Blood Red Sand

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by Damien Larkin

  Damien Larkin


  Pikeville, North Carolina

  “I’m awed by Damien Larkin’s imagination… So truly Heinlein.” – Phil Parker, author

  “The many combat scenes keep the pages turning…” - Publisher’s Weekly

  “Brilliant follow up to Big Red.” – Tripp Ainsworth, author

  “Blood Red Sand is top class military sci-fi with plenty of heart pounding action sequences, excellent characterisation and a growing sense of mystery that readers will crave to uncover.” – Book Nest

  “An entertaining and pacy read and like the previous book 'Big Red'…” – S.D. Howarth

  “It was amazing…reads like a WWII story meets Doctor Who meets Quantum Leap…” – Sue Tingey

  “This book has everything a science fiction fan wants; it has awesome technology, conflicted heroes, savage villains, a strange world, and an unknown future.” – Paper Never Refused Ink

  “The action and violence is visceral. the world building is great, and once again we're given head scratching twists.” – Bar Corcoran

  Copyright 2021 by Damien Larkin

  Published by Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.

  P.O. Box 383, Pikeville, North Carolina, 27863-0383

  ISBN 9781939844798

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system in any form–either mechanically, electronically, photocopy, recording, or other–except for short quotations in printed reviews, without the permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Cover design by C.R.W.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Larkin, Damien, author.

  Title: Blood red sand / Damien Larkin.

  Description: Pikeville, North Carolina : Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.,

  [2021] | Summary: "Mars will run red with Nazi blood... After World War

  Two, Sergeant McCabe knew the British army could send him anywhere. He

  never imagined facing down another Nazi threat on Mars. In New Berlin

  colony, rivalry between Generalfeldmarschall Seidel's Wehrmacht and

  Reichsführer Wagner's SS threatens bloodshed. The Reichsführer will

  sacrifice everything to initiate the secretive Hollow Programme and

  realise his nightmarish future for humanity. McCabe, Private Jenkins,

  and the Mars Expeditionary Force must overcome bullet, bomb, and bayonet

  to destroy the Third Reich. While Jenkins fights to stay alive, McCabe

  forms an uneasy alliance with MAJESTIC-12 operatives known as the Black

  Visors. Will this be the final battle of World War Two or the first

  confrontation in an interstellar war?"-- Provided by publisher.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2020054750 (print) | LCCN 2020054751 (ebook) | ISBN

  9781939844781 (paperback) | ISBN 9781939844798 (ebook)

  Subjects: LCSH: Nazis--Fiction. | Mars (Planet)--Fiction. | GSAFD:

  Alternative histories (Fiction). | War stories. | Science fiction.

  Classification: LCC PR6112.A746 B58 2021 (print) | LCC PR6112.A746

  (ebook) | DDC 823/.92--dc23

  LC record available at

  LC ebook record available at

  Dedicated to Commandant Pat Quinlan, and all the men of ‘A’ Company, 35thInfantry Battalion, Óglaigh na hÉireann (Irish Defence Forces) for their heroic actions during the siege of Jadotville. Thank you for your service. You will never be forgotten again. Further dedicated to the twenty-six Irish soldiers who gave their lives in the service of peace with Opération des Nations Unies au Congo (ONUC) 1960 – 1964.







  PART 1:



  26TH JULY 1952

  21.33 EST

  The blazing streak of light ripped across the Washington sky, coming to a momentary halt over the White House. What could easily have been mistaken as a meteor now looked like a fiery star as a vessel hovered within General Hoyt Vandenberg’s eyeline. Tapping his finger on the window in the Oval Office, he glanced at President Truman. His commander-in-chief’s hand curled into a fist. Returning his attention to the spectacle outside, Vandenberg wondered how many eyes glared at them from within that blinding light, mocking everything the American people stood for. As quickly as that thought appeared, the vessel zipped off across the night sky again, turning and twisting in impossible zigzag patterns, showcasing its manoeuvrability.

  “Same as last week, Mr. President,” Captain Ruppelt said, while leafing through the dossier in front of him.

  “It’s the damned nerve of these Germans, Ed,” Truman snapped as he stepped away from the window. “It’s like slapping a man square in the face and then running away before he can hit you back. Damn cowardly.”

  Vandenberg picked up his glass of scotch. “We can hit them anytime you like, Mr. President.”

  Taking his seat behind the Resolute Desk, Truman nodded. Reaching for his own glass of bourbon, he turned about and continued to gaze at the streaks of light dancing and weaving across the Washington skyline.

  “Don’t tempt me, Hoyt,” he said after an exasperated sigh. “I’d like nothing better than to give the order to shoot those Nazi dogs down, but we can’t show our hand too early, can we? No. We’ll have to let the Nazis have their damned moment. How are we on the development of our fleet?”

  Vandenberg loosened the collar of his pristine uniform and paced towards the side of the desk. Searching for the right words, he walked around the Oval Office, and his gaze fell over the numerous pictures and monuments. Now, more than ever, this latest provocation by the exiled Nazi forces over the capital of the United States gave him the opportunity to take decisive action. He just had to sell it to the president.

  “Construction is proceeding ahead of schedule, sir.” He moved closer to the window again and peered out. “It was a tough job for Wernher von Braun and the rest of Majestic-12 to reverse engineer the downed Nazi craft we recovered from Roswell, but my MJ-12 boys have created something spectacular. Our ships won’t be as fast as what the Germans have, but they’ll contain a lot more firepower. More importantly, they’ll have the room to ferry ground troops.”

  President Truman turned in his seat, grabbed his glass, and took a sip of bourbon as he looked up at Vandenberg. “This again, Hoyt? I thought we’ve been over it. The commies will cry bloody murder if we dispatch American soldiers to Mars, and I’ll be damned if I let the Reds have the glory of fighting Earth’s first interplanetary war. Imagine that, Hoyt. The Reds on the Red Planet. Think of the propaganda victory, even if they did get there using American ships. I won’t sanction it. If it means putting up with Nazi shows of force like this, so be it.”

  Vandenberg watched from the corner of his eye as President Truman pulled himself to his feet again and glared out the window. He knew the president well enough to understand that he simmered with anger more than he let on. Only a handful of people on the planet knew the truth about the end of World War Two and the Nazi leadership’s escape to colonies on Mars.

  Even fewer knew of the strange, alien technology the Nazis used to make their escape and rebuil
d their fighting capacity. With all the resources the American government had at their disposal, Majestic-12 still hadn’t cracked the surface of the exiled Germans’ newfound technological prowess. But if there could be one thing Vandenberg remained certain about, it was that they couldn’t learn more until they seized control of Mars.

  “We have another option, Mr. President,” Vandenberg said, causing Truman to look over at him. “At your behest, I’ve been continuing negotiations with my Soviet counterpart, and I believe we’ve had a breakthrough.”

  He nodded at Captain Ruppelt, who rose to his feet from the couch in the centre of the room. Ruppelt selected one of the thick paper dossiers laid out in front of them, crossed the floor, and handed the files to Vandenberg.

  Vandenberg took the dossier and passed it to the president. “The main argument we’ve been having with the Ruskies is who gets the glory. They don’t want our troops up there in case the rest of the world finds out that capitalists were the first to conquer another planet. Likewise, the last thing we want is a Soviet Republic of Mars. Neither side wants to fight side by side in case we infect each other with our respective ideologies.”

  “Leading to what, Hoyt?” Truman asked as he leafed through the dossier.

  Vandenberg approached the side of the Resolute Desk. “We use a proxy force, sir. We use a body of soldiers from countries that neither side fears as a real-world opponent to do the actual fighting. To get to the point, Mr. President, the Soviets are happy to proceed with my plan using British and French soldiers to do the dirty work.”

  Truman tore away from his reading and looked up at Vandenberg with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Rubbing his hand across his chin, he shook his head in disbelief. “The British and the French? After everything they’ve been through in the last decade? You must be joking, Hoyt. April Fool’s Day was months ago.”

  “If I may, Mr. President, it’s all there in front of you. We utilise experienced, well-trained soldiers from countries that can’t interfere with our overall strategic goals. We use American ships and personnel to ferry them there, with both sides sending along military attaches for operational experience. The Soviets have agreed to the overall mission being under nominal Air Force control, since we own the fleet, but it’ll be MJ-12 and I that call the shots.”

  President Truman reached for his glass again and emptied it in a single swallow. He quickly refilled it and took a momentary glimpse at the streaking lights racing across the sky outside before returning his attention back to Vandenberg. “You’re serious about this?”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. President,” Vandenberg said with an affirmative nod. “It’s all there in black and white. We’ll have the fleet constructed by early next year. Factoring in a ten-month travel time, our forces will arrive in early 1954. We need to keep the Germans talking till then, maybe ensure one or two of their ships disappear to keep them on their toes. It’s doable, sir. My contacts within the British and French military have already signed off on it. We just need your signature.”

  President Truman returned his focus to the dossier in front of him and continued to leaf through the pages. He scanned the words and studied the various graphs, maps, and bullet points of the plan.

  “And your mole within this New Berlin colony, you believe they’re the real deal?” President Truman said.

  “Yes, sir,” Vandenberg said, trying to conceal the hope that built in his voice. “We don’t know the mole’s identity, but we believe he’s a member of the Jewish resistance on Mars. Whoever he is, he’s given us full access to enemy troop movements, strength, and capabilities. He’s also committed to leading an uprising as soon as we land to tie the German forces down. Sir, this will be like a walk in the park.”

  “All right,” President Truman said and picked up his pen. “If you say it can be done, do it.”

  Vandenberg tried to look sombre as the president added his signature to the page and handed the dossier back to him. Biting down on the inside of his cheek to mask a victorious smile, he nodded at President Truman and turned to deliver the news to the rest of Majestic-12.

  Soon, the rightful masters of the Red Planet would return to reclaim what had always been theirs.


  15TH MARCH 1954


  DAY 1

  The deafening shriek of the siren filled Sergeant William McCabe’s ears and snapped him awake. The sickly-sweet smell that permeated his dreams receded as the fluid leaked from his capsule. Forcing his eyes open, he fought the urge to pry at the capsule door and remembered his training. He waited until his sleeping pod came fully upright and watched the last of the fluid empty through a grate at his feet. After removing the breathing mask covering his face, he paused until the light hanging over the transparent door of his pod turned green, and then he pulled down on the latch. He stumbled out of the capsule and fell onto his knees. The sounds of men shouting, roaring, and vomiting filled his ears.

  “Remember your training,” he gasped in between dry retches. “Breathe through it, lads.”

  Grunts, groans, and the splash of vomit hitting the grated floor echoed back at him in response. Willing his legs to work, he forced himself to his feet and grabbed at the capsule door for support. Trying to overcome the wave of nausea and disorientation that followed his escape from the sleeper pod, McCabe glanced around at his platoon. A quick headcount showed all looked to be alive, although every one of them worse for wear. The scientists had warned them of the effects of ten months in suspended animation, but their words did little justice to the horror of those first few moments.

  “On your feet,” he ordered, trying to put as much steel in his voice as he could muster. “Mars Expeditionary Force or not, you’re Her Majesty’s soldiers. Start acting like it. Corporals, take charge. I want everyone ready for parade in ten.”

  McCabe pulled open his locker beside his sleeper pod, removed his Lee-Enfield rifle, and leaned it up against the open pod door. Using a towel, he wiped his face and hair dry. After unzipping the one-piece body suit that covered him up to his neck, he dried himself and dragged on his battledress. As the seconds passed, his vision focused more, and the fog dispersed from his head.

  “Jenkins,” he called out and paused to place a cigarette between his lips. “Stick on a pot of tea like a good lad.”

  “Yes, Sergeant,” Private Jenkins called back.

  Striking a match, McCabe lit his cigarette and then finished tying his boots. After a few minutes, Jenkins appeared with a plastic cup of scalding hot tea before scuttling back to his pod to finish dressing. Around him, and over the shouts of the corporals, soldiers bustled back and forth, eager to get their equipment ready for inspection.

  With his battledress donned and his weapon at hand, he pulled open the drawer at the foot of his locker and studied the white EVA suit that gleamed up at him. He dragged the bottom half of the EVA suit over his legs and up to his waist before connecting the upper half. With everything secured, he slipped on the helmet and took a moment to get used to the bulkiness of it. Once he secured his backpack, he hooked the sling of his Lee-Enfield No. 5 Mk 2 rifle and patted the sleek features of the so-called ‘Jungle Carbine.’

  “Sarge,” a voice rang out from across the room. “I think there’s a problem with my EVA suit.”

  “What is it, Jenkins?” McCabe said and tapped at the console on his left arm.

  “Well,” Jenkins started, “not to be smart or anything, Sergeant—”

  “God forbid, Jenkins,” Private Murphy chimed in to muted laughter.

  “Nah, I’m being serious,” Jenkins continued, while the platoon jeered him on. “The thing is, Sergeant. This EVA thing doesn’t look like the ones we trained with at the Atacama Desert base.”

  “It’s the same,” McCabe replied.

  The words only left his mouth when a thought struck him. He turned to face the half-dressed private and then gaze
d around at the rest of the platoon. Most of his soldiers stood partially kitted out in their EVAs and only Jenkins happened to spot the issue.

  “I mean,” Jenkins persisted, “we’re going to Mars, you know, the Red Planet. Won’t wearing white make us stand out to the enemy?”

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the private before checking their own equipment. Back at the Atacama Desert base, the Americans trained and drilled them using red-and-black khaki EVA suits. Here, every one of the suits were gleaming, pristine white. Set against the red and brown backdrop of the planet they were about to invade, that would make them easy targets for Nazi guns.

  “Christ, he’s got a point,” Corporal Brown murmured when he approached McCabe. “We’ll stand out like a sore thumb. Fritz will shoot us like fish in a barrel.”

  McCabe slid up the visor of his helmet as his mind raced for a solution to the glaring problem. “Send a runner to the CQ. See if he can rustle up any proper suits. Failing that, try to acquire red and black paint and have the lads do the best that they can.”

  “On it, Sarge,” the corporal said with a nod and set off to grab the nearest soldier.

  “Compliments of the lieutenant,” a voice said.

  McCabe turned towards a young soldier standing at attention with a slip of paper in his hands. He took it, read the note in Lieutenant Barnes’ distinctive scrawl, and waved at the soldier to relax.

  “Tell the lieutenant I’m on the way.” He turned to seek out Corporal Brown again. “Jim, I’ve been summoned to the bridge. Get everyone ready and make sure the drop ship is loaded with everything we need.”

  “Understood, Sarge.”

  Observing the flurry of activity continue around him, McCabe made for the exit. As he left, a group of American Air Force engineers entered their compartment, ready to perform final checks on the drop ship. The winding corridors outside appeared to be busy, too, with rows of Mars Expeditionary Force soldiers hurrying about while the American crewmen of the USAF North Carolina went about their tasks. He turned the first corner and saluted a Marine lieutenant when he came into view. The officer returned the gesture in the American style.


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