The Otherling

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The Otherling Page 17

by Heather M. Walker

  Annaleah could see how farfetched this had appeared to Uncle John. It sounded pretty shocking to her as well, even after all that she had been through.

  Annaleah reached over and grabbed her uncle’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly, sad that this had been a burden he’d had to carry alone. Did he think the same thing was going on with her now? Did he fear for her mental health, fear that he would lose her too? She knew his heart was breaking, that letting go of the secret after so long must be taking a toll on him.

  She took his hand and kissed it gently, her tears falling onto his hand.

  Part of her believed in what her mother had said wholeheartedly, without question. Marchosias, Satanael and her mother had told her in Dream Time that she was one of a kind, unlike any other. Wouldn’t it make sense then, that her mother hadn’t been mad at all, and that she was indeed, the daughter of an angel? And what about the spiders? Could hallucinations follow you out of a delusion?

  Wiping at her tears, Annaleah asked, “Do you think I’m crazy, Uncle John? Do you think maybe I should go to Castlebrook?”

  Uncle John leaned forward, and looked her deeply in the eye. “No. Not ever.” He squeezed her hand, the corners of his mouth still drawn out, twitching, as he fought with his own inner turmoil. “I want you to know that I never would have put you in Castlebrook. Taking care of you and watching you grow up has been the greatest joy of my life. I wouldn't take back a single second of it. You have changed me so much, helped me to grow, and because of you and who you are, I have had many sleepless nights myself, wondering if somehow, what your mother said was true."

  Hearing this surprised Annaleah. Was he saying maybe she hadn’t been mentally ill after all?

  Confused, Annaleah looked down at her hand in Uncle John’s, “wait, you said she had Schizophrenia, now you’re saying maybe she didn’t? Why? I don’t understand.”

  Uncle John tilted his head, the look of sadness abating as the warm, sweet glow of love filled his eyes. "Because Annaleah, you are so special. You spoke your first words at six months, and were speaking in full sentences by the time you were a little over a year old.” Uncle John leaned forward, looking her more deeply in the eye. “When you were born, they said you were born with a caul. I also know that being your mother's child had an effect on your talents; your ability to know certain things without being told, or your ability to see into a world others simply refuse to believe is there at all. That film over your eyes when you were born opened your inner eyes to a truth much deeper than most of us will ever know.” He shook his head wistfully as he spoke, as if he too wished he could sense this wonderful inner truth he was talking to her about. “Perhaps it also has something to do with your inherent goodness and kindness. They say those born with a caul can defeat all manner of evils. I'm sure, being an occult expert, that you know that too. I’m not sure, however,” he said, tilting his head as he spoke, “that you know you were not born with the normal blue of a newborn's eyes, but that your eyes have always been green. The doctors had never seen anything like it. Babies' eyes turn colors after a year or so, after they are exposed to light, but yours were always green.” He shook his head once more, as if he were still trying to grasp what he was telling her. “There are so many things like that, honey, that make me think there might have been something to her claim. Then my rational mind takes over and tells me there is just simply no way that an angel could have fathered you. It has been an internal battle I have waged with myself, and one I never wished for you to endure."

  Annaleah thought of her dreams, and of everything that had been happening to her in the last couple of weeks. What if what uncle John had told her was true to the point that it was more evidence that her dreams were real, a meeting place of sorts, a portal from this world to many others? What if being the daughter of an angel meant that she could attract these situations?

  For a moment, Annaleah debated on whether or not to tell him about her dreams. It could put his mind at ease to know that she could really be half angel, and that her mother hadn’t been lying. Maybe he would have some suggestions, or more information to tell her that he might still be holding back. He was her uncle after all, and he deserved to know.

  As she looked at him, she noticed the dark circles under his eyes, the lines of worry creased into his expression, and the heaviness in which he held himself. He was exhausted, not just from his confession, but from worry over her health, and from the ill effects of his own health issues. He was trembling slightly, and seeing this made her heart break even more. Now was not the time.

  Annaleah shook her head, her hair falling into her face and smearing the tears there. “You’ve been keeping this inside for so long. I’m so sorry,” She whispered, and held her arms out to him, needing to hug him for her own comfort, and to reassure him that her love for him was still as strong as ever.

  Annaleah felt her love for Uncle John flood through her as they held each other, and more tears came. She was confused and upset, but there was nothing that he could ever tell her that would make her love him less. He was so brave, so loving, to have done what he thought was the right thing to do, even though it must have hurt him every single day.

  Before either of them could say anything more, a knock sounded at the door. Still hanging her head, Annaleah looked up through her mess of hair and tears, not caring what she looked like. She didn't feel like company.

  Seth walked into the room, carrying an armload of books. When he saw the two of them, his face registered the intensity of the situation, and he began to back out of the room. "I'll just come back later, Annaleah, I am glad to see you awake though."

  Uncle John got up, shaking his head. "No, please, let me leave. I think Annaleah needs you here now. I’ll wait for you outside if you don't mind. I’m too tired to walk home tonight."

  “Of course.” Seth replied as Uncle John gave Annaleah a goodbye hug. She didn’t want to let Uncle John go. He looked like he could use a break from the intensity of what had just transpired, so she didn’t ask him to stay.

  "Let me help you to the door Uncle John." Seth went to Uncle John’s side and tried to put his arm under his for support.

  Uncle John laughed and shook him off gently. “Thank you, Seth, but I’ll be alright. I’m just tired. I’ll meet you outside.” He smiled, looking ten years older than he had just a few days ago.

  "See you later kiddo, I love you." Uncle John whispered in her ear. Annaleah told him that she loved him as well, holding back more tears. He looked so frail that she felt guilty for asking him to tell her about her father. It had clearly taken a lot out of him.

  When he reached the door, he turned and blew her a kiss before he exited.

  "What on Earth happened?" Seth asked, his blue eyes wide.

  "Apparently," Annaleah began, wiping at her eyes, "My mother was a schizophrenic who thought she talked to angels. She was either crazy and thought that my father was an angel, or she really did have an angel for a lover, resulting in my birth."

  Seth didn't speak for several moments. Instead, she heard him put down the books and saw him take a seat in the chair beside her.

  After many moments, Seth said simply, "Annaleah." When he didn't say anything more, Annaleah looked at him, intent on asking him why he had nothing to say about something so deeply personal and intense.

  As their eyes met, what Annaleah saw took her breath away. Instead of the blue she had known and loved for so long, she saw a piercing shade of indigo, radiant in his eyes. Arcs of light played in his skin, their colors electric and protean. He was smiling a peaceful, serene smile.

  "Annaleah," he said again, his voice a thousand times more melodic than she had ever heard it before. "Your mother was not crazy, far from it. Don't be afraid. I know I look different from what you are used to, but it is time for you to know the truth."

  Annaleah wasn't sure she could handle much more of the truth today.

  "Your mother did indeed talk to angels." Seth told her simply. Annaleah fo
und the energy emanating from him to be loving and wonderfully calming.

  "How are you so sure Seth?" she asked.

  "Because my sweet Annaleah," he said affectionately, "I know your father."

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Seth’s Revelation

  Annaleah's head still was spinning, despite the calming energy that emanated from Seth. Looking at her friend in his now deeply indigo eyes, she said, "How is that even possible, for you to know my father?"

  Seth smiled warmly at her, the love he felt for her washing over her in waves, bathing her with a gentle, pacifying glow. Little by little, Annaleah felt her heart lighten and her nerves settle. Her heartbeat and breathing slowed their laborious rhythm, the pressures of her newfound knowledge easing as the beautiful energy continued to flow from Seth. Though she was still unsure what was actually occurring, she let herself be swept up in the gentle energy of relaxation that Seth was sending her.

  After several moments, Seth asked, "Is that better?" When Annaleah nodded slowly, her eyes closed, he continued. "As you see, there is a little more to me than meets the eye. I’m also known by another name, one which I’m sure you are familiar with. We’ll get to that. You asked about your father. I believe he would want to tell you himself. I will tell you this much; he too, like you and your Professor, is a one of a kind. He is not easy to contact in the human realm of physicality, and it will take a complex ritual in order to contact him. Though, once he senses your energy signature attached to his summoning, I am certain his arrival with be swift."

  "So, what you're telling me then," Annaleah asked, her voice lower and a bit thick, as though she were slightly sedated, "is that my father is an angel?"

  "Precisely,” Seth answered, the luminosity beneath his skin growing brighter and more pronounced. His face shifted as well, the effect fluid and graceful. His features became sharper and more angled, as though he were transforming into something pixie like.

  "So that makes me half angel and half human, right?"

  "Something like that, but not quite. There have been many half human and half angels. Some of them were terrible, cruel creatures, but not all. You may know of one race from your studies, the Nephilim. Not all races of Halfling are terrible, though. As you're aware, there are several races of angels, just as there are many races of humans. Depending on the race of each parent, the Halfling can be beautiful, graceful and gentle, such as you, or terrible and cruel, such as the Nephilim. Of course, there are a thousand shades of grey in between the light and dark, though most seem to turn out by chance either one or the other."

  Annaleah opened her eyes, more calm and relaxed even though the conversation was one of the most profound of her life. "Okay, so if I am not a "Halfling" as you call them, what exactly am I?"

  "There is no real title for you my dear, as you are one of a kind. Most of the angels refer to you as The Otherling, " Seth answered. He continued to change in appearance, his hair now a lighter shade of blonde that cascaded down his shoulders.

  "Everything I have come to know about myself and my life appears to be a lie." Annaleah whispered, her heart growing a bit heavy. Seth, apparently sensing her changing demeanor, seemed to intensify his soothing energy towards her. Annaleah accepted this gift gratefully, taking a few deep breaths to allow his energy calm her further.

  "You have to be protected, at all costs. Your life is not a lie. Not everything you have come to know is false. I am still your friend. I always have been. Though you met me as Seth in the 5th grade, I have always been with you, since the time of your birth. Your arrival on this planet was carefully orchestrated, Annaleah. Though there have been things hidden from you, we have never lied to you. We all knew there would be a time when you would need to be told everything. We also knew that as soon as you knew these things, the darkness would come to find you as well. This part could not be helped. The Jorogumo has found you, as has Satanael. The time for you to know the fullness of your power is now. You must be prepared for what is to come, and that means knowing where you came from, and who you truly are. I know you are strong enough for this, even though it will be far from easy."

  Annaleah looked at Seth with a sense of confusion and awe. "Tell me who you are Seth. Who are you really?"

  In response, Seth stood up, now much taller in his new form than he was as Seth. His skin was pale and almost translucent, the arcs of light which sparked beneath it making him seem as though his entire being was aglow. Still emanating calming energy, he walked to her bedside and gently took her hand. At the contact of his flesh on hers, the love he felt for her overwhelmed her, and tears spilled down her cheeks.

  "Don't be afraid," Seth whispered. Closing his eyes, he straightened up, still holding her hand between his. From behind his back, huge wings unfolded with an audible whoosh. Their silver blue feathers aglow with holy light, they seemed to be too huge to fit within the room. He encircled Annaleah within them, enfolding her with angelic love.

  "I am the dream keeper, guardian at the watch tower to the West. I govern the element of water and emotions, and the moon is under my control and night time is my domain. I am the arch angel Gabriel."

  Under the powerful calming emanations of Gabriel's love, Annaleah felt a blessed sense of control and awe. She smiled at her oldest friend, tears spilling from her eyes as she closed them again. Not knowing what to say, she sent her love back to the arch angel which held her hand so gently in his own.

  "When I won the sacred duty to be your guardian, it was before you were even conceived.” Seth’s voice had changed, it was now deeper, and held the lilt of music within it. “I spoke to your father before he met with your mother in the woods, and swore to him my loyalty and protection. I have been with you ever since then. My love for you and duty to you has been the most precious honor I have ever had in my life.” Seth leaned back a bit, smiling at her. “It was between Raphael and myself, to be your guardian. Though I, of course, won the honor, Raphael blessed you with the natural ability of healing before you were born. Your guardian had to be an archangel, Annaleah. Otherwise, in the company of another angel, your true form would have come out. You would have eventually transformed into your angelic state if you had stayed long enough around another angel. The archangels are the only ones strong enough to stave off your transformation. Given more time around Sebastian, you would have noticed the light within you coming forth. I am sure you have seen the telltale signs when you are around him. The three of us have been in the same room a few times now, and it took all of my strength and ability to hold your transformation at bay. Your Uncle John still does not know." Gabriel paused to look at Annaleah, his eyes full of gentility. "You are destined; you will come to find that out. Now however, you must draw on your innate healing ability. I will aid you as well. The warm, calming energy I have sent out to you has done more than just sooth your nerves, it had also helped to heal you. It is time for your release from this hospital."

  "Good," Annaleah smiled. "I am ready to get out of this dreary place."

  A thought flashed in her mind, her heart overcome with a bright, happy upwelling of hope.

  “If you’ve healed me, then what about Uncle John?” She asked Seth, her heart still aglow.

  "Now that you know the truth, it can be done. I would like for you to rest a bit more first, it can take a lot out of you.” He smiled at her reassuringly, “For now, it is time for you to finally meet your father. He is requesting a formal audience with you, which means you need to call him forth in a circle. He says it might be a bit more difficult to do it this way, but he wants to meet with you outside of Dream Time. Besides," he said straightening up and folding his wings against his back. "You need to brush up on your invocation skills.” Seth winked at her playfully.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The Spaces in Between

  After a brief time convincing the nurses and Annaleah's doctor that she was well enough to return home, she and Seth soon found themselves gathering up her few personal items p
rior to her discharge. Smiling through several endearing well wishes from the attending nurses and Uncle John himself, Seth led Annaleah out of the hospital and towards home.

  "I still can't believe you, Seth, my oldest and dearest friend, are actually the arch angel Gabriel," Annaleah confessed, her green eyes wide with awe. "I mean, after all this time, shouldn't I have been able to tell that you were something special, something more than Seth, my old buddy? I'm an occult scholar for crying out loud!"

  Seth smiled and reached across the seat to pat her hand reassuringly. "I understand how you could feel that way. Really though, if I wanted you to see me this way, then there is little choice on your part but to see me this way. That being said, I do have to exert some power and control in order for us both to be in human form around each other. It throws our vibrations off, to be clothed in what we refer to as "glamour." It's not our real form. It's just pretty illusions. The body you wear right now isn't your true form. It has been a constant effort to keep you as you are now, in order for you to fit in, but also for your protection. It’s not something I’m doing as a power play, or to fool you, though I’m sure you know that."

  Annaleah remained silent, digesting what Seth had told her, before she asked, "So, what is my true form then? What if I want to lose the glamour and see myself as I truly am? I have always felt different Seth, you know that, but to have it reaffirmed in such a dramatic way is a bit overwhelming."

  "Of course it is," Seth assured her, watching the road ahead as he drove the short distance to her home. "A lot of what is about to occur is going to fit snugly into the category of overwhelming, but it can't be helped. Things are happening now Annaleah, and as mind boggling as they may be, you must be strong. There is much more to tell you. I think it’s time for you to know your true form, though I imagine the dream I sent you has given you a good idea of that which you truly are. I have long known of your unease within your own body, and, as beautiful as it is, it is not your true form. You look a lot like your human mother, with her petite and graceful form. You resonate a lot with your father's power as well, and this is good. When we get to your house, let’s be quick to prepare for the ritual. Your father wishes to bless you for the upcoming battles. I’ll stand outside of the circle in my angelic form; this will help you to lose the glamour I have so long placed over you and to emerge as that which you truly are."


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