by S. Pratt
I’m right. The footsteps pause briefly on the stairs before quietly continuing. I know she’s being quiet in case I’m asleep. When she enters the room, I hear her gasp. Her bag drops to the floor and she shuffles quietly towards the bed. It dips ever so slightly as she sits down on the edge next to me. The heat off her body radiates towards me and the smell of her shampoo lingers in the air. I almost can’t stand the anticipation. She leans forward, softly, softly placing a sweet kiss on my lips. Her mouth is warm and I can smell peppermint on her breath.
Light as a feather, kisses tease my lips. She wants me to wake, so I will oblige. I stir, my tongue immediately forcing her mouth open so that she moans above me.
‘Hey baby,’ I say huskily.
‘You weren’t really asleep were you?’ she whispers, her breath tickling my face.
‘No. But you can’t blame me for wanting you to seduce me, can you?’
‘Mmm, maybe …’
‘Kiss me again, I like it.’
‘Do you now?’
‘Yes, very much.’
Our mouths find each other’s again and we tangle in a web of passion. She’s careful to avoid my leg, while all I can focus on is getting her to come sit on my waist.
‘Wait a minute,’ she says breathlessly, getting off the bed to undress. She strips down so she’s completely naked. My cock instantly springs to life, eager for what she’s about to offer.
The first time we went to make love after the accident was a complete and utter embarrassment for me. I could get it up alright, I just couldn’t come. My balls ached something fierce, but the doctors told me this was perfectly normal after such trauma. No such problems now, though. I’m hard as hell and ready to make love, diving into the depths of her body where she’s tight and hot.
She’s careful as she pulls my tracksuit pants down my legs. There’s no boxer shorts for her to remove, so she climbs back on the bed and straddles my waist. Her stomach is washboard flat, and I plane my large hands over the expanse of it, loving the feel of her smooth, silky skin.
Bailey’s become quite a tease. Probably because she knows she’s in control at the moment. There will be no throwing her off and pinning her to the bed – my leg just won’t allow it. So instead, I’m at the mercy of her tortuous ways.
She parts the center of her sex with her fingers and lets the tip of my cock press gently against her clit. Sinking onto my shaft, she repeats this over and over again till I become numb. Each time she pulls off me I’m left seeing the glistening wetness she leaves on my dick. It excites me that I make her so wet. In and out, up and down. She’s possessing me, controlling me, and I like it. Gripping her hips harder, I fight to keep her on my shaft this time.
I want to come so badly, but she’s intent on making me wait. She does relent a little though and starts up a steady rhythm of rocking back and forward. Her breasts ever so slightly move up and down, her pale pink nipples pinched tight from the excitement. She catches me eyeing them up and leans forward to offer one to my mouth. I suck it greedily and she moans in delight. There’s no stopping with just one, so I move to engulf the other with mouth as well. My tongue tickles the little bud while my lips suck the flesh around it. Fuck going back to work – I could do this all day.
As I suck her nipples, I can feel her urgency increase. I know my pre-come has already started to seep from the eye of my dick into her body. Her mouth finds my neck and starts trailing hot kisses down towards my collarbone. There’s a scar there from a catheter that drained fluid from my lungs when they collapsed in the accident. She kisses it now, as though the gesture could heal me entirely. It does.
My eyes scope down the length of her back, her spine clearly visible as it trails towards her fine ass. I watch mesmerized as it moves up and down in the air as she fucks my cock. It tips me over the edge.
‘Come with me,’ I beg.
‘Yes,’ she cries, sitting herself back upright and moving at an even faster rhythm. We’re on the home stretch, both of us guaranteed to be winners.
When I start to feel myself letting go, I still her hips with my hands, letting her shatter around me as my orgasm pulses through her. The combination of both of our sexes pulsing at the same time is like nothing on this earth. When we come together I feel closer to her than I can ever imagine being with anyone. I’m sure it is because I love and feel so much for her – that and the fact I have seen so much of her life. I really understand who she is as a person and know what makes her happy, what makes her cry. Knowing a person so intimately opens up our relationship to love each other on a whole other level. People who are just getting to know each other as adults couldn’t ever find that same intimacy. It’s who we are as kids that make us what we are as adults, right?
Bailey pants, her chest heaving as she regains her composure. Her cheeks are flushed, her freckles blending into the pink blush that graces her cheeks. I watch her with fascination.
‘Did you miss me?’ I ask.
‘Yes,’ she breathes, smiling happily.
‘How was work?’ The smile dims and she moves to get off me. I wonder what I’ve said as she makes her way to the bathroom. I pull my tracksuit bottoms back up and wait for her to come back to lay with me. The toilet flushes and she emerges still naked, but hops under the sheets and snuggles close under my arm.
‘Want to talk about it?’
‘Not really, it will only spoil our mood. It’s just Lyra – she’s still not talking to me and it makes being at work uncomfortable. I hate feeling like I’ve lost my best girlfriend.’
‘That blows – but you know you’re not going to fix the way she feels about us, don’t you?’
‘Yeah, I suppose …’
‘Just give her time, she’ll come around eventually. In the meantime, I’ve got something that will make you smile.’
‘You do?’ she asks surprised.
‘Yep, but I’m going to do this right – well, as right as I can with a bad leg. Come stand around this side of my bed.’ She obliges, no questions asked. As she makes her way around she grabs her silk robe, cinching it around her waist. Bailey knots her hair on top of her head, little wispy strands falling loose around her face.
Sitting up with my bad leg stretched out in front of me and the other on the floor, I pull her towards me so she’s standing in between my legs, her belly button where my lips can kiss her stomach. Reaching for the ring box under the pillow, her eyes trail every movement, turning wide as saucers when she sees the box emerge.
‘Oh my …’ she’s unable to finish the sentence. I shush her with my finger over her lips, needing to get the words out.
‘Bailey. I love you, I’ve always loved you. From the moment you took my hand when we were kids and you shared your Barbie dolls with me, you’ve been the best friend I could have ever asked for. You’re selfless, brave, kind and giving. You’ve always made me feel like I can achieve anything in life and that you’d be right by my side cheering me on. You’re the only friend I’ve ever wanted, but now that’s not enough. I need you Bailey. Every moment of every day, I need you. Not just as my friend, but as my wife as well. Will you marry me?’ I open the box, presenting it to her as I wait with bated breath.
Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out, her lips frozen in a large O shape. A trembling hand reaches out to touch it.
‘Oh my god, it’s so pretty,’ she says. My heart is hammering so hard in my chest I think I may just have a heart attack.
‘Is that a yes then?’ She reaches with both hands for my face and pulls me forward, her lips conveying every bit of emotion coursing through her body. Softly, tenderly she delivers an intense kiss.
‘Of course that’s a yes!’ she squeals, laughing in delight.
‘You had me going for a minute. Here, give me your finger.’ Shyly she offers her hand to me so I can slide the ring on her finger. Her eyes remain transfixed on it as it slides on easily.
‘So, do you like it?’ I ask.
‘It’s the most beautifu
l thing I’ve ever seen.’ She marvels at the way the diamonds sparkle in the candle light, turning her hand this way and that to admire her ring.
‘I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Do you know why I picked this?’ I ask, nodding towards the ring. She shakes her head, no.
‘Because it looks like a snowflake. You know what they say about snowflakes? No one pattern of a snowflake is ever the same. Each one is original, unable to be copied or replicated. That’s how I see you Bailey, you’re my snowflake. Nothing could ever compare to you.’
A big tear slips from the corner of her eye and her lip starts to tremble.
‘I love you so much, Angel,’ she whispers.
I smile. Those words have never sounded so damn good.
Coming home to Thurmont after our honeymoon is a little bittersweet. I’ve become accustomed to life with Bailey in Astoria, even though we did not share a public relationship there. Settling into routine gave the illusion that our life together had already started. It hadn’t. It’s barely begun. When we packed up house to head off on our honeymoon, I really wanted to just leave under the cloak of darkness and tell no one that we were gone. Bailey had other ideas.
It’s hard to stay mad at her, but this friendships she insists on keeping with Carron makes me want to hurl bricks against a wall. I empathize with the guy – I really do! But she’s fucking mine! I’ve had to wait this long to have her all to myself and I don’t want to share her with anyone. Is that so wrong?
She told him we were leaving. He wasn’t impressed. I can only guess what his thoughts are on our relationship, but to give him credit, he’s held his tongue so far. Just as well. I would have had something to say about it if he’d opened his mouth.
We’ve moved back into my cabin, the laborer I hired has moved off-site and is renting a room in a share house not too far from here. For the time being, I’m leaving him to run the business while I take the time to do my physical therapy, working on building the muscles back up in my leg. I’m exercising now, while Bailey reads a book on the couch. It’s hard not to be distracted by her, my will power wavering when she looks up from her book and straight into my eyes. While I do leg raises on the rug, she lets her eyes trail down my body, lingering on my stomach muscles as I repeat the exercises.
‘Hey,’ I say.
‘Hmm.’ She’s putting the book down next to her. I’m in trouble, my favorite kind of trouble.
‘Whatchya doin’?’
‘Admiring your body.’
‘Do you like what you see?’
‘Definitely.’ She prowls towards me, graceful in her movements as she slinks across the wooden floorboards. As she nears I become still except for my chest which rises and falls with my quick breaths. There is contemplation before she steps over me and sits down on my stomach.
‘Ugh, you weigh a ton! What have you been eating, anyway?’ I jibe. Teasing Bailey is a lot of fun; she always rises to the bait.
‘I do not!’ she cries indignantly. It only makes me laugh all the more, which earns me a punch in the arm.
‘No fair! You can’t beat up an injured man.’
‘Can too if you say stuff like that. Besides, you’re not injured anymore, you’ve recovered nicely.’
‘True … I guess that’s why I can now do this,’ I say as I push her off me and onto the rug before rolling over to sit on top of her.
‘Let me up!’ she squeals.
‘Nope.’ Crossing my arms over my chest, I show her I mean business.
‘Angel! Let me up.’ She’s giggling, clearly having fun with our little game.
‘Okay … but first, I think you need to laugh more. A little tickle should do the trick.’ My fingers find her ribs and I start to tickle the shit out of her. She’s wriggling, bucking and squealing for all she’s worth, but I won’t let her off so easily.
Tears stream down her face as she screams with laughter. I’m enjoying every single bit of her writhing beneath me. I’m starting to get turned on.
‘Stop, stop, stop,’ she begs. ‘Seriously, Angel, I think I heard something.’
‘You’re just saying that so I’ll get off you,’ I chastise, ceasing the tickling, now pinning her arms above her head.
‘I’m not, promise.’ Her chest is heaving, the rise and fall of her breasts tempting me to pay them some attention. I duck down to kiss her lips, slowly probing open her mouth with my tongue. She willingly accepts me, a little sigh coming from her parted lips as hot breath trails my jaw.
There is no lessening of my grip on her arms while my mouth assaults her. She is exactly where I want her and I’m not letting her up yet. My teeth graze her neck, leaving little nips as I make my way down towards her breasts. She has a tank top on, but no bra. With both hands busy restraining her, I let my teeth bite her nipples through her shirt. They immediately stand to attention, eager that I am paying them service.
A contented sigh escapes her lips, which draws my attention back to her mouth. Firmly pressing my lips back to hers, I just about drown us both as we go under the wave of bliss. Between our clothes, my erection pushes up hard against her pussy. My dick knows what’s on offer beneath her panties. I thrust against her, my intention very clear. While my tongue is in her mouth, I’m startled out of my passion fuelled deafness. The front door is being opened and I have no way of getting off the floor in time to prepare for their entrance.
Both Bailey and I swivel our heads in the direction of the door. As it creaks open, mom and dad come into view, the wooded forest behind them a beautiful backdrop for their disappointment. I think they are just as stunned as what we are. Mom seems a little more composed than dad does, but not by much.
‘What in God’s name is going on in here?’ roars dad. I struggle to roll off Bailey and right myself, my leg leaving me at a complete disadvantage to get up fast enough. I’ve only seen him really angry a few times in my life, but this seems like it’s going to be way worse. His face is turning a wonderful shade of puce and thunderclouds seem to be rolling across his eyes. Mom’s lips are pursed tightly, although it seems like she’s more worried about what our dad’s reaction is going to be than her own. Bailey helps me to my feet and we face the firing squad.
‘Ah …’ There is nothing that I can offer him that will make what was happening here look any better than what it was. Busted is an understatement. Dad would have had a better chance missing the sight of a monkey growing off a donkey’s ass than he would have seeing us two together.
‘Bailey? Emmett?’ I know anything we say won’t be received well, but the time for avoidance has come and gone.
‘I love her,’ I offer.
‘You don’t know what love is!’ dad roars.
‘I do.’
‘She’s your goddamn sister for heaven’s sakes!’
‘It doesn’t matter. I love her.’
‘I won’t allow it.’
‘It’s too late for that.’
‘What the fuck are you talking about?’
‘We got married.’
‘You did what?’ His voice is like a bird set free in my cabin, a big screech letting loose from his lips.
‘We got married,’ I repeat quietly.
‘You can’t marry your sister.’
‘I don’t see her as my sister.’
‘Are you kidding me? We brought you into our home, loved you, cared for you, treated you like you were our own flesh and blood, and you think this is acceptable?’
‘Don’t make me out to be the bad guy here,’ I spit. Mom and Bailey stand stoically behind us while dad and I have it out. He’s right. He has always treated me like his son. Loved me like a son. Problem is, Bailey and I have always just been friends. We were just lucky enough to see each other every day and share the same parents.
‘No? So who’s to blame? No one?’
‘Blame is for guilty people. I have nothing to feel guilty about!’ I’m about to snap, but I reign in my te
mper for the ladies sake.
‘Like hell you do, son.’
‘Do you remember when you and mom first came to pick me up from my foster mom’s house?’ Dad looks like I just slapped him across the face, but the anger dissipates as he unwilling lets his mind drift back.
‘Of course I do,’ he says softly.
‘And do you remember what you and mom asked me?’ He’s silent for a minute, recalling the conversation in his mind.
‘She asked if you’d like a sister.’ His voice is barely audible.
‘She did. Do you remember what I said?’
Sorrow seems to be replacing the anger. I almost wish for the angry man to come back, because the sadness he now holds shows his disappointment in me. I never wanted to let my parents down, but Bailey has to come first. We both know we can’t live without each other. So if it means ruining my relationship with my parents, damn it, I’ll fucking do it.
‘I said I never had a sister before.’
‘I asked if you’d like a friend instead.’
‘You did.’
‘But I never meant it so literally!’ He’s fuming. Understandably so.
‘Dad?’ Bailey’s quiet voice behind me demands her father’s attention, but he can barely look at her. ‘Please dad, look at me.’
The air is so thick with tension you could cut it with a knife. Like a trip to death row, his eyes move slowly, trying to avoid the inevitable. They don’t ever reach her face. Instead he focuses on her hands that she’s wringing in front of her.