Torn apart Tisha's Story

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Torn apart Tisha's Story Page 7

by LeTasha S. Robinson

  He gently placed one hand over hers and the other he uses to turn her head towards him. He looks at her and sees tears forming in her eyes. Finally sighing he caresses her face with his hand.

  “Tisha why do you find it so hard to believe that someone actually is concerned about you?” Breaking away from his hold she rubs her eyes, looks back at him and shrugs her shoulder. “I am just not used to having anyone outside of Paul and Amber really care about me. I mean there are some people at the church, but mainly I am a loner.” Turning around and going back to the stove to put the asparagus in an awaiting pan that has now heated up to sauté them with some sea salt. “Well that may be your past, but for right now hopefully I will be a part of your future.” Turning around he goes back to the frying pan, he missed the smile that came across her face when she heard him say that.

  Walking towards the stove, “Well you are my client and….” stopping her with his hand. “Tisha, I have a confession.” Stopping dead in her track, “Ok, do I need to sit down for this?” Shrugging his shoulders, he goes to take two plates out of the glass plated cabinets that hang on the opposite wall of the stove. “Let’s eat and talk ok.” Looking at him very inquisitive, “Ok.” Fixing both plates, Tisha leads them into the dining room and sits down at the table. “Very impressive,” David says as he walks into the dining room. The dining room is decorated in black, red, and silver. A black iron glass table, with a big bouquet of red roses adorning the center of the table, the dinner mats and napkins were black and silver.

  “This is beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” Tisha says as David places the plates on the mat. Tisha goes into the china cabinet and grabs two wine glasses and places them on the table. She disappears from the dining room and comes back with a bottle of wine and then disappears again and comes back with two glasses and a pitcher of water. “Ok now we are ready.” Sitting at the table he looks at her. Grabbing his hands immediately prepares to pray when she is interrupted by David as he leads both of them into prayer. After David finished praying, Tisha grabs her napkins and looks at David surprised

  “Well David you are a man of many surprises!” she says as she puts the napkins on her lap and picks up her fork and knife. She places the knife into the chicken and cuts into the chicken and was very pleased as she tasted the food. David had prepared a sautéed chicken breast with a honey glaze, asparagus, rice pilaf, and some croissants. Looking at David after finishing her first bite, “David this is great, so I will take back the statement that you can’t cook.” Laughing at her statement David also laughs and both continue to eat and talk as they dined.

  Finally, with all of the meal being finished, David clears his throat and looks at her, “Well Tisha I told you that I have something to tell you. I know that you may have reservations about pursuing a relationship with me because you are working on my campaign, but I have to be honest with you. If I don’t have you as my campaign manager for my lawn care business, it will not hurt me.” Tisha looks at him even more confused about his last statement. “You see Tisha I am well off. Do you know the restaurant in the lobby of your office?” Watching her shake her head yes, “Well I own it. I also own several investment properties, some stock, and two additional businesses. All in all, my net worth is $15 million dollars.” Gasping, Tisha looks at him shocked. “Well if you have all of this why did you come for help with your business?” David sighs and looks back at her.

  Tisha sits across from David looking at him. Placing her glass on to the table as she lowered her gaze from him, she was astonished at what she had just heard. Lifting her eyes back to him she looks at a smiling David. Clearing her throat, she raises her glass and looks dead at him, “I guess you don’t need me.” Taking a big gulp to try to hold back the tears that were trying to form and the crack in her voice, she immediately starts thinking about what her excuse would be now to see him. Staring off into space she doesn’t hear David trying to talk to her.

  “Tisha, earth to Tisha,” breaking out of her trance and looking at David. “Yes,” grabbing her hand, “I wasn’t saying I don’t need you, but I would like a chance to get to know you. Look I am attracted to you and over the last couple of weeks I have found you very interesting and would like a chance to get to know you. I know that you have a policy about dating your clients and I am willing to give that up for a chance to get to know you. Take a deep breath David takes Tisha hands and gets on one knee, “Tisha, will you give me that chance to get to know you?”

  Looking at him tears start forming in her eyes. “Boy if you don’t get off this floor! Laughing and walking away to gain her composure. “Why would you want a chance to get to know me?”

  Getting off the floor and sitting back in the chair David looks at Tisha. “Tisha, look at me. I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but I think the world of you and I would love an opportunity to get to know that world and introduce you into mine.” Shaking her head and getting up from the table she walks to a window and stares out of it.

  “David, I don’t know. I really don’t like to mix business with my personal life,” Turning around looking at him as he sits on the table she leans onto the wall. “I know that you are willing to not be my client, but that would not be fair to my team or to the company.” Standing up and walking to her he grabs her and pulls her into his embrace and smashes his lips against hers. Thinking that it was going to be a hard kiss, but his lips were very soft and melted against hers. Closing her eyes, she felt herself let loose in his arms and putting her arms around his neck he knew that she felt safe with him. Breaking from the kiss he puts his forehead on her forehead and looks into her eyes. Panting for breath he gently comes in for another quick kiss.

  Thinking that she would be shy to give in he found it surprising that she met him halfway. Pulling her deeper into his embrace. “Tisha, if you can tell me that you didn’t feel anything, then I will walk out of here right now and never bother you again.” Hearing her sigh, he knew she felt the same way that he felt. “Tisha all I am asking is for a chance, will you give me a chance?” Looking into his eyes, Tisha cannot believe what has just happened. Trying to take in everything the tears that she was trying to hold back earlier start to spring forth. “Baby don’t cry.” Pulling her into the living room and seating on the couch and pulling her on his lap he holds her and kisses some of the tears away.

  Tisha sits up and looks straight ahead, “David I don’t know about this. I really haven’t been in a relationship in years, and I have………,” putting his finger on her lips.

  “Tisha what are you truly afraid of? Don’t give me the excuses but tell me the truth.”

  With her voice quivering she whispers, “I am afraid of getting hurt.”

  Holding her face in his hands he turns her to look at him, “Baby, it’s called life and it’s a chance we take. I want you to know that I would not do anything to hurt you intentionally, can you trust me to enough to give me a chance?” Tears flowing down her face she shakes her head yes as he pulls her to his chest and holds her. Sighing, Tisha allows herself to relax and for the first time in a long while she felt as though she could breathe easily.

  Chapter 8

  Unfinished Business

  6 Months Later

  It had been months since Tisha and David began dating and everyone noticed the broad smile that glowed on her face every day when she came to work. Sitting in the park waiting on David to come and meet her, she sat patiently on the bench looking at the sky thanking God for the breath of fresh air that had entered into her life. Still in amazement she didn’t notice David approaching her. “Oatmeal cookies for your thoughts or maybe a cheesecake brownie?” Laughing Tisha gazes at David as he stands in front of her with a bag from her favorite dessert place and some flowers.

  Grinning she looks at him, “Well let’s start off with the cheesecake brownie and somewhere in the middle we will switch to the oatmeal cookies!”

  Laughing he gives her the bag as he kisses her on the cheek and sit
s beside her. “You are one strange chick!”

  Putting his arms around her and pulling her close to her as she looks into his eyes, she smiles, “but I am your chick,” smiling, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Kissing her on the lips they pull from their embrace and begin to talk about their day as Tisha opens the bag of goodies.

  “David, hold on I got you something.” Watching her as she goes into her pocketbook she pulls out a bag and hands it to him. “Now Tisha I told you that you don’t have to buy me anything.” Sighing and shoving the bag at him, “Yes, I know, but so what if I want to spoil my man like he spoils me.”

  Taking the bag from her, he looks, opens the bag just to find a shirt that the other week that they were out, and he saw and wanted. Closing the bag, he looks at her, “Thank you, have I told you how my life has changed for the good since you came into it?” Grabbing his hand, “Have I told you that I am so glad you saw behind the shell and saw the real me?” Grabbing her and pulling her close she lays her head on his shoulder as she starts to eat her cheesecake brownie. Closing his eyes, he decided to enjoy the time that they were having together.

  “Tisha, Tisha Carter is that you?” Jumping off David’s chest to a familiar voice she looks up to see Ricky standing right before her. Stunned for words she sits up and looks at him not believing who was standing before her.

  “Ricky?” Laughing Ricky extends his hand to her, but a still stunned Tisha leaves his hand hanging in midair.

  David taking charge of the situation grabs Ricky’s handshake, “Hi my name is David and you are?”

  Taken aback by David’s forwardness, “Ricky, my name is Ricky and I am an old friend of Tisha’s ain’t that right Tisha?”

  Sitting back on the bench she looks at David and then back to Ricky. “Yes, a very old friend” Looking at her Rickey smiles,

  “I wouldn’t say that old. Me and Tisha used to date back in the day.”

  “Yes, we did, but as you stated that was in the past.” Looking at David, “What time are our reservations?”

  Ricky not being very happy about how Tisha was trying to ignore him, he decided to hit her where he knew it would hurt, “So where is the baby? The baby should be about five or six now?”

  Tisha looking at Ricky with tears in her eyes, “As if you would care? David I would like to go now.” Still confused by what he just heard he decided to wait to talk to Tisha privately instead of entertaining this clown.

  Getting up from the bench, “Come on Tisha, let’s go.” Standing up David extend his hand to help Tisha off the bench when Ricky walks up to Tisha,

  “What do you mean if I care? You were the one playing a whore with Don! Really Tisha, who would sleep with their own brother-in-law? I would say my condolences, but you don’t deserve them.” Grabbing Tisha’s arms Ricky grabs her and turns her around to him, “You ain’t nothing but a whore, you messed my life up!”

  Grabbing Ricky’s hand and squeezing it, David looks dead into Ricky’s eyes, “Look I don’t know what your problem is, but under no circumstance are you to put your hand on her again. Do I make myself clear?” Throwing his hand to the side, David grabs Tisha and leads her to his car as Ricky stands rubbing his hand and yelling obscenities at them.

  Reaching his car David opens the door for Tisha and gets into the driver side door. Sitting in silence in the car, Tisha looks out of the window as tears flowed down her face “David....” He put his hand in the palm of her back, “Whatever it is we will talk about it later, just let me be here for you now.”

  Turning around and looking at him she falls into his arms and begins to sob uncontrollably.

  Pulling away from her David turns to look Tisha in her face.

  “Who was that?”

  “David, can we please go?”

  “No, we can’t just up and go. I am trying to build a relationship with you and you want to keep everything a secret. I have a question and I need you to be completely honest with me.”

  Looking down at her hands and allowing the tears to continue to flow from her eyes. She remained motionless hoping her silence would prompt him to crank up the car so that they could leave. Not knowing if Ricky had followed them to the car and she didn’t want to have to face him anymore. Almost 15 years later and she couldn’t believe that her past had come back up. How was she going to ever tell David about Ricky, the could she tell him about that. He wouldn’t believe it. He would be just like everyone else and think she was a whore. Suddenly, she was pulled out of her thoughts as she felt the tips of David fingers lift her face to look at him.

  “Tisha” seeing that Tisha eyes were clenched together. “Baby, please look at me.” Hearing the concern and love coming from him. She opened her eyes and looked into his eyes. “Do you love me?” Tisha started to shake her head yes. “Ok, do you trust me?” Closing her eyes again she knew if she didn’t answer him he would be out of her life forever. “Tisha.”

  Opening her eyes slowly she looked David in his eyes. Fear had started to grip his heart when she had become silent. “Yes, David I trust you.”

  Letting a big sigh out and looking up at the sky. “That’s all I needed. I think we need to have a session with Paul and Amber.” Looking over at her, Paul saw Tisha had her head hung down and fidgeting with her fingers as she agreed by shaking her head. “Ok, let me call Paul.” Picking up his phone and dialing Paul’s number. Paul’s soft voice came through his car speaker.

  “Hey David.”

  “Hey Paul, look can you and Amber do a counseling session with me and Tish?”

  Hearing the frustration in David’s voice. “Sure, is everything ok?”

  “We will talk when we got there. What time will be good?”

  “Meet me at the house in an hour.”

  “Ok, thank you Paul. See you in an hour.” Hanging up the phone and placing the phone in the car console and placing his hands in hers and squeezing it. When Tisha finally gained enough courage to look at him. She was met with a warm smile.

  “I don’t care what it is, we will make it through it. Ok?” Tisha slowly looks at David and she knew then that she had to tell him the truth. They wouldn’t be able to move forward until she did. “Ok” David immediately put his hand around her and pulled her closer to him. As her head fell on his chest. He kissed her forehead and began to pray. Tisha didn’t hear much of the prayer, but the warmth of his love and his compassion overwhelmed her. She found herself drifting off to sleep saying her own silent prayer that God prepare David for what she would was about to tell him. All of her life she has avoided relationships with people because of fear but it was time to stop and face what she feared the most.

  Later that evening

  Tisha called Paul to ask for a private counseling session. She didn’t tell Paul of the importance, he could hear the agony in her voice and immediately asked her to come over. Paul and Amber had already prayed and had prepared themselves for the worst when they heard David’s truck in the driveway. Amber looking at Paul nodded her head as Paul got up to answer the door. “Hi,” both entered the doorway. Tisha eyes were bloodshot red and even though David hadn’t been crying he could see the look of concern all over his face. “Let’s go into the den Amber is already there.” David going down the familiar hall felt that the walk he was taking now would forever change his life, but he was willing to take the chance.

  He had already admitted to Paul and was going to admit to Tisha tonight that he was in love with her. He knew that it had only been a couple of months, but he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He knew she was the Ruth that he had been searching for all these years and for the first time in a long while, he felt as though he had his rib. Everyone loved her. When he took her to meet his family his sister was weary of her but as she got use to her, she came to love her.

  Diane and Trey had both formed their own relationship with her. He thought Trey would fight him the most but riding home from a dinner they had Tisha, Trey gave his approv
al with a few simple words, ‘Da’ Tisha is cool.’ From that point on he would find Trey calling Tisha every once and a while asking her questions about girls and school. Yeah Tisha was the right one.

  He had planned to propose soon. Having picked up the ring before he met Tisha at the park and the ring sat in his pocket. His mind was still made up that she was the one, however what was discussed tonight would determine if he needed to hold off on proposing.

  Sitting down on the couch that set adjacent from Amber and Paul, David grabs Tisha’s hand and gave her an encouraging squeeze. Paul sitting down beside Amber, “So before we start this session, let’s join hands and pray.”

  Standing up and forming a small circle, Paul lead them in prayer. After concluding, everyone returns to their seats. Paul looking at both of them he leans forward, grabs his Bible and notebook. “Let’s start about what brought you both here today.” Looking at David and back to Paul, Tisha begins to blurt out the incident at the park with Ricky. Between tears, Tisha gave Paul all the details. Listening intensely, Paul and Amber took the entire situation in. Knowing Tisha’s past, Paul knew that tonight David would have to find out some of Tisha’s dark secrets.

  Silently thanking God because he knew this was the inner healing that Tisha needed and for what him and Amber have been praying for. Ending her story, Tisha sat back on the couch and looks down at her hands. She knew that she would have to tell David the truth now but was so afraid of how he would view her was making her feel little with each passing minute.

  Clearing his throat, Paul leans forward, looking directly at David, “David I know all of this may seem to be a bit much, I need to hear Tisha out.” Turning around to Tisha, “and Tisha I need for you to be completely honest with David. You two have been talking for a while and now it is time for the truth to come out. No more secrets. Allow him to make that decision if he wants to stay or not.” Sitting back on the couch he watched an emotionless Tisha’s head still held down twiddling her fingers as tears streamed down her face. He knew that she didn’t want to tell him, but it was the only way that she would finally be able to start to conquer the demons of the past.


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