Home > Other > THE RULE OF THREE: A.C.H.E., MOTO, and TRINITY > Page 16

by Never , M.

  “Tage.” She hits me playfully.

  “I heard that,” Alec calls from the bathroom.

  “It’s all in the past,” I shoot back, never taking my eyes off Ever.

  She looks up at me lovingly, and all kinds of weird sensations grind like gears in my stomach. I have ached for her to look at me like that. To see me the way she once had. I abruptly lean down to kiss her. It’s compulsive. We share an emotive moment, a gripping, profound embrace that elevates our bond to another level.

  Ever inhales serenely once I pull away. “I’m glad you're here. Back with me.”

  “Me, too, baby.” I swipe my thumb across her pink cheek. “Me, too.” Being back with her is what I’ve wanted for a long time. “Now, come on, get up. It’s time to go home. You have to go back to work tomorrow.”

  “I’m calling out again. Can’t we spend one more day holed up in here?” Ever appeals, throwing the covers back over her head.

  “I’m cool with it.” Alec walks out of the bathroom towel drying his hair. It’s sticking up all over the place once he’s done.

  “That won’t look strange? Both of you taking off on the same days?” I ask him.

  “Who cares?” Ever grumbles from under the covers.

  “I doubt it. No one is on to us as far as I can tell. There are so many office romances flying around that place.” He waves it off. “I think the policy is in place just for insurance purposes. In case something goes south. Hell, one of the senior partners is having an affair with the head of PR.”

  Ever throws the covers off her. “Seriously?”

  “Yup,” Alec confirms. “You’d be shocked from all the swapped spit in that firm.”

  “Have you swapped spit with anyone else?” Oh, shit. Ever just put Alec under the gun. I can’t wait to hear this. I wish I had some popcorn.

  “Um,” he looks uncomfortable. Is it wrong I’m enjoying this so much?

  “Alec?” she presses him.

  “There was an intern at the Christmas party last year,” he confesses. “It was just one, drunk, stupid night.” He clears his throat.

  She isn’t amused.

  “We all have a past,” I remind her. There’s no need to hold Alec over the fire.

  Listen to me, being all mature and shit.

  “True.” She goes back to hiding under the covers.

  Alec and I exchange a look. What are we going to do with this girl?

  “Since we are going to spend one more night, why don’t Tage and I go get some more coffee, and you take a shower? We can head down to the Riverwalk for lunch, and then hole up in here for dinner. How does that sound?” Alec peeks under the edge of the comforter.

  “Caffeine?” Everly chirps. He knows just how to get to her. She spies him with one, interested eye.

  “Extra large, extra sweet. I’m sure there is a fantastic coffee shop close.”

  “I’m in.”

  That didn’t take much. I make a note for the future. Bribe Everly with caffeine.

  “Good. Get all pretty for us while we’re gone.”

  “I can do that,” she flirts.

  “I know.” Alec leans down to kiss her, and she sits up, meeting him halfway. I know this should be weird, watching your girlfriend kiss another man, but strangely, it’s not. It’s normal. Our normal. Everly is happy with both of us, and I’m not going to be the one who rocks the boat. I’m in it for as long as she is. As long as fate will allow.

  Leaving Everly to her own devices, Alec and I ride the elevator down to the lobby. We have come to coexist on a strange new level. A mutual respect has formed, and a common interest threads us together. We’re direly opposite, that’s for sure, but he’s no bum. He’s no pushover, and he’s no pussy. I don’t exactly know how this relationship is going to work moving forward. I’m going to need to change a lot of things in my life. Putting down roots, for starters. Working for Endeavor has me living a nomadic life, running off to all parts of the world at a moment’s notice when activated. Sometimes those missions can last months at a time.

  I have to find a common ground. I know there are operatives who do it. Who have a personal life and a dangerous professional one. My handler in New York is a prime example. CJ is married, has a child, and still manages to be the solid contact I need him to be. Maybe that’s the route I should take? Transfer roles from field operative to handler? I’d still be part of the action, just not as much and from a much safer distance. I decide to speak to CJ when we get back to New York. It’ll be easy to set up a face to face in the city.

  “Hey, man. Thanks for that back there.” Alec watches the floors tick down.

  “For what?” My internal thought process dissolves.

  “For helping me out with Everly. That would have sucked if she went all jealous girlfriend.”

  “No problem. Gotta have each other’s back to keep the peace, right?” I respond lightly.

  Alec glances over at me and smirks. “Yeah, we do.”

  I hold up my fist for a bump. Alec doesn't leave me hanging.

  And just like that, another layer is added to our unusual and complicated relationship.

  We follow the directions on Alec’s GPS to the fancy schmancy coffee shop he found. He says Ever will flip over their crème brûlée latte.

  To me, coffee is coffee. But if I’m honest, I like that he knows what she likes and goes out of his way to make her happy. Everly deserves happy above everything else.

  The warm Chicago air is comfortable with a slight breeze coming off the water as we walk back to the hotel. I’m glad Alec talked Everly into leaving the hotel room. I think the nice day and lively atmosphere will do her some good.

  As we wait for the elevator, my phone rings. I check the screen, and it’s a private number. I answer immediately.


  “I ran through those financials you asked about,” Simon gets right down to business. No hello, no good morning. He’s not the social type. But he is a brilliant hacker, so his lack of manners is overlooked. By everyone. He’s the star of Endeavor, really. The heart. If you need info, you go straight to him.

  “And?” I sip my coffee nonchalantly as we enter the elevator.

  “Nothing. No unusual activity or payments. The accounts have been dead for years.”

  “Fuck, okay.” Dead end on Gunner’s financial activity front.

  “I did find one thing that was interesting, though.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “An account in the name Destiny Star Reynolds. Still active and paid up to date.”

  I freeze. “An account in Everly’s name? What kind?” Alec spins his head in my direction, full attention, one hundred percent.

  “A safe deposit box, it looks like. But the bank is strange. From what I can gather, it’s new age. All digital. Facial recognition, iris scan, or fingerprint ID.”

  “Did you say fingerprint ID?” I look pointedly at Alec.

  “I did. Would you like me to repeat it slower?”

  I roll my eyes. Nothing worse than a nerdy, smartass. “No, thanks. I got it the first time.” The elevator doors ding, and Alec and I step out, hanging on every word Simon is spoon-feeding us. “Where’s the bank?”

  “You’re never gonna believe it. Chicago.” He’s smug.

  Well, hot damn.

  “Okay, thanks. Send me all the details. We’ll investigate.” I hang up.

  “Everly is worth as much as a single fingerprint,” I paraphrase Gunner’s words. “I think that’s it. Whatever Vicki is after is in a safe deposit box, and Everly is the only one who can access it. She’s the key.”

  Alec’s face falls. “Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to leave her alone.”

  Unwarranted, we both barrel into the hotel room, calling Ever’s name. There’s no answer. We both share the same, irrational fear.

  “Ever!” I rush into the bedroom and then the adjoining bathroom. “Ever—” I stop short, finding her in the tub, filled with bubbles, eyes closed, listenin
g to her airpods. She has no clue I’m standing there as her head bops away to the blaring music.

  I sag with relief, my heart freefalling into my stomach. A second later Alec crashes into me, finding exactly what I have. A happy, clueless Ever. I hear his audible sigh from behind me.

  “Fucking-A, I nearly had a coronary.”

  I snicker. Same, brother.

  Everly opens her eyes, suddenly sensing we’re there. She smiles coyly, pulling out an earphone. “How long have you two Peeping Toms been there?”

  “Long enough,” I confirm. Picking up a towel, I lay it on the edge of the whirlpool tub. “Get out. We need to talk, love.”

  Everly reads the grim tone of my voice. This conversation is going to be so much fucking fun.

  Alec and I watch like the Peeping Toms we are as Everly stands, gloriously wet and naked, and washes herself off. I will never tire of seeing her bare body. I think both Alec and I are salivating from just watching the innocent, sexy show.

  Once Ever is dry and wrapped in a plushy, white hotel robe, we sit her down on the couch and hand her the coffee. Alec and I silently agree that making her as comfortable as possible will lessen the blow.

  “What is going on with you two?” She holds her crème brûlée coffee with both hands and regards us strangely.

  Alec looks to me to take the lead. “Ever.” I search for the right words to begin. “I think we figured out why Gunner locked you away all those years ago and what your mom is after now.”

  Her pretty green eyes widen threefold.

  “The key your mom is after isn’t a traditional key. It’s you. You’re the key.”


  Rightfully, she’s confused. I scoot closer to her on the couch. “It looks like Gunner opened a safe deposit box in your name. And your fingerprint is the only way to access it. Whatever’s inside must be worth something substantial.”

  “Like three years of my life,” she comments bitterly.

  “That, and maybe much more.”

  “How much more can he possibly take?” she snaps. Her anger is warranted. What Gunner did was monumentally wrong. What her mother did was worse because she allowed it. “You know what? I don’t care what’s in that box. I don’t care about Gunner or my mother. Let her come after me. Let her try and force my hand. I’m not scared of her. She won’t intimidate me. I won’t let her.” Ever shoots to her feet. “Alec, give me your phone.”

  Alec stares up at her, confused. “For what?”

  “I need to call my mother.”

  “Ever,” I interject.

  “Tage,” she bites. She isn’t having it. “I’m going to tell her to fuck off once and for all.”

  “As much as I admire your tenacity right now” — Alec reaches for her — “I don’t think telling her off is going to do much.”

  “It will make me feel a hell of a lot better. Phone. Now.”

  Alec flat out refuses. “You’re poking the snake with the stick.”

  “I don’t care,” she huffs.

  Alec looks at me. I shake my head no.

  “Dammit, you two.” Ever stomps her foot. “I have to stand up for myself at some point. I’m tired of hiding in a hole. I’m tired of her thinking she can do what she wants to me. That she can threaten me and the people I love. Alec, give me the fucking phone.”

  The room is soberingly quiet. The last thing I want is Everly contacting her mother in any way, shape, or form. But on the flip side, I wonder if Vicki will back off with a threat from her daughter.

  “Give it to her,” I direct Alec. “Let’s see what happens.”

  “Tage,” Alec argues.

  “Do it.” I push.

  Begrudgingly, Alec hands over the phone.

  “It’s locked,” Everly gripes.

  Nice try, Alec.

  Alec presses his thumb on the circle, unlocking what may be the worst decision the three of us have ever made.

  Everly squints as she scrolls through Alec’s calls. She can’t see well without her glasses, but she manages to find what she’s looking for. Heaven help us all.

  She stomps into the center of the room with Alec and I hawking her every move. Everly paces the bright, sunny space as the phone rings.

  Then she pauses, and my heart ceases to beat.

  “Mom,” she growls, and not like the adorable puppy she is, like a fierce wolf about to rip someone’s throat out. “Listen carefully, ’cause I’m only going to say this once. Leave me the fuck alone. I’ll never give you what’s in that box out of spite alone. I would cut off all my fingers and feed them to a dog before I let you have it. Stop stalking me, stop threatening Alec, and fucking drop dead.” She hangs up and chucks the phone back at Alec. He has good reflexes thankfully, if not, he would have ended up with a black eye.

  Everly is heaving by the time it’s all said and done. I’m unsure what to do next. Should I get up and hug her, or pour her a strong drink?

  “Ever, you okay?” I ask delicately.

  She looks over at me and Alec still seated on the couch. I have never seen that look in her eyes before. It is beyond ferocious.

  “No, Tage. I am not fucking okay.” Her words are eerily calm.

  Then she’s walking. Alec and I both stand. “Where are you going?” He follows her, as concerned as me.

  “Back into the tub, to drown myself.” Her statement is more facetious than anything, but still underlying alarming.

  Alec and I stalk Everly into the bathroom. She already has the water running and her robe dropped. Stepping into the nearly empty tub, she sits down, curls herself into a ball, and cries.

  Christ, this girl and everything she’s been through.

  “Ever.” Alec kicks his shoes off, then loses his clothes. “Baby, it’s okay.” He draws her against his naked body and lets her unload all her emotions into his neck. He looks up at me as I stand there like a dufus. I’m not good at all this crying stuff. He jerks his head, communicating to me to get my ass in the tub. He doesn't have to tell me twice.

  I strip down and climb into the tub, Alec repositioning him and Everly, so I can snuggle up to her free side.

  As much of a cocky bastard as he is, Alec is much better in the emotions department than I am. He seems to handle outbursts and crying like a pro. At the moment, I’m thankful for that.

  “That was pretty badass,” Alec hums to Ever. “You had me scared.”

  Everly laughs through her tears. “Alec, shut up.”

  “I’m being serious. I know who I’m sending next time I have to squeeze a client.”

  “Yeah, my glasses and braids are really going to intimidate them.” She wipes her face. The water is nearly covering her chest now.

  “That’s the angle. They’ll never expect such an innocent-looking badass. We’ll call you Ghostface Killer.”

  She scoffs at the name.

  “I know a place that can fill that job description,” I chime in.

  In no time, Alec and I have Everly smiling more than frowning. We don’t make a half-bad team.

  Once the water reaches max capacity, I turn the faucet off, and the three of us just sit and soak in the steaming hot water. We’ll spend all day in here if that’s what it’ll take to make Ever happy.

  “It felt good.” Ever vacantly places her palm on the surface of the clear water. “Telling her off.”

  “She definitely deserved it,” I agree.

  “Think she’ll back off?” Everly slides her eyes up to meet mine.

  I shake my head solemnly. My gut tells me no.

  “Yeah, me neither.”

  “We’ll figure it out.” I caress her thigh.

  “Maybe I should go back into hiding? If I’m out of the picture, no one can get hurt.”

  “Ever, no,” Alec protests immediately.

  “She won’t be able to get what she wants. And Alec, your career won’t be in danger,” Everly argues.

  I stay silent. In my professional opinion, it's not the worst idea. Everly and I
could easily disappear, but where would that leave Alec? Could he just drop everything — his high-powered career, his friends, his family — and up and vanish? That is a hard ship to sail away on.

  It’s easier for me since I’m a ghost. I have no attachments, no family or core set of friends. I’ve been a loner since the age of sixteen. I can disappear and no one would come looking.

  “I don’t think my career is in danger. I think your mom is bluffing, honestly. If she was going to pull something, it would have happened by now. She would have greased the wheels, but it’s been three days and nothing.”

  “The possibility, though.” Everly doesn’t seem on board with Alec’s argument. I tend to agree with him. By now, if Vicki had the means, she would have pulled something.

  “Well, if I can’t disappear” — Everly pokes holes in the surface of the water — “maybe we should find out what’s in that box.”

  “Seriously?” I sit up.

  “Why not? If we get rid of the contents, we get rid of the problem.”

  “Umm . . .” Alec disagrees. “I’m not sure it works like that.”

  “Me neither.”

  “What other option do we have besides having my mother killed?”

  “You can be scary. Maybe we should start calling you Ghostface

  Killer?” I comment, proud as hell of the woman she’s become.

  “I’m just saying.” Ever laughs. “I want her gone once and for all. Please, Tage.” She rubs up against me and purrs.

  “You want me to kill your mother?” Not that I wouldn’t.

  “No.” She splashes me. “I want you to take me to see what’s in that box. And if getting rid of it doesn’t work, then I want you to kill her.” There’s that evil sarcasm again.

  “I’ll represent you during your murder trial,” Alec adds flippantly.

  Well, gee, thanks.

  “Pro bono,” Everly stipulates.

  “Of course.” Alec snorts.

  “I’m glad you two are having so much fun at my expense.” And I thought I could be ruthless.

  “It’s easy to do.” Everly giggles. She is so lucky she’s cute. “So, what do you say?” She floats into Alec’s welcoming arms. He is clearly on board with this plan.


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