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Tough Love Page 60

by Susan Rice

  Clinton, Hillary and, 247

  Congress investigates, 337

  DNI’s update on, Sept. 28, 315

  McCain and, 475–76

  SR and 10–12, 87, 247, 307–37

  SR press statement, 322

  SR’s family and, 316, 334

  SR’s staff and, 317–18, 334

  SR’s support, 319–20, 326–27, 331–32

  Bennet, Douglas, 56

  Bennet, Michael, 416

  Bentsen, Lloyd, 119

  Bergdahl, Bowe, 392–93

  Berger, Sandy, 6, 17, 60–61, 76, 161, 327, 347 award for SR and, 183–84

  Rwanda genocide and, 147

  SR, death of Abiola, and, 168

  SR, Holbrooke, and, 198

  SR hired for assistant secretary of state, 161–63

  SR hired for NSC, 131, 132

  Vanity Fair article, 207–9

  Berman, Howard, 268

  Bernstein, Barton, 101

  Bethune, Mary McLeod, 33

  Biden, Jill, 250

  Biden, Joe, 4, 232, 250, 271, 343, 354, 405, 409 Cuba and, 408

  Mubarak and, 279

  Qaddafi and, 281

  son Beau’s death and, 357

  SR and, 165, 356–57, 385

  on Syria, 363

  Ukraine and, 400

  WH briefing, Jan. 5, 2017, 5–6

  bin Laden, Osama, 157, 187, 190, 207–9, 242, 451, 295–97

  Black Student Fund, 100–101

  Blaisdell, Allen, 45

  Blinken, Tony, 279, 282, 343, 352, 353, 369, 400, 408

  Boehner, John, 414

  Bollettieri, Nick, 12

  Bolling, Eric, 310

  Bolton, John, 241, 243, 245, 259

  Booker, Cory, 223

  Bordentown School, 33, 227, 428

  Borders, Frances, 50–51

  Bosnia, 136, 142, 160, 183, 184, 196

  Botswana, 172, 176

  Boulé (black fraternity), 225

  Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 146, 148

  Bowdoin College, 27–31, 44 Mary M. and David A. Dickson Scholarship Fund, 30

  Boxer, Barbara, 321

  Brazil, 268–69, 358

  Brazile, Donna, 225

  Breckenridge, Anita Decker, 3, 4, 8, 380, 381

  Brennan, John, 295–96, 350, 368, 389, 429 Russian election interference and, 441–42, 444–45

  Brock, Bill, 82

  Brock, Hutchey, 57, 88

  Brock, Muffett, 57

  Brookings Institution, 17, 76, 94, 96, 211–12, 214, 217, 219, 221, 226, 327

  Brown, Gordon, 95

  Brown, James, 125

  Brown, Ron, 54–55, 161

  Browne, Tom, 225, 289

  Brown v. Board of Education, 33, 43

  Brussels terror attacks, 420

  Bultena, Lance, 111, 476

  Bunche, Jane, 42

  Bunche, Ralph, 42

  Burgess, Dorothy, 250

  Burkina Faso, 180–81

  Burns, Bill, 412

  Burton, John, 84

  Burundi, 143–44, 152, 155, 161, 195, 199, 200, 202

  Bush, George H. W. (Bush 41), 19, 119, 121, 131, 135, 136, 246, 424

  Bush, George W. (Bush 43), 40, 130, 216, 246, 351 blame for 9/11 attacks, 207

  Clarke’s criticism of, 135

  Iraq War and, 230

  Mandela funeral, 378

  North Korea and, 255, 266

  Obama transition and, 458

  PEPFAR and, 202

  reelection 2004, 220

  Saddam Hussein and, 367

  Somalia, Operation Restore Hope and, 136

  Sudan and, 209, 271

  U.N. and, 243

  Bush, Laura, 378

  Bushelle, Annette, 169

  Bushnell, Prudence “Pru,” 169, 186, 189

  Buster, Robert, 384

  Cafritz, Peggy Cooper, 73–74, 92, 115, 125

  Camas, Wash., 224–25, 288

  Cambodia, 136, 142

  Cameron, David, 95, 287, 292, 362–63

  Cameron, Ian O. (husband), 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 99, 107–8, 309 at ABC, 107–8, 206, 240–41, 287

  Africa and China backpacking with SR, 116–17, 120–21

  Benghazi postmortem, 335–36

  at CBC, 121, 123, 133, 212–13

  children’s politics and, 472–73

  Churkin and, 299

  engagement to SR, 122–23

  at London School of Economics, 117

  in Ottawa, 99

  as parent, 219, 287–88

  parents of, and SR, 122

  SR and, 97–100, 102, 108, 117, 122

  SR and married life, 212–19, 232, 241

  SR as NSA, 461

  SR as U.N. ambassador, 240, 249–50, 265, 287–88, 300

  SR in Clinton’s NSC, 133

  SR in Clinton’s State Department, 163

  SR’s fiftieth birthday party, 463–64

  SR’s withdrawal as secretary of state candidate, 328–29

  as TV producer, 121, 212, 240–41, 287

  wedding to SR, 124–25

  Cameron, Newton (father-in-law), 122–23

  Campbell, Kurt, 212

  Camp David Accords (1978), 89

  Camp David Summit (2015), 7

  Canada Ian Cameron, family, and, 98, 122–23, 326

  Ebola epidemic and, 403, 405

  TransCanada pipeline, 326

  U.S.-Cuba back channel and, 408, 409

  Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), 121, 123, 133, 212–13

  Carlos the Jackal, 157

  Carlson, Tucker, 229–30

  Carney, Jay, 332, 333

  Carney, Tim, 157–58, 209–10, 326

  Carson, Clayborne, 101

  Carson, Johnnie, 162–63, 169, 186, 190, 286

  Carter, Ash, 368, 385, 389, 422, 429

  Carter, Jimmy, 68, 82, 118, 345

  Castro, Alejandro, 408

  Castro, Fidel, 408

  Castro, Raúl, 379, 408

  CBS, Face the Nation, 308, 311–12

  Ceadel, Martin, 111

  Cernovich, Mike, 468

  Chad, 273

  Chast, Roz, 370, 373

  Chatham House-British International Studies Association Award, 120

  Cheney, Dick, 130

  China, 266, 445 climate change and, 436, 451

  confidence-building mechanisms (CBMs), 435

  Ebola epidemic and, 403

  global health and, 436

  intellectual property theft, 436–39

  Iran sanctions and, 267, 413

  Libya, Qaddafi, and, 285

  North Korea and, 435

  Obama and, 243, 433–41, 451

  Obama at Beijing Summit, 2014, 436

  Obama at G20 in Hangzhou, 2016, 439–41, 445

  South Sudan and, 396–97

  SR backpacking trip, 116–17

  SR in, as NSA, 434–35, 437

  Sudan and, 270, 272

  Syria and, 297–98

  Trump and, 439, 457

  UNSC North Korean sanctions and, 256, 257–60

  U.S. areas of confrontation and progress with, 433–34, 436

  U.S. sanctions and, 437–38

  Chissano, Joaquim, 172

  Christopher, Warren, 138–39, 148, 149, 157–58, 161

  Churkin, Irina, 299

  Churkin, Vitaly, 257, 259, 264, 274–75, 277, 285, 297–98

  City College of New York, 35

  Civil Rights Act of 1964, 52

  Civil War, SR’s ancestor in, 32

  Clapper, James, 352, 418, 429

  Clark, Wesley, 231

  Clarke, Richard, 76, 134, 135, 142, 155, 207 counterterrorism responsibility, 156, 187, 189

  criticism of Bush 43, 135

  Rwanda and, 147, 149

  Somalia and, 137, 138

  as SR’s boss, 133–35, 155, 347

  climate change, 218, 242, 244, 385, 427, 436, 451–52

  Clinton, Bill, 8, 13, 19, 189, 222, 378, 455 Africa agenda, 156, 160–61, 171, 176, 200

  African Growth and Opportunity Act, 176, 201

  Africa trip, 1998, with SR, 174–76, 200

  Africa trip, 2000, 203

  Albright as secretary of state, 130, 159, 161, 171, 175

  Berger as NSA, 161

  blame for 9/11 and, 207–11

  Bosnia and, 160

  Christopher as secretary of state, 138–39, 148, 157–58

  East Africa embassy bombings, reprisals for, 189–90

  Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict and, 180, 183

  Fox News and, 333

  Hillary’s presidential bid, 2007–8 and, 222

  HIV/AIDS crisis and, 202

  Jesse Jackson and, 168

  Lake as NSA, 17, 136

  “New African Leaders” and, 160, 177

  “Partnership for Economic Growth and Opportunity in Africa,” 176, 200

  PDD-25 and, 142–43

  reelection, 1996, 161

  Rwanda and, 144–46, 150

  Soderberg on NSC, 119, 131

  Somalia and, 138, 139, 140

  SR’s relationship with, 60–61, 79, 131, 332

  Sudan and, 156–60, 270

  U.N. and, 141–42, 245

  World Trade Center bombing, 1993, and, 156

  Clinton, Chelsea, 332

  Clinton, Hillary, 378 Benghazi terrorist attack and, 247, 316, 332

  fake news about, 468

  FBI email investigation, 454

  Mubarak and, 279

  as Obama’s secretary of state, 130, 238, 245, 247

  presidential bid, 2007–8, 59, 76–78, 222–23, 230, 453, 493n222

  presidential campaign, 2016, 453, 454–55

  Qaddafi, Libya, and, 281–83, 286–87

  on revenge, 337

  Russia and, 267, 268

  Russian election interference and, 442

  solo trips to Africa, 161

  SR and, 239, 246–47, 332

  SR appears in TV interviews in place of, on Benghazi attacks, 307, 325, 334

  SR defended by, 327

  Sudan issue and, 272

  as U.S. senator, 271

  Clinton Foundation, 146

  Clyburn, Jim, 223, 321

  CNN, 316, 421 Isakson defends SR on, 327

  Obama-Romney debate, 316–17

  SR on Benghazi and, 318

  State of the Union, 308

  Colbert, Stephen, 299

  College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), 44, 57

  Collins, Michael, 53

  Collins, Susan, 239–40, 325

  Color Purple, The (Walker), 101

  Comey, James, 5, 438, 449, 454 WH briefing, Jan. 5, 2017, 5–6

  “Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe, 1979–1980” (Rice), 120

  Congo (formerly Zaire), 150, 152, 160, 172, 177, 202, 269 Congo War, 193–99

  Kinshasa, capital, 193

  Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement, 195, 198, 199

  Rwanda and, 150–51, 193

  Security Council Summit, 197–99

  SR’s and team’s tour, 193–94

  Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), 223

  Control Data Corporation, 73, 226

  Conway, Kellyanne, 9

  Cook, Lisa, 113

  Cooper, Casey, 73

  Corker, Bob, 324

  Cornell University, 47

  Cornwell, Edward, 55

  Cornwell, Michael, 55

  Cornwell, Shirley, 55

  Côte d’Ivoire, 121, 269–70

  Cotton, Tom, 414

  Cousens, Elizabeth, 241

  Cousin, Ertharin, 79

  Cressey, George, 25, 27

  Crimea, 299, 398, 399, 400

  Cronkite, Walter, 53

  Crowley, Candy, 317

  Cruz, Ted, 472

  Cuba, 341, 407–10, 427, 451

  Cui Tiankai, 439

  Cunningham, Jim, 390

  Dabbashi, Ibrahim, 280

  Daily Show, The (TV show), 334

  Daley, Bill, 281, 289–90

  Dalizu, Jean Rose, 492n189

  Dayton Peace Accords, 183, 196

  Dean, Dorothy, 42

  Dean, Howard, 219–20, 326

  de Koonig, Willem, 6–7

  Democrats/Democratic Party CBC and, 223

  Chicago DNC riots, 1968, 53

  Bill Clinton’s election, 1992, 131

  Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, 2007–8, 59, 76, 77, 78, 222, 230, 231

  Dukakis campaign, 1988, 118–19, 132

  Obama’s DNC speech, 2004, 18

  Obama’s presidential campaign and election, 2008, 40–41, 59, 76–79, 94–97, 107–8, 129, 221–24, 226, 228–33

  partisan divisions and, 450, 480–81

  Russian email hacking, 442

  Southern Democrats, 34

  SR defended by, 315, 320–21, 326–27

  Trump’s election and, 453–54

  U.S. in Syria and, 363–64, 365

  Dempsey, Martin, 350, 368, 402–3, 422

  DePauw University, 43

  Dickson, Audley, 28–29

  Dickson, David A. (grandfather), 20, 23–28, 31, 70

  Dickson, David W. D. (uncle), 24, 29, 31, 36, 70

  Dickson, Frederick (uncle), 29–30, 44

  Dickson, Leon (uncle), 27, 28, 36, 66, 70

  Dickson, Mary Marguerite Daly (grandmother), 23–25, 26, 30–31, 70, 72

  Dickson, Val (aunt), 28

  Dickson, Vera (aunt), 29

  Dickson-Horton, Valerie (cousin), 120

  Doherty, Glen, 306–7

  Donfried, Karen, 359

  Donilon, Tom, 6, 281, 303 as NSA, 279, 315, 332, 334, 343, 344–45

  “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow” (song), 455

  dos Santos, José, 160, 171

  Dukakis, Michael, 118–19, 131, 220

  Duke Ellington School for the Arts, 73

  Dunford, Joseph, 368, 390, 422

  Dunn, David, 177

  Durbin, Dick, 321, 328

  Duterte, Rodrigo, 434

  East Africa embassy bombings, 4, 186–91, 306–7, 325

  East Asia Summit, 434

  Ebola epidemic, 401–7, 452 Ebola Task Force, 405

  Global Health Security Agenda and, 407

  Operation United Assistance, 403

  Edwards, Bob, 206

  Edwards, John, 17, 18, 77

  Eggers, Jeff, 392

  Egypt, 282 Arab Spring in, 279

  Morsi coup, 347–51

  Mubarak deposed, 279

  Obama’s Cairo speech, 2009, 450

  SR’s family trip to (1979), 88–89

  U.S. aid to, 349

  U.S. embassy, Cairo protests and, 307, 308, 309, 313–14

  Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, 82, 89

  Einstein, Albert, 33

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 246

  Elle magazine, “J’Accuse!” (Shalit), 209–10

  Ellington, Duke, 33

  Erdog˘an, Recep Tayyip, 268, 423

  Eritrea, 159, 160 Algiers Agreement, 183

  Ethiopia conflict and, 177–85

  Holbrooke and, 182

  SR in Asmara, 178, 179, 184

  Erwa, Elfatih, 172

  Ethiopia, 159, 160, 172 Addis Ababa, 379–80

  Algiers Agreement, 183

  bombing of Mekele, 180

  Eritrea conflict and, 177–85

  OAU Summit, 157

  Obama threatened in, 2015, 379–81

  SR in Addis Ababa, 177–78

  European Reassurance Initiative, 400

  European Union (EU) Iran nuclear deal and, 411

  Iran sanctions and, 269

  Russian sanctions, 399–400

  U.S. surveillance of foreign citizens and, 360–61

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 45, 156, 187, 263, 370. See also Comey, James Benghazi attack and, 309, 312, 323, 324

  SR, the Iranians, and, 262

  Trump investigation, 449

  Feed the Future, 385

  Feinstein, Dianne, 320, 321

  Ferraro, Ge
raldine, 222

  Fisher, Paul, 98

  Fitt, Alfred, 63, 66, 67, 69–71, 73, 91, 105, 125, 226

  Fitt, Ann, 70

  Fitt, Ben, 70

  Fitt, Cate, 70

  Fitt, Craig, 70

  Fitzpatrick, John, 7

  Flake, Jeff, 410

  Fleetwood Mac, 455

  Flynn, Michael, 4, 6, 457–60

  Foley, Diane, 420–21

  Foley, James, 420–21

  For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/ When the Rainbow Is Enuf (Shange), 113

  Ford, Christine Blasey, 90

  Fox News, 11, 248, 249 Benghazi coverage, 309–10

  McFarland from, 459

  SR on Sunday, 308

  SR targeted by, 317, 332–34

  France Africa and, 161, 177

  Ebola epidemic and, 403

  Iran sanctions and, 266–67

  Libya, Qaddafi, and, 280, 281, 284–85, 291, 292

  Obama’s Iran negotiations and, 412

  Obama trip to (2008), 95

  Paris bombings, 420, 421

  Rwanda “Opération Turquoise,” 149–50

  Snowden’s leaks and, 359, 360

  Syria and, 297, 362

  U.N. ambassador, 264–65

  U.S. election, 2016 and, 454

  Frank, Barney, 333

  Franklin, Aretha, 300, 463–64

  Frasure, Robert, 184

  Frazer, Jendayi, 327

  Frieden, Tom, 401, 404

  Frontline States Initiative, 159

  Frum, Barbara, 123–24

  Fudge, Marcia, 321

  “Funkin’ for Jamaica” (song), 225, 289

  Gabon, 285, 286

  Garang, John, 271

  Gates, Robert, 238, 279, 281

  Gatkuoth, Ezekiel, 276

  Gbagbo, Laurent, 270

  George, Suzy, 9, 373–74

  Germany, 456 Ebola epidemic and, 403

  Iran sanctions and, 266–67

  Obama speech (2008), 95

  Snowden’s leaks and, 359, 360

  UNSC and, 264

  Getachew, Assefa, 380–81

  Ghana, 120, 149, 172, 175

  Ghani, Ashraf, 392

  Ginsburg, William, 335

  Giovanni, Nikki, “Resignation,” 125

  Global Health Security Agenda, 407

  Godman Field, Ky., 36

  Goldman Sachs, 131

  Goldstone, Richard, 253


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