The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1)

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The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1) Page 5

by Debbie Champion

  Alex jumped out of the car as soon as it was parked and he jogged into the service station. He had seen a McDonalds sign and his face lit up, he could kill a couple of Big Macs. The others drifted after him and they made their way to the burger counter. Alex placed his order and Becca lifted her eyebrows when she saw how much food he had ordered.

  "What? I'm a growing boy?" he laughed tucking into the fries, which had been placed in front of him. "Are you guys getting anything?" he asked.

  "I'm ok, we ate earlier," said Becca.

  Matt placed an equally large order. "Matt you pig, you've already had dinner," said Sasha.

  "That was just a snack. We won't get any proper food for ages. Plane food sucks," he said grimacing.

  "McDonalds is not proper food Matt," said Becca.

  "Oh but it tastes soooo good," he said with his mouth full.

  Alex laughed and took an equally large bite of his burger, turning around and heading out of the restaurant. A large man knocked into his shoulder and made him drop his bag of food.

  "Hey watch it," Alex shouted.

  "Get out of the way then moron," snarled the man over his shoulder.

  "Are you serious, you just knocked into me. I think you need to apologise mate," said Alex really annoyed now.

  The man turned around slowly and walked towards Alex menacingly.

  "I think you and your buddies need to respect your elders," he said pushing Alex in the chest.

  Suddenly a flash of white light snaked out of Alex's chest and punched the man in the stomach. He was lifted off his feet and he slammed heavily into a table behind him. He lay on the floor dazed, his shirt smoking.

  "Oh my god Alex what did you do?" cried Becca running over to the man. His shirt had a scorch mark on it and wisps of smoke drifted up from his stomach. He groaned and tried to sit up.

  "You punk, what was that?" he mumbled. "Did you just freakin Taser me?"

  "Alex quick," said Matt pushing him out of the door. Alex grabbed his bag of food off the floor and they all sprinted back to the car.

  "Oh my god...oh my god" said Sasha as she ran. They jumped into the car surprising Ben.

  "Go, go, go," yelled Matt, punching the back of Ben's seat.

  "What the?" asked Ben.

  "Get us out of here," said Alex looking around frantically. The man was staggering out of the door holding his stomach and a group of people were following him and pointing towards their car.

  Ben started the car and screeched out of the car park in a panic. He followed the signs back onto the dual carriageway.

  "Would someone like to explain what that was all about?" he asked looking into his rear view mirror.

  "I have no idea," said Alex pulling back the neck of his t-shirt to look at his chest. The hammer mark was pulsing a deep red and it felt itchy.

  "Dude you totally fried him. Was that electricity?" asked Matt peering over Alex's shoulder trying to get a look at the mark.

  Alex pushed Matt back and shrugged. "Honestly I have no idea, I thought I killed him," he said. He felt really shaken and wasn't sure he could handle any more.

  "Guys, tell me what happened," said Ben.

  "This man tried to pick a fight with Alex in the burger bar and he pushed him in the chest but something like electricity came out of Alex's chest and hit the guy. He went flying and hit a table. He was smoking, I mean literally smoking," said Sasha.

  "He was ok though, just a bit singed," added Becca.

  "Interesting," said Ben looking in his mirror again and increasing his speed. The sooner he got them to the airport the better; someone was bound to have taken down his number plate. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain this one.

  An hour later they pulled into the drop off zone at the airport and they got out of the car as soon as Ben stopped.

  "Hey say hi to Cassie for me," Ben said through his open window grinning. "Her address is in the folder Nancy gave to Becca. Take care of yourselves and call my dad after you have met her. He'll want to be fully briefed on what she says."

  "Sure thanks for the ride," said Alex as he hoisted the rucksack Nancy had provided onto his shoulder.

  They made their way into the airport and found the British Airways check in desk. Pete was there already pacing up and down and looking at his watch.

  "Guys, hey, what the hell is going on?" he asked.

  "Hang on let's get the tickets first," said Becca opening the folder Nancy had handed to her.

  "What's in there?" asked Matt.

  "Flight details, a big wad of US dollars, ooh a credit card, oh it's for Alex," she said disappointed.

  "Cool," he said plucking it out of her hand and popping it into his back pocket wandering what the credit limit was.

  They went up to the desk to arrange their boarding passes and collected their passports, which had somehow managed to get there before them. They must have some serious contacts, Alex thought to himself.

  "First class?" Sasha asked Becca hopefully.

  "Economy, not even Economy Plus, this is going to be a long flight," sighed Becca. "Nancy wasn't wrong about budget cuts I guess," she added.

  They made their way through security and went straight to their gate as the flight was about to board.

  "So anyone care to explain to me why we are jetting off to New York?" asked Pete as he joined the queue waiting to board the plane.

  "Man it's a really long story," said Matt joining him. "There is stuff you are just not going to believe."

  "My dad already told me about the gods, which is just crazy by the way. I mean do you seriously believe all that? I just don't get why we are going to New York. There was some crazy stuff happening back home, surely we should be there trying to figure this out," said Pete.

  "Well apparently there's a crazy witch in Manhattan who can tell us what happened at the henge and what's going on with Alex," Matt replied. "Personally I don't care if they are all super psycho, I'm getting a free trip to the big apple, this is going to be awesome,” said Matt grinning widely.

  Whilst they waited to board the plane Becca filled Pete in on everything he had missed whilst they had been at the headquarters and the journey to the airport.

  "This is so cool, I am meant to be taking a history test tomorrow and I'm going all James Bond instead," said Pete handing over his boarding pass.

  "I'm not sure Miss Franklin will be bothering with school right now," said Becca.

  "My dad said she would cover for us. I think we have all been signed off sick with some sort of virus or something," said Pete settling into a window seat.

  "We really need to speak to our parents, I can't believe they have not said anything about this before," said Becca taking the seat next to him.

  "All would have been revealed when we turn eighteen apparently. They have a ceremony to initiate the next generation," said Pete.

  "None of it makes sense. Why all the secrecy? Why don't the gods just say hi, we are here, worship us?" asked Matt from the row behind.

  "It's not as simple as that. My dad said that they wanted a break from humans. Apparently bad things kept happening when they mixed with our race so they leave us alone. He didn't tell me much more, there wasn't time. Said we would catch up when I got back," said Pete.

  "Well let's just hope the wicked witch of the east has some answers," said Alex closing his eyes and settling back into his seat. His legs were cramped already; it was going to be a long night he thought to himself.

  Chapter Six

  When they arrived in New York, Matt hailed a taxi and gave him the address that Nancy had provided in the folder.

  "It's a bit late isn't it?" Sasha yawned as she got into the taxi. "Don't you think we should find a hotel and get some sleep first and see her in the morning?"

  "You reckon you could sleep after all we have been through?" asked Alex.

  "Personally I can't wait, the sooner we see this witch and find out what is going on the better."

  The taxi set off and pulled u
p a short time later outside a smart apartment block. They got out of the taxi and stood together looking up at the impressive building.

  "Very nice, not quite what I was expecting," said Sasha looking up and down the street. "What's the number?" she asked Becca as she walked up to the door and looked at the buzzer system.

  "Apartment ninety-nine," replied Becca.

  Sasha pressed the buzzer and they waited. Nothing happened so she pressed it again.

  "Come on up, it's the ninth floor," called a female voice over the intercom. The door buzzed and they entered a hallway.

  "She's a bit trusting isn't she? This is New York, we could be a bunch of weirdos," said Sasha stepping into the lift in the foyer.

  "She's a seeress, she probably saw us coming before we even got on the plane," Becca laughed as she followed Sasha into the lift.

  The door to apartment ninety-nine was ajar and Alex called out as he pushed it open, "Hello, anybody there?"

  He saw a petite girl about their age with long red straight hair preparing drinks in an open plan kitchen. He pushed open the door and entered the apartment. He was immediately struck by how large and stylish it was. Everything looked white and the walls were covered with modern art that looked straight from a gallery.

  "Finally, you took your time," she said bringing over a tray. "I thought you would be here an hour ago."

  She handed out glasses of lemonade and motioned for them to sit on the white plush sofas in the main part of the luxurious apartment. Alex sat down gingerly in a white armchair. He was worried about getting anything dirty in this immaculate apartment. It really was not what he was expecting a witch's house to look like. He couldn’t see any bubbling cauldrons anywhere.

  "We got held up at security. Four minors travelling to the states with an eighteen year old is bound to raise some questions. They wanted to know our life stories," said Alex looking at Cassie appreciatively. She was very slim and her long red hair hung below her waist.

  "I'm Alex by the way, pleased to meet you," he said smiling at her. She didn't seem crazy and he wasn't sure why Alan would think she would be difficult, she seemed very pleasant.

  "I know who you are Alex," she said looking at him closely. "Hmm Nancy was right there is quite a resemblance, but your hair is a different colour...interesting."

  "What do you mean? Resemblance to who?" Alex asked looking puzzled.

  "Your father of course," she smiled and took the seat opposite him.

  "My father? You know who my father is?" he asked shocked sitting forward on the edge of his chair.

  "Of course I do. The Norns have been really having fun with you. I asked them to cut it out but they never listen to anyone. I imagine you are feeling rather confused right now?" she said smiling at him.

  "That's putting it mildly," said Alex seething. He was at the end of his tether and was getting angrier by the minute. Nothing was making sense today, he was tired, hungry and now this strange girl was telling him she knew who his father was.

  "Ok, before I tell you anything I need you to calm down Alex," Cassie said wandering over to a large window and looking up. Sheet lightning was flashing in the sky lighting up the city.

  "You are doing that you know. It's fantastic but not necessary tonight thank you," she said glancing back at Alex.

  "You what?" he spluttered. "Don't be ridiculous."

  "The lightning, that's all you. It's happened before hasn't it, quite recently?" she asked beckoning him over with her hand.

  Alex had no idea what she was talking about and he joined her at the window and peered up at the sky. Flashes of lightning flickered through black clouds, which were roiling around, covering the starlit sky. The air felt oppressive and the smell of ozone crept into the room choking him.

  "When you have been feeling moody or angry recently you have been creating lightning. Thunder too when you've really lost it. Quite a talent you have there, your daddy will be very pleased," she laughed.

  Alex thought back to the day at the museum when he was late for the trip and the strange storm, which had come out of nowhere.

  "No way, that's crazy," he said angrily turning his back on the window and flinging himself back into his seat. The sky lit up with a huge bolt of lightning and a massive crash shook the building.

  "Calm down, take deep breaths," she said dropping onto her knees in front of him.

  She placed her hands on his knees and looked deeply into his eyes. Alex immediately felt calmer and he sank back into the seat relaxing. The lightning stopped immediately and the sound of thunder rumbled in the distance. Cassie looked out of the window and the clouds began to disperse.

  "What are you doing to me?" he asked sleepily through half closed eyes.

  "I'm calming you down. You are dangerous when you are angry. There that's better," she said stroking his knees gently.

  "Wait that felt good," he said dreamily.

  He leaned forward and looked into Cassie's eyes. They were a bright green and very pretty. They almost seemed to glow. Alex took in her face appreciatively. She was cute, about the same age as Becca and had a heart shaped face, clear creamy skin and a rosebud mouth that he really wanted to kiss right now. A lock of her long red hair fell over her eye and he tried to lift his hand to tuck it behind her ear. His arm felt too heavy to move though, he was so lethargic he could just go to sleep right now. She was not quite the witch he was expecting to meet. He focused his energy and leaned further forward. The action making her hands move higher up onto his thighs. Alex groaned and moved further forward.

  "Did you just put a spell on him?" asked Becca sharply standing up and moving to Alex's side.

  "I just used a little of my influence to make him chill out," Cassie murmured still looking deeply into his eyes.

  "Alex," barked Becca shaking his shoulder.

  She really didn't like the way he was looking at the beautiful petite red head. She liked where the red head’s hands were resting even less.

  Alex blinked and shook his head. "What the?"

  Cassie laughed and stood up in one graceful movement and sank back down into her own armchair smiling into her drink.

  "I have no idea what that was but you can do that again anytime," he said relaxing back into his own chair. He was completely relaxed and hadn't felt this good in a long time.

  "Alex," shouted Becca and Sasha in unison.

  "So you know Alex's dad then?" asked Matt quickly changing the subject.

  "Thor? Yes I do. Handsome guy, though Alex's pretty cute too. Like a blonde little sexy version of him," she said flirtatiously looking Alex up and down.

  Alex shot up out of his chair suddenly very alert. "Thor? As in the god Thor? Are you freakin out of your mind? Don't mess with me like that, it's not funny."

  "I'm not messing with you. You know it's true. You have even been marked as one of their own," she replied calmly sipping her drink again and peering at him over the edge of her glass.

  "One of their own what?" he asked coming over to her chair and standing over her.

  "Calm down handsome, we have had enough lightning tonight," she said standing up and stroking a long finger down his bicep.

  "The mark on your chest, let me look at it. From what Nancy described it is the mark of Mjolnir. Only Thor would mark his son like that, which makes you, my handsome, a demi god."

  Alex looked around at his friends. They looked just as bemused as he was.

  "Come on then, let's see it," Cassie said reaching for the bottom of his shirt.

  "Hey hands off," he said moving out of her reach. He pulled his t-shirt off and Cassie darted forward and ran her hands over his chest around the mark.

  "Don't touch it," he warned. "The last person who did got a nasty shock."

  "That's because he probably meant you harm. I on the other hand...." Her hand brushed over the mark and Alex shivered.

  "Yes it's as I thought. Thor has marked you as his own. The Mjolnir is protecting you. Anyone who means you harm will basica
lly get zapped," she said.

  "Man that's so cool, you’re like a god?" said Matt in awe.

  "You don't seriously believe this crap do you?" Alex sneered pushing away Cassie's hand and putting his top back on.

  "No leave it off, I haven't finished my examination," she purred winking at him.

  "We are done with the examination thank you," he said putting his hands up as she tried to move closer. "Ok so say my dad is Thor, what about my mum then, do you know who she is too?"

  "Your mother is human. Thor fell for her straight away, she was quite a looker when she was younger."

  Pete stood up and placed his finished glass on the coffee table. "But my dad said the gods kept away from humans, it always caused problems when they mixed together," he said confused.

  "True on both counts. In fact Odin made the gods swear to not visit Midgard again after the last fiasco."

  "Why what happened?" asked Becca.

  "Loki is what happened. He was up to his usual tricks and thought it would be funny to interfere in the love life of Ran, the goddess of the sea. You see she was having an affair with a human behind her husband's back. Loki told Aegir, her husband, that she was meeting a human and where she was. Well let's just say Aegir found her in a compromising position and he lost it. He was so angry that he created a great flood across the whole world. He nearly destroyed this world but luckily there were enough humans and animals who found shelter and they could start rebuilding again. Poor Ran was devastated, her young lover was drowned and she's never been the same since. Anyway Odin had had enough, he made all of the gods swear to never interact with humans again. If they did then a curse would be triggered which would release Hel from the underworld to finally finish off the human race. No one really wanted that as it would ruin the balance of the Nine Worlds. Nine is our lucky number you see."

  "Hang on, if Thor got it on with Alex's mum, then what your saying is that this curse was triggered?" asked Matt.

  "Correct, but it only triggered when Alex turned into an adult at eighteen."

  "This is nuts, so you are saying my dad's a god, I'm a demi god and when I turned eighteen last week I triggered a curse which basically means the end of the world?" Alex paced around the apartment with his hands in his hair.


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