A Fiery Duchess for the Dashing Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

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A Fiery Duchess for the Dashing Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 25

by Scarlett Osborne

  “Thomas?” he said, rising to his feet as if to be sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him.

  “Yes, is all well with you?” Thomas asked him, trying not be act suspicious.

  “Y… yes, of course,” he stuttered, as he bent to the floor again to pick up the documents.

  Seeing that he was already gathering the documents on the ground, Thomas let go of the one in his hand as he crouched to help him.

  “No, do not worry yourself with that,” Phillip uttered.

  He took the file that was in Thomas’ hand while getting the rest from the ground as he tried to pull Thomas up.

  “I am more than happy to help,” he insisted but he could see that Phillip was still not happy with this.

  He kept tugging Thomas to his feet lightly until Thomas finally gave in. He stood and faced Phillip who smiled back at him.

  “What brings you here?” Phillip asked, walking him to a seat not far from the table, with his grip tightly on the documents.

  Even though he was trying to hide it, Phillip was acting strange but Thomas couldn’t quite figure out why. Phillip turned to the direction of the seat and was moving there while Thomas followed. Thomas, who was very suspicious at this point, was looking around hoping to find something out of place. When he got behind the table, he saw something on the ground. Phillip thought he had packed all the files from the ground but there was one under the table that he didn’t see. Thomas knelt on the ground to pick it when his eyes caught something.

  “Come have a seat, Thomas,” Phillip uttered in a threatening voice, but Thomas didn’t say anything.

  His gaze was transfixed on the file and everything around him seemed to cease from existing at that moment. He had not read more than a few lines when he began to see the evil in Phillip’s heart. The document contained part of the story that led to Phillip inheriting all his wealth.

  The document made mentioned of Peter Allen, the real owner according to Oliver, a fact the document now validated. The file showed how Phillip Egertone and his daughter had seen the success of Peter’s business so they decided to take it for themselves.

  “What?” he shouted, “what did you do?”

  “I don’t quite understand the point you are getting at,” Phillip responded sounding baffled.

  “Peter Allen,” Thomas let out and he saw the light disappeared from Phillip’s face before reappearing.

  “What about him?” he asked Thomas calmly.

  Thomas didn’t respond to him. He felt the urge to punch him in his face continually until he confessed. But as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t move his legs. It was as if an unseen force was restraining him from walking. While the Duke of Ruxbell and his daughter had conspired and killed Peter and his wife, there was no mention of their daughter in the documents he was holding.

  “You killed them, didn’t you? You killed them and took over their business,” he yelled at Phillip who glowered back at him.

  “Where?” he asked showing Phillip the document, “Where is the rest of this?”

  Phillip didn’t move. He only gazed at Thomas in a calculating manner. But Thomas was well prepared for anything that he wanted to do. The door was far off so it was unwise to run for the door. There was also no visible weapon in the office which mean it would take longer time for him to hurt Phillip.

  “They had a daughter, didn’t they? Did you kill her too? Did you kill the infant, you murderer!”

  “No, I did not kill the little girl,” Phillip defended himself.

  Having realized what Phillip was up to, Thomas smiled.

  He wouldn’t dare! He gave a small smirk, barely visible as he searched the ground with his eyes. But there were no files, giving him only one more place to look – the one in Phillip’s hand.

  There it is. Get it now! Find out what happened to the daughter. Do it now!

  His mind raged on. He wanted to walk toward Phillip to get the files but he reminded himself of something. If Phillip was capable of destroying the Allen family for their wealth, then killing him to cover up his misdeeds wouldn’t be so hard.

  “Give up the files,” he ordered Phillip, but he didn’t respond. “You heard me, give them up.”

  Phillip once again refused. The little remorse in his expression before had now turned into a life-threatening, contemptuous look. He now shared resemblance with a cornered animal, breathing heavily and ready to fight until his last breath.

  When Thomas realized he wasn’t going to do as he ordered, he pulled out his sword from his scabbard.

  “You do not want this to turn into a bloody fight, now do you?” he asked hoping Phillip would simply comply.

  Phillip stared at the sharp end of the sword that was pointed to his face before moving.

  “Slowly now,” Thomas ordered moving a safe distance as Phillip moved closer.

  When Phillip got to the edge of the table, he looked into Thomas’ eyes. “You would have done the same.”

  “Drop it gently on the table,” Thomas ordered clearly, ignoring his words.

  “We can both profit from this and you will leave richer than you were before you walked in,” Phillip persuaded.

  Thomas badly wanted to hit him but he refrained. At that moment, all he cared about was finding out the truth, in its entirety.

  “This is your final warning,” Thomas cautioned.

  Phillip looked at the files in his hands, then at the table. He raised the files before placing them at the opposite end of where he was standing.

  Thomas was certain all he needed was now on the table but he must do his best to stay in control. Even though Phillip had placed it on the opposite end of the table, he was yet to let go of it

  “I would advise you to comply,” he warned him again. “Let go of it or you will leave me with no other choice than to strike you. And what would poor Rebecca think? That her father is a coward who got killed for a crime they both committed, leaving only her to suffer for it.”

  Thomas’ words infuriated the Duke. His face turned red with rage, but he did not do anything.

  “There you have it,” he snapped at him. “But I tell you, you are making a grave mistake.”

  “Mistake?” Thomas scoffed. “We will see about that. Now step back!”

  Phillip glared at Thomas as he walked backward slowly while Thomas moved closer to the table. Thomas’ gaze moved to the documents for a second, an action that proved to be a terrible mistake. Unknown to Thomas, Phillip had a dagger kept underneath the edge of the table. He pulled out the dagger and in a split second, he lurched at Thomas with deadly intent.

  Thomas, who was an excellent swordsman, felt his years of training kick in. He blocked off the attack from Phillip and with his other hand threw a fist at him. Phillip was also a good fighter with a sturdy physical form for his age. He dodged Thomas’ punch but did not attack as he feared he would be struck by Thomas’ sword.

  “Did you really think you could just waltz in here and destroy the business I built from scratch? No!” he yelled angrily like the mad man that he was.

  He rushed toward Thomas once again and even with his short dagger, he was able to fight well against Thomas.

  I have to disarm him.

  Thomas knew he was holding the short end of a stick. Phillip was skilled and prepared to kill him at all costs, while he simply wanted Phillip to be punished for his sins.

  “There is nothing you can do now, you bastard,” Phillip fumed.

  Thomas had never seen anyone act so crazy before. He needed to stop him. He was the one to launch an attack this time. With his sword taking the lead, he was able to misdirect Phillip while he reached for the scabbard strapped to his back. He removed it quickly and slammed Phillip’s head with it.

  Phillip winced in pain but before going down, he was able to propel his hand forward. It connected with Thomas’ jaw and he laughed out loud when he saw Thomas grunt just as he fell to the floor.

  Thomas rose to his feet immediately. He pinned Phillip to
the ground and looked around for something to restrain him with. Fortunately, he saw a long rope within his arm’s reach. He tied his hands in the back and sat him down on the ground. Thomas walked to the table were the documents were and started reading the details of the Egertone’s rise to wealth.

  Most of the documents were deals, made with bandits and smugglers, while others were business transactions. He was about to throw the document to Phillip’s face out of anger, when a part of the last file struck him.

  It was the same as the others, but the name underneath it was what drew his attention. Peter, after all, had an heir to whom all his property would be given upon his demise. His daughter who survived.

  As he read through, it was as if the ground on which he stood was giving away. His head ached but he wasn’t sure if it was caused by Phillip’s fist or what he was reading.

  Phillip’s confession about sparing the child was all Thomas needed to know. Oliver had been wrong. That stunted child hadn’t died. Peter left an heir and she was still alive. The name on the paper kept ringing in Thomas’ head.

  Mary Ann.

  Mary Ann never knew her parents. However, the timing and setting of the whole ordeal tied together with Mary Ann’s age and background.

  She was Peter Allen’s daughter. She was the heir to all of his property. She had to be!

  Thomas read the document again and no matter how many times he did, he found himself with the same conclusion.

  Mary Ann was the sole heiress.

  Thomas couldn’t believe his eyes and also his luck. All the time that he had been trying to get to the root of Phillip’s wealth, little did he know that the daughter of the real owner had been helping him all along.

  “Stand up,” Thomas ordered.

  He walked toward Phillip and forced him to stand.

  “You are coming with me,” he told him.

  “Why? You have all you came here for,” Phillip cried out.

  “No, my business with you is not finished,” he fired back at him.

  Thomas dragged him out of his office but Phillip hesitated.

  “I will follow you to wherever you are taking me. Just release me from this bondage,” he begged.

  “You should have thought about mercy when you did something so diabolical,” Thomas told him. As they got downstairs, the two hefty men flanked Thomas.

  “Tell your men to leave us alone,” he told Phillip pulling him closer so he could feel the dagger pressed against his back.

  “Do as he says,” Phillip ordered his men

  Reluctantly, they stopped.

  “Now, tell them to prepare your wagon for the journey,” Thomas commanded again.

  Phillip didn’t say anything as a sign of protest.

  “All right, then I will drag you back to my manor with this rope,” he told him.

  This did not settle well with Phillip and he ordered his men to get the wagon ready. Thomas’ horse was attached to Phillip’s wagon and after a short while, they were ready to leave.

  “I will be back for you,” Thomas told the men, who were already scared of what would become of them after the departure of their master.

  “You are about to account for all your evil deeds,” Thomas told Phillip after tying him up inside the wagon.

  Phillip was tongue tied at this point. He was on the verge of tears.

  Chapter 32

  Mary Ann could not sleep. How could she? Thomas had promised to be back soon. It was night already and he was not home as yet.

  I hope he is well.

  A knock at the door brought her back to reality. She raised from the bed, rushing to see who it was. Her heart was beating fast and her smile was wide. He is here.

  “Thomas,” she called as she opened up.

  But it was not her Thomas.

  “I am so sorry to disturb you—”

  “Is he all right? Please tell me he is all right,” Mary Ann pleaded, her heart racing in panic, while her mind created the most worrisome scenarios.

  “He is back,” James told her quickly, “he is well and hearty,” he added.

  Before Mary Ann could get the chance to respond, James continued speaking.

  “You have been summoned by His Grace,” he told her.

  “Thomas?” she reiterated still not comprehending what was going on.

  “If you will follow me, Miss,” James said.

  As they walked closer to the manor, Mary Ann had thought they would take the secret passage that was connected to every part of the building. Instead, James took her further inside the manor.

  “Where are we going?” Mary Ann asked as she walked next to James.

  “We are here,” James replied, “they are expecting you.”

  “They? Speak to me, James. What is happening?” she asked.

  James was quiet for some time before he spoke.

  “I will not lie to you, Mary Ann, but I am as confused as you are. His Grace brought Phillip to the manor and they both looked exhausted. All I know is that everyone is inside and His Grace told me to fetch you.”

  What is happening? Has my affair with Thomas been discovered? Oh! What have I done to the poor man?

  When James realized that she was frozen on the spot, he offered to walk her in. Mary Ann was relieved to hear this. As he opened the door, she could see James was right. Everyone was present in the room. Thomas’ mother sat in her chair while Rebecca and her father took the seats opposite her. Elisa was in the middle of her sentence.

  “…I still do not understand all that you have been saying. I have known His Grace for as long as I can remember,” Mary Ann heard Elisa say.

  Seeing that James and Mary Ann had arrived, they stopped talking. While the Dowager Duchess could not hide her confusion, the Egertones could not hide their disdain in her presence.

  “Come in, James, Mary Ann,” Thomas said with a smile and relief written all over his face.

  As they got near, Mary Ann was given a seat close to Thomas and it further surprised those that were present.

  “What is going on here?” Mary Ann asked in a whisper.

  “Be patient, My Dear. All will become clear very soon,” Thomas answered before looking at everybody, one at a time.

  Mary Ann caught Rebecca shooting murderous eyes at her but she did not care. She wasn’t the type to be browbeaten by mere looks. Elisa had stopped looking at her and was now staring at her son with rapt attention and intrigue. James bowed and exited the room after Thomas had whispered something into his ear.

  “I do not see why a maid should be in our company,” Rebecca fumed.

  “Oh! You will find out soon enough, My Lady,” he replied in a light tone.

  “Your Grace,” he called now facing Phillip who looked worn out and stressed, probably from the journey, “Care to explain?”

  Phillip touched his wrists before turning to his daughter.

  “The cat is out of the bag,” he declared.

  “What?” Rebecca gasped. “What do you mean?”

  “Why not speak in a much clearer way so that your daughter can know precisely which of your evil deeds have been exposed?”

  What is going on here? Why am I in this place?

  Phillip started narrating the story of a man whom they killed alongside his wife because of his business. Mary Ann was shocked hearing this. There had been stories of people doing horrible things for money, but this was by far the most gruesome she had ever heard. It was a sad story, but still, Mary Ann did not know why she was there.

  At one point, Phillip couldn’t continue so he turned to his daughter who didn’t say a word.

  “You should take it from there, don’t you think?” Thomas resentfully fired at her.

  Rebecca swallowed hard before speaking,

  “Killing Peter and his wife was hard enough. We couldn’t bring ourselves to kill their daughter. The small brat wept all day and for about few days we did not know what to do with her.”


  Mary Ann couldn’t be
lieve what she was hearing as the Duke of Ruxbell continued with the story.

  She had heard countless sad stories during her time on the streets, but none of them were as dark as this one. A father and a daughter conspiring together to lay waste to a family because of their wealth.

  “So, what did you do with the daughter?” Elisa asked curiously.


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