The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1)

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The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1) Page 18

by Debbie Champion

  Ellewen drew the pouch from her bag and sprinkled the salt in a circle on the wooden floor. She stood inside and Alex joined her carrying Lexi in his arms. She hardly weighed anything and Alex felt a buzz of excitement at holding her so closely to his chest. Ellewen said the portal spell and they waited for the ground to fall away. Nothing happened though.

  "Say it again," said Alex frantically. He could hear heavy footsteps approaching the room.

  Ellewen recited the spell again but nothing happened. Then the door crashed open and Hadron stood on the threshold grinning widely.

  "You took your time," he sneered.

  "Ellewen," shouted Alex desperately. "Get us out of here."

  "It's no good, no magic will work in this room. I have had it protected," said Hadron with a very pleased look on his face.

  "But you used magic to make us small," said Alex looking at Ellewen in confusion.

  "That was outside the room. I have no power in here," she said miserably.

  "Now if you would be so kind as to put my bride down, she has a wedding to prepare for," Hadron snarled at Alex.

  Alex laid Lexi back on the bed and concentrated on his power. He felt a surge go straight to his hands and he drew them back ready to strike at Hadron.

  "Guards," Hadron called loudly. Two guards burst into the room and covered Hadron with their shields.

  "The shields are rubber Alex, your electricity trick won't work this time so put it away little boy," said Hadron enjoying himself.

  Alex roared in defiance and the energy burst from his chest with an intense blast. The guards were knocked back against the wall with the force of the blast and they lost consciousness.

  "Ok I didn't see that happening," said Hadron backing away from Alex.

  Alex's face was a mask of pure hatred. The energy was pulsing from every fiber in his body. His eyes radiated power and he gathered it into his hands ready to strike Hadron.

  "Alex stop," Lexi called weakly from the bed. She was sitting up and rubbing her head."Don't hurt him, it's not his fault."

  "What do you mean it's not his fault? He kidnapped you, drugged you and was going to force you to marry him. I'm going to end this," shouted Alex angrily.

  "No, Alex please let him go. He's just doing what his father ordered him to, he has no choice," she pleaded standing up shakily.

  "What are you talking about Lexi?" asked Alex confused. The energy was pulsing in his hands and making them itch. He was dying to release the power.

  "The King is making him do this, he wants the golden apples for the Light Elves. If

  Hadron marries me it connects our families and my mother will be obliged to hand him a share," said Lexi.

  "But it won't be a share will it Hadron?" Ellewen snarled. "He wants them all for the Light Elves and the Asgardian gods will die," she hissed.

  "No, of course not," spluttered Hadron, his arms outstretched as though to fend them off.

  "Liar," shouted Alex releasing a blast of energy and striking the floor in front of Hadron.

  Large chunks of the floor flew up and Hadron squealed and jumped back. Suddenly he started to transform. His nose became elongated and turned into a hooked beak. Brown feathers sprouted on his face and two giant wings grew from his back. In no time at all he had transformed into a giant eagle. An ear splitting cry filled the air and Hadron beat his wings knocking them all to the floor. He struck out his beak towards Ellewen and ripped a large tear in her arm. She cried and scrambled back against the wall holding her arm. Alex jumped to his feet and concentrated on recharging his energy. Hadron hopped towards him and darted forwards trying to tear Alex's head off with his beak. Alex ducked out of the way and Hadron tore a hole in the floor instead. Alex felt the energy in his hand return and he threw a massive bolt towards Hadron but he missed and hit the door instead. Chips of wood flew everywhere and Alex threw himself in front of Lexi to protect her. A large splinter embedded itself in Alex's thigh and he cried out in pain and collapsed to the floor. Hadron cried out in triumph and lunged at Alex again with his beak, completely intent on ripping him to pieces. Lexi cried out and pushed herself in front of Alex. Hadron's beak stopped inches from her head. He reared back and shrieked loudly in protest.

  "Hadron stop. Leave them alone and I will marry you now, no fuss, no fighting, just let them go," she shouted.

  His eagle eyes gleamed and he quickly transformed back into his natural form.

  "Finally you see sense. Lexi darling, it didn't have to be this way," said Hadron stroking her cheek with the tips of his fingers.

  "You’re not going to get away with this you big eared bird freak," shouted Alex hobbling forward and shoving Lexi behind him again.

  "I think you will find I already have. You heard Lexi agree to marry me, a promise is as binding as a contract in this land," said Hadron gloating.

  "She's not from this land elf boy," Alex snarled back.

  "Alex it's over, he will kill you both if I don't do this," said Lexi bending down and helping Ellewen to her feet. She was whimpering and holding her arm in pain.

  "Alex just leave while you can. I'll be fine, tell my mother I'm sorry and I'll see her soon," said Lexi with tears in her eyes.

  Alex felt the rage build within him. A large crack of lightning lit up the room and a wind whipped around them.

  "Alex what are you doing?" cried Lexi shielding her face from the debris flying around the room.

  She looked at him and he was standing firm. His hair was being whipped around by the wind and lightning flashed from his eyes. He held his hands out to his sides and a huge bolt of electricity burst from his chest and struck Hadron square on the chest. Hadron was thrown into the air and he crashed down against the wall unconscious. Alex collapsed to the floor completely spent. He had no energy at all and could he barely lift his hand.

  "Alex, are you ok?" cried Lexi falling to her knees next to him. She tried to roll him over onto his back but he was too heavy.

  "Here let me help," said Ellewen crawling over on her knees.

  They managed to roll Alex over together and he groaned. Every nerve in his body was tingling and he felt sick and dizzy.

  "Did I kill him?" he asked trying to look over towards Hadron.

  Lexi looked over and could see Hadron's chest moving up and down steadily.

  "He's breathing, he'll be ok...I think," she said. "Quick we need to get out of here before he wakes up," she said helping Alex up into a sitting position.

  He cried out in pain and she saw the large splinter of wood in his thigh.

  "Let me see," said Ellewen shuffling forwards. "We have to take it out or he won't heal," she said. "He has some immortal blood in him so he should heal quickly if we get the splinter out. Lexi you will have to do it, I won't be able to get a good enough grip with this arm," she said lifting her arm up and wincing. Blood was pouring from the deep wound and she looked as though she could faint at any moment.

  "Ok, Alex I'll pull it out after three, ok?" Alex nodded and then screamed loudly when she ripped the splinter from his leg.

  "What happened to after three?" he gasped. She grinned and tucked a stray lock of his hair back, which had fallen into his eyes.

  "I figured it was like taking off a band aid, the quicker the better. Do you think you can stand?" she asked positioning herself so that she could help him up.

  "Yeah it's feeling better already," he said looking at the wound through the rip in his trousers. It had stopped bleeding and new skin was already starting to form over the tear in his skin.

  "Help me up," he said.

  He didn't really need help but he liked the way she had wrapped her arm around his waist. He staggered to his feet and they helped Ellewen up. She was looking very pale and was shaking.

  "I need to get out of this room, then I can sort this out," she said motioning to her arm.

  They made their way over to the hole where the door used to be and stepped over the debris. As soon as they were over the threshold Ellewe
n started to mutter a spell over her arm and the bleeding stopped.

  "You can heal yourself?" asked Alex impressed.

  "Not completely, this is the best I can do but at least I won't bleed to death," she said. "Alex where is the crystal we need to use it now?" she asked.

  Alex felt in his pocket and took out the crystal. He could hear the guards behind them moaning in the room.

  "Quick they are waking up," he whispered frantically. "What do I do with this?" he asked holding the crystal in the palm of his hand.

  "Draw a door on that wall," said Ellewen, pushing Alex towards the wall next to the stairwell. He scratched a door shape into the wall, stepped back and said "Iduna."

  They waited but nothing happened.

  "Iduna" he said louder.

  They heard a crash from the room and looked at each other in panic.

  "Give it here," Lexi snatched the crystal from Alex's hand and drew a doorknob.

  Suddenly the edges of the door started to glow yellow and the doorknob protruded out of the door. Alex grabbed the knob, twisted it and pulled. The door opened and they could see an orchard on the other side of the door.

  "Stop," cried Hadron behind them.

  Alex quickly pushed the girls through the door and looked back. Hadron was standing in the ruined doorway glaring at him. His hair was singed and the pupil of one eye looked like it had a lightning streak running through it.

  "See you later elf boy," said Alex as he jumped through the door.

  "Oh believe me, you will," Hadron growled as the door slammed shut.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Lexi, thank Odin. Are you ok my darling?" Iduna cried running towards them as they stumbled through the door.

  "Hi, I'm fine, I'm sorry I should have listened to you," Lexi cried throwing herself into Iduna's arms.

  "Alex, thank you," Iduna said over Lexi's shoulder. Lexi was crying uncontrollably, sobbing into her mother's hair.

  "Ellewen's hurt, can you help her?" Alex asked holding Ellewen's arm out for Iduna to see.

  "Oh Ellewen," Iduna cried coming over to her to take a closer look. "Come follow me."

  She took Lexi by the hand and made her way through the orchard. In the middle of the orchard Alex could see a large apple tree, which seemed to be glowing. When he looked closer he could see the branches were heavy with golden fruit.

  "The golden apples," he said amazed at the sight.

  Iduna reached up and picked three apples and handed one to Ellewen. "Here eat this, it will heal your arm," she said kindly.

  "I can't touch that," said Ellewen. Iduna looked at her confused. No one had ever turned down the chance to eat a golden apple.

  "I don't want immortality," explained Ellewen backing away from the fruit.

  "It won't make you immortal, it will just extend your life for a hundred years or so," said Iduna still holding out the apple.

  "No, I'm fine, honest, the bleeding has stopped I just need to rest," said Ellewen.

  "You seriously don't want to live for an extra hundred years are you mad?" asked Alex.

  "My family are not immortal, neither is my boyfriend. I don't want to see them all grow old and die before me. It's not right, immortality may sound great but in reality I would be alone in the end. I don't want that," she said.

  Alex nodded suddenly realising the enormity of the change in his life.

  "You have a boyfriend?" asked Lexi sounding surprised.

  "Er yes. Tom and I have been going out for over a year now," said Ellewen blushing.

  "I didn't know, Ellewen I'm sorry I didn't even know, I've been a terrible friend," said Lexi, distraught that she had no idea what her best friend had been up to for the last year.

  "Lexi it's fine, you've just been a bit engrossed with Hadron," said Ellewen. "Iduna she can't go back to school she’s not safe there. He is determined to marry her to bind your houses."

  "And to get access to the golden apples too, I know," said Iduna pursing her lips.

  "Heimdall came and told me. This is the very reason why I can't leave here. Lexi I'm sorry but you are going to have to stay here with me until I can talk to Odin. He should be able to get the Light Elves to behave themselves. He will be furious when he finds out about all of this."

  "I think he knows already," said Lexi. "He saw me being carried off by Hadron but I don't understand why he didn't stop him," said Lexi confused.

  "I didn't know that. I expect he wanted to see how far Hadron would go. Your grandfather loves war and chaos Lexi, you know that, but he does love you in his own way. I am sure he wouldn't have let them hurt you," said Iduna stroking Lexi's long blonde hair.

  "But he would have allowed him to marry me. He wants war doesn't he? I bet he is bored again and wants an excuse to fight the Light Elves," said Lexi miserably.

  "It wouldn't surprise me but because of Alex that won't happen now," said Iduna going over and hugging Alex. He blushed to the roots of his hair and Iduna laughed.

  "Lexi it won't be long I'm sure, you’ll be back at school before you know it. I just need to make sure Odin knows that he can't go to war with the Light Elves and to get him to tell Hadron to leave you alone once and for all," said Iduna.

  "Will he listen to you though?" asked Lexi.

  "Oh I can be very persuasive," said Iduna tossing the golden apple she had in her hand up and down. They all laughed.

  "Hey cheer up Lexi, I'll visit if I can and will bring you a Starbucks coffee and anything else you can't do without," said Alex grinning.

  Lexi's face lit up. "You will visit us?"

  "Sure, I promised your mum before. I reckon she needs some help building her village," he said winking at Iduna.

  "Her what?" asked Lexi raising her eyebrows.

  "Minecraft," said Alex and Iduna together laughing.

  "Oh Mum you are not still playing on that are you?" asked Lexi embarrassed.

  "What? It's addictive, come and see the new castle I built. You will love it. It even has a dungeon," said Iduna giggling like a schoolgirl.

  "Guys I really need to get going, things to do, people to see, saving the world and all that," said Alex reaching out for the apples from Iduna.

  "Of course, Alex I can't thank you enough," said Iduna her eyes sparkling with tears. She handed over the apples and he tucked them into his trouser pockets.

  "Ellewen are you staying here?" he asked.

  "Yes, just for a bit. I need to get my strength back then I'll head back to school. There will be some clearing up to do. I'm not sure how many people saw Hadron whisk Lexi off into the air but there must have been some. I need to do some mind wiping," she said.

  "Mind wiping? That's sounds dangerous," said Alex worried.

  "They’ll be fine, I'll just make them remember a slightly different version to what happened. Like a normal sized eagle carrying off a bird or something like that," she laughed.

  "Thanks for your help Ellewen, I couldn't have done it without you," said Alex pulling her into a bear hug, but being careful of her arm.

  "Hey no problem, now hurry up and get that sword or I won't be able to enjoy my final years of school or anything," she grinned pushing him away.

  "Lexi," he said resting his hands on her shoulders and looking deeply into her blue eyes. "I'll come back when all of this is over I promise." She stepped forward into his arms and kissed him on the cheek.

  "Don't be a stranger eh?" she whispered in his ear.

  He smiled at her, tucked a long strand of golden hair behind her ear and stepped back before he was tempted to kiss her on the mouth.

  "Right so how do I get back to Dvalin? Portal, magic door, ruby red slippers?" he asked. "Personally I think Dvalin would prefer the door. I have messed up his house twice already with the portals," he said grinning.

  "Use the crystal," said Lexi handing it to him. "Your friends will be able to use it too, there is no danger using this."

  "You Volva's really need to get some of these," said Alex to Ellewen holdi
ng up the crystal so it caught the light.

  "Oh whatever Alex, get going, I'm tired and need to lie down," she said shooing him away with her good arm.

  "Come into the house. Alex you can use the window we used before and save the crystal. It only has a finite life span so you need to use it wisely," said Iduna leading the way to her house.

  They all followed and once inside Lexi led Ellewen off to a bedroom so she could rest. They waved to Alex as they disappeared up the stairs and he waved back wondering when he would see them again. He followed Iduna into the study and stepped in front of the glass door.

  "Ok now say Dvalin's name clearly and step through the window like you did before. Don't be a stranger, I got the impression you and Lexi....well you know.." she said smiling.

  Alex went bright red. "Oh no, it's not like that, we're friends," he stuttered embarrassed.

  "Sure, just friends," Iduna smiled laughing.

  Alex looked at the glass at his reflection and swallowed nervously. He had the feeling he had got himself into a bit of a mess as he thought of seeing Becca again.

  "Dvalin," he called out clearly.

  The glass shimmered in front of him and he closed his eyes and stepped through the rippling waves.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Alex, oh my god you scared the life out of me," cried Matt as Alex appeared through the stone wall of Dvalin's house.

  "Hey Matt," grinned Alex. "Man you will not believe what has happened to me. How's Dvalin?" he asked looking around the room.

  Becca and Sasha were sitting with Dvalin and Sven was sitting on the sofa with Pete.

  "Not good, he hasn't woken up since you left and he’s barely breathing," said Becca. She stood up and went over to Alex to hug him. "You’ve been gone for ages, what took you so long?" she asked. "You smell of perfume," she said stepping back and looking at him accusingly. “What have you been up to?”

  Alex blushed and shrugged. "Er I'll explain later, looks like I came back in the nick of time. Here give him this."

  Alex reached into his pocket and gave Becca one of the golden apples. She looked into his eyes but he looked away embarrassed. Whilst he hadn't done anything with Lexi, he couldn't deny that he had strong feelings for her. The trouble was he also had feelings for Becca and his stomach churned at the angry look she had shot at him. She took the apple out of his hand and went over to Dvalin quickly.


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