Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 28, 51, 53, 90, 117–18
Felton, Sam, 136–37, 174–75, 189–90
fertility rates and screen time, 83
Finicum, LaVoy, 131
Firstenberg, Arthur, 154
Fisher, J. Richard, 242
Fitbits, 156
Five-Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), 52
Flatwoods UFO landing of 1952, 61
Flynt, Larry, 132–33
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 74–75
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 182
forestry competitions, 170–71
Fort Meade, 57
Fort Warwick, 25
Fourth Amendment, 15
Francis, Pope, 82
Franklin, Joseph Paul, 132–33, 195–96
Frontier Communications, 113
Fuller, David, 73–74, 149, 285, 287–88
Future Farmers of America, 170–71
Game of Thrones (TV series), 52
“gaming disorder,” 82
Garvade, Nathan, 241
George III of England, 25
Gere, Richard, 61
Gesundheit! (Adams), 205–6, 208–9, 212–13
Gesundheit! Institute, 202, 206–15
Gibson, Larry, 146
ginseng, 21, 34, 110, 226, 230, 294–95
Gleeson, Brendan, 200
global WiFi, 290–91
Google, 17, 68, 173, 177, 283
Google Voice, 14, 209
Graff, Garrett M., 62, 65
Grafton Monster, 61
Graham, Jaynell, 86–87, 145, 193, 266–69; National Alliance and, 139, 140–41, 145; positive coverage focus of Pocahontas Times, 86, 193, 266–69; suicide of Roberts, 248, 266–67
Graham’s Motel, 139, 140, 141, 145
Gray’s Store, Aryan Autographs and 14 Words, L.L.C., 143–44, 296
Green Bank, West Virginia, 1–3, 7–11, 24–25, 31; Quietest Town in America, 1, 30, 78, 216, 252; sense of community in, 33–36
Green Bank Dollar General, 32, 46–47
Green Bank Elementary-Middle School, 38, 164, 165; internet access, 165–67; observatory’s educational influence on, 173–74; WiFi and, 47–48, 178–79
Green Bank Observatory, 2, 8–10, 12–13, 20, 26–30, 36, 40–41; annual deer hunt, 240–41; author’s stay at, 20, 23–24, 31–32; contribution to local economy of, 186; early hires of, 28–29; educational influence of, 173–78; fight for quiet, 44–48, 109–20; founding of, 8–9, 26, 27–28; funding of, 43–44, 69–70, 162, 242, 243–48, 288–89; history of, 28–29; Interference Protection Group, 114; National Register of Historic Places, 289; Niday’s patrols, 109–11, 113, 115, 119–20, 290; recreation fields of, 164; Sizemore’s fight for quiet, 45–48, 49–50, 113–14, 119–20, 176–77
Green Bank Public Library, 147–48, 161
Green Bank Telescope, 23–24, 43, 289; collapse of 1988, 241–46; construction of, 40–41, 242, 245–46; discoveries of, 40–41, 242; feed blower motor problem, 37–39; relationship to Breakthrough Listen, 43–44, 288–89
Greenbrier bunker, 62, 64–65, 67
Gupta, Sanjay, 111–12
Haleakala National Park, 80
Hall, Oak, 115, 274, 302
HAM radios, 85, 87, 284
Harris, Tristan, 173
Hauer, Peter, 222–26, 228–30
headaches and EHS, 77, 157
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, 165
heart attacks and human-made noise, 81
Heeschen, David, 36
Heimback, Matt, 125
Helfand, David, 17–19, 42
Hell’s Gate, 99
hempcrete, 192–93
Hempton, Gordon, 80
Henry’s Quick Stop, 8, 31
Hernandez, Nelson, 188
Herzog, Werner, 39–40
Hess, Albert “Jay,” 273–79, 293; author’s tour of National Alliance compound with, 219–21, 277–79; at Charlottesville rally, 126; Lobelia Saltpeter Cave expedition, 226–28, 230–35
Highlander Research and Education Center, 89
High Rocks Academy, 88–90, 292
Hillbilly Elegy (Vance), 297–98
Hille, Barbara, 97–98
Hille, Carl, 97–98
Hillsboro, West Virginia, 124
Hillsboro Post Office, 137
Hinduism, 79
Hippie Homesteaders (Seaton), 97
hippies, 97–163, 192–94
Hitler, Adolf, 103, 128, 130, 132, 219–20, 275
Hoh Rain Forest, 80
Holstine, Michael, 33, 43, 114, 117, 162, 289
Homeland Security, 301
Howard, John, 159–61, 251
Howard, Sue, 158–62, 247, 251–52, 255
How to Do Nothing (Odell), 304
human-dolphin communication, 30
Hunter (Pierce), 132, 195
Hyakutake Comet, 176
Innisfree Village, 260, 262
Insight Meditation Society, 80
Interference Patrol Group, 51
International Space Station, 33
internet addiction, 14, 41, 82, 172–73
interpersonal closeness and trust and cellphone usage, 83
iPhones. See cellphones
ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) limit, 24
Jansky, Karl, 26, 247
Jansky Very Large Array, 53, 246
Jesus, 79, 189, 190, 237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 247
Johns Hopkins University, 156
Johnson, Allen, 141–46, 147, 214, 303
Johnson, Debora, 141–42, 145, 146
Johnson, Lyndon, 62
Jones, Jolie, 76
Jones, Quincy, 76
Jonese, David, 63, 66, 87, 107
Journey into the Myst, The (Bennet), 254–55
Juanita Fireball and the Continental Drifters, 23, 39
Kellermann, Kenneth, 28, 36, 55, 65, 117–18, 243–44, 245–46
Kellett, Claud, 44
Kelly, Elliott, 216–17
Kelly, Shawn, 275–76
Kennedy, John F., 55, 158
Kierkegaard, Søren, 79
Killing Kennedy (O’Reilly), 104
Kinderman, Gibbs, 89
King’s College London, 154
Knighthawk helicopter crash of 2010, 85–86
Kohler, Monika, 261, 262, 266
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 12, 105–6, 130–31, 140, 276
Lamb of God, 127
Last Samurai, The (film), 201
ley lines, 21
Leyzorek, John, 102
Library of Congress’s Science Policy Research Division, 244
LiFi, 179
Lightning and the Sun, The (Mukherji), 130
LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), 244
Lilly, John, 30
Liszt, Harvey, 117–18
Lo and Behold (documentary), 39–40, 74
Lobelia, West Virginia, 98, 101
Lobelia Saltpeter Cave, 228–29, 230–35
Lockheed Missiles and Space Corporation, 56
Lockman, Jay, 39–42, 44, 45, 58, 117, 243–44, 246, 282
“Love Lifted Me” (hymn), 189
Luddites, 19, 185
LuPone, Patti, 81
Maddalena, Ron, 174–75, 176
Manchin, Joe, 113
marijuana, 98, 272, 276
Marks, Erica, 99–100, 118–19
Marlinton Motor Inn, 139, 240
Marlinton 911 center, 183–84
Marrujo, Rudy, 85, 114–15, 284
Mars, 177, 178
Martin, Robert, 181–84, 190, 194, 196, 200–202
Martinez, Oscar, 188
McCorkill, Harry Robert, 278
McCoy’s Market, 227, 275
McGhee, Jason, 127, 128–30
McKibben, Bill, 16–17
McNamara, Robert, 55
McNeill, Tommy, 223, 229
McVeigh, Timothy, 105, 128–29, 139
medical malpr
actice insurance, 210
meditation, 80, 81
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 128, 130
Melumad, Shiri, 14
meningiomas, 260
Merton, Thomas, 79
microwave ovens, 24, 39, 45, 47, 74–75, 113, 155, 297
Middleton, Donna, 260, 263
Midwives Alliance of West Virginia, 99, 214
Mikulski, Barbara, 245
Milky Way, 26, 27
Miller, Derrick, 273
Milner, Yuri, 43–44
Minter, Anthony, 64
mobile phones. See cellphones
Möbus, Hendrik, 138
Monna, Sittul, 252
Monongahela National Forest, 10, 97, 194
Morgan, Greg, 165–66
Morgantown, West Virginia, 168
Mother Teresa, 254
Mothman, 61
mouna, 79
“mountain justice,” 198–200
Mountain Quest Inn, 251–52, 253–56, 296
Mount Katahdin, 81
Mukherji, Savitri Devi, 130
Mullen, Teresa, 90–91, 113
Mullenax, Betty, 32, 35–36, 110–11, 286, 287–88, 302
Mullenax, Ebbie, 32, 35, 286, 287–88
Mullin, William, 247
MUOS (Mobile User Objective System), 162
Murchison Radio-Astronomy Observatory, 52
Murphy, Frank, 257–58
Murphy, Jane, 257–58, 262
Murphy, Mike, 257–58
Mussolini, Benito, 275
Must, Andrew, 101, 200, 207–8
Must, Bob, 100–101, 192–94, 213–14
Must, Ginger, 100–102, 192–93
Mylander, Maureen, 212–13
“mysts,” 254–55
Nader, George, 188
National Academy of Sciences, 44, 53; Committee on Radio Frequencies, 44; National Research Council, 29
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 49, 177, 178, 247
National Alliance, 91–97, 124–33, 135–46, 305; author’s visits to compound, 93–97, 104–7, 126–30, 219–21, 272–79; Charlottesville rally, 124–26, 131–32; community relations with, 107, 136–37, 139–41, 142–46, 269, 275–76; criminal activity of, 103–4, 137–38; FBI and, 91, 104–5, 106, 138, 143; Pierce’s founding of compound, 95, 96–97, 103–4; racist philosophy of, 91–92, 126–31, 135–40; sale of compound land, 279–80, 292–93
“national attention deficit,” 82
National Day of Unplugging, 82
National Democratic Party, 138
National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP), 46
National Geographic, 30, 73, 112, 175
National Institutes of Health, 147
National Justice Party, 127
National Medal for Museum and Library Service, 145
National Park Service, 80
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank. See Green Bank Observatory
National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ), 2, 7–9, 12, 20–21, 52–53, 243–44; creation of, 28, 52–53; media reports on, 111–13; Niday’s patrols, 109–11, 113, 115, 119–20, 290; schools and, 165–79; Sizemore’s fight for quiet, 45–48, 49–50, 113–14, 119–20, 176–77; Sugar Grove Station and, 54–59; West Virginia Radio Astronomy Zoning Act of 1956, 28, 52, 116–19; Woody and, 49–54, 57–58, 291–92
National Register of Historic Places, 289
National Science Foundation (NSF): Advisory Panel on Radio Astronomy, 27; founding of Green Bank Observatory, 8–9, 26, 27–28, 243–44; funding of Green Bank Observatory, 43–44, 69–70, 162, 242, 246–48, 286, 288–89; funding of STEM education, 89; quiet zones, 52–53
National Security Agency (NSA): interest in Green Bank, 56, 69–70, 247–48, 288; Sugar Grove Station, 56–59, 68–70, 288; Timberline, 56–57
National Speleological Society, 229
National Steel Corporation, 223
National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 58, 117
National Toxicology Program, 153
National Vanguard, 96, 97, 130
National Youth Alliance, 103–4
Naval Research Laboratory, 54–55
Navy Information Operations Command (NAVIOCOM), 57–58
Nazi Party, 95–96, 103, 201, 279, 1332. See also Hitler, Adolf
neo-Nazis, 91–97, 103–7, 124–33, 135–46, 195, 201, 269, 272–80; Charlottesville rally, 124–26, 131–32. See also National Alliance
Netflix, 82, 161
neutron stars, 289
New Hope Church of the Brethren, 115, 142
Newport, Cal, 284
New River Gorge, 239
Niday, Chuck, 109–11, 113, 115, 119–20, 285, 290
Niday, Heather, 285
Nobel Prize, 29–30, 209, 244
nocebo effect, 154–55
North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), 288–89
Northern Pocahontas County Health Clinic, 150
NSA. See National Security Agency
Nxivm, 216–17
Obama, Barack, 140, 158
O’Brien, John, 187–88
O’Brien, Michael, 183–84, 191–92
observational astronomy, 26
Odell, Jenny, 304
Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, 105, 128–29
Old Clark Inn, 145, 188
Open Skies, 43
Operation Alert, 65–66
Order of the Dolphin, 30
O’Reilly, Bill, 104
Orion Molecular Cloud, 40
Orthodox Jews and Sabbath, 18–19
Overpowered (Blank), 154
Oxford Internet Institute, 83
OxyContin, 272
Palihapitiya, Chamath, 173
Parakilas, Sandy, 173
Parkes Observatory, 44, 47
Pascal, Blaise, 79
Patch Adams (film), 205–6, 211, 213, 215, 221
Pawlina, Charlee, 260, 261–63
Pearl S. Buck E Pluribus Unum Collection, 144
Peinovich, Mike, 127
Peter M. Hauer Spelean History Award, 229
Pham, Michel, 14
Phoenix Mars Lander, 177
photosynthesis, 30
Pierce, Kelvin, 137–38
Pierce, William, 91, 135–39, 292, 305; author’s tours of National Alliance compound, 94–97, 105–6, 277–79; background of, 135–36; community relations with, 136–37, 139–41, 275–76; criminal activity of, 103–4, 137–38; FBI and, 91, 104–5, 106, 138, 143; founding of National Alliance compound, 95, 96–97, 103–4; Franklin and, 195; Thompson and, 221; The Turner Diaries, 93, 103, 104–5, 107, 126, 128–29, 130, 132, 133, 140, 305
Pierce Point, 105–6
Pinochet, Augusto, 275
Planetary Science Institute, 178
Pocahontas, 25–26
Pocahontas County: cell service ordinance, 181–84; churches of, 72; happiness and lack of cellphones, 84; history of, 25–26; population of, 8, 97; tourism, 186–88, 295–96
Pocahontas County High School, 26, 90–91, 300–301; smartphone use, 168–71, 174
Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, 214
Pocahontas Times, 86–87, 145, 176, 193, 197, 266–69; Green Bank and, 27, 36, 85; hunting pictures, 168; National Alliance and, 136, 269; positive coverage focus of, 86, 193, 266–69; real estate market, 75; suicide of Roberts, 248, 259, 266–67; Thompson and marijuana raid, 271–72; Wulf’s gardening column, 218
Pocahontas Unity March of 2003, 144–45
Point of View Farm, 102
Pol Pot, 275
Pomona College, 89
Potok, Mark, 137–38, 145
“poverty porn,” 187–88, 297–98
prepper mentality, 66–67
Princeton Public Library, 102
Pringle, David, 106–7, 124–33; author’s tours of National Alliance compound with, 94–96, 104–6, 128–30; Charlottesville rally, 124–26, 131–32; community relations and, 275, 276; Graham’s Motel and, 139; gun building, 127–28; move to Nebr
aska, 219–20, 279–80; sale of National Alliance compound land, 279–80, 293
privacy rights, 15
productivity, 184
Project Breakthrough Listen, 43–44, 288–89
Project Ozma, 29
Prospect Park, 252
Przybylski, Andrew, 83
Psycho (film), 8
Puerto Rican migrant workers, 12–13, 140, 188
Purpose Driven Life, The (Warren), 263
Puzzle Palace, The (Bamford), 56–57
Quiet (Cain), 42
Quiet Corner, Connecticut, 299–300
Quiet Place, A (film), 81
Quiet Zone. See National Radio Quiet Zone
“quiet zones,” 28, 42, 52–53
racism, 135, 136, 140, 276. See also National Alliance
radio astronomy, 26–27, 37–39, 44–45, 247
radio frequency interference (RFI), 9, 24, 29, 44–45; Faraday cages, 156–57; Niday’s patrols, 109–11, 113, 115, 119–20; Sizemore’s hunt for, 45–48, 49–50, 113–14, 119–20, 176–77; Woody and, 49–54, 57–58, 291–92
radio quiet zone. See National Radio Quiet Zone
radio spectrum, 44–45, 50, 117–18, 243
Rainbow Gathering, 97, 193, 201–3, 222; murders of 1980, 193–200, 201–2, 222
ramps, 20, 221, 234
Rauch, Henry, 223–24, 228–29
Raven Rock (Graff), 62, 65
Rayburn, Sam, 62
Rea, William, 153–54
Reber, Grote, 26–27
Reber Radio Telescope, 289
Reboot’s National Day of Unplugging, 82
Redford, Robert, 201
Red Oak Realty, 75, 115, 302
Reiner, Robert, 41
Repp, Ryan, 240
Resistance (magazine), 129, 139
Resistance Records, 129, 142–43, 144–45
Richtel, Matt, 83
Riemer, Robert, 44
Riley, Joseph, 90, 168
Riley, Sarah, 88–90, 92, 167, 202–3, 292, 306
Rising Out of Hatred (Saslow), 276
Rittenhouse, David, 34, 97–98, 142
Rittenhouse, Julian, 34
Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. See Green Bank Telescope
Robert C. Byrd Highway, 43
Roberts, Marianne: electromagnetic hypersensitivity of, 259–62, 266–67; suicide note of, 257, 262, 263–65, 266; suicide of, 2–3, 248–49, 256–60, 262–63, 265–66
Rock, Chris, 15–16
Rockefeller, John D., IV “Jay,” 35–36, 38, 243, 244–45
Rockefeller, John D., Sr., 35
Rockefeller, Nelson, 35
Rockwell, George Lincoln, 103
Roof, Dylann, 130–31
Roper, Billy, 95, 129, 138, 139–40, 143–44, 305
Rose, Cara, 186–87, 295–96
Rosenthal, Joel, 102
Roswell, 158
Rothman, Tony, 69–70
Rubin, James, 154–55
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