Saving Reli

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Saving Reli Page 12

by Brooke Summers

  Amateurs. That’s all I think off as I watch as his men fumble to reach for their weapons.

  “You,” Havers growls as he takes a step toward me. “You’re the one that ruined my fucking whore.”

  My jaw clenches as I realize that he’s talking about Reli. “She’s not your whore, asshole. She’s nothing to you.”

  “Boss, the police are on their way,” Martina murmurs so that only I can hear her.

  “That is where you are wrong. She’s been mine for a very long time.”

  I tighten my grip on my gun; the urge to shoot the motherfucker is strong but I have more control than that. While him dying would make me fucking happy, he has a lot to fucking answer for. Trafficking, drugs, guns, you name it, that asshole has his fingers in it.

  “Havers, give it up. It’s over,” I tell him and see Cage has Reli in his arms. I can’t see her face and I hate that. I want to see if she’s okay.

  Havers raises his hand; I see the flash of the muzzle and my instincts take over. I fire off a shot. Just one and he falls to the floor, groaning in pain. Cohen rushes in and kicks the gun away from Havers and makes sure that he’s secure for when the police arrive.

  The rest of my team round up Havers’ men as I go to Reli.

  “She’s hurting,” Cage says quietly, his jaw clenched.

  “How bad?” I ask, my heart pounding. I still haven’t seen her face.

  “I’m okay.” Her voice is weak and timid.


  “Baby girl?” I say softly and she turns to face me and it’s like a sucker punch to my gut and not the good kind. Her face is bloodied, her lip has a cut in it, and she’s holding her stomach as though she’s in agony. “Call an ambulance,” I instruct Cage and he nods and moves away to call them.

  “I’m okay,” she tries to reassure me but I can tell that she’s anything but.

  “Humor me, baby. I need the paramedics and doctors to check you over.”

  She nods. “Fine.” She glances around the room. “Is it over?” I nod. “Good. Is Lance okay?”

  I lift her gently into my arms and bring her over to see him. He too is in bad shape, and I’m not sure which one of them is injured more. They’re both bleeding but neither look too serious.

  Thank fuck, this shit is over. Havers will get what’s coming to him. Inmates hate child abuses and traffickers. Havers is a dead man walking. Soon rumors are going to spread about both him and Talia. Hopefully, karma will come for them.

  Once the paramedics arrive, they load Reli and Lance into the ambulances and bring them both to the hospital. Thankfully, as I know most of the cops that arrived on scene, I was able to follow Reli to the hospital with the promise that I’d talk to them once I’d seen that she was okay.

  “I’m okay,” she tells me for the fifth time. I’m sitting beside her on this tiny hospital bed.

  We’ve been waiting for the doctor to let us know when she’s able to be discharged. I’m not holding out much hope that it’ll be this evening. The police have come by and taken my statement, I’ll swing by the station in the morning to give them a full one. Tonight, I just want to make sure that Reli’s okay and she’s safe.

  “You’re not okay. You’ve got two cracked ribs.” I should have killed that motherfucker, finding out that he and Talia are related has solidified my plan to ensure that they get everything that’s coming to them.

  “I know, but I’m alive, Lance is alive. We’re going to be okay. I just want to go home,” she says softly as she reaches for my hand. “When can we go home?”

  I kiss her head. “Soon, baby. Soon.,” I promise her.

  She rests her head against my chest. “I love you so much.”

  I close my eyes and let her words wash over me. “I love you too, baby girl, so fucking much.”



  Four months Later

  It's been just over four months since Havers. I’ve healed from my cracked ribs and even though being in his clutches brought back my nightmares, talking everything through with my counselor and with John helped me get back on track. I still have nightmares every once in a while, but they’re easier to come back from.

  Havers is in prison; he’s turned rat, and from everything that John tells me, he’s not going to last much longer in there. There’s one thing people hate and that’s a snitch. Havers thought he could get less time by giving up his criminal friends; now they want him dead.

  Lance is still at my side. He recovered quickly and came back stronger than ever. He’s more determined to keep me safe than ever before. Being in that place has brought us closer together. So much so, that he’s staying in our guesthouse permanently.

  I’m thankful for the day I met John again; who knew that knights-in-shining-armor actually existed. In the past few months things have moved at full speed between us. I was a little worried in the beginning. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do; go from being in that fucked up situation I was in with Talia to being in this full on relationship with John. But I couldn't resist him, he's the sweetest man in the world. He'll do anything for me and I love him for that. He's helping me become the best woman I can be.

  The past four months have been crazy busy for me. I’ve been traveling all of the US trying to get donors for Maine Foundation. I’ve spent weeks at a time away from John, the distance has made our relationship stronger. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’m in love with him. I’m not with him because he saved me, I’m with him because I love him.

  I’m currently having my house renovated. John pulled some strings and got the project approved. Not only is my house being renovated, the two houses on either side of it are too. They're joining as one. Lance somehow managed to sweet talk the owner of the other house into selling to me. I paid a little over market value for that, but I saved enough on the other house to make up for it. Once the house is renovated and expanded we'll end up having a huge compound for victims of abuse. As the project stands we'll have thirty rooms; twenty rooms will be bedrooms, each having their own private bathroom. There will be four separate living rooms, a huge kitchen, a dining room and four 'soft' rooms. These will be rooms that will hold counseling in them.

  Counseling is something that I think is so worthwhile. I’m still seeing mine and she’s agreed to come on board as part of the foundation. It’ll mean that I’ll have to find a new counselor, it’s something I’m not looking forward to but I need it. I’m not healed and I’m not sure I ever will be, but I’m getting stronger with each passing day.

  John won’t let me spend any money on him; he’s adamant that the money that my father left me be spent on only me or the foundation. But his birthday is today and I went all out. I needed it to be special. I had Lance help me locate it, I didn’t think he’d be able to find it. But he did and I’m so excited to give it to him.

  John told me about a car his father had but had to sell it when Sharon became pregnant with Cage. It took three months for Lance to locate, the 1969 Buick Skylark is the sweetest ride I’ve ever seen, and I’m so excited to see his reaction.

  He's thirty-four today and right now we’re in the middle of his party. We’re sitting around the table having dinner. His family have been really welcoming and I love them all, his mom more than the rest. I'm thinking that John may have told her about what I went through. Sharon's always checking in with me to make sure I'm okay. She feels guilty about Havers taking me from the mall.

  I tap my glass and everyone around the table quiets. All their focus turns to me, heat rises in my cheeks but I push through it. "I want to say Happy Birthday to John, without you I don't know where I'd be right now. You have shown me compassion, love, honesty, and sweetness. I'd be lost without you."

  A chorus of "Ahhhhh's" go around the room.

  "I love you," I whisper as I bend and kiss his lips. "I have a present for you."

  His eyes light up, "You do?"

  "Of course," I reply.

  "Oh, Reli, what did y
ou get?" Sharon asks with a smile.

  "If you'll follow me outside, you'll find out." I quickly move away from the table knowing that John may be pissed that I spent so much on his present. I hear the murmurs and whispers of wonder, only Lance knows what I bought and he's outside waiting with the car.

  Opening the front door, I'm met by Lance. He's got a wide grin on his face. "It drives like a dream."

  "Holy shit," Cage cries walking out behind me. "Reli-beli, you did awesome. Can I test drive it?"

  I laugh. I hated that name when they first started calling me it, but John told me the more I protested the more he’d call me it. It's stuck now, and I've gotten used to it. "John first."

  "Holy fuck."

  "Matthew Princeton. Language!" Sharon admonishes him and I can’t help but smile.

  "But mom, it's amazing.” Talin’s eyes are wide as he stares at the car.

  "I see that, Talin, but it doesn't mean you can use foul language."

  "Yeah, asshole," Cohen says, and this time I giggle.

  God, I love this family so much.

  "Christ," John growls, taking in the car.

  "John Princeton, it may be your birthday, but that doesn't give you the right to take the Lord's name in vain."

  "Mom, it's fucking amazing," John says and each one of his brother's take a step backward.

  "He never learns," Lance comments and I laugh.

  Glancing over at Markus who has the biggest smile on his face. He’s been a strong presence in my life, never interfering but always offering me comfort. Always supportive of not only all of his children, but also of me. He’s one of the board members for Maine Foundation.

  "You are never too old for me to tan your hide," Sharon warns him. "How about thanking Reli?"

  John walks over to me and lifts me into the air. "Fucking love you, baby girl."

  I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on, "I love you too. Like it?"

  "Love it. I don't know how you got it or how much you spent, but I'm not going to ask."

  I smile. "Good."

  "You're amazing."

  I roll my eyes. "I learned that from you."

  "Enough with the lovey dovey sh..." Cohen yells and Sharon coughs. “Crap; can we take a look at this beauty?"

  "I am," John says and my heart melts.

  “Go," I tell him, pressing a kiss against his lips.

  "I'll thank you properly later," he promises me, setting me down on my feet.

  The party is winding down; everyone is still here but they're all sitting on the couches. Everyone is having a good time but I've been anxious all day, I've tried to forget about it but I can't. My cell's timer beeps making me jump. My hands shake as I reach for the test.

  I smile as I look at it. John is going to be over the moon with the news. I know that he's been wanting this, he's told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. It's exactly the way I feel. He is my savior but he's also the man I love.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I see John sitting on the bed, he's waiting for me. "Did you take it?" he asks softly.

  I frown. "Take what?"

  He tilts his head and smirks. "The test, Reli. I saw it this morning. I've been waiting for you to take it all day."

  I smile; I should have known. There's no way I can keep anything from him, he's like a bloodhound; finds everything. "Yes, I did."

  "Baby girl, you're killing me here."

  "We're having a baby."

  His eyes widen and I watch as he sucks in a sharp breath. "We are?"

  I nod. "Yes we are."

  "Fuck yes! I love you, baby girl; you've made this the best birthday ever," he tells me, standing up from the bed.

  I smile. "Good, although it means I have to up my game in the future."

  He pulls me into his arms. "Not really, just be knocked up every birthday."

  I shake my head; I should have known. "How many kids are we having?"

  He smirks. "A football team."

  I raise my eyebrow at him. "How about we have this one and go from there?"

  "Sounds good. Now I need to kick everyone out."

  I gape at him. "What, why?"

  "I need to fuck my fiancé and I'm not doing that with those assholes in the house."

  Wait...What? "When did I become your fiancé?"

  "Since now." He walks out of the bedroom. I don't object because I love him. I hear voices talking but I can't make out what's being said.

  "Bye, Reli. See you tomorrow," Matthew yells and the rest of them shout to say their goodbyes.

  I go to the door, wanting to say goodbye to them, but I'm stopped by John.

  "They're gone." His mouth crashes down on mine. "Now, I've a lot of thanking to do."

  My hands go to the zip on my dress. I can't wait.

  What’s coming next?

  What happens when the Italian Mafia and the Irish Mafia join forces?

  You get a bloody Union.

  Bloody Union coming January 2021

  Marriages are meant to be sacred but when an arranged marriage turns bloody a war is started.

  Makenna Gallagher's life is anything but ordinary. After experiencing something traumatic her life changes and not for the better. When she meets the man that she is expected to marry she knows that keeping her secrets is only going to get harder.

  When Dante Bianchi sees his wife-to-be, he's surprised. She doesn't look anything like the sweet and innocent fourteen year old who he had agreed to marry five years ago. He looks forward to making her his.

  When their wedding ends in a gunfight, he's surprised to see his wife handling a gun with ease and when he watches her kill a man he doesn't know whether to be angry or turned on.

  Every family has secrets, but Makenna is drowning in hers. Will she sink or swim when hers turn deadly?

  Other books by Brooke Summers:

  The Kingpin Series

  Forbidden Lust

  Dangerous Secrets

  Forever Love

  The Made Series:

  Bloody Union


  Saving Reli

  All the ways you can follow Brooke:



  Join Brooke’s Babes:


  Jasmina: Without you, I’d be a mess! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  Christine: You are seriously the best! You help so much, I’m not sure what I’d do without you! Thank you!

  Krissy: As always, you’ve gone above and beyond for me! There are not enough words in this world to describe just how much you mean to me. Love you muchly

  Sarah: You are bloody fantastic! Thank you so much for being an awesome beta reader.

  And thank you to you, for reading this book.




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