A Real Man Special Edition 2

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A Real Man Special Edition 2 Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  I tightened my jaw, clinched my hands into fists, and took a deep breath. “Because I don't want anyone else looking at you. I don't want you taking your clothes off for any asshole.” Anyone but me, that is. “I don't want you stripping because I want you as mine.”



  Had I just heard him right? I didn't know whether to cool my expression or feel excitement over the prospect that Cole Savage just told me he wanted me as his. Not only that, he didn't even want me dancing—stripping—for anyone.

  I licked my lips, forcing myself to be calm. I didn't want to seem excited or overly nervous, but the reality of the situation was I was extremely aroused and anticipated the fact he wanted me.

  “I can see my words have shocked you.” He stood, walked around the desk, and stopped right in front of me.

  I tipped my head back, feeling extremely feminine in this moment. The room was hot, the air seeming thicker. I was breathing especially hard, but I couldn't help it, didn't even want to try and stop myself from reacting this way.

  He dropped down to his haunches, his hands now braced on the arms of the chair on either side of me. I knew that my emotions were clear as day, especially to a man like Cole.

  “Are you frightened by what I said?”

  Was I? I could've lied, but telling the truth seemed easier, better in the long run.


  He lifted one of his dark brows after I said that lone word, curiosity clear on his expression, or maybe he was just surprised that I wasn't afraid.

  Maybe he expected his words to have this frightening feeling moving inside of me. Maybe he was used to that from people? I couldn't deny that yes, a part of me was shocked by what he’d said, but a bigger part was … aroused.

  I felt anticipation, excitement.

  “Then tell me, Jana, how do you feel right now?”

  I had my hands in my lap, twisting my fingers together almost painfully. I felt my heart thundering behind my ribs, threatening to burst through.

  “Tell me.” He said those two words, his voice so deep, so masculine, I felt this chill race up my body.

  “I want that. I want to be yours.” I just said what I felt, was completely honest with a man I really didn't know.

  But I want to know him.

  How he’d made me feel that first moment I saw him was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I felt so strongly in my need for him that I didn't even want to contemplate denying either of us.

  I wouldn't.


  Several days had passed since I had Jana in my office, since she’d accepted the position … since I told her I wanted her as mine. For the past couple of days all I'd been able to think about was her saying she wanted that, too.

  My dick had been perpetually hard since the moment I had the interview with her. I knew the fucker wouldn't go down until I was balls-deep in her. But I had a feeling even after that happened—which it would, but only when she was ready—she would be the only one to make me that hard.

  She was the only one that had me craving more than just sex, had ever had me craving … more. I hadn't even touched, kissed, or claimed her, but I wanted more than just sexual gratification with her.

  I wanted her at my side. I wanted her as my queen, the only woman who could make my heart pound fast and hard … painfully.

  Today was her first official day as my personal assistant. I was anticipating the moment she came in and I could see her. I honestly didn't care if she just sat in my office for her entire shift, for the sole purpose of letting me look at her.

  And then she was walking into my office, the pencil skirt she wore tight and falling down to her knees, showing me the ballerina body that she possessed. She was slender, with delicate curves, and my cock decided to jerk to attention at that very instant.

  The smile she gave me was sweet, and innocent … almost. I wondered how vulnerable this woman really was. The very idea that she could be so innocent as to be untouched had this possessive side of me rising up like this vicious beast.

  “Mr. Savage,” she said in the soft, sweet voice.

  “I want you to call me Cole,” I reminded her once again. I was sure she was trying to be professional, but that was the last thing on my mind. I wanted her to hear my name, to let me envision what it would sound like coming from her when I fucked her.

  What I wanted to do right now was toss that little bag she carried to the side, tear off the formfitting top she wore, and remove her tight-as-fuck pencil skirt. What was she wearing underneath? To be honest she could've been wearing a burlap sack and I still would have been so fucking hard for her.

  I stood and made my way toward her. Jana had her head tipped back just slightly, and I could see the way her pupils dilated.

  She was already aroused.

  I couldn't stop the growl that left me. I was like this fucking animal in need of having my mate. I felt so barbaric, so fiercely protective of her that if anybody tried to stop me, I would've tore them limb from limb.

  But taking my time was the best course of action, right?

  I’d let her get comfortable, show her that she was meant to be mine no matter what. And God help anyone who tried to touch her, who thought that they had the right to even look in her direction.

  “Where would you like me to start?”

  I grinned, the fact that she was trying to appear calm amusing me. What I really wanted to tell her was that I wanted her to strip down to her panties and bra, go sit in the leather chair in the corner, and have her legs spread for me.

  I was such a vile bastard. But I wanted to see every inch of her. I wanted to memorize every part of her.

  I honestly had no clue what I wanted her to do, because I didn’t actually need a personal fucking assistant. I just needed her.

  But I turned and walked toward my desk, picked up a stack of invoices from a shipment I’d received this week, and turned and handed them to her. “I'll have you input these.” I walked back over to her and handed her the papers. I stood there for a minute just watching her. She lifted her gaze to mine, her eyes so blue I wanted to get lost in them.

  “I'll be happy to do that, but where exactly am I supposed to input this?” There was a little hesitation in her voice, and all that did was turn me on more.

  “Over here. On my personal computer.” I wanted her close, wanted to smell the sweet scent that came from her, wanted it saturating my office. I wanted to fantasize about all the dirty things I’d do to her.

  I gestured for her to sit down in my seat, behind my desk. Once I had the computer started and the program loaded, all I did was stand there and watch her. She probably thought I was a fucking creep, and maybe I was, but she was just so damn gorgeous I couldn't help myself.

  For the next ten minutes I explained what I wanted her to do.

  And then I forced myself to leave, because if I stayed, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from having her right here in my office … right on my desk.


  I’d been inputting the documents for the last hour, and although it was pretty easy work, I couldn't concentrate because every time Cole came back into the office, I felt his gaze on me. I glanced at him this last time and saw him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. He had only been back in the office for a few minutes, but his presence was very intense, very consuming.

  Although anyone might say it was strange that he watched me continuously, truth was I liked it. I felt like he couldn't keep his eyes off me, that I was so mesmerizing to him that he just had to stare at me.

  I still couldn't get the memory out of my head and of him saying he wanted me, or me saying I wanted him back. I don't know what I had been thinking. It was the truth, of course, but now it just felt a little awkward seeing as it wasn’t brought up again.

  I entered the last figures into the system and exhaled. “Is there anything else I can do for you?” After thinking that, my mind instantly went in the gutter. I could think o
f a lot of things that I wanted Cole to do to me.

  He didn't respond for several seconds. “How about you take your lunch, and when you come back, we can discuss what you can do next.”

  This whole day seemed odd, like Cole had no idea what to do with me.

  I was really starting to question if he actually needed a personal assistant. The very idea that he’d hired me to … keep me close … had a myriad of emotions moving through me. I didn’t know if I should embrace them or keep them as far from me as possible.

  Both seemed pretty terrifying.



  Several days later

  I’d been working for Cole for the last couple of days, mainly doing mediocre work that I was sure he had someone else do for him normally. There was no doubt in my mind now that he really didn't need me as a personal assistant.

  So did he hire me because he really did want me? Could that have been his only motivation?

  That very thought had this realization rushing over me.

  I had a lot of power.

  It also had the feminine side of me waking, craving a touch only he could give me.

  I wanted him, more than I’d ever wanted anyone else before. I may be a virgin, but I’d had a few boyfriends over the years. Men had made me feel happy, loved even. But that love had been superficial.

  Those hadn’t been real emotions, but passing feelings from people who didn't even know me, from people who probably wanted something more for me than I would ever be willing to get them.

  But with Cole I wanted to give him all of myself, everything that was inside of me. I wanted to experience the world with him, and that was a crazy feeling and sensation given the fact I really didn't know him.

  The few conversations we had, aside from the very intimate one that very first day, had been professional. We hadn’t discussed what we’d talked about, how he wanted me and I wanted him, since that one time. But I felt his gaze on me constantly.

  I pushed all thoughts of him aside and focused on finishing the last form that needed to be inputted into the database. Over the last few days I’d gotten to know the employees that worked at his club. They were genuinely nice, working here because they had to support their families, their children.

  This wasn't a dirty strip club that housed a bunch of perverted old men wanting to gaze at beautiful young women. Although some of the clientele that came in here were a little questionable. But I suppose that was a given seeing as this was a strip club.

  I shut down the computer and rubbed my eyes. It was late, I was tired, but despite that I had this energy moving through me. I was in Cole's office again, the door open, the voices of the girls leaving for the night drifting through. I heard the back door open and close, the heavy-metal banging shut with a resounding clank.

  I grabbed my bag and headed out of his office, turning off the light and looking down the hallway before I left. I could see the dim glow coming from the main area of the club. I walked down, made a left, stopped and looked at the stage.

  Everything was already cleaned up, and the chairs had already been placed on top of the tables. The smell of lemon and bleach filled my nose. But it was the stage with the gleaming silver pole that called to me. It wasn't that stripping was in my blood, but dancing was.

  I left the main part of the stage and made my way toward the VIP section. I pushed open the red leather studded door and stared at the intimate space. There were black leather couches, a few tables and chairs placed toward the walls, and of course in the center of the room, the main attraction, the stage and pole.

  There was a bar set up in the corner, a private one just for the VIP members. The club had secluded rooms for private lap dances, but this room was for the group of executives or high rollers, or even for bachelor parties that had money to spend.

  I turned and looked at the door, wondering if what I really wanted to do was a smart move. I knew I wasn't alone, that maybe the bartender was still here, or the cleaning crew could be in the back area downstairs. But I really doubted anybody would come in this room. It also had been cleaned already, and as long as I was quiet, nobody would know I was here.

  Last thing I needed was somebody coming in here, seeing me dancing, and then letting Cole know I was breaking some unspoken house rule. But this wasn't me wanting to strip because I wanted to be an exhibitionist. This was me missing dancing and letting myself be free.

  This was me wanting to be me.


  I’d been scarce throughout the day because I had shit to do, to my disappointment. I wanted to be around Jana, to just look at her, smell the sweet scent that came from her, and to tell her over and over that she was mine.

  When I was around her, that's all I wanted to do … be around her.

  I keyed in the code for the back door, pulled it open, and just stood there for a second. The club was still, silent, the hour late as fuck. A few of the cleaning crew were finishing up in the kitchen, the sound of their hushed voices coming through. I had to grab some paperwork and head back to my place. I should have gotten this shit earlier, but the truth was I hoped to run into Jana.

  I went into my office, grabbed my work, and just for a second stood there. The room still smelled like her, this sweet, floral scent that made my dick hard.


  I left the office, knowing that I would go home and jerk it. At this point even getting myself off wasn't doing the trick. What I needed—or more keenly, whom I needed—was so close to me I could barely stand it anymore.

  I was about to head back out the back door when the sound of something in the VIP room caught my attention. I walked over to the door, pushed it open slightly, and my entire body froze.

  Standing close to the stage was Jana, her bag by her feet, which was what I probably heard hitting the ground. She was staring at the stage, the lights on low and illuminating the pole.

  Everything in me came alive.

  She didn't have to tell me what she wanted to do for me to understand. She wanted to dance. But it wasn't about stripping. I knew that with certainty. She was a ballet dancer at heart, and moving to music, being graceful and elegant, was in her blood.

  It was in that moment that I realized I wasn't going to stay back anymore. I couldn't.

  I stepped fully into the room, shut the door behind me, and inhaled deeply. She probably sensed me close by, because she turned around and stared at me. Her eyes widened marginally, and I could tell her breathing picked up.

  Tonight was going to be about her giving herself over to me, but also about me finally giving myself to someone.



  Cole was here, watching me with this intense, predatory expression. My blood rushed, my heart raced, and I wanted him in that moment.

  “Get on that fucking stage and strip. Show me, Jana.” His voice was so deep, so rough that a shiver worked its way up my spine. Maybe any other woman would have been offended at his dominating and controlling tone. But me … I got wet and so damn turned on.

  In fact my panties were so soaked.

  I had to shift to try and alleviate the uncomfortable sensation.

  “You’re thinking too hard.”

  He sounded so dominant.

  “I said get on that stage and strip for me.”

  There was this magnetism to Cole, one that screamed masculinity, power, and an attitude that said, fuck with me and expect to get your ass kicked.

  The outfit I wore was simple but could be provocative with the right moves, the right shifts in my body. Why in the hell was I overthinking this? I wanted to do this, anticipated him seeing me. I wanted him like I wanted to breathe. Hell, I’d said as much to him during that first day.

  “I like the fact you’re so nervous.” He moved over to an empty seat, just like he had during the “audition.” Once he was seated, resting his big body back, his muscles stretching, bunching, I felt myself grow loose. God, I was so turned on. “I like that you’re starting to s

  He wore his usual “business” attire, but his button-down shirt was undone at the collar, and the sleeves were rolled up, exposing his forearms.

  He rested a muscular arm on the table beside him, and the other on his thigh. He looked so ready for this.

  “You want me, and I want you. Show me all the gorgeous things that body of yours can do.” His voice was softer, coaxing me to do his bidding.

  I don’t know why I wasn’t moving, why I was frozen like a deer in headlights.

  “Show me what’s mine.”

  There he was, watching me with his calm, stoic expression, waiting for me to do what he said without question.

  And then the music started, this slow, sensual song that had my blood racing and my heart thundering. I closed my eyes and started swaying my hips, picking up the motion of the song, moving with the beat.

  I went for my top and started pulling the silky material out of the formfitting waistband of my skirt. Once the material was free, I undid each button, pulled the material aside, and let it fall from my body.

  I was breathing so hard and fast that the swells of my breasts were rising up and down almost frantically, my bra barely containing them.

  Still Cole sat there silently, watching me, his presence like fingers on my skin.

  My throat felt tight, and my pussy was wet. My nipples were so hard I felt them stab against my bra, demanding to feel the cool air kiss them. I reached behind and gripped the little zipper of my pencil skirt. I dragged it down while still dancing, still moving erotically. Once it was freed, I let that fall to the floor as well. Now here I stood in nothing but my panties and bra.


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