smile faltering at the kind gleam in his eyes. It was one thing to think up a lie and rehearse it in your head. It was quite another to actually tell it. Especially to an honest, hardworking man like Tim.

  She returned to the battered compact car she’d parked at the ranch’s entrance, her lip curling as she passed the lazy cowboy standing by the fence.

  That fool she had no qualms about deceiving.

  He scowled and muttered under his breath, eyes dark with disdain.

  Ignoring him, Dani opened the creaky door and slid behind the wheel. A few quick twists of her wrist and the engine sputtered to life then groaned its way up the graveled path. She pushed her foot harder on the pedal and held her breath, doubting the pitiful contraption would creep its way up the steep hill. A glance in the rearview mirror proved the two men staring behind her had their doubts, too.

  “Focus,” she muttered, leaning forward and tightening her grip on the steering wheel. “Keep your head up and your eyes open.”

  And what spectacular scenery there was for a pair of open eyes. Once she cleared the enormous hill and passed through the dense woods, the land opened up, sprawling in all directions and stretching lazily into the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. The summer sun tinged the mountain fog with rosy undertones and bathed the green valley in golden light.

  “Beautiful,” she whispered.

  That was an understatement. She shook her head and rolled down the window, unable to find the words for it. The sweet, clean air of Elk Valley made the remembered feel of thick wind whipping across busy New York streets seem stifling. And the leisurely hum of wildlife rustling through the trees, the sight of birds flapping in the breeze and the sound of horses whinnying in the distance were even more cajoling.

  The valley seduced her senses, beckoning her to stop the car, collapse in the wide field like a child and roll across the thick tufts of grass for days. Fold her arms behind her head, stare at the blue sky and dream of being more than she was.

  She laughed. What would the elite New York socialites she rubbed shoulders with say about such an immature, impulsive thought? Her laughter trailed away. Exactly what they’d always said, probably. That she was behaving like an uncouth tomboy instead of a twenty-seven-year-old woman.

  Or worse. They might suggest the same thing her father and younger brother had. That, like her late mother, she was better suited for shopping, decorating and organizing charity events rather than running a business. Especially, a multi-million-dollar one like her father’s thriving real estate firm.

  Your brother will make a better vice-president.

  Because he’s a man. Her father had said it without saying it. The look on his face had affirmed her suspicions and the gentle tone of his voice revealed his reluctance at having to spell it out for her. Then she’d been relegated to the back seat, signing paperwork and looking pretty for powerful male clients. Activities she detested and a game she refused to play any longer.

  Dani winced. She’d always disappointed him. That was how it’d been ever since she was born a girl instead of the strapping son her father had expected.

  It was ridiculous, really. This undying need to prove herself to him. Or any man, for that matter.

  She tensed her stomach muscles, trying to still the waves of nausea rising within her. The entire endeavor—including this charade—made her sick. Sick of feeling like she’d never fit in or measured up. Sick of her weaknesses and herself.

  Dani straightened, maneuvered the troubled car around the final curve in the driveway and brought it to a sputtering halt at the end. There was one thing her father understood and appreciated more than anything. And it never failed to capture his attention—or approval.

  Money. The largest sum of which resided in the untapped potential of this awe-inspiring valley. Magnificent acres of land his employees had failed to persuade the owner, Mac Tenley, to sell.

  “If a man can’t get the job done,” she chimed, shoving the door open and rising to her feet, “send in a woman.”

  Dani smiled and looked up, taking in the massive log lodge in front of her. “You might not want to sell now, Mac Tenley. But you will.”

  She’d make sure of it. That was why she’d applied online for the only available—and shockingly low-paying—position on the ranch. Working as a ranch hand for a few weeks would give her access to the lodge and cabins. A feat her younger brother hadn’t been able to manage. Of course, her father and brother didn’t know about this aspect of her plan—they thought she’d come out here for an extended sales pitch. Which, to be fair, was her ultimate goal. After scoping the lay of the land and drawing up plans for what could be the highest-grossing luxury retreat in Elk Valley, Tennessee, she’d show Mac Tenley the benefits of selling and make a more than fair offer.

  She’d heard he was a tough customer. A greedy one, in fact. So she’d throw in a few perks to sweeten the deal. This land was valuable and she’d pay him what it was worth and then some. Enough to turn any money-grubbing head—even if she had to dig into her savings.

  Her father would be happy, Mac Tenley would be happy and she’d be happy. It’d be a winning situation for them all.

  Confidence renewed, Dani snagged a worn duffel bag from the back seat and hoisted the strap over her shoulder. The bulky buckle dug into her flesh then loosened with a sharp pop.

  “Shoot.” Her hands shot out and lifted the bag to ease the weight off the flimsy strap.

  Seemed she’d overdone it in the disguise department. She should’ve known the old putter car behind her was a bad choice when the used car salesman had tried to talk her out of it. And it didn’t look as though the bag would make it through more than one day.

  She’d been aiming to look broke. Instead, she was pretty sure she looked destitute.

  No matter. If it meant a better chance of keeping the job as a ranch hand and gaining access to the property, all the better.

  She made the long walk up the stone path past an empty fire pit then up a steep set of stairs. The porch was wide, lined with large windows and, though in desperate need of more seating, had an absolutely stunning view of the green valley and surrounding mountains.

  The foyer was even more impressive. A wide room with hardwood floors and a stone fireplace served as a reception and lounge area. Multiple seating areas were arranged in a welcoming fashion around the room but the chairs looked worn and stiff with only two couples occupying them. Judging from the disgruntled looks on their faces, they wouldn’t remain there for much longer.

  A sharp scream cut through the silent waiting area. Dani jumped and a second stitch popped on her bag.

  “Nadine Tenley.” Several thuds and a breathless, feminine voice came from the direction of the empty reception desk on the other side of the room. “If you don’t cut that out—”

  “That hurts and my hair don’t need brushing.” A second voice. Higher-pitched and much younger sounding. “Why can’t I go hiking? It’s not fair. Maddie and me don’t get to do nothing just cuz we’re girls.”

  “I don’t think Maddie wants to do anything with you right now seeing as how you’ve made her cry.”

  “Ain’t nobody made her cry. She done that all on her own.” A sigh. “I’m sorry, Ms. Ann, but it just a
in’t fair.”

  “Excuse me.” Dani approached the counter then hesitated, peeking over the top as a phone began ringing on the desk. “I’m looking for Mac Tenley. I have an appointment but I’m early. Is he available?”

  More thuds then a gray head appeared as a woman straightened, placed a pink comb on the counter and smiled. It was strained. “Good morning. Welcome to Elk Valley Ranch.” She smoothed a shaky hand over her disheveled hair and glanced at the ringing phone. “May I have your name, please?”

  “Dani Jones. I’m here for an interview.”

  The receptionist was jostled, fell against the counter then uttered a tsk. A small child—around seven years old?—darted out then skidded to a halt at the toes of Dani’s cheap sneakers.

  “An interview?” The little girl blinked wide green eyes up at her, her tangled blond hair sticking out at odd angles. Her jeans and T-shirt were muddy and rumpled. “You the new hand my daddy’s gonna hire?”

  Daddy? Dani frowned, mentally sifting through the facts she’d gathered on Mac Tenley. Twenty-nine, owner of Elk Valley Ranch and single. There’d been no mention of a wife or children. And certainly no mention of the cute spitfire in front of her.


  “Nadine, apologize to your sister right now.”

  Dani stilled, the low rumble sending a delicious shiver over her skin. She glanced up...then up a smidge more. A tall, muscular man with rumpled blond hair and dark green eyes strode down a narrow side-hallway, carrying a young girl. He smoothed a big hand over the girl’s curls as she buried her face in his neck.

  Nadine spun, propped her hands on her hips and raised her voice over the shrill clang of the phone. “What’d I do?”

  The second girl lifted her head and rubbed at her tear-stained cheeks. “You know what you did.” She was a perfect replica of Nadine except for freshly combed hair, pink ribbons and a flowery sundress. “You called me a sissy.”

  Nadine shrugged. “Well, you were kinda acting like one.”


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