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The Daddy Dilemma

Page 50

by Tia Siren

  “God, Kason,” I whispered.

  He bit down on the excess of my right thigh, and I moaned and squirmed beneath him. He sucked and chewed until I could feel the heat of my pussy radiating against his cheek. When he let go, he licked the bruise I knew he’d inflicted on my skin. I was trembling on his bed, and as much as I wanted to deny him and his command for a condom, I knew I didn’t have the self-control to hold myself back any longer.

  Not from him. Not when I wanted him so badly.

  He licked a thick stripe up my slit, and my body lunged for his. My hands entwined in his hair and my thighs came up to his ears. All at once, he was drinking down every drop of me while I bucked against his face. He planted his hands on my hips, trying to steady my body, but I’d lost myself in my passion and could feel his entire face being coated with my silk. God, his tongue felt so good against my body, and I couldn’t wait until he sank that raging dick deep into the caverns of my body.

  “Please, Kason. Oh, god. Right there. Please. Right there.”

  He flicked just beside my clit, and my body began to swell against the side of his tongue. One of his hands went against mine in his hair, and before I knew it, he had pried my grip from his locks and twined our fingers together. I shifted, desperately wanting his tongue right on top of my throbbing mound. When I did, my clit pressed right against his tongue. He bared down and continued his assault on my body. I shook and convulsed while my jaw peeled open in silent pleasure. I knew I was close to coming, and the moan of gratification that ricocheted through my pussy lips and into my core threw me off the edge while words of obscenity fell from my lips in a hazy cloud of orgasmic fury.

  “That’s right, Kason. Lick that pussy. Oh, fuck! I’ve been such a naughty girl. Yes.”

  He lapped up everything I gave him just before my body collapsed back on the bed, but when I looked up and saw the predatory stare that was climbing right for me, I knew he wasn’t nearly done with me.

  “You’ve been such a naughty girl,” he growled. He captured my lips in a kiss, and I relished how I tasted on his skin. My tongue darted out to wipe his lips clean while he sucked my bottom lip between his teeth. Before I knew it, he had flipped me over and I was on my stomach.

  “Hips up,” he said, his voice rough and commanding.

  I raised my ass into the air and shook it. A resounding crack came down on my ass cheek. I hissed out in pain, and he slapped the other one to match. All at once, my chest collapsed to the bed. His hands assaulted my ass, and my body trembled in front of him. Just after he finished, he slowly kneaded and kissed the puffy redness I knew was rising on my skin.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered into my ass cheek. He kissed the areas he had slapped, and I moaned in satisfaction. When he rose up, I felt his condom-coated dick sitting at my entrance.

  “Does my good little girl want her treat?” Kason asked.

  “Oh, god, yes,” I whispered.

  “Say it,” he growled.

  “I want your cock. Please, Kason. Dear god, please give it to me.”

  He sank his dick deep into my body, and it felt as if I had been projected to the heavens. He brushed against all the right spots and stretched me in all the right ways, and when his hands planted on my lower back, I knew I was done for. His hands perched perfectly on my body while his hips rolled into mine, and my painfully hard nipples brushed against the sheets of his childhood bed while his chiseled body rocked deeply into mine.

  He groaned. “Dear god, you’re so tight.”

  I pushed back into him, hoping he would speed up his thrusts, and when he did, his balls slapped against my clit. My body was folded and bare to him, and his lips dipped down and kissed up my spine. When I finally had the strength to raise myself onto my arms, his hand snaked around and took my breast.

  “Such a beautiful pair of tits,” Kason grunted out. “I’ve fucking dreamed about these things.”

  The sound of skin slapping skin filled his bedroom, and my sighs soon turned into moans. My juices gathered and dripped down his dick, and his balls smacked against my swollen clit. My body trembled and fire ignited in my arms and legs. As I pushed back onto his rock-solid cock, he started to twitch inside me.

  “Oh, god. Oh, Hanna. Yes, baby. Just like that. Fucking…perfect…”

  I bucked back into him harder and lost control once more. My pelvis burned and my pussy fluttered around his cock, and once again, phrases I didn’t know I could speak spewed forth from my lips.

  “Fuck, Kason. Punish my body. Make me the good little girl you’ve always wanted.”

  He leaned onto my body and grabbed both of my breasts. When his teeth sank into the meat of my shoulder, I was absolutely done for. My pussy sucked his dick for everything it had, and he shoved himself in deeper. When his movements stilled and he groaned into my neck, I felt the pumping of his dick into my body.

  “Oh, god.’re—yes…”

  Our orgasms rocked our bodies before we collapsed on the bed, and when I finally hit his mattress, his arms snaked around me. He slowly pulled out from between my legs and rolled off to the side. When his arms pulled me with him, I couldn’t help but snuggle into his strong, broad frame. I danced my fingertips along the tattoos on his arm, finally getting a chance to see them up close. He had a skull and some designs I didn’t recognize alongside the someone holding an American flag. He had the zodiac signs of, I assumed, his parents and maybe Marcus, but there was another symbol I came across that I didn’t recognize.

  “Kason?” I asked.

  “Mm?” he hummed.

  “What’s this sign mean?”

  He looked over my shoulder and saw where I was pointing. Then he pressed a hot kiss into the crook of my neck before his lips made their way to my ear.

  “It’s the Chinese symbol for the year I made my first billion,” he murmured. “It’s to remind me of how far I’ve come and all I did in order to get where I am.”

  “Your sleeve is incredible,” I said.

  “You’re incredible,” he murmured into my skin.

  I turned around in Kason’s arms and kissed him lightly on the tip of his nose. The smile that peeled across his face fluttered my heart, and for a split second, I forgot we had used a condom.

  “You know I can’t do this again unless you agree, Kason,” I said.

  “I know.” He nodded. “But, Hanna, would it even be possible for you to finish your degree if you got pregnant?”

  “Of course. Ever heard of online classes? If things got too tough or I gave birth before I graduated, then I could just take those to finish up my degree as long as I had my internship.”

  “Well, I’ve offered you an internship. All you need to do is tell me whether or not you want it.”

  I giggled. “I’ve already told you I do.”

  “I just want you to be sure. I know you need this for school, and being my secretary isn’t a euphemism. It’d be all work. Absolutely no play.”

  “There won’t be any play after this unless you agree to my terms,” I said.

  “Fair enough,” Kason said, nodding.

  It felt so nice to be in his arms, but I knew I had to get back home. If Stacey called looking for me for any reason, my mother would start to get worried that something had happened to me while I was driving home. That meant questions I didn’t want to answer and fights with Marcus I didn’t want to have, so I finally peeled myself out of Kason’s warm, comforting grasp and started gathering my clothes.

  “Thanks for letting me in,” I said lightly.

  “Any time,” Kason murmured. I pulled my clothes on and slipped into the bathroom to check my neck. When I was satisfied with my appearance, Kason ushered me downstairs. His hand felt so good on the small of my back, and something inside me ached.

  I didn’t want to leave him because a part of me knew he wasn’t going to agree to my plan.

  “I’ll see you around,” Kason said as I stepped outside.

  “Yeah. See you around.”
/>   When I walked into my parents’ house, I was bombarded with questions about Stacey. I told them that she’d need time to heal and that I had helped Brad get her home. Marcus even chimed in with a few questions instead of the curious glances he’d been giving me the past few days.

  Chapter 14


  Shit. I shouldn’t have slept with her. Now she was going to want me to take this further, and I just couldn’t. I couldn’t give that girl what she wanted. I mean, the sex had been fucking amazing. That pussy was so tight and the skin of her ass had felt so good slapped against the palm of my hand. It had jiggled in all the right ways, and part of me had wanted to pull right out and ease into her tight little puckered hole. It had looked almost virginal, and there was something about giving her something no other man had that made me shiver with lust.

  And yet she was already asking me to give her something no other man had.

  But could I really do that to her? Could I really put her entire education in jeopardy just to give her a kid? I mean, I really didn’t want kids, but she sounded like that didn’t matter to her. But I couldn’t just walk away if I got her pregnant! What kind of man would that make me if I did?

  Her body was so incredible, and she’d done things with her movements and her sounds that I had never thought I’d hear from little Hanna Rendon. My god, she really had transformed into a woman. My dick started to swell every time I thought about her. Sex with her had been more amazing than I’d ever thought it could be with any woman, much less her.

  But if I was being honest? I’d take the chance if it meant I could have her again. I’d risk getting her pregnant if it meant I could feel the way I had felt with her. And part of me strangely wanted to give her exactly what she wanted. I mean, I wasn’t ready for a family or anything, but there was something about the way Hanna was so persistent and headstrong that made me confident about the fact that she’d really thought this through, that deep down she really did want to be a mother and she really had vetted the men she’d come across before she dove into this on her own.

  I would’ve done anything for Marcus’s little sister when she was younger, but now? I’d do anything for the woman she’d grown into strangely enough. I knew getting her pregnant could ruin her chances of graduating with honors. I knew getting her pregnant could ruin her chances of finishing school in person and walking across that state to get her diploma. I knew getting her pregnant would put me in a fucking tight spot with my best friend, but something told me her parents might not be as shitty about it as Marcus would.

  I didn’t trust the aftermath, but I trusted how headstrong Hanna was about this. I didn’t trust my ability to do this right, but I trusted her faith in me to give her what she wanted. And the truth was, I found myself willing to do it. After not being able to get my mind off her and not being able to take a shower without whacking one off to the thought of her pussy wrapped tightly around my dick, I slowly felt my resolve melting.

  I began considering it if only to make her happy.

  My buzzing phone ripped me from my train of thought, and when I picked up the phone, I saw it was Marcus.

  “Hey! What’s up?” I asked.

  “Wanna go to that speakeasy again tonight?” Marcus asked.

  “We gonna be talking shop?”

  “Not at all,” Marcus said.

  “Then sign me up. I’ll be ready in a few. But you’re driving this time.”

  I hung up the phone and got ready. Part of me wanted to reach out to see if Hanna wanted to go. I wanted to take her to this place just to see how she’d react to it, but I knew Marcus would flip his shit if I did. Still, there was a part of me that wanted to go out with her, actually take her somewhere and enjoy something with her.

  But I logged that into the back of my mind when Marcus banged on my front door.

  We cranked up the music with Marcus’s bass system and jammed all the way to the speakeasy. When we got in, I ordered us a couple whiskey sours. We took our station at the table in the corner, and Marcus wasted no time in getting to the punchline.

  “You ever think about settling down?” Marcus asked.

  “The fuck kind of question is that?” I quipped.

  “A legitimate one!”

  “Well I don’t see you settling down with anyone right now,” I tossed back at him.

  Marcus smirked. “I wouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions.”

  “Dude, don’t tell me you went back to Rhonda. Marc, you can do so much better tha—”

  He chuckled. “It’s not Rhonda, dude. Stop panicking.”

  “Then spill! Who’s the chick?”

  “It’s not big yet. Her name’s Veeona and she’s absolutely wonderful.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me about her when we were bitchin’ about Rhonda earlier?” I asked.

  “Because we were bitchin’ about Rhonda!” Marcus said.

  “How long have you two been talking? I mean, you and Rhonda have only been done for—what, two, three months?”

  “We’ve been talking for a couple months. Just taking it slow. I actually met her at a restaurant bar when I was moping over Rhonda.”

  “Ah, mutual bonding over broken hearts?” I asked.

  “Yeah. She was there because she’d gotten burned by her ex, and we got to talking about how shitty our exes were. We talked about all the things we wouldn’t do to our significant others that they had done to us, and we just kept meeting up for—I don’t know—vent sessions.”

  I smirked. “But they’ve obviously turned into something else.”

  “I took her on a couple actual dates before I came home, and yeah. I mean, the girls I dated before her were just to pass the time, which was why I was such a shitty partner to them, you know?”

  “Dude, you’ve never been a shitty partner. There’s nothing wrong with dating just to date. That doesn’t mean you have permission to suck some other dude’s dick.”

  Marcus grinned. “I don’t suck dick, but I get the point you’re making.”

  “Good. So…spill. What’s she look like?” I asked.


  “Oh, come on. I’m not talking about sexy details or anything. Is she the dark-skinned beauty you’ve always envisioned?”

  A goofy smile crept across Marcus’ face, and I knew I had him. My best friend finally had it bad for someone, and the look suited him.

  “You got a picture of her?” I asked.

  He rummaged through his phone and found a picture of the two of them smiling together. She was sexy as hell: long black hair and a bright white smile; dark brown eyes against dark black skin; high cheekbones and a petite jawline that gave way to muscular arms that looked like they could crush you the moment you crossed her.

  “She’s a full-time instructor at that massive gym a few blocks down from your business,” Marcus said.

  “No shit! That place is awesome. I went there for a little while until I got lazy again, but that place was nice. What does she do?”

  “She does a lot of the more intense cardio classes. She teaches all the kids’ swimming lessons and is a personal trainer.”

  “Dude, don’t piss her off. She’ll kill you, and not in the ‘cut a bitch’ way.” I chuckled. “She’s beautiful, dude. Just…be careful, all right? I don’t want to see my best friend hurt again.”

  “I hear ya. We’re taking it slow, but we’ve talked every evening and she seems genuinely interested in what I’m doing for you, and I’m always interested in hearing about her days, so…it’s a start.

  “Hell yeah it is. In a couple years I’ll hear wedding bells, and then you’ll have to give me all the nasty details of the honeymoon.” I grinned.

  “Not on your life.”

  “Your parents know? You talked to Hanna or anything?” I asked.

  “Nah. It’s still really early. I won’t do any of that unless I knew it’s serious.”

  “But you’re hoping it will be?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “Yeah, I think I am.”

  “Good for you, Marcus.”

  “Which is why I’m asking this,” he began. “Why the hell haven’t you settled down yet? I see a different woman on your arm all the damn time! Why the fuck haven’t you slapped a ring on one of them yet?”

  “Because they’re airheads who happen to be good lays. They take up space and they’re warm to wake up to, but I don’t give a shit about how they color their hair or the latest handbag they have to have. What the fuck do I know about handbags?”

  “Then why don’t you try dating someone who doesn’t give a shit about those things?” Marcus asked.

  “Hello there, Kason Marx.”

  I whipped my head up and saw my little bunny from a few nights ago. She had those same ruby red lips and the same cutoff, ass-cheek jeans, but this time she had her fake tits hanging out of a sparkling silver and black bra.

  “You two want another drink?” she asked.

  “Sure thing,” I said. I handed her the two cups, and she winked at me, but all I did was turn my attention back to Marcus. She stood there for a little while with a confused look on her face, so I clarified our drink order.

  “I’m sorry. They’re both whiskey sours.”


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