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Down and Dirty

Page 20

by Alison Tyler


  Alison Tyler

  Maybe there’s no such thing as love at first sight, but lust at first sight...well, that’s a different story altogether. Because that’s what I had, and I had it bad. Lust for the dark-haired, dark-eyed captain of a rough-and-rowdy road crew.

  The crew had been out in our little rural community for weeks. Trimming trees. Moving boulders. And making me want to come. Not all of them. Just one of them. A fiercely handsome man with a sleek mustache and sparkling brown eyes. He’d look at me when he was the one holding up the stop sign, and I’d look back through the windshield, flush, and look away. How many times? Three, four, every fucking time I went to do an errand. And I went to do more errands than usual when I knew they were at work. I put on elaborate makeup just to go to the grocery store. Normally a jeans-and-T-shirt type of girl, I wore skirts and high-heeled leather boots and I took extra time styling my long black hair.

  After several weeks of visual foreplay, I got bold. I held his eye contact and stared back at him, gazed through my cherry-flush, forcing the connection. He liked that. He tilted his head at me and narrowed his eyes, and I could almost hear what he was thinking. “Take me on? Is that what you think you’re doing, little girl? You think you can take me?”

  The men were connected to one another with walkie talkies, letting each other know when cars were waiting at either side of the road work. One afternoon, I watched a heavyset man radio another while the stop sign was in place. After a moment, he flipped the sign to “slow,” and motioned me forward. As I drove around the winding roads, I spotted a golden-yellow work truck in my rearview mirror. Was it him? How was I supposed to find out?

  I kept on my normal route, saw the truck holding steady, and finally I pulled into the dirt lot of a local park. Empty. Totally empty. Surrounded by trees. Hidden. The truck pulled in behind me, and my man got out. I knew in my head what I wanted to do, but I didn’t know whether people really behaved like that outside of porno movies. Could I step from my convertible, rush over, and tell him what to do to me? Turned out I didn’t have to. He knew. True doms can always sniff out a sub.

  With a nod of his head, he motioned for me to come toward him. I slid from my seat, slammed the door behind me, and walked to the back of his truck. As soon as I was in his range, he gripped onto my shoulders and brought me into his arms for a kiss—the kiss I’d imagined since I’d first seen him. Hot and fast, his mouth firm against mine, his teeth finding my bottom lip and then biting it hard. Then, because it had to happen, because it was right, he pushed me down on the gravel-strewn dirt and unbuttoned his deeply faded jeans. I was ready, my lips parted, mouth open, but he stopped me before I could act. Quickly, he pulled his heavy leather belt free from his jeans, and with me in the exact position he wanted, he captured my wrists tightly behind my back.

  “Such a tease,” he said, running his fingers roughly under my chin, tilting my head upward with a jerk. “Such a fucking tease.”

  I sighed, so hungry now, so desperate, but he wasn’t ready to give in. All I wanted was the taste of his cock in my mouth, and I wanted it more than anything I’ve ever craved, yet he wouldn’t let me suckle from him. With one hand still under my chin, he ran the back of his free hand against my cheek, softly, making me tremble all over at the gentleness of his touch. Then his hand came up high in the air, and he slapped my cheek, catching me off guard, making me bite down on a moan. I lowered my head, shuddering all over, feeling how wet my panties were growing. Feeling how much I needed this. Needed him to treat me exactly how he was.

  “Look at me, baby,” he insisted, and I raised my head.

  Now, he pushed forward, butting against my lips with the head of his cock. Oh, God, oh Christ, was I ready. I wanted to drink, wanted to drain, wanted to swallow him whole. But still he wouldn’t let me. He plunged in, taking his pleasure, then slid back out and bent to rub my nipples forcefully through my thin white blouse. He pinched them hard, and I arched and groaned, and while my mouth was open, he slid his cock in again. Each time he played me, he made me wetter still. So that I didn’t know what I was doing anymore. All I knew was I had the need—the urgency—to drink him down.

  “Bad girl,” he said, “lost in your little games. Cruising the curves in your silver convertible. And all you want is for someone to fuck that sweet mouth of yours. Isn’t that right?”

  I think I nodded. I know I moaned. And he let me, finally, let me have at him. I swallowed with a vengeance. I sucked and pulled, my cheeks indenting with the intensity of my hunger. He held me steady with his rough hands on my shoulders, pinned me in place in his strong grip. My eyes wide open, I saw the trees behind him, saw his scuffed workboots below, the dirt under my knees. It was a relief to be allowed to use my mouth, to trick my tongue up and down his straining rod. I almost cried with the release of tasting the first drops of his pre-come.

  When I could think of nothing more than draining his every drop, he pulled out again, lifted me up by my arms, and bent me over. Holding me steady, my skirt captured up at my waist, he slid my panties all the way down my legs and waited for me to step out of them. Then he punished my naked ass with his large open hand, spanking me hard and fast. All my faith was in him. He had the total control to keep me balanced, so that I wouldn’t fall forward against the gravel, so that I wouldn’t collapse on the ground. I had no thoughts now; I simply let him take me. Let him push me back down again onto the scraped raw skin of my knees, so that I could open my mouth wide and suck him. Sweetly suck him. My mouth earning the pleasure of the power he imparted.

  Up and down my tongue tricked against his shaft. In and out his cock plunged, searching out the warm wet heat of my throat. I was delirious with the pleasure of serving him. Breathing deeply, I memorized his smell, the way his skin felt against my cheeks, the way my ass smarted under the gauzy fabric of my summer-weight skirt. Then he was once again in motion, lifting me up and bringing me to the back of the truck. My wrists were still bound behind my back, so he had to slide my skirt up for me, kicking my legs wider apart, pushing into me with the spit-slicked length of his erection. He fucked me so hard that his truck shook. My face pressed into the metal of the truck bed; my honeyed juices spilled down my thighs. And when we were finished, he simply unbuckled the well-worn belt and set me free.

  But I didn’t want to be free.

  “You’re calmer now, aren’t you, girl?”

  I thought about the words before I answered, and then I nodded. He was right. All the nervous energy that had pulsed through me each time we’d made eye contact was now gone. I felt warm and in control. Better yet, I felt satisfied. I watched him get into the truck and drive out of the lot. And although I don’t know when the road crew will be back, I do know that I’ll be ready.


  N. T. Morley

  Nottage & Softbottom’s

  Vocational Academy

  of Domestic Service

  Maid’s Etiquette 101

  Instructor: Miss Wallop

  Final Examination

  The following examination will count for 60% of your grade. However, as you know, only those receiving perfect scores in the class will be graduated to Etiquette 102. Those not receiving a perfect score will receive swift and extensive instruction from those who do. Rulers will be issued as soon as the grades are posted.

  Please ensure that you sit up straight while writing. You will be graded on penmanship. Miss Wallop will be surveying the class with ruler in hand, so no wandering eyes, please.

  Question 1.

  When arriving at your new employer’s home, you should ensure that:a. The uniform the Spanish majordomo has issued you is at least three sizes too small and missing several of its buttons

  b. The laundress at the nunnery has unfortunately forgotten to pack your underwear

  c. The condition of the servants’ quarters requires you to share a single bed with two identical twins named Fabienne and Kamchatka

  d. All who in
habit the household are quickly convinced that you are a virgin and begin to wickedly plot your merciless defloration and induction into the vagaries of uncontrolled amorous surrender

  Question 2.

  The proper posture for serving cocktails at a party where the guests are seated is:a. Standing up straight, bent over at the waist so your skirt rides up in front of the guests

  b. Offering a deep curtsey to each guest as you deliver his or her drink

  c. Discovering yourself without warning being bent over the side of the sofa, savaged from behind while the guests drink straight from the bottle

  d. All of the above

  Question 3.

  The proper posture for serving cocktails at a party where the guests are standing is:a. Holding the tray at shoulder height

  b. Holding the tray at chest height

  c. Extending your pretty derriere as you walk through the crowd, so that the lustful guests may endeavor to cop a feel

  d. Kneeling on the floor offering oral service with your knees in a pool of spilled liquor

  e. both c) and d), depending on whether it’s before or after midnight

  Question 4.

  The first thing you should do when a male guest enters your employer’s house after a long journey is:a. Take his coat and offer him a cocktail

  b. Take his coat, offer him a cocktail and a cigar

  c. Carelessly knock his umbrella out of his hand, offering a thin excuse for you to bend over and retrieve it, accidentally rubbing your sassy behind against his rapidly swelling man-thing, you shameless trollop

  d. Let the butler get the drinks and smokes; offer the poor chap a blowjob, for the love of God!

  Question 5.

  As a group, male chauffeurs tend to prefer:a. Fervent oral service offered by a tawdry minx such as yourself

  b. The forbidden excesses of rear-passage bliss

  c. The rutting heat of your flooding sex

  d. Sleeping in the front seat while their employers engage in wicked goings on deep inside the shadowy depths of a velvet-furnished brothel

  e. Both a) and d)

  Question 6.

  Before succumbing to your irresistible temptation to initiate a forbidden Sapphic tryst in the servant’s quarters with a fellow maid, you must first ensure that she is:a. The disgraced daughter of a fallen noble family

  b. A recent escapee from the Sultan’s Harem

  c. A virgin who learned the ways of oral love while the prisoner of rampaging savages on the sun-broiled steppes of a distant land

  d. French

  Question 7.

  When administering a spanking to another female employee for some imagined transgression, you may use which of the following implements?

  a. Her own filthy French objet d’art, with which you just discovered the little slut disgracing herself in the pantry while plaintively whimpering the majordomo’s name

  b. A bundle of birch branches, prickly with the autumn heat

  c. Your naughty hand, no matter where it was last night, you little trollop. Probably plumbing the depths of that very same behind, slickened only by the juices of your own sex, eh what? Yes, I’m sure, there’s a good girl. Now go to it!

  d. All of the above

  Question 8.

  When receiving a spanking over your employer’s knee, what is the proper response?

  a. Flail your arms and legs uncontrollably while writhing in desperate resistance of the unchained beast this savage punishment has unleashed

  b. Sob in inconsolable humiliation as the heretofore dormant volcano of your most bodily hungers erupts in a Gommorhic conflagration

  c. Offer the gardener a blowjob

  d. All of the above

  Question 9.

  That bulge in your employer’s pants whenever he watches you dust is:a. His rampaging manhood, swollen with the rabid humour of unchecked masculinity and beckoning to your quivering mouth, evoking such a longing as you have never experienced

  b. His iron-stiff weapon, ripe and pulsating with the Australopithican thrill of a really good polo match, fox hunt or cricket game

  c. Your whisk broom, which you doubtless left there when you offered him enthusiastic oral service after sweeping under the divan

  d. French

  Question 10.

  When the lady of the house summons you to her bedchamber late in the evening and demands that you allow her to initiate you into the illicit rites of Lesbos, what is the proper response?

  a. Quickly summon her husband so he can watch secretly from the shadowed confines of her wardrobe

  b. Suggest that since such excesses are surely a mortal sin and will result in the damnation of your eternal soul, perhaps it would be best if she bound you with strips of cloth and stuffed your panties in your mouth

  c. Both a) and b)


  Match the words in column A to their correct counterparts in column B.

  Column AColumn B

  turgid maid

  sodden amorist

  heaving rosebud

  molten clandestine

  rhythmically gardener

  throbbing coquette

  womanly instructor

  quivering quim

  lust-crazed love-chasm

  ardent lance d’amour

  spanking-deprived stable-boy

  desire-flushed man-staff

  staggeringly-endowed derriere

  oversexed sex-lips

  irresistible pleasure-button

  silk-supple spendings

  tempting bosom

  amoureux half-moons

  orally-fixated juices



  When completing this exam, if time remains during the class period, you should:a. Realize that your final exam has left you victim to a curious trembling in your nether regions, the murmur of a ravenous sex-beast unleashed deep within your girlish soul

  b. Surreptitiously sneak your hand under your skirt and realize with dismay that you forgot to wear underwear today

  c. Anticipate with lust-parted lips and fear-moist eyes your failing score, knowing the instruction you receive from your betters, though painful, will be for your own good

  d. All of the above, and more...


  Called “a trollop with a laptop” by East Bay Express, “a literary siren” by Good Vibrations and “the mistress of literary erotica” by Violet Blue, ALISON TYLER is naughty and she knows it.

  Over the past two decades, Ms. Tyler has written more than twenty-five explicit novels, including Tiffany Twisted, Melt with You and The ESP Affair. Her novels and short stories have been translated into Japanese, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Greek. When not writing sultry short stories, she edits erotic anthologies, including Alison’s Wonderland, Kiss My Ass, Skirting the Issue and Torn. She is also the author of several novellas including Cuffing Kate, Giving In and A Taste of Chi.

  Ms. Tyler is loyal to coffee (black), lipstick (red), and tequila (straight). She has tattoos, but no piercings; a wicked tongue, but a quick smile; and bittersweet memories, but no regrets. She believes it won’t rain if she doesn’t bring an umbrella, prefers hot and dry to cold and wet, and loves to spout her favorite motto: You can sleep when you’re dead. She chooses Led Zeppelin over the Beatles, the Cure over NIN, and the Stones over everyone. Yet although she appreciates good rock, she has a pitiful weakness for ’80s hair bands.

  In all things important, she remains faithful to her partner of seventeen years, but she still can’t choose just one perfume.

  Copyright © 2003, 2013 by Pretty Things Press.

  All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in newspaper, magazine, radio, television, or online reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
  Published in the United States by Cleis Press, Inc.,

  2246 Sixth Street, Berkeley, California 94710.

  eISBN : 978-1-573-44976-2




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