We Belong Together: A BBW Second Chance Romance

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We Belong Together: A BBW Second Chance Romance Page 9

by Weston Parker

  "Just tonight, baby. Then tomorrow it's whatever you want." I turned to the valet. "Get my bike. Fucking now."

  "Yes, Sir!" He jumped up and ran down to the parking lot as I turned to face her again. "My house."

  "Fine." She moved in for another long kiss and I gave her what she was after. The wicked little bitch sucked on my tongue in slow, solid pulls until the world spun around me. There was no one that could suck a dick like she could. Every cell in my body was on fire to watch her do it again, and again, and again.

  "Sir, your bike."

  I moved back and gripped her hand. "Come on."

  "A bike? No way, Danny." She pulled back from me as I got on.

  "Get on. Now." I barked at her and extended the helmet. "I'd never hurt you."

  "No?" Her tone told me I already had a million times.

  "Not on purpose." I winked. "Come with me, Terra. I know you wanna."

  She snatched the helmet and got on the back, wrapping her arms around me, and cupping my dick the whole way back to the house. She was lucky I didn't explode in her hands.

  Chapter 16


  I was terrified at what tomorrow might hold when we reached his house, but I forced myself into a place of calm that I didn't realize existed. It was sick, but if I looked from the end of my life backward, making love to Danny McAdams was on my top three list of things to do. I wanted to know what it felt like to be fully adored by him, and I knew with his passion, love making was the key.

  He pulled the bike up to the large white brick house and turned it off. He cupped my hands over his dick and lifted up, rubbing himself against my fingers as a moan raced through me. He was bigger than I remembered, but it had been seven years.

  After helping me off the bike, he took our helmets and gripped my hand. "You know how many times I've dreamt of having you wet and shaking beneath me?"

  "Are we getting in a pool?" I offered a silly smile, feeling like I was seriously over my fucking head. "I didn't bring a suit."

  He ignored me and opened the door, pulling me in. "I have condoms in the bathroom. You on the pill?"

  "Stop talking to me like you don't know me." I reached out and grabbed him, pulling him close. "Like I'm some quick fuck on your Friday night. I'm not."

  "No. You're not." He pulled me close and walked us backward down a hall as we tore at each other's clothes and took turns dominating our kiss. "You're my girl from the good days."

  "Today's not good." I whimpered and he pressed his hand against my chest and forced my back to the wall. I was in a pair of skimpy white panties and a bra. I shouldn't have been there. He would own me in no time if I wasn't careful. I had to figure out a way to stay in control.

  His dark blue eyes moved down the front of my body. "I love the way you look. Your titties have gotten bigger, but so has your ass." A naughty smile played at the side of his perfect mouth.

  "Thank you for the reminder." I gripped his wrist and tried to move him, but he wouldn't budge.

  "Stop. You're not in control right now, baby girl. I am. Relax. I'm going to touch and taste every inch of you, Terra."

  "Then turn me away when I beg for your dick?" My tone turned hard as memories raced through me.

  He spun me around, pressing my front against the wall as he crashed against me. His strong chest felt warm against my back, his dick finding it's place wedge between my ass cheeks. "No. I'm not going to deny you a fucking thing tonight. I'm not a boy with pipe dreams of white picket fences and saving myself for my girl in marriage. I'm a man with needs, and you're going to fill every last one of them tonight."

  I didn't know the man behind me, but I wanted to. The air was thick and so damn hard to breathe. I nodded, agreeing with him as he rolled his hips and covered my body with his.

  "You want me in your ass first?" He licked up the side of my neck. The smell of his cologne mixed with the scent of beer was intoxicating. He was hard as a rock and a bit angry from what I could tell. Why? Because he'd promised himself the same things I had? That I wouldn't find myself trapped in a room half-naked with him. Wet and aching. Needy and willing to give it all for a night of pleasure.

  "In my mouth." I yelped as he thrust against me and moved back.

  "Good. I've always liked you on your knees." He walked to the bedroom and stopped to take his underwear off. His ass was as perfect as I remembered it. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. I worked on my bra as I walked down the hallway, tossing it behind me and freeing my breasts as I walked into the room.

  He was perched on the side of the bed, his cock thick and hard. He stroked it and watched me. "You know how long I've waited to feel you again?"

  "As long as I've waited to feel you." I moved between his legs and slid my hands up his thighs. "This is a huge mistake."

  "Hell, yeah, it is." He leaned down and held my face as he kissed me like he loved me. "Just make sure you swallow like a good girl for me."

  I smiled. "Asshole."

  "Your asshole for the night." He reached back and pressed his hands to the bed, lifting his hips a little as I worked my tongue over him, memorizing every sound that ripped from his lips. I moved down and sucked one of his balls into my mouth as he gyrated his hips, fucking himself against the tight squeeze of my hand. I kept after him until I heard his voice hitch.

  "Fuck, Terra. I'm gonna come, baby. Put your mouth on me." He pulled me up and gripped my hair at the back of my head. "Breathe through your nose, baby."

  I didn't need his coaching, but the sound of his voice as I deep-throated him had me close to orgasm myself. I let out a sound of appreciation as he filled my mouth with his hot release. After drinking him down, I licked up the long length of his dick and took my time enjoying him.

  "Shit." He dropped back on the bed, and I stood up.

  "Good?" I crawled up on the bed to hover over him.

  His blue eyes were glossy but filled with lust. "So far beyond good. Come here, Ter."

  He hadn't called me by the nickname him and Niki gave me years ago. Not even in the last few months we were together before I left. The endearment of it weakened me.

  "Taste me?" I continued to crawl up his chest until I sat down just below his chin.

  "Fuck, yes. Take these panties off." He pulled at them as I moved up on the bed. He had a little bit of trouble getting them over the thick curve of my ass, but the groan that left me reminded me that he loved my body type. I didn't have to worry about how I might look, which left me fully open to just enjoying the moment.

  I moved up to straddle his face and reached up to grab the headboard as he wrapped his hands around the underside of my thighs and pressed his palms to my ass. "Fuck I love the way you fill up my hands, baby." He pulled me down and buried his face in my pussy, licking and sucking as I rolled my hips and taking full advantage of how good it felt to be with him again.

  He knew just where to touch me, how to brush his teeth over my clit, but not bite me. I shook with the building up of my release as I moaned loudly. His strong fingers spread my ass open, and he pressed his thick middle finger inside of me, lighting up every pleasure point I had. Where he'd never been inside my womb, he'd had his share of fun playing around with my ass. I wanted penetration with either or both from him. That was something we never seemed to get to. Maybe tonight would change all of that.

  "I can taste how close you are. Let go." He pulled me back into his mouth and fingered me hard and fast. I arched my back and lifted my ass in the air, breathless at how quickly he could make me come. A scream ripped from my lips as he took me over the edge. His mumbled words and moans skittered across my clit, intensifying the delicious feel of him working my body like the playboy he had become.

  "Stop. Danny. Fuck." I pulled away from him and rolled over onto my back, my lungs screaming for air.

  "No way, Ter. We're just getting started." He got off the bed and gripped my legs, just under my knees as he pulled me close to him. "I want deep inside of you tonight."

sp; "Yeah. I want that too." I pulled my legs up, bending them before dropping them open to let him look at me.

  Love and lust mixed in his gaze as he dragged his finger down my folds, playing with my tight entrance. He pressed the soft pad of his thumb into my pussy, and I convulsed in lust.

  "Feels so good to see laid out, wanting me the way I want you. I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk tonight." He reached for his cock, grabbing it and rubbing the thick swollen head over my clit before tapping the sensitive bundle of nerves. "You've let someone else inside of you, haven't you?"

  There was no condemnation, just a question.

  "No." I reached down and stroked him as worry raced across me. What was I doing? Giving up my virginity just because it was Daniel? I'd waited twenty-seven years to experience this on my wedding night. Where I prayed like hell he was the one, I wasn't so sure anymore.

  Actually... I was quite sure of the opposite.

  "Wait. You're still a virgin?" he moved back with shock on his face. "How? You're the most beautiful woman around here? Paul didn't fuck you? Why not?"

  The crudeness of it hit me the wrong way. "Because I didn't let him." I got off the bed and gathered my things. "What the hell was I thinking?"


  "It's Terra, and I'm your goddamn boss." I pointed a finger at him. "This was a horrible mistake. What did I think would happen?"

  "What did you want to happen?" He put his hands on his hips as his attitude reared its ugly head again. "Cause I'm pretty sure you wanted me to fuck you."

  "Sickly enough. Yes." I got dressed on my way to the front door.

  "Terra. Stop. What happened? I'm thrilled that you're a virgin."

  I walked out and pulled my heels on in the driveway. "Why? So you could collect my virginity with every other slut you slept with? Yours was supposed to be mine."

  "And if I could go back, it would be." He let out an aggravated sound. "Get back in here and let me make love to you."

  "You mean fuck me."

  "Yes. Fuck you." He stepped out of the house, and something inside of me tightened. I didn't want to be a notch on his belt. I wanted to sleep with him so he would love me again. How sick was I?

  "Don't. Give me the keys to something I can take home. Now."

  "Terra. Don't do this."

  "I can't undo it, Danny. I don't need this shit in my life. I'm confused, and this is making it worse." My voice broke. "Please. For old time’s sake. Just give me a fucking car to go home in."

  "Okay. Yeah. Sure." He walked back into the house as I cried into my hands. I didn't realize he'd come back out until his arms were around me. "I'm sorry. We shouldn't have gone that far." He kissed the top of my head and handed over the keys. "Forgive me."

  I took them and turned, walking to the car as my shoulders shook from my sobs. Why had I run to him for comfort? He'd stopped handing that out a long time ago.

  Tonight was no different.

  Chapter 17


  "What the fuck just happened?" I walked back into the house at a complete loss. How I had Terra in my arms one minute and gone the next was beyond me. Liquor. I needed liquor.

  After pouring me a glass of Wild Turkey, I took the bottle and my glass and dropped down on the couch as anger burned through me. Why the fuck had I brought up Paul? Why did I make her virginity seem like such a big damn deal?

  I set the bottle down and reached for the phone. I needed to talk to her. We couldn't end things like that. We were meant to be together. My heart and head were finally in agreement on something in my shitty life. They always had been. It was her. Always her.

  Leaning back, I tossed the phone on the couch beside me and closed my eyes. I'd fucked up. I could figure out a way to make it up to her somehow, but it wasn't going to be easy.

  She was still a fucking virgin. Realization rolled over me and I groaned as my body hardened again. Holy shit. She's waited for me.

  "Calm down, Captain Cockdar." I breathed in deeply and held it. Whether it was for me or not, she hadn't slept with another man. Not in the traditional sense. Mine. Her virginity was mine. She was mine.

  I’ll win her over again just like I had in high school. Being a good guy with a naughty side, only this time my actions wouldn't take us to the edge and leave us dangling over. If I got her naked again, I was sinking into her tight little pussy and busting her cherry. There was nothing I wouldn't do to leave my mark on her.

  The only thing I regretted was not saving myself for her. She deserved it.

  Or did she? I laughed out loud as I reclined on the couch by myself. Memories of my first time caused me to laugh again. It had been pathetic. I'd been pathetic. Squirting two seconds after I got into the poor girl. Probably the worst lay she ever had.

  Maybe it was a good thing Terra didn't have to experience that. I shivered at the thought.

  "Why are you bringing this up yet again?" My mom had her hands on her hips with her back to me as I walked into her kitchen from the garage. The drive over hadn't been too bad, but anytime on the bike was good times.

  "Because baby. I think that Peanut is old enough to learn about death." My dad had the 'I know I'm right' expression on his face. He manufactured and wore it well. My parents rarely fought, and they weren't then, but it was cute to see them disagreeing.

  "Hey, guys." I walked by them and picked up a piece of sausage from a plate my mom had by the stove. "What's the deal with Peanut and death?"

  "I think your mom should have let us bring Lyndsay with us to the funeral for Martin. She's not been around death yet, and she's six years old. She needs to understand it." He huffed and picked up his paper. "Or not. Never mind. Forget I said anything." He turned and walked out of the kitchen.

  "I would if you would stop bringing it up!" she called after him.

  "Mom. It's all good. Lyndsay will learn things as she needs to. After losing Jannie, I don't think she should be put through anything else." I walked over and pulled my mom into a warm hug. "I know she didn't go to the events, but she's a smart little girl. She knew something was up."

  "Speaking of." She moved back and ran her hands up my side. "You need to do something fun with her. She misses you."

  "I miss her too." I leaned forward and kissed my mom on the forehead before moving back. "Thanks for watching her last night."

  "Absolutely. Great job on the game. Your dad yelled at the TV all damn night."

  I laughed and walked down the hallway to Lyndsay’s room at my parents’ house. I knocked and poked my head in. "Hi. I'm Jelly. Someone told me there was peanut butter I could be friends with."

  She rolled over and giggled as she lay curled up in her sheets. "Daddy. I'm a peanut. Not peanut butter. Get it right."

  "Well, I know how to turn peanuts into peanut butter." I walked in and shrugged, feigning innocence. "It's what I do."

  "Wait." She sat up and lifted her little hand in the air as blond curls spilled over her shoulder. "How are you going to do this, exactly?"

  "Like this?" I jogged to the bed and pounced her, making loud bear noises as I tickled and nibbled at whatever I could get a hold of.

  She screamed as loud as she could and thrashed around. "Daddy! Daddy! Okay. You made peanut butter. Stop!"

  "Daniel Blandon McAdams. What are you doing to that baby?" My dad appeared in the door behind us.

  I whispered in Lyndsay's face. "Sh. Pretend like you're asleep. Snore a little." I dropped down on the bed and the two of us started snoring.

  "Yeah. Right. I thought someone needed help. I guess not." My dad turned and Lyndsay shot up, smacking me in the face with her sudden movements.

  "No! PawPaw. I need help. This big Jelly guy came to turn my peanuts into peanut butter."

  "And I'll do it again." I growled and rolled over to grab her and tickle her some more.

  My dad pulled her from me and wrapped his arms around her. "You dad is quite the sugar stealer."

  "Oh no. Here we go." I pulled a pillow and
covered my face.

  "Really? He steals other people's sugar?" Lyndsay's voice grew dim. Dad must have been taking her back to the kitchen.

  "Have you asked him about Miss Terra?" My dad chuckled as I groaned.

  "Thanks a lot, dad," I called after him and rolled onto my back. I fixed up a few pillows under my head and let out a long sigh.

  "That sounds like a man with a lot on his heart." My mom leaned against the door frame with a smile on her face. "Anything I can help with?"

  "Can you make Terra Harmon love me again?" I lifted my hands in a heart and chuckled. "I feel like a fourteen-year-old boy around her again."

  "Eww... gross. Fourteen was such a bad age for you. Remember you kept getting those abnormally huge zits on your face and your bottom?" She walked in and dropped down on the bed next to me as I gave her a very teenage boy look.

  "Mom. Really right now? I'm suffering from heartache and you want to remind me that I was hideous at fourteen?" I was teasing her, but she loved it.

  "You still are hideous sometimes." She reached over and brushed her fingers through my hair. "Every time I see you on TV at one of those parties, you're drunk or you have some floozy on your lap. It's not at all who you are, Daniel."

  I rolled over and swatted at her playfully. "Go away, Mom. Next, you're going to tell me that I'm getting fat."

  "Well-" She broke into laughter as I jerked up and turned to face her. "I'm kidding. You're so perfect it's not even funny." She reached out and touched the side of my face. "I just wish you would settle down. You're thirty and life is more than baseball and making money."

  I cupped my hand over hers. "I know it is. I never wanted anything but a family. You know that."

  "Then what's holding you back, son?"

  I didn't have to think about it. "Terra."

  "Really? A relationship that ended seven years ago still plagues you?"

  I pulled her hand down from my face and nodded. "Yeah. Absolutely. It's like knowing you were supposed to be with this one person, and yet, you fucked it-"


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