Abandoned Witch (Shadow Claw Book 6)

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Abandoned Witch (Shadow Claw Book 6) Page 11

by Sarah J. Stone

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I left,” his voice was deep, and the slow, sensuality of his voice opened a faucet inside of her and dampened her thighs. It was as if his words were a spell and he was conjuring it out of her. She couldn’t take it anymore. Reaching up, she grabbed the sides of his face and pushed her lips against him. His mouth was so much bigger than hers and he was forceful and demanding when he kissed back. Though she was no delicate flower, she felt dwarfed beneath him. Knowing that he could take whatever he wanted from her, fold her in any which way he chose, had her all kinds of wet. She nibbled and sucked at his bottom lip, then bit him just a little.

  He broke away from their kiss to look her over, and she can’t help but feel embarrassed for some reason, using her arms to cover her chest. That shyness is soon forgotten as his fingers tickled her stomach, bumping over her ribs up to her breasts. He kneaded them affectionately, squeezing her nipple between his fingers, sending a bolt of lightning through her bellybutton and deep into her groin. He sucks, pulling nearly the entirety of her small breast into his mouth, her eyes roll back in her head. His exploration leads to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. By then, she was too turned on to feel abashed anymore. She spread her legs further apart, as far as they could go, opening herself up to give him plenty of access. He ran a wide, blunt-tipped finger over the wetness. As she relaxed into his capable hands, a surge of lubricant flows from her. This is a man who knew his way around a female body. Arching her back, he pushed his fingers deeper inside of her. She craved release, but before she got there he slipped his fingers out, making her whine in desperation. He dropped to his knees, pulling her toward him so her ass was hanging off the bed. He pushed her legs up, so that her knees are resting on either side of his face. With a flat tongue, he massages the sides of her clit without touching the too-sensitive mound.

  He’s not in any hurry. He’s here to please me.

  Leon’s tongue dips in and out of her opening, making her squeal and bring her legs together, but his head holds them apart. He pulls back to catch his breath, a string of her wetness and his saliva linking them together. He licked his lips, breaking the connection. His respite lasted only a second before he was diving back in for more, lapping at her labia like a starving man. She lay her head back and released her muscles from their rigid hold on her limbs and just enjoyed him, what he was doing. And it was everything.

  She realized she was going over the threshold and begged him not to stop. He worked enthusiastically at her clit with his mouth and tongue, sucking it between his lips, while two fingers from one hand drilled into her pussy. She felt her orgasm coming from a far-away place, rushing toward her at a furious pace until, like an earthquake, it hit her with full force. Sparks of glittery lights flash in front of her vision, and she was thoughtless and dumb, temporarily insane, humping Leon’s face as this sensation rocked her to the point of blacking out. She was holding her breath the entire time, crying out. She had no idea how loud she was being or if the neighbors could hear her, and frankly she didn’t care.

  When her orgasm finally started to ebb, she was left useless and shaking. She opened her eyes and her vision was blurry. Leon had moved to her side, elbow crooked, resting his head in his palm and watching her with a teasing smile.

  “You okay?” he asked. Ivanna could hardly get words out through her shattered breaths. “Holy shit.” He laughed, and started to say something else, but she was kissing him before he could speak.

  He climbed onto her. Watching her face, he slid into her, cautious, as if he was afraid of hurting her. She was stretched to her limit, but it was good. Really good.

  Slowly, he picked up the pace until he was using her shoulders for leverage to slam into her. Their skin slapped together with each forward thrust.

  Having him inside of her, stretching her, pulsing and aching for her, she couldn’t help it. She opened her mouth, calling out his name over and over. Gasping, whining, and screaming.

  Her orgasm ripped through her with hurricane force. As her muscles started to contract around his width, Leon let out a primal roar and unleashed his warm seed inside of her. They stay that way, locked together for several minutes as they come down. They were breathing heavily.

  Leon lifted his head to look at her, rubbing her forehead affectionately. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too…” she whispered as she melted into his touch once again. Her eyes opened and looked into his, and they knew they weren’t done for the evening.

  Viria had taken up meditating the night away. At least, she’d tried to. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Tyler. She couldn’t stop giggling.

  Wachu laughing about, huh? Yin asked teasingly as he flopped onto her bed.

  “Oh, nothing really,” she lied, “Just remembering some things.”

  No, Yang sang, she’s thinking about Tyler.

  Liz’s master? Yin said, Oh, yeah, the guy has a crush on you, by the way.

  Viria’s heart fluttered.

  Ohhh, no, I felt that, Viria, Yin started defensively, that boy is not good.

  What do you not good? Yang demanded, He cute af, okay? Should’ve seen them eyes all sparklin’ like—

  “Oh, my God, you guys.” She sighed in frustration. “It’s nothing, really. Him and I are just friends and no way in hell will I ever get with anyone in that way. I have you guys and it’s enough.”

  The bears were silent, looking at each other. Their snouts then turned to her.

  You know, Yin said, it’s really important to find someone to connect that way with.

  Yeah, Yang agreed, just not Tyler, though. I mean, he’s a chill dude, but his parents are ex-members of the High Council and don’t have the best rep in the community. I think you need to be careful. Maybe they sent him to woo you to raise them back to their former status in the future somehow.

  “Exactly why I won’t let anything happen,” she stated firmly. She’d thought it all out before, knowing where he belonged and came from. That was another discouragement she needed. “I have an important job to do and I can’t let silly little feeling jeopardize that. And if I need such a thing in my life then I can just wait for my mate.”

  Yes! the bears cheered, We knew you were smart.

  Her door creaked open and Ivanna poked her head inside cautiously. Her eyes begged for forgiveness. Viria rolled her eyes and asked her familiars to leave them alone for a while. They obeyed and walked past Ivanna, nudging their nose against her legs affectionately before disappearing.

  Ivanna stepped inside with some food. It was lasagna, Viria’s favorite. “I come with a peace offering?”

  “Forgiven,” she stated and held her hand out for the food. Ivanna handed it to her and Viria dug in messily, “How was Leon?”

  “He was doing well.”

  “Did he do you right, though?”

  “Oh, he- w-w-WHAT?” Ivanna sputtered as her face went red. Viria smirked and took another bite.

  “Again, Ivanna, how dumb do you take me to be?”


  “You keep forgetting I can look past barrier spells. Concealing ones come under the category.” She reminded her while inspecting her neck. “Damn, you boob is going blue.”

  “VIRIA!” she cried out and slapped her hands onto her face and neck, “Don’t make me come at you!”

  “That’s what he said.”

  Ivanna lunged at her, but Viria was up in the air, levitating cross legged, “Hey! I’m eating lasagna here!”

  “Stop teasing me, then!”

  “Pretty sure he said that, too,” Viria chuckled.

  “I’m so done with you!” she whined, heading toward the door.

  “NOT WHAT HE SAID WHEN YOU LEFT HIS HOUSE, EH?” Viria called out after her, and she screeched in reply before slamming the door shut. Viria was still upset with her for dropping her so easily for Leon, and this was good enough a revenge. She knew I
vanna would let this go, and so would she at one point.

  Chapter 14

  Viria supposed she had never felt more neglected in her life. It had been a few months and Morrigan had been extremely occupied in search of Nina. She’d end training with Viria early and go off up to the tower. And although Viria didn’t hold much affection for Morrigan, she had to admit that the withdrawal of her constant doting was real. Ivanna was caught up in real work, going behind Morrigan’s back to track down contacts, hold secret meetings and exchange restricted information between Morrigan’s ever-so-trusted allies. It was hard work convincing them of Morrigan’s ways, and a lot of proof needed to be gathered.

  Despite all this, Viria felt jealous of Nina. Everyone made her such a big deal, and it was getting on her nerves. Why couldn’t Morrigan treat her as importantly as she made her believe to be? It was playing with her emotions and self-esteem, and Viria hated threats to how she felt about herself.

  Ivanna not only had paper work and meetings, but also a lot of intensive training to take upon herself to face any form of danger from anywhere and anyone. Her mission was extremely dangerous and Viria found it hard to believe how hard she was pushing herself to make sure everything went according to plan. It was hard to see her drag herself home at midnight, her snores echoing down the hall. Her schedule was strict to the point that talking to her, drinking water, and bathroom breaks were scheduled on a timetable.

  And so Viria would find solace elsewhere. With Tyler. She’d promised herself that he was just a friend. And they were. Best friends, maybe. They were comfortable with each other. Too comfortable, but Viria was smart enough to know what information to keep from him. He never pressed onto anything regarding the High Council, either. He was respectful, encouraging, and gentlemanly. And was always there to give her all the attention she wanted, as if he had nowhere else to give it. Or rather, he simply didn’t want to give it elsewhere.

  It wasn’t just the mental and emotional relief, but the physical comfort. And it was innocent, really. Arm around her shoulders, or lying her head on his shoulder. Sometimes she’d find his head on her lap as she would read something. He didn’t mind if they weren’t talking because it would still be comfortable. They could safely lose themselves in their own thing, knowing the other was right beside them. It felt less lonely.

  But sometimes Viria felt it was unfair to him. She didn’t know if it was just a crush on him. Maybe she was simply using him to not feel lonely. Maybe she felt nothing for him. But she didn’t want it to be that way, or that would mean she had been fooling herself this whole time for having any feelings for him. It would mean blaming herself for leading her own self on after him, and that would be the most ridiculous thing ever.

  She felt a tap on her cheek, and she looked down from her book she wasn’t even reading anymore and down to Tyler. He looked nice with a small ray of sunlight bouncing off of his right eye. His freckles were prominent and made him look cute. His full lips were pulled into a shape that indicated concern.

  “You okay, Vi?”

  She’d never been given a nickname until did. It felt special. The small things really made her feel special, and sent her heart fluttering. She tried to get it to stop, but she couldn’t. It felt nice, and denying it would do no good.


  “You seem out of it today…” he said carefully as he pulled himself up to sit. Observing her as well as he could – and sending Viria’s face aflame – he sighed and pulled her cheek lightly. “Is it Ivanna again?”

  Viria let out a puff of breath and Tyler set himself beside her and put an arm around her shoulders to pull her into him, “Tell me what’s up, if you feel like it. You know you’ll feel better letting it out.”

  “I know…” she said, “I just don’t know how to explain it. Like, I’m not too bothered with the fact that I have to be alone sometimes. I thought I was used to it and that it would stay that way. But Morrigan and Ivanna are too busy for me now. I guess I took their company for granted.”

  “Well,” Tyler started to explain, “think of it this way. It’s temporary, so worth the hurt? Also, you have me to hang out with. I can understand some people are special and nothing can make up for the time lost with them, but you could try focusing on me while I’m still here for you, right? Count your blessings.”

  Viria smiled weakly, knowing he was right. This was the first time in a while she’d been schooled at all. It was usually her who knew everything. She liked it that she wasn’t the only one who took the lead to reaching out to people to tell them things. Not that she was obligated to, but no one ever did the same for her and she was always left to find out answers for herself. It was nice being with Tyler. She felt they were both on the same level when it came to intellect, and talking with him was always refreshing. It felt like she learned something from him every day.

  I could get used to this. She sighed and leaned into Tyler. He’s good to be with.

  “You’re right,” she said and set her book down to enjoy his presence. “But what if I get too used to you and you leave?”

  “I’ll never leave you.”

  Viria frowned and pulled away from his hold, looking at him suspiciously. He’d made such a strong statement. He shouldn’t have said it so lightly.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she warned. “Staying isn’t any easier than leaving.”

  “I’m not asking you to take my word for it,” he said, “It’s up to you. But this is what I intend to do. Never leave.”

  “I’m not the best person to say all this to.”

  “You’re the best I’ve ever come across.”

  “Stop…” her voice grew weak, eyes downcast as she placed her hands on the ground to leave. He grabbed her wrists.

  “Don’t go,” he demanded, “Look at me, okay? Vi, look at me.”

  Viria couldn’t bring herself to, so his hand softly held her chin and made him look at her. Her eyes were the most vulnerable they had ever been. She was afraid for once.

  “You don’t have to believe me, okay? You don’t have to feel like anyone is fooling you or anything,” he coaxed her gently back into his arms. “What I say is my responsibility to prove, not yours to believe.”

  “No, look, I really want to believe you and all,” she tried to explain. His face was soft and patient, waiting and listening, and she gained the courage to continue, “It just…takes time to get used to this.”

  “I know,” he said, his hand rubbing the small of her back. “And there is nothing wrong with that.”

  “It will take a while to unlearn this.”

  “You have nothing to unlearn what protects you,” he said firmly, “It would be a waste of your experiences. This is who you are, and this is your way of making sure you’ll be okay. You’re not abusive about it, and you shouldn’t be ashamed about it.”

  Viria stared at him in absolute awe. She didn’t know if she was comprehending this well. She was scared that it was a dream, or an act. Or something other than the truth.

  Was Tyler really being so understanding? Could anyone be?

  She was overthinking everything. She didn’t understand why she did that, but it wasn’t something she could control. Yet, she felt so safe in his arms in that moment, comforted and peaceful, even with her mind a restless mess.

  His hand cupped her face and she couldn’t help the way her body reacted. Eyes fell shut as her neck craned to rub her cheek against his palm, and a relieved breath escaped her lips. She felt his breath on her face. He could feel the warmth of his face against her own. He was so close.

  “It’s all up to you to decide what you want.” His breath brushed her mouth. “No one is forcing you.”

  That was it. She kissed him. It was short, just a small, sweet peck. His cheeks were stained red, eyes still closed as he processed what had happened. Before he could open them, Viria moved in to kiss him again, longer this time. She felt him start to respond slowly. His h
and weaved into her hair as the other lay gently on her waist, thumb running soothing circles. His lips moved against hers, softly and slowly.

  Viria held his neck gently as she tried to taste more of his mouth. It was her first kiss, but it didn’t make her uneasy or embarrassed for the inexperience. He was more than happy to guide her, even though he was clumsy himself and their teeth clashed lightly, making Viria giggle. Tyler smiled at the sound and held her closer, kissing her with more intensity. She liked it.

  A shrill sound broke the intimacy, echoing off the trees and piercing straight into their ears. Viria fell backwards as she covered her ears, and Tyler’s hands jammed over his own. It took a while for it to fall silent, but it left a ringing in their ears.

  “Emergency,” Tyler breathed, “Come on.” He got up and pulled Viria to her feet, dragging her along and out of the park. They raced against the wind and toward the street. Their familiars chased after them without a question, and they all soon reached the Hall. People were already there, milling about anxiously. She and Tyler pushed their way to the very front aisle for a seat and she tried her best to spot Ivanna. She was nowhere to be found.

  “Please settle down immediately,” Mrs. Fae called over the podium. “We need order to announce and discuss the matter.”

  The wizards and witches of the community moved to settle down as fast as they could. Some were left standing and did not mind, asking for the meeting to proceed.

  “It’s grave news,” Mrs. Fae said, “Morrigan Blackthorne, head of our community, has been captured by the Elders.”

  Murmurs erupted everywhere. Soon, there were yells demanding what had happened and how. But Viria could hear nothing. Nothing but static. Ringing. Her body lost all its heat. What was going on? This was not the plan at all. If anything were to happen to Morrigan, chaos could ensue there. It would be a mess to get them to co-operate with Ivanna once she took Morrigan’s place.


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