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A Fiery Duchess for the Dashing Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

Page 10

by Scarlett Osborne

  “Where did you go?” she asked staring at him with her brown piercing eyes.

  “What do you mean? I’ve been here all along,” he told her.

  Before she could anything, the boy had dragged her off to show her some things. They would laugh at just about anything and Thomas found himself smiling at this too. The journey took them about fifteen minutes before the boy pointed to a small cottage with smoke coming out of its chimney.

  “That is where I live with my mother,” he announced.

  He ran toward it before stopping outside, waiting for them to catch up with him.

  “Thank you very much, Kind Sir and Miss,” he expressed his gratitude again.

  He offered them entry into his home but they politely declined. If there was one thing Thomas knew, it was never to push an already strained luck. When the boy had disappeared into the house, Mary Ann gave Thomas one of the most breathtaking smiles he had ever seen. It stayed for a couple of seconds and then it was gone. Thomas smiled back, wondering if ever he would see such magnificent smile again.

  “Where does your day lead you to now?” Thomas inquired as they walked back to toward where they came from.

  “I have a couple of matters to attend to in town,” Mary Ann told him.

  “What about you? Shouldn’t you be heading back to the Duke?” she asked.

  Her voice showed immense change. It sounded like a wince from a wounded beast trying to find its way to shelter. When Thomas looked in her direction, she was staring at the ground but he could make out the crease on her forehead. Her arms were also folded on her chest. Thomas became concerned with this reaction but he waved off asking as he thought it might be nothing.

  “Yes, I should. As a matter of fact, I told him I was going to apologize to you about my behavior last night if I stumble upon you,” he pointed out.

  “Yes, you are forgiven by the way,” she stated tucking her hair behind one of her ears.

  Thomas grinned, then tilted his head back and laughed. It made Mary Ann laugh out loud. Thomas looked at her as she laughed. Even though it was attractive, it was nothing compared the smile she gave him outside the young boy’s house.

  “I figured yesterday was too dark and His Grace was not happy that you didn’t take him up on his offer. Will you come with me and I will show you around? I will even show you more of the painting of the master’s grandfather, that seemed to take all your attention yesterday.” he teased.

  The truth was far less complicated than what he had said. He knew his day would no longer be the same if he were to depart from Mary Ann. Inviting her over would only mean that they spend more time together.

  “You want me to come with you to the Duke’s house?” she asked to clarify to which Thomas nodded enthusiastically.

  “Thanks,” she uttered, “but no thanks. I have other things to do in town today.”

  “What?” Thomas inquired hurriedly.

  “Things,” she responded in this same rapid-fire way.

  Thomas had a frown on now but Mary Ann’s smile was unwavering.

  “I promise to make it fun and more interesting than whatever you are going to do in town,” Thomas said grabbing her hand in his while looking into her eyes as if to get an early reply before she could speak.

  “Do you promise?” she asked with an even broader smile.

  “I give you my word,” Thomas held his hand on his chest.

  “Well then, let us go,” she declared.

  Thomas squeezed her hand happily before letting it go slowly. Without waiting up for him, she led the way with a blush on her face. He took a couple of seconds to access her nice curvy body again before following behind her.

  One can only hope, Thomas thought.

  Things were quiet between them as they walked toward the house. Except for the few times they looked at each other and exchanged awkward smiles, neither of them spoke much.

  “So what brings His Grace to the countryside?” Mary Ann inquired moving closer to him with her body almost touching his.

  “He is on a vacation. His duty can be very tasking so this is the only time he gets to step away from responsibility,” Thomas explained.

  They walked on with Mary Ann not responding to him. Their journey took about half an hour before the house came to sight.

  “We are home,” he blurted with his hands raised to the sky.

  Thomas was very happy about this. He hadn’t planned to be that long outside and the heat was already dealing its blow on him.

  “Someone seems particularly happy to be here,” Mary Ann pointed out.

  It was his turn not to respond. He only shot her a calm look that appraised her curvy body one more time. She tucked her hair behind her ear shyly with a charming smile that stopped Thomas for a moment. He then resumed walking, at a quicker pace.

  “Where are you rushing to?” she asked when she noticed that his steps were now becoming faster.

  “I am just going inside of the house.”

  “Wait for me outside,” he added rapidly before jogging off to avoid further question.

  He fought hard not to looked at her gorgeous face one more time. He tried but he couldn’t so he took a peek before disappearing inside.

  “James!” he shouted.

  There was no answer so he started checking each room hurriedly. His chest was already beating fast. The house was quiet and serene as if no one was inside. In its silence, Thomas could hear his heart thumping, then he came to a fearful realization.

  No one is inside. No! Not like this. Thomas was already beginning to panic.

  He rushed toward another door that led outside, away from where Mary Ann would be standing. Just as he was about to open the door, James appeared and he almost ran into him.

  “James,” he exclaimed before going quiet trying to catch his breath.

  “What seems to be the problem, Your Grace?” James bowed.

  “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Thomas uttered.

  When he felt better, he moved toward James and wrapped his hand around his neck as if they were old friends. He felt James’ quizzed eyes bore a hole in him, but he didn’t mind that. It would pass soon. Thomas led them to the stairs leading to him room before stopping to face him.

  “You must be tired from all the work that you have been doing,” he told James but before he could respond, he let out the truth. “The lady from the other day, Mary Ann, is here.”

  “Oh! I see,” James responded with an attitude, clearly knowing where the conversation was going.

  “James,” Thomas stressed his name with a quick stern look. “All I need from you is to stay in my chamber until I am finished.”

  “And what shall I do while in your chamber, Your Grace?” he asked with the same attitude as the last time. “You are the butler, aren’t you James? You can find something to do,” he moved away then stopped after taking just a step away,

  “You can sleep. I am on vacation therefore so are you. Take the day off in my room.”

  He stayed as he watched James bow and walk upstairs. He didn’t move until he heard the creaking sound of his door open and then became silent when it was closed.


  He didn’t wait long after this before he turned to meet Mary Ann at the door.

  Where is he now?

  Mary Ann was already becoming impatient. It wasn’t like her to be so guarded but being at the house of a Duke was quite unsettling for her. Before this, she hadn’t come in contact with any dignitaries. But now, she had met a Duke and was about to tour his home. She was still thinking of this when Thomas appeared at the door. He wore a bright smile and just as he got out, he combed his hair with his finger showing the huge muscles in his arm. Mary Ann only stood and wished he’d walked even closer to her and hug her tight with those huge arms. His stride was gracious, like a man who knew what he wanted. Just as she wished Thomas kept moving toward her with no intention of stopping. But just a few feet from her, he stopped. It was then that she real
ized that she had been holding her breath.

  Just kiss me, Thomas. A kiss from you is all I need.

  She nibbled on her lower lips softly at the thought of Thomas grabbing her and pulling off all she wore before kissing every inch of her with his soft lips. She inhaled loudly almost seeming like a gasp as if the kisses were real. Her hand caressed her neck as she fought not to touch her breasts out of pleasure.

  “What is going on in that mind of yours?” Thomas asked her.

  You are, she wanted to say.

  “You really know how to keep a lady waiting,” she uttered instead.

  “That is not a response to my question,” Thomas pointed out still smiling at her and before she knew it, she had joined in this too.

  “Well, that is the one you are going to get,” she told him. “Where is the—?”

  “The Duke is in his chamber, resting,” he told her before she could finish her statement. “Ready for the tour, Miss?” he teased, turning toward the door with one of his arms partially folded beside him to create a space for her hand to be placed.

  “Yes, let’s commence,” she followed suit in his joke and joined her arm with his.

  He had the same sweet smell she experienced the first time again. The smell of lavender and rose this time. They exchanged looks and didn’t look away for a couple of seconds. Mary Ann moved closer and placed her head on his arm before standing straight again. She loved the warmth from his body, while it made her hair stand with goose bumps visible on her skin. She felt warm.

  They began their tour from a familiar place, the first room they passed the first time she was there. The house was as quiet as the last time she was there, but it was brighter showing the beauty of the minimal decoration inside. She walked toward the painting of the man that caught her attention the first time. Only this time, she was able to assess it better. She took her hand from Thomas as she motioned to touch it.

  “That is the…”

  “The Duke’s grandfather,” she broke in with his gazed still fixed on the painting, “You told me the last time I was here,” she pointed out as she touched the painting.

  “Good memory,” Thomas commented and this made Mary Ann look back at him. She caught him looking at her waist but she did not care, in fact she loved it.

  “Is that supposed to be a compliment?” she inquired.

  “That is what you are going to get,” he joked and they laughed loudly before Thomas cautioned them to not to wake the Duke. They continued the tour of the house and it took them an hour as Thomas kept giving her the history of most of the people, and antiques she asked about.

  “You seem to know everything about the Duke,” she later pointed out as they finished their tour.

  “I only know what is needed, which is a lot,” he boasted.

  “Tell me about yourself?” Mary Ann blurted.

  “Oh! You would like to know about me?” Thomas replied slowly.

  “Yes, I am waiting,” Mary Ann pressed.

  But Thomas did not give her a response and that made her want to know more. When she realized he was not going to tell her anything, she decided to back down. Regardless, she was a bit concerned that Thomas had told her everything about the Duke and almost nothing about himself.

  He pulled a chair for her and as she sat, Thomas moved closer to Mary Ann. For a moment, she thought her wish was about to fulfilled — her silent wish.

  Yes, grab me!

  Even though he had yet to touch her, she could already feel his hands moving from underneath her clothes to her private spot, stroking it lightly until her eyes were closed. She could feel his other hand pull her dress even further up until his hand touched her breast. He fondled it one at a time with no care of making haste. She had wanted to close her eyes to enjoy her wicked thoughts and to surrender to Thomas who was already close but instead, he stopped just a foot away. He raised a hand but only to tuck her hair behind her ear.

  “You love doing this,” he said as he tucked it behind her ear.

  “Yes, I do. Thank you,” she whispered.

  She looked at him and smiled. His touch on her skin tightened her nerves with her heart beating heavily. She had to hold her hands together in fear of doing what she something she could not control – hug him. Or worse, be the one to pull clothing off his body and push him to the wall. The thought however did not seem like a bad idea at the moment as she drowned in his soft eyes.

  “We should get something to eat,” Thomas suggested, pulling away slowly.

  Hold me. Don’t just pull away. Hold me tight. Mary Ann’s need made her want to scream the words, but she kept the smile planted firmly on her face.

  “All right,” she uttered, as if thinking of a more suitable response.

  “You are a guest here. It will be an honor,” Thomas quickly added before she could give a response.

  Smart. Handsome. Charming. Caring.

  These feelings were so foreign to her, but so strong that she couldn’t fight them.

  “I would like that,” she managed to say as she clasped her lips tightly against one another.

  Thomas disappeared into the house but didn’t take long to reappear. He brought a large portion of broth that was garnished with duck meat for the two of them. Mary Ann rested her back on the chair she sat on and folded her arms just beneath her breasts. As if intentionally, her breasts protruded with her cleavage more visible and a hint of her pink areola. Thomas took a peek at this as he put the plates down. Mary Ann caught him but didn’t say a word.

  Mary didn’t know she was that famished until she started quaffing down the food. She was already a couple of spoons too fast before she slowed down. When she had had her fill, Thomas offered her a cup of wine.

  “That reminds me, where you do work?” he asked out of the blues.

  Mary Ann took a loud gulp from the wine before speaking.

  “I am not employed. Getting a stable job is hard for me,” she looked at her legs before looking at him.

  Even though Sam had offered, she knew that he would not be able to pay her. She did not want to take advantage of his kindness.

  To her surprise, Thomas didn’t look in the direction of her legs or wore a distasteful look. His eyes were fixed on her face, his cup of wine still untouched. This made Mary Ann quite comfortable as she told him that she survived mainly on the relief given to her by the government.

  “The inn keeper is a very nice man also,” she added, “I go there when the relief is exhausted and I have no choice again.”

  She tried not to sound pathetic as she hated it. So far, she hadn’t cried and when her voice swayed, she would take a sip from the wine. Thomas was still staring attentively at her.

  Her gaze swayed from his eyes down to his shirt showing his partly visible chest. Then they trailed down to his trousers. She realized there was a slight bulge and her mouth went dry. She looked up at Thomas and noticed he was also staring at her. She didn’t care if he suspected she was looking at his member as she was too interested in her thoughts. She gazed once again. A daring thought overwhelmed her as she suddenly felt compelled to touch him–his member. As she was fantasizing on how it would feel when wrapped around her hand or when inside her, Thomas spoke.

  “I have an idea,” he declared pulling Mary Ann back from her sensual dream.

  When she looked up, she could see the concern in his eyes.

  “What is it?” she inquired.

  “How would you like to work for the Duke as a maid?”

  She was caught off guard by this and she thought the wine she drank was already taking a toll on her.

  But she’d had barely a glass and she could hold her liquor well.

  “What did you just say?” she asked just to be sure she wasn’t drunk.

  “Come and work as a maid for the Duke.”

  Although it was the second time, he would be saying it to her, she was still befuddled and loss for words. Her heart was already beating fast and she was holding the cup tight, too tight

  Chapter 14

  “What happened?” Thomas inquired as he stared strangely at her.

  Even though it had been more than a minute since Thomas asked her, she was yet to give any coherent response to it. She had been lost in thought. As nice and timely as the offer seemed, she wasn’t just the type to trust someone that easily. Not after what she had seen and experienced living on the street all by herself.


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