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Islanders Page 4

by Brandon Enns

  Erin grabbed a cup of coffee and held it close to his nose, finally waking him, his squinting bloodshot eyes confused and upset.

  "Good morning," she said cheerfully.

  He groaned.

  "Stefan brought us breakfast."

  No response, only shuffling around in the sheets.

  "You should give me a hand with all of this."

  He dragged himself out of bed begrudgingly, and she could see the look on his face that was foul for no damn reason.

  "What's wrong?"


  "How'd you sleep?"

  "Fine, I guess." He yawned.

  "You were sleepwalking last night."

  His eyebrows rose. "Really?"

  "Yeah, it was freaky."

  "What'd I do?"

  "You were at the end of the dock, lying down, looking at something."

  "Wow, that is weird."

  He sipped his coffee and looked out at the water, away from Erin.

  "Hungover?" she asked.

  "No, not really."

  "Stefan made us breakfast; come sit with me."

  He sat and she made a goofy face, at him but he ignored her.

  Trevor pulled out his phone and began surfing through old emails, she assumed.

  "You find a Wi-Fi connection I don't know about?"

  "Unfortunately not. It would have been nice to know about this in advance."

  "So you don't work this week. Your dad managed for twenty-five years before you."

  "By failing to prepare—"

  She cut him off, finishing his sentence for him. "You are preparing to fail... No one else is here."

  Erin continued, choosing for once to show her anger rather than suppress it. "You're failing at enjoying yourself."

  "I'm having loads of fun," he said unconvincingly, reaching for a piece of bacon.

  "Is there something you need to tell me?" Good Lord, I sound like an obsessive freak.


  "I'm going to the beach." She rose from her chair a little too aggressively, gaining his attention.

  "It's Stefan," he blurted out.

  She sat back down. "What about Stefan?"

  "Last night while you were watching that movie…Well, you were sleeping, but he pulled me aside into this weird room and started asking me questions."

  "What sort of questions?"

  "I don't know really. It was more the way he looked at me, I guess. I know how that sounds. And this whole stupid contest thing. He said he wanted me to be a leader."

  "What's wrong with that?"

  "It's the way he said it. It was messed up."

  "He's your cousin. I thought you two got along."

  "I don't really know him anymore. Haven't for a while now."

  "I don't think it's weird that he wants you to be a leader. And maybe you were calling his plans stupid. I can see you doing that."

  "I'm sorry." He set his strip of bacon back down on the plate and stared at it. "Maybe there's a reason you're defending him."


  "I saw the way you looked at him."

  "I didn't look at him any way. It's called being nice and trying to enjoy my holiday, Trevor."

  "Right. You’re right."

  Erin sighed. "I'd like us to start this morning over. As long as you promise you won’t be like this all day."

  "Like what?"

  "Casting your shadow of gloom over everyone."

  "You make it sound like I'm just a complete asshole all the time."

  "You're not an asshole," she said. "I just want you to be happy that's all."

  "Did you know the door locked?"

  "What door?"

  "To his fucking interrogation room."


  "Yeah," he said smugly, with an anger smoldering that wasn’t appropriate for the level of “fight” they were having.

  "Why was the door locked?"

  "The power cut out and it was automated. Doesn't that concern you?"

  "Not overly."

  He looked at her like he'd just been slapped across the face. "Right on. Thanks, Erin."

  "You're being dramatic. And I'm going to the beach."

  She took a strip of bacon and left him there to stew in his foul mood.

  Chapter Six - Trevor

  Walking down the beach, he couldn't stop thinking of his father.

  Alzheimer's. He could tell himself it wasn't, but that one look into his father's vacant eyes after speaking of his ghost of a sister as if current routine, and there was no refuting the answer. Stress doesn't do that. Fatigue doesn't do that. Nothing does that. Only a failing mind beginning to collapse does that. He was so young though. It was difficult to grasp. It consumed the majority of real estate within Trevor's mind. It had to have been a strange blip; a momentary lapse, never to happen again. He’s unorganized at work because he’s ready for retirement. He’s ready to pass the reins. Maybe he’s sick of it all? Maybe he’s dating someone? Distracted. Maybe he just missed her that much? A Freudian slip?

  Trevor's mother had left over a decade ago, and his father had no one but him; his golf buddies didn't count. They were pretentious losers, and Trevor figured his dad knew that. Can't golf alone, shouldn't drink alone; most of the time, that is. Trevor shouldn't have left on this trip. He should have talked to his dad, should have taken him to the doctor.

  The hot sun made him feel sick. The lingering taste of red wine didn't help. Just as he thought he was about to vomit, he spotted an old man in the trees staring at him, shovel in hand.

  There are others out here? His morose stare persisted. He just stood there. The eerie moment pulled Trevor’s focus away from his father and back toward the disturbing conversation he had with Stefan the night before. Neither of them waved; they remained in a deadlock, the old man's hand squeezed around the handle of the shovel. Finally, he turned away and continued shoveling at the sand.

  Trevor caught up with the group. Ashton turned.

  "Where you guys going?"

  "Sorry, dude. Thought you were staying back. Feeling better?"

  Erin must have spun some lie about him being sick. She had become oddly bold since arriving. Maybe it was the setting, but he loved it and hated it at the same time. He could have compiled every time they'd had sex and it wouldn't have amounted to the way she screwed last night.

  "Good as new. Where are we going?"

  "It's a surprise, cousin."

  "Does everything have to be a surprise?" he questioned with a tiresome exhale. Erin snapped her head around, giving him a nasty look.

  "Yes, yes it does," Stefan replied. Ashton handed Trevor a beer. At least he looked happy to have him along.

  Erin rushed ahead to join Skye on the walk, leaving the boys behind.

  "Trouble in paradise?" Ashton asked with a sly grin.

  "You could say that." They clanked beers and drank. "How about you?"

  "Trouble? You could say that."

  "Still not putting a damper on the sex life?"

  "Nope. Just different." He chuckled with his goofy jackass grin that always elevated Trevor's spirit.


  Trevor watched them plummet one by one off the edge of the cliff. He figured it was about a fifty-foot drop, give or take. He was already an irritable mess, and the thought of stepping off the ledge frightened him. What was with Erin? The way she had initiated last night was no ordinary thing. She rode him like she was possessed. It was all very new.

  They all came back up, tired of waiting for him. Ashton was first to jump a second time, his long hair leaving a trail behind his disappearing body. Skye used the natural water slide that was reinforced with some sort of rubbery texture. They watched as she weaved side to side with a joyous squeal in anticipation of leaving the edge. She did, and a raspy scream followed before her splash. Trevor looked back at Stefan and Erin, who made conversation out of pure awkwardness. Stefan walked up to the ledge and took the plunge.

  "Are you seriously this mad
at me? I was just telling you what happened."

  "And what happened last night?"

  "I told you—"

  "On the docks."

  Trevor felt a chill. "I told you I don't know anything about that."


  "You can't possibly be upset with me for sleepwalking."

  "No, I'm not."

  "But you are mad."

  "I'm honestly not."

  "So, you are then?"

  "In the past, yeah I would be. Now, I'm on holiday." And at that, she turned and jumped, a splash and laughter following.

  Trevor stepped to the edge; the distance down to the group of floating heads made him feel light and shaky. The wind could grab him and blow him sideways at any second. He inched back away from the edge. Fifty feet? Or closer to a hundred?

  He could hear Ashton taunting him from down below, his voice bouncing off the rocky walls, trying to find its way up to him. A dude here. A bro there. Pussy.

  He needed a second alone. Time to think.

  It didn't take much hiking to discover a trio of mini caves up on the rocky cliffs. The second one was illuminated slightly by bright blue water, steam rising off of it. He entered the cave cautiously, suddenly paranoid that bats were going to come streaking at his face. But no bats came, and the little hot spring was calling his name. He dipped his foot in. It was nice and warm, accented nicely by the cool dampness in the cave. He climbed in, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. No kind of spa meditation was going to solve the immaturity that was his and Erin’s relationship. For the longest time, he thought boredom was their biggest issue. But now, kick in some spicy sex, and they were petty teenagers.

  A daydream ensued, and it was not the kind to put him in better spirits. It tortured him. His father…Trevor envisioned him walking down a back alley; it was raining, dark. The buildings around were the only thing that stood out from the darkness, the graffiti both bold and italicized, all neon colors like it was the 80s. His teeth were chattering, eyes wide and moving side to side. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he was trying to be brave. The rain was coming down harder now. A shadow formed behind him, stalking him in the night. Not a soul would see or hear a thing—


  He jumped. Standing in front of him was a beautiful young woman. She couldn't have been much older than twenty. There was just enough of a bikini to cover the essentials.


  "Mind if I…"

  "Oh, sorry."

  "What are you sorry for?"

  She leaned on one leg, hips out. Her stomach was flat. A bead of sweat rolled into her belly button.

  "Where are your friends?"

  "Oh, I don't know."

  Another pause ensued. "Why yes, I'd gladly join you. Thank you." She stepped into the water gracefully and slowly lowered herself, teasing his eyes. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

  Still in awe, he asked, "Who are you?"

  She smirked and cupped some water. She patted her neck and ran her fingers through her long dark hair. "It's been said that this spring will reset one's soul. That any concerns are but a distant memory as they are replaced with dreams of youth."

  Uh huh, say more things, please. "Good. My plans of being a professional bull rider are still alive then?" Weak, but it's a start.

  Any look she provided him with was absolute torture. Lust didn't even begin to describe what he was feeling.

  "If that's something you desire…I'm Cassidy."


  "Why are you so bothered, Trevor?"

  He was rigid in the water, hanging on her every word. He conducted another assessment of her face. Dark eyes, tanned skin, lush lips, defined collarbone, and…

  "Who said I was bothered?"

  She leaned forward. "That stick lodged neatly in your ass."

  Another seductive smile followed. "City boy Trevor…"

  How does she know my name? "I'm actually from hick town Wyoming. Bull rider, remember?"

  "No, you aren't." Her face was serious. "You're from New York I would guess. Businessman of sorts."

  "And what are you?"

  "Here. In this moment." She raised her eyebrows with a funny grin.

  "So, you're a hippie."

  "I'm not bound by any titles, Trev."

  The way she said that. Trev. Her lips.

  "Psych or philosophy major?"

  She lifted herself up slightly against the edge of the rock, revealing her breasts again before sinking back down. "I’m not one for school. Couldn’t swallow the conformity. You’re right. Hippie.”

  “What do you do then?”

  “What could I do? I’m not educated.” She laughed quietly. The tone of her voice was musical. “You're attractive," she said. "What brings you to the island?"

  "Stefan is my cousin. He wanted us to come check it out before he invites anyone else apparently."

  "Is that all?" Cassidy rose from the water, tucking her hair behind her ears. She showed off her fit body once again, holding her gaze intensely on him.

  She wrung out her hair, the sound of droplets echoing through the cave. "What are you worth?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "Money," she said.

  "That depends." Surprised, he couldn't help but be proud.

  "On what's yours and what's Daddy's?"

  A ping of anger registered. "On which assets you would like to consider." He smiled awkwardly. "Is this your first time attempting small talk?"

  She sat back down in the water, leaning over the edge to grab a cigarette from the pack she had already laid out. She lit one and took a drag. "I know men like you." She exhaled the smoke without tightening her lips into a circle.

  "I doubt that. I'm not like most men."


  "Most men don't drive a Bugatti."

  "What's a Bugatti?" she asked.

  He paused. "A car." He tried his best not to sound like a prick.

  "Well, I figured as much."


  She played with her hair. "Trevor Miller. King of the courtroom. Defender of the American dream."

  Did I say I was a lawyer? How the hell does she know my last name? "Did we sleep together at some point?" he asked.

  "Oh, my sweet Trev…I could only dream of such a thing." She took another drag and laughed, shaking her head.

  Just take it easy and get out. "Dreams come true every day," he said lightheartedly with an overdrawn smile.

  Her cigarette burned brightly, her slender neck flexing as she inhaled. The smoke curled out of her lush lips as she sighed out the incredibly lucky toxins.

  “You shouldn’t smoke you know.”


  “It kills, in fact. Didn’t you check the warning on the package?”

  “I must have missed it.” She smiled and took another drag, her eyes never leaving Trevor. A humorous grin formed as she wiped beads of water from her chest. “I better quit then. Let’s say this is the last one. Okay?”

  “Good thing you ran into me. I saved your life. You can thank me later.”

  “Or is it a good thing you ran into me?” she asked.

  “I don’t know…You haven’t saved my life yet.”

  “Maybe I have.”

  “Philosophy major. Knew it.”

  She smiled and stared at her cigarette. She observed it with a furrowed brow before taking one last drag, tilting her head back and huffing out the smoke. “Here. You finish my last cigarette ever. There’s no stronger bond on earth than that.”

  “What’s one more favor?” Trevor accepted the stubby dart. Two drags and it was done. He put it out on the stone and flicked it.

  “Hey now. You treat this place with respect, Trev.”

  “My apologies. There was no soil around to bury it in.”

  “I’ll bury that attitude of yours if you’re not careful.”

  Trevor held up his hands. “I’ll be good. I swear.”

  “That’s a good boy.”

  “So…Where are you from?” he asked.

  She ignored the question and floated close to Trevor, eyes on fire. She held her lustful gaze and moved in slowly. The steam rose around her face. He could see himself in her pupils. All he could think about was her lips on his.

  "It's okay, Trevor. It’s simple isn't it? You do what you gotta do." She placed a hand on his beating chest, the warm feeling making her eyes light up, a crooked smile forming on her gorgeous face.

  She leaned in about 90 percent of the way; Trevor covered the remaining ten, and they kissed.

  When she pulled away, he didn't know what would happen next, he simply wanted it to keep happening. It was out of his control now. Then, she leaned in closely and whispered, "I have to go. It was nice meeting you."

  She left Trevor sitting there in the hot spring with empty thoughts. In the distance he thought he could hear someone.


  He snapped out of it. The gang was there, staring at him with looks of concern.

  "Hey," he managed to squeak out.

  "You okay? You eat some bad berries, bro?"

  "I'm fine. Just need a drink. Or ten."

  Ashton was more than pleased.

  Chapter Seven - Erin

  Stefan was gauging the group with concerned eyes. Skye lay on a towel with her head resting between Ashton's legs. They must have made up. How did Ashton deal with her shit? Erin knew that Skye had cheated on him countless times back home, but she didn't have the heart to tell him. He must have known. She was far from discreet.

  Skye snapped her bubble gum and Stefan spoke. "In your picnic basket sits your lunch. Turkey sandwiches. And underneath your bagged lunches is a sheet of paper with your first...task we'll call it. Your mission is to solve the murder of the Royal Family."

  "The who now?" Ashton asked.

  "The Royal Family of Belize. Stefan looked excited. "Their lineage dates back to the Mayan immigration. Spawned from refugees, later slaves and merchants, they rose to gain control and ownership of over half of Belize before colonization came into effect in the late 1800s. Under the legislation at the time, they were able to find a balance, or peace, if you will, between the Mayan and the British power that was expanding. When the new constitution took force, they lost their power and social status as the British formed a monopoly, stripping many of those with private land. The support of the Mayans wasn't great enough to start a war, so they reached an agreement with the British. The Royal Family agreed to leave Belize under two conditions: first, their followers were to be provided equal opportunity for employment and a small sum of resources to start over, and second, the Royal Family would be granted full ownership of one of their favorite islands. This very one we stand on today, in fact... Forced out and heartbroken, their plan was to grow their roots here; create generations; win back their rights; form alliances with those who rebelled against the Belize Estate and Produce Company, along with the British colony in general; and from there, start taking unused land. They'd start with all the vacant islands and cays before taking back what was rightfully theirs. But that didn't happen for the Royal Family. Their agreement was broken the day presumed mercenaries from the colony stormed the beach and murdered the family of four."


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