A Real Man Special Edition 2

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A Real Man Special Edition 2 Page 32

by Jenika Snow

  Chapter Ten


  No more waiting.

  No more torture.

  I leaned forward and claimed her mouth in the only way I knew how to: brutally, hard, and with a desire that rivaled all others. I moved my tongue along the seam of her lips, her flavor addictive instantly. When she started kissing me back, I didn’t stop the groan that left me, but I broke the kiss and trailed my lips along her jawline to her ear.

  “Mine,” I said unapologetically.

  “Yours,” she whispered back.

  I closed my eyes and just absorbed the feeling of her body against mine. “I ache to fill you with my seed.”

  She made this soft noise, one that sounded like need, and desperation, and everything that turned me on. I slipped my hand behind her nape, curled my fingers into her soft, warm flesh, and started kissing her pulse that beat rapidly beneath her ear.

  Even her skin was sweet, intoxicating.

  I pulled her impossibly closer, so I felt her breasts press to my chest. A low growl left me, one I couldn’t stop, one that sounded more animalistic than human.

  “This is my first time,” she said against my chest and I curled my hands into her waist.

  “I know,” I said just as softly, or as much as a berserker like me could. “I’ll be gentle. I’ll make you mine.” I kissed her neck, nipped her lightly. “I’ll make you feel so fucking good you’ll never think about leaving.”

  And that was my goal. To keep her as mine, to fill her with my seed until a baby took root, and we became one … a family.

  “Yes,” she moaned and gripped my arms, her nails digging into my flesh.

  I knew that I had to claim her now. I had been trying to go slow, easy, and make her see that I could be gentle.

  But I was forcing myself to be that way. It was hard not to be wild with her, not to give in to my baser urges.

  “Take me,” she whispered. “Any way you see fit.”

  My mouth dried at her words. It was as if she read my mind.

  “It’ll frighten you with the intensity.”

  She shook her head before I even finished speaking. “Never. Because I want it that way too.”

  I growled as I dragged my hand up her belly and over her ribcage to cup one of her breasts. Then I curled my hand around the other, pressing the twin mounds together and staring down at her cleavage.

  When she moaned, I ground my cock into her soft belly, the feeling having me clench my jaw and force myself not to spill my seed.

  I continued to suck on her neck, dragged my tongue up the slender column of her throat, and thrust back and forth into her softness. I couldn’t help myself.

  I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “More,” she begged.

  I had her in my arms and on my pallet moments later. I looked down at her body, at the curves that made her all woman, and stopped at her breasts once more. They were big, round, and her nipples were this light pink color.

  Her legs were made to be wrapped around my waist, holding on as I pounded my cock in and out of her.

  I lowered my mouth to lick the curve of her throat from collarbone to ear. I couldn’t get enough of her succulent flesh, couldn’t stop myself from needing even more.

  “Yes. Calder.”

  My cock grew harder at the way she said my name.

  I continued to take both of her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, tweaking them, pulling at them until they were hard little points. When I couldn’t handle it anymore, I dipped low and sucked a taut peak into my mouth.

  She tasted unbelievably good, so damn sweet.

  I forced myself to let go of her nipple, this audible pop sounding. I moved back onto my knees and looked down at her spread out across my pallet, and scooped her up in my arms. She was gorgeous atop the fur and hides, spread out like she was meant to take me in every filthy way I wanted.

  Right now, all I wanted to do was attack her like a fucking animal.

  And then she parted her thighs.

  The sight of her lips spreading, showing me her pink, wet flesh, had me feeling like I would snap. I wanted to mount her right then without even attempting to go slow.



  I reached down and took hold of my dick and started stroking myself from root to tip. I focused on my cockhead for a moment, the constant pre-cum that came from the tip the lubrication I needed to get fluid motions.

  And then she lowered her gaze and watched as I pleasured myself.

  That could have had me finding my completion before this fully started.

  Licking her lips, she reached down, spread her pussy lips wide, and I lost it, just fucking lost it right then and there because I knew she would forever be mine.

  May the gods help anyone who thought they could take her from me.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Show yourself to me, female,” he ordered.

  I didn’t even think about denying him.

  I reached down and ran my fingers over the most intimate part of my body, showed him what he’d be owning soon enough.

  I’d never been this free before, this crazed. I might have been innocent, untouched, but I knew all the wicked things I wanted him to do to me.

  I looked down at the long, thick length that stood hard between his muscular thighs. It was like another limb for as big and thick it was. My mouth dried at the sight, my inner muscles clenching in need.

  This man was definitely a warrior, a completely brutal male who could crush bones with his hands, yet be gentle with me.

  I saw the clear fluid lining the tip of his cock, and forced myself to lift my gaze from him stroking his shaft in slow, almost lazy motions.

  I was more than ready to have him move closer, to feel his big body right on top of mine, to feel how much he’d stretch me with his dick when he thrust deeply into me.

  He kept his gaze trained between my splayed thighs and stroked himself a little faster, a little harder. His balls swung slightly from his actions, and I couldn’t help but feel myself get wetter at the sight.

  He placed a knee on the pallet beside my leg and put his hands beside my hips.

  The way he watched me made me feel this desire like I’d never felt before. Calder placed his hands on my inner thighs and pushed my legs open until my muscles protested.

  He shifted so now he was lying between my thighs, his mouth by my pussy, his warm breath moving along the most sensitive part of me.

  “Lick me,” I said, surprised I’d been brave enough to demand this.

  He growled before attacking me, licking, sucking, and making my pleasure shoot to the stars.

  He took his fingers and spread my lips apart, and then I felt him flatten his tongue and run it from the opening of my body all the way up to my clit.

  “So sweet, so wet and mine,” he murmured against me and went back to torturing me in a way that had sweat beading my brow even more.

  Calder sucked on the little nub at the top of my pussy. And then it was like something broke inside of me. The pleasure coursed through me, stealing my breath, the very sanity from me.

  This loud sound filled the room, and I realized it was me crying out as the ecstasy crashed into me.

  And still Calder didn’t stop, didn’t relent as he sucked on me.

  He kept making these loud, almost animalistic sounds against my flesh.

  “More. I need more, Greta,” he murmured.

  When the pleasure receded, I rested against the furs, breathing out heavily, my eyes closed, perspiration lining my body. He moved away from between my legs, and I forced myself to open my eyes to look at him.

  He had his hands braced on the furs on either side of my shoulders, his focus trained on me, his eyes at half-mast as pleasure covered his expression. The position made him look so very fierce, but the thing that had me enthralled was the fact his mouth was glossy from the wetness he had urged out of me when he’d licked at my center.

sp; When he’d devoured my virgin pussy.

  Calder claimed my mouth, forcing me to taste myself on his lips and tongue. The flavor was musky and sweet. The flavor was me. I made a small noise, and that seemed to have something snapping inside of Calder, because a second later he groaned, speared his hand in my hair and pulled on the strands forcefully.

  The hard length of him pressed between my thighs as he continued to kiss me. I wanted—no, needed—to feel him stretching me, pushing into me and making my ache settle. The possessiveness I felt from him was bone deep.

  Without breaking the kiss, he reached between our bodies and placed the tip of his cock at the entrance of my pussy. Everything inside of me stilled, tensed, and I panted with anticipation.

  “I’m taking what is mine, what belongs to me,” he said in a serrated voice.

  Yes. I belong to him.

  In one deep thrust, a fluid motion that had my back arching, Calder pushed into me, claiming my innocence, breaking through my virtue. He groaned above me, closed his eyes, and I saw how taut his body became. I felt the heavy weight of his balls press against my bottom, but he didn’t move right away once he was fully inside of me.

  I felt full, stretched, and the discomfort was so shocking that I was having a hard time catching my breath, but at the same time I wanted more.

  When he started moving in and out of me, faster and harder with each passing second, I grabbed onto his biceps and dug my nails into his firm flesh. He didn’t speak, but he breathed hard, heavy, and kept his eyes closed.

  It was almost a pained expression that covered his face, and I couldn’t draw my gaze away from him.

  I could have found my completion from the sight of him nearly losing control.

  It was clear he was trying to refrain and control himself.

  He pushed into me and pulled out, over and over, groaning with every thrust. When he buried himself to the hilt in me, he was motionless for a second, breathing heavily and stirring the hair that fell around my face.

  My inner muscles were clenching rhythmically around his girth, as if trying to draw him in farther. Calder pulled back until just the tip of his cock was lodged in the opening of my body. I rose up and braced my elbows on the pallet to support myself as I stared at what he was focused on.


  All of me and where he was lodged.

  His focus was between my thighs, and I couldn’t help but look at every hard, defined and masculine inch of him. Calder pulled out of me only an inch and I felt my eyes widen as I watched how thick and massive he was, his dick stretching me so good.

  He moved in and out of me slowly, sweat dripping down his temples and landing on my breasts, his focus intent. Calder was slow and steady at first, but with each passing second, he picked up speed until he was slamming his dick into me.

  These low, short sounds left me, one that were filled with need and desperation.

  “Calder…” Closing my eyes, I let myself fall back on the pallet. He went primal on me then, the sound of our wet skin slapping together filling the room. But it was his harsh grunts that fueled my own heightening sensations.

  Before I felt the intensity of an orgasm claim me, Calder pulled out of my body and flipped me onto my belly.

  A gasp left me at the sudden feeling of emptiness, but he didn’t make me wait long to feel full once more.

  He palmed my ass, gripped the mounds and squeezed them in his big hands until the pain mixed with pleasure. Grabbing my waist with his big, masculine hands, he hauled me up so I was now on my hands and knees. I looked over my shoulder and saw how wild he looked, how needy and ready he was for me.

  “No going back,” he grunted out and placed the tip of his shaft by my entrance once more.

  “No going back,” I repeated.

  He slid into me in one smooth, fluid motion.

  Being filled by him, stretched, had this burn of desire racing along my fingers and toes, up and down my spine.

  He moved in and out of me slowly, but started picking up speed until the sound of our skin slapping together filled my ears.

  I lowered my head and looked down the length of my body, could see the heavy weight of his balls swinging as he thrust in and out of me, and opened my mouth in a silent cry as wave after wave of pleasure slammed into me.

  “I will never let you go.” He grunted the words in that deep voice of his, and my pleasure increased. And then he was holding my hips so tight that the pain had me gasping out.

  He buried himself deep inside of me and I swore I felt the hard jets of his seed fill me.

  Calder murmured these harsh and guttural things, ones that had my body burning alive from the inside out.

  “Mine,” he groaned out as he filled me with his cum until all I could feel, smell, and hear was Calder.

  He covered my back with his chest, his hard pants of breath bathing the nape of my neck. My arms shook as I held myself up, and when he pulled out of me, I allowed myself to fall forward.

  Calder lay down beside me, but before I could even take another breath he had his thick arm wrapped around my waist and had me pulled in close to him. My skin was sweaty, his cum and my wetness covered my pussy and inner thighs, but I couldn’t even find the strength to move.

  I didn’t want to.

  He was a warrior in all senses of the word.

  He was a Viking in every way.

  He was a real man.

  And he was mine.

  Chapter Twelve


  I saw my home just as we crested over the hill, smoke from a fire outside, my brother curing a hide, bringing back memories of what now seemed like a lifetime ago, instead of just days.

  I felt myself start to cry at the sight. This was something I didn’t think I would be able to see ever again once Egil had taken me. Calder wrapped his arm around my waist even tighter and pulled me impossibly closer to his chest. I rested my head back on his shoulder and closed my eyes, the steady rhythm of the horse moving over the flat terrain almost calming. Or maybe it was because I was held by the man I cared for, and finally home at last?

  I heard my mother scream out, opened my eyes to see her running from the front entrance toward us. Calder pulled the horse to a stop and got down, helping me once he was on solid ground. I found myself running toward my mother and father, throwing myself in their arms, and all of us falling to the ground.

  I didn’t know what the future would hold, what the fates would decide, but I did know one thing for certain.

  Happiness washed through me as I stared at Calder. I knew that my life was intertwined with his, that we were meant to be together. And I was not going to let anything or anyone take that away.

  My father pulled away and walked over to my berserker. As my mother still hugged me, I watch the two of them talk, could see the relief in my father’s eyes, the tears streaming down his cheeks. Calder, the ever-stoic berserker, stood still and straight, nodding intermittently after something my father said.

  It was only when my father walked back to us that I pulled away from my mother, wondering what they’d spoken about, if everything was okay.

  Was now a good time to tell him that Calder and I were not leaving each other, that I’d fallen for the Viking warrior?

  He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. For long moments, my father just held me. When he did finally pull back to look at my face, he cupped my cheeks.

  “He wants you, Greta.”

  I felt my heart skip a beat at those words.

  “But it’s your choice.”

  The sound of apprehension in my father’s voice was clear.

  “I will not force you to do anything.”

  I looked over at Calder and saw he watched us. The memories of what we shared in that cabin filled me and had me blush. I cleared my throat and looked at the ground for a suspended moment, trying to get my bearings.

  Then I lifted my head and looked at my father again.

  “I want him, Father. I want to be his.”r />
  My father nodded and pulled me in for another hug.

  “As long as you’re happy, daughter.”

  I was, unbelievably so.

  He pulled back and I could see the acceptance on his face. He walked over to where my mother was, and I now stood a few feet from Calder. I found myself grinning like a fool as I moved up to him and all but threw myself in his arms. I didn’t care if they saw how comfortable we were with each other, how much I needed him in my life.

  I wanted them to know this, for them to see it and feel it.

  Calder held me tightly, his arms around me bear-like, strong and unyielding. I knew having him in my life, being his in every way possible, that this was as close to Valhalla as I would get on this planet.


  I wrapped my arm around Greta’s waist and pulled her closer, nearly having her on top of my lap. Hell, I wanted her there, but we were in her family’s home, her mother insisting on cooking us a meal to celebrate Greta’s safe return. The village had wanted a grand feast, but tonight was intimate, just for us.

  And I couldn’t deny it in admitting this was strange, the fact I was opening myself up and accepting that this was my new life. I’d been a loner for so long that I hadn’t ever allowed myself to experience what it was like to have a family. Not even when I was younger was I shown affection, shown that close-knit connection. Maybe that’s why I became the way I was, a warrior who walked the land, who was fierce because that’s the only thing I knew.

  But not anymore.

  I leaned down and ran my nose along the crown of Greta’s hair.

  I have her now.

  There were many things that needed to be planned, how our life would be shaped, changed after everything that had happened. Although I was a wanderer by nature, the truth was the very thought of leaving Greta was even more painful than anything I could’ve ever imagined. She was mine in every conceivable way, same as I was hers.

  She was fierce and strong, a warrior in her own right. She’d fought and survived, and I knew that wherever she went, I would follow, to the ends of the earth if that’s where she took me.


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