The Chronicles of Koa Boxed Set Books 1-3: Netherworld, Dark Prophet, Blood Princess

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The Chronicles of Koa Boxed Set Books 1-3: Netherworld, Dark Prophet, Blood Princess Page 24

by K.N. Lee

  “Don’t some of them know though? The kids that go out and become pets know.”

  “True. But that’s only a slim portion of the human population. I wonder what would happen if we just hopped on the television and made an announcement.”

  “The Netherworld Division wouldn’t be a secret organization anymore.”

  Alice grinned. “Exactly. Halston and I could fight crime in the open, instead of trying to hide it. But oh well. It would never work. The humans are lucky to not have such worries on their mind. I guess that’s why we do what we do.”

  Raven quickened her pace as Alice turned a corner towards a cemetery. “I suppose.”

  “Indeed, little kitty. I am searching for the powerful, the fearless… the perfect crew.” Alice reached in her pocket and pulled out a small device that resembled a compass. Raven wished she was taller, to see its face. She heard a tiny clicking sound and saw a gold light shoot from it and stretch far into the maze-like mausoleum buildings.

  “Alice,” Raven called, pausing to stare at the light. “What is that?”

  Alice lifted a brow. “What? Oh, it’s something Halston made for me.”

  Raven sat on her back legs. She licked her paws. She hated being dirty, and the cold dirt was getting stuck in between her claws.

  “I can’t wait to see what gadgets he’s created for you.” Alice smiled, walking in the direction of the light.

  Raven lifted a brow and hurried behind. “What?”

  Alice chuckled. “You didn’t think that Halston would let you into the division and not give you some sort of weapon, did you?”

  Raven was speechless. She’d never thought of such a thing. She’d never needed gadgets before, but when she was in her true form, she had enough power to not need the use of weapons.

  Raven’s fur stood on end. She looked up at the sky. Clouds slowly began to block the sun and the air grew colder. Night would soon be upon them. She felt herself growing a little weary. There was so much evil that awoke when night fell.

  “He makes the best toys.”

  “What is that light that comes out of your compass?”

  Alice frowned. “What light?”

  Raven nodded towards the gold glow. “The one you’re following.”

  Alice paused. “Oh wow. You can actually see where the compass is directing me?”

  Raven nodded. “Why yes. Can’t you?”

  Alice shrugged. “No. It links with my telepathy, leading me by force to other nephilim.”

  “Oh,” Raven said. Her eyes began to glow and reflect the moonlight as the sky darkened. “I see gold light.”

  Alice smirked, staring down at her. “Cats. It is kind of cool to be able to talk to you. Inquire about what it is that you see and what not. You’ll be an excellent sidekick. In and out of the shadows, there she goes!”

  Raven’s ears perked up. She thought that she had heard something out of the ordinary sounds that she always heard. Crickets and rustling leaves were her everyday soundtrack, but she was certain she heard a faint scratching sound coming from one of the keeps. Alice quieted and seemed to sense something as well.

  Alice lowered her voice. “We’ll discuss the whole sidekick thing later. Deal?”

  Raven looked up at her, unblinking. “I am not a sidekick.”

  “Suit yourself.” Alice shrugged, whispering. “I am one hell of a superhero.”

  Raven almost laughed but instead she yelped as she heard a loud crash of stone. She jumped, standing on her tiptoes, her black fur on edge.

  Alice put her hands in her pockets. She tossed her pink hair out of her eyes. “Oh sweet. The freak show is awake.” She folded her arms across her chest. Raven froze as the large stone door started to creak open. An angel statue loomed down at her, as if daring her to make a sound. Raven held her breath, waiting.

  “Don’t worry, kitty. It’s just Spoons.”

  “Spoons?” Raven stepped back as a small man crept out of the mausoleum. He was ragged, with shaggy gray hair and large icy blue eyes. He appeared to be over a hundred years old. His spine was curved and his limbs were as thin as rails.

  He walked over like a zombie, his feet dragging and his jaw slack. Raven gasped. “Is he… a zombie?”

  Alice scoffed with an amused laugh. “No kitty. He’s a ghoul. But don’t worry, he’s pretty tame.” She lifted a brow as she noticed the human hand in his fist.

  Spoons took a bite, ripping the flesh off the thumb. He chewed and swallowed. “Well, pretty tame, considering…” Alice’s voice trailed and Spoons stood a little taller, in an attempt to straighten his back.

  Alice gave Raven a sidelong glance. “Good guess though. He does like human flesh as much as a zombie. But I can tell you with about 99 percent certainty that zombies don’t exist.”

  “I hear ya,” Spoons drawled in a deep voice. “Talkin ‘bout me, like I’m not even here.”

  Raven shivered when his eyes looked down at her. Spoons frowned. “What is dat?”

  Alice grinned. “A kitty cat.”

  Spoons twisted his mouth. “I don’t like dem creatures.” He sniffed the air. “Hey. You little lyin bitch. That ain’t a cat!” He moved with the shadows, and knelt before Raven before she could run. He had her by the back of her neck, and held her up to his face. He put his cold pointed nose to Raven’s belly and sniffed. “What is dis?”

  Alice kicked him in the gut. “Put her down,” she growled. Spoons dropped Raven and she ran behind Alice. “She’s a friend, and that’s all you need to know.”

  He looked up at her. He slowly stood. His gaze landed on Raven who hid behind Alice’s leg. “Jus’ tell me. What is dat?” He scrunched up his nose. “I never smelled anythin’ like it before.”

  Alice stepped to him. “You listen to me, Spoons.” She got really close to his face, leaning down to his height. Her voice lowered. “I would love to offer you a deal. You know, get you back in good standing with Halston and all.”

  Spoons head shot up. “Halston?”

  Alice grinned. “Yes. You heard me right. Halston is offering you a second chance. Once upon a time you were the best Navigator any of us had ever encountered.”

  Spoons backed away. “I don’t do dat stuff anymo.” He scratched his head.

  Raven shuddered as his long nails disturbed a group of spiders that had nested in his hair. They ran along his scalp and into his ears. He didn’t seem to mind.

  “Come on, Spoons. Do it for me.”

  He lifted a bushy white brow. “I don’t care ‘bout you! Angels! Demons! Lemme lone!” He turned to walk away.

  Alice chuckled. She winked at Raven. “Ah come on, Spoons. I was just kidding with you. Come back here.” She made her voice soft like a little girls. “Pretty please.”

  Spoons kept walking.

  Alice frowned. “All right. Have it your way. I’ll be sure to let Greggan know where you are.”

  Spoons paused mid-step. He craned his neck around with a terrified look on his face. “G-G…Greggan… is here?”

  “He is. And I think he’d love to find you and rip your head off.”

  “I’m outta here!”

  Raven squealed as he transformed into a ragged looking jackal before their eyes. Thick brown fur covered his body. Still, his blue eyes stood out, even though his face now resembled a feral dog’s.

  Alice threw her hand out and as he prepared to run, she made him freeze. He growled. His eyes darted from side to side.

  “Lemme go! You bitch!”

  “Damn shifting ghouls! Why the hell did you get such a cool trick?” Alice huffed and stepped closer to him. She leaned down. Her voice lowered, almost menacingly. Raven’s ears perked up.

  “Listen here, Spoons. I’m not here to force you to join our side, but really, what is the alternative? You join us and you have a chance of surviving what is coming. No one betrays Greggan and survives. You helped smuggle that girl out of the Netherworld years ago. I know there’s something good in you.” She stood up and her voice
softened. “Even if you try to hide it.”

  Raven felt her heart pounding. She looked from Alice to Spoons and back again. Spoons’ big blue eyes stared at Alice. His fangs were dripping with saliva, and yet he was unable to move to catch the drool, not that he would have otherwise.

  “Fine. Just lemme go.”

  Alice smiled and in an instant, Spoons was loose. He shifted back to his ghoulish figure and looked at Raven.

  “That thing right der… smells like dat girl,” he whispered.

  Alice nodded. “Nice observation. She is Koa’s mother.”

  Raven felt a sting of grief at the mention of Koa’s name. She prayed that her daughter was ok. She looked at the two of them. It was a surprise to learn that this ghoul had helped save Koa’s life.

  Spoons frowned. “What da hell happened to her?”

  Alice rolled her eyes. “Enough questions. Can I count you in, or not?”

  Spoons spit in his hand and held it out to Alice. “I’m in.” He gave her a pointed look as she stared at his hand in disgust. “But no funny business. I help ya kill Greggan and ya leave me alone, foreva. Deal?”

  Alice grimaced and shook his hand. She groaned in dismay as she pulled her hand away, mucous stuck to her hand like glue. “Ugh. Deal.”


  Koa and the others flew for hours, darting through the sky at full speed, afraid that they were still being chased.

  The Gate was so close.

  Koa’s hair whipped around her face as she kept her eyes focused on the final cavern. She did not care any longer that the Shadows waited for her. She only wanted to get home and find her mother.

  Koa had rarely seen a world so consumed by the color black. Black skies that were mixed with a constant swirl of gray hovered above her. Black dirt and smooth black stone waited below. Koa missed the color green. She missed home, where trees and flowers filled the landscape.

  This rocky, desolate place kept her on edge. The cold in the air seeped into her bones, keeping her tense and uncomfortable. She couldn’t understand how anyone could live there.

  The Netherworld was horrible; beautiful at times, but horrible nonetheless.

  Koa flinched. The sudden howls of the Shadows called to Koa and the others as they entered the final cavern. A sizzle of strange rain erupted from the sky. The sky lit up with green and white lightning that buzzed loudly above and shot into the ground in quick succession. The loud noise filled the cavern.

  Koa tensed as Jax’s fan flyer started to flicker and buzz. He cursed under his breath. She could fly, but she didn’t want him being harmed by crashing to the ground.

  “Fly down, darling,” he said, pointing to a spot in the valley. The silver river shimmered below. “Our fan flyers are going out. There’s an electrical storm coming.”

  “Good,” Evina said. “It’ll keep the Shadows away long enough for us to slip out.”

  They landed and ran at full speed towards the Gate. “Go on!” Jax shouted up at Koa. “We’ll catch up!”

  Koa flew above and cut through the darkness of the final cavern. There was nothing but rocks and stones. Like a desert, there was very little vegetation, if any. The ground was dry and cracked. She landed before the Gate. She clutched the bars as if a strong wing would lift her, or a Shadow would grab her and pull her away. Koa had come this far. She was not about to be ripped away from her chance at freedom.

  She saw the faint glints of Jax’s and Evina’s weapons as they ran along the black road. Her eyes darted from side to side, and into the dark forest of black trees, as she watched for Shadows. To her surprise, Evina was right. They didn’t come out to harass them. Koa couldn’t see them, but she knew they were there somewhere, watching her.

  Koa looked up at the sky, filled with electricity and a loud roar, and thanked God. Still, she would not breathe with relief until they were free and in the human world.

  Evina pulled a long silver key out of her side bag. She closed her eyes and handed it over to Jax. Jax let Koa go and took the key in both of his pale hands. He whispered to it and it started to glow.

  Koa’s eyes widened as she watched this ancient key glow a bright blue. Jax winked at her. He gently stroked her cheek. Koa was surprised that she no longer felt afraid. She trusted Jax and Evina.

  “I told you I’d get us out of here.”

  “My little brother can do just about anything.” She nudged Koa and gave her a mischievous smile. “I bet you’re wondering if it was a good idea, helping us escape the Netherworld, aren’t you?”

  Koa felt a pang of warning and recoiled from Evina.

  Jax sighed. He gave Evina a stern look. “Ignore her, Koa,” he said. “She’s only fooling around with you.”

  Koa stared at Evina, wondering if the vampire princess really was joking. She shook that feeling of warning off. Halston planned this. She trusted him.

  Evina chuckled and cracked her knuckles. “Still suspicious, I see.” She shrugged. “I’m not offended. I’d be suspicious too. You’re a smart girl, but sometimes you have to open your eyes and see who is helping you. Jax and I gave up a lot to help you escape the first time. This time, our lives and home are at stake. I only hope we can trust you.”

  Koa looked from Evina to Jax and felt a little guilty then. Evina was right. Their homes were at stake just as much as her own. She realized that they had to work together.

  “Go on, open up,” Evina said. She gave Koa a small smile, a genuine smile this time. It eased Koa’s nerves and she returned the smile. This vampire princess was the closest thing she’d ever had to a sister.

  Jax stuck the key in the Gate’s keyhole and turned. There was a deep rumble and the ground quivered slightly. Jax held the Gate open and Evina ran out. Koa was a little taken aback. Evina ran out as if she feared that someone would change their mind and make her stay behind.

  Evina waited for them on the other side, staring into the darkness behind them with her sword ready. Koa glanced at Jax before she followed Evina and stepped through.

  A gust of wind pushed Koa out. Koa stumbled onto the ground and breathed in the fresh air of the human world. The black mud was squishy and got all over her. She’d never been more relieved to feel mud between her fingers.

  Koa could have cried out with joy.

  The smell of trees and wild flowers filled her nostrils and she closed her eyes and smiled. Home. The human world was her home and she had finally returned.

  Then, Koa remembered something else about this place. The creature that protected it.

  Koa quickly scrambled to her feet. Her eyes darted around, looking for Tunes. He was nowhere to be found. She peered up towards the top of the black Gate and saw the thick fog hovering like a cloud before them.

  Tunes had fallen from there when she’d first arrived. Koa wondered with dread if he was up there now, watching them from his hiding place. He enjoyed taunting her.

  Koa heard the Gate clink closed. Crickets buzzed and the sound of a faint breeze swept around her. Koa looked up to see Jax and Evina emerge from the Gate. She watched curiously as Jax’s eyes beheld the human world for the first time.

  His blue eyes were like a child’s on Christmas morning.

  Koa smiled with him. This was something she used to dream about when she was just a teenager. She’d sleep in Jax’s arms some nights and envision the day when she could bring him home to meet her mother.

  Back then Koa never thought that such a thing was even possible. Having that dream come true filled her with a flood of joy. Tears stung her eyes when he looked at her. His eyes were clouded with tears as well. He remembered those nights when they’d talk about a fictional future where they could watch the moon over the sea whenever they wanted too.

  Koa trudged over to him. She was exhausted and everything hurt, but all she wanted was to hold him. He opened his arms for her and she grabbed his waist. Koa buried her face in his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around her. It felt right.

  There was no doubt that she had l
oved him with every part of her soul and every thump of her beating heart.

  “It’s incredible, isn’t it,” Jax whispered as he rested his cheek against the top of her head. “We actually got our wish.”

  Koa nodded and wiped a tear from her eye. “I’m like your fairy god-mother.”

  Jax smiled down at her. Koa almost forgot how worried she was about her mother when he smiled at her like that. She almost forgot that Halston was still in there fighting a Wraith in order to let her go free.

  Halston’s smile flashed in her mind and Koa tensed. Her smile faded and she dropped her arms from Jax.

  He held onto her wrists, giving her a perplexed look. Koa looked down and Jax took her chin in his hand. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. Then, he kissed Koa on the forehead. His lips were cold, not like Halston’s, but they still made her skin tingle.

  Jax whispered. “Come on, my love. Let’s wipe the evil from this world so that our children can have a real future.”

  Koa closed her eyes. His voice stirred forgotten emotions and she wanted to pull him down and kiss him again. Jax let her go and she felt empty.

  She sighed and watched him step over to Tristan. Koa glanced at Evina. She stood there with her hands on her hips.

  Evina looked unimpressed. “This is it? This is the human world? It’s cold here.” She cracked her knuckles and put her flying disc in her belt. It wouldn’t work in the human world where there wasn’t a Disc Moon to power it.

  There was a real moon here, and she stared at it in wonder. She caught Koa looking at her and cleared her throat.

  “What now?”

  Koa could tell that Evina looked at her with envious eyes. She knew why she was envious. Koa could fly whenever she wanted. Now, in the human world, Evina and Jax were just ordinary vampires.

  Jax looked to Koa for answers. “What do we do now?”

  Koa shrugged. They were expecting her to lead them. She wasn’t a leader. Halston had always been the one giving the orders and making the plans. She liked it that way. Her heart tugged at the thought of him and how he held her. Could he possibly feel the same way? She forced the notion out of her mind and gazed at Jax.


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