A Real Man Special Edition 2

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A Real Man Special Edition 2 Page 40

by Jenika Snow

  Fuck, I needed to quit thinking about that shit or I was liable to come right in my jeans.

  I cleared my throat and stepped to the side, giving her leeway and what I was sure was an awkward damn smile. I gave her space to enter, keeping my forearm in front of my crotch so she hopefully didn’t see the raging hard-on I sported.

  The last thing I wanted was for her to think I was a pervert waiting to pounce on her as soon as the front door shut.

  She started talking business right away, and a part of me wondered if she was nervous. There were telltale signs I made her on edge, but was it for a good reason or bad?

  Although I wasn’t paying attention to the actual words she said, but instead to the tone of her voice, the sweet little sound that went in one ear and coated my entire body from the inside out. Shit, I had it bad, and it only got worse—if that was even possible—as soon as she’d been in my presence, in my home.

  “I have some work to do in my office. If you need anything, just holler.”

  “Okay,” she said softly, sweetly.

  I left quickly, but it was damn near impossible to walk with the raging stiffie jammed behind my denim. I looked over my shoulder and said a silent thank you to whoever listened that she wasn’t looking at me. As far as I could tell, Landry hadn’t noticed my evident arousal.

  Once upstairs, I thought about pulling my dick out and jerking off real quick, hoping it would tame the beast and give me some relief. But I also knew it probably would have the opposite effect. I’d probably be even more aroused after getting off.

  And so for the next several hours, I found myself moving from my office to the landing of the stairs, leaning over the banister and looking over, watching her clean, work. She was in her element, had these little earbuds in I could see peeking out from the fall of her long hair. She’d do a cute little shimmy and shake every now and again. It was adorable, endearing even.

  I found myself bracing my forearms on the banister and just leaning against it, feeling a smile form on my lips as I watched her. God, all I wanted to do was go to her, to touch her, hold her. Hell, just tell her how much I wanted her.

  Soon though.

  Soon, I’d tell her everything. And by soon, I meant before she left my house today.

  Chapter Seven


  I’d been at Big’s house for the past five hours, my earbuds in, rock music playing into my ears. And although I kept busy, forced myself not to seek him out, not to look at him, I felt him watching me.

  His gaze had been like fingers running over my naked body, and I reacted instantly. My skin felt tight, flushed. My pulse had been racing the entire time, and beads of sweat broke out along my temple. And my body’s reaction had nothing to do with me moving around and keeping active by cleaning.

  It had everything to do with how I knew it wasn’t just my imagination that maybe he felt some kind of arousal for me. That or he just people-watched like crazy. But I refused to believe it was the latter. I refused to believe that, because I wanted him too much, had wanted him for so long it had gotten into the possibly obsessive side of things.

  No, not obsessive. Love.

  But I was okay with feeling these emotions for someone else, because it had this sensation of being alive, constantly moving within me, this hopefulness, this curiosity and wonder, anxiety and need.

  I gathered up all my supplies and set my bags on the granite island in the kitchen. I looked around at the work I’d done, pretty proud of myself. The scent of lemon and lavender filled my head, essential oils I used for cleaning. I never used the artificial, chemical crap they sold in stores.

  I tried to act like I was completely collected, which I’d been doing ever since I first came to Big’s house. But being around his things and his home, knowing he was just right upstairs, that he was watching me, made me even more aware of my body’s reaction to him.

  I didn’t know how long I planned on keeping my mouth shut about how I felt, but I knew it wasn’t good for me. So, I’d come to the conclusion that after I was finished with this job, I would just be honest. I would tell him everything, let him know that for the past five years, I’d been pining after him, wanting things I knew probably could never happen. I’d even admit I’d fallen in love with him, which he’d probably laugh at, think I was insane, but I had to tell him these things.

  I had to get them off my chest and be honest, not just with him but with myself too.

  I owed that to myself, to my sanity.

  I headed toward the front door and stopped, looking over my shoulder and glancing up to where the loft was, where I knew Big was in his study. But he wasn’t in his office. He stood by the banister, his large hands wrapped around the wood, his focus trained right on me.

  My heart was racing double time, and I licked my lips nervously. “I’m done for the day, unless there’s anything else you need me to do?” There was heavy silence between us, and instantly my mind thought of dirty things, things I wanted him to say to me, order me to do because he just couldn’t help himself.

  God, there were so many things I fantasized concerning Big, so many nights I lay in bed and touched myself, thinking about him.

  “Thank you, Landry. The kitchen looks great.” He kept staring at me, his focus trained right on me.

  I smiled, but it felt tight, nervous. “You’re welcome,” I whispered but wasn’t even sure he could hear me. I needed to get out of here before I made a fool out of myself. Just staring at him had my entire body on fire, had desire and arousal claiming me so powerfully I felt lightheaded, dizzy, and about ready to pass out. I licked my lips out of nervousness, knowing no matter what I wanted, what I wanted to do, I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. “Okay, well, I’ll be back first thing tomorrow morning to do the bathrooms next, if that works?”

  He didn’t answer right away, but then he gave a nod and a gruff sound as agreement.

  God, he was so large and tall, so hard and muscular. He made me feel tiny.

  I turned to leave, taking a deep breath, still smelling his scent, loving the way just the aroma of his cologne made me feel all tingly. The way I felt, the way he looked at me, made me want to forget about formalities and what was the “right way” to do something. It made me want to just throw caution to the wind and go after what I’d wanted for far too long.

  I wanted to press myself to his body, to feel every single hard inch of him against my softness.

  I walked to my car, opened up the back passenger door to put the cleaning supplies on the seat, and turned back around. A startled gasp left me when I realized Big was standing right there, just a few feet from me.

  “Oh,” I said, that lone word leaving me on its own. “Everything okay?” That sounded a hell of a lot more breathy and needy than I’d obviously meant.

  Even though the fresh air surrounded me, I felt claustrophobic, like his very presence sucked the oxygen right from my lungs. I found myself moving a step back until my car stopped my retreat. I didn’t know what I was trying to escape, because it sure as hell wasn’t Big.

  He stood right in front of me, his big body making me feel secure, safe… aroused. A breeze moved through the trees, lightly brushing the fallen leaves along the ground, making a cacophony that had all kinds of other feelings swirling within me.

  My heart was beating a mile a minute, and my palms were sweaty. God, I was so nervous. All I wanted to do was tell him everything, just say the words, how I felt, what he made me feel. But I was so scared.

  I took a deep breath, maybe about to just tell him I loved him, but the words were stalled in my throat when he took a step toward me. On instinct, I looked down, my face feeling like it was on fire.

  “Hey,” he said in a soft, almost gentle voice that made me tingle in all the places it probably shouldn’t. “Landry, look at me.”

  There was no way I could deny him. I didn’t want to. When I lifted my head, my breath stalled in my lungs at the expression that covered his face. Big appeared
transfixed, mesmerized even. By me? Was this real?

  And then he moved closer, his body heat slamming into me, making me feel aroused and excited. Dots of perspiration lined the valley between my breasts and went down the length of my spine. My hands were shaking, nerves taking hold so I felt like I might faint.

  “There are so many things I want to say to you right now…” He trailed off like he didn’t want to go on… like he did want to continue.

  I licked my lips and nodded, but I wasn’t sure what I was agreeing to.

  He inhaled sharply then took another step toward me. I was pressed back to my car, my hands behind me, my palms flat against the chilled metal. “Landry.” He said my name so softly I almost didn’t hear.

  “Big?” I should have been more formal with addressing him, seeing as I worked for him temporarily, but then again, the name had slipped out on its own. And I liked calling him that.

  He was so tall, so broad I had to crane my head back to look into his face. He was crowding me but… he wasn’t. My heart was racing double time, my palms sweaty, my hands shaking slightly.

  “Big?” God, was that my voice? Did it sound as sexual to him as it sounded to me? “Is everything okay?”

  He nodded slowly, his gaze dropping to my lips, which I then licked involuntarily. “What I feel for you, Landry…” Big stopped speaking for a second and reached out to cup my cheek. I was frozen in place, his touch feeling like fire on my skin, burning me from the outside in, scorching me to my very cells. “I’ve cared about you for so long.” His voice was thick, like he had unshed emotion.

  My nipples tingled, and my pussy was wet, soaked. Saturated. My panties were damp, my clit tingling in time with my pulse. He stepped another foot closer to me until I felt his body heat overwhelming me, until I felt his chest brush mine.

  “W-what?” My voice cracked, and I stuttered.

  He exhaled slowly, his hand still on my face. “The things I want from you… with you.” He smoothed his finger over and over again across my cheek. “I want you to be mine in all ways.”

  There was so much possessiveness in his voice when he said that to me that I knew he meant every word. “Big.” I said his name again, unsure what else to say.

  “Do you understand what that means, Landry? Do you understand what I want from you?” He had this almost pained expression on his face, as if he were expecting the other shoe to drop.

  But it wouldn’t.

  This is what I’d wanted to hear from him for so long. For years.

  I shook my head slowly, not trusting my voice. But that was a lie. I knew what he meant, because it’s what I would have meant.

  He exhaled again, and I saw his shoulders slump.

  “I lied,” I said quickly. “I know what it means. I know what you mean.”

  His eyes widened slightly, as if he was surprised by my response, my admission. “What do you think it means?”

  I swallowed, my throat suddenly so tight.

  “That you want me.”

  He let go of my face and took a step back, and I inhaled roughly, sucking a lungful of air into my body.

  God, his silence had me regretting everything. Surely, I hadn’t misread him, thought I’d heard what I wanted. “I—I….” I was stuttering now.

  “It means I want you as mine forever.”

  My entire body was instantly on fire, and he wasn’t even touching me anymore. In that moment, all I wanted was Big touching me again, his hands on my body, his mouth on me.

  Our gazes were locked on each other, the air heating despite the chill around us. I knew what I wanted to happen, but I didn’t know if I could push it to move forward. I wasn’t ever like this, had no experience in this kind of thing. What if I screwed it up?

  I opened my mouth, unsure exactly what to say, if I could actually say all the words that were bottled up in me, but I was scared. And then Big was right in front of me, this low, deep sound leaving him. Before I even knew what was happening, he pulled me forward until my body slammed into his. My breasts pressed against the hard planes of his chest, and the air rushed out of me.

  Big was rough around the edges, and God, I loved that about him.

  “You have to know how much I want you, Landry.” He lowered his head to mine, so close our lips almost touched. “Whenever I’m in town, I have to seek you out, watch you, fantasize about you.” His warm breath slid along my face. “But I’ve been so damn scared and nervous to ever say anything.”

  I shivered from his words, at the meaning behind them. It’s how I’d felt too. “I’ve felt the same way.”

  He acted surprised again. I wanted him to lean in and kiss me, to show me how it would be, if it would be like I envisioned.

  “Landry, whatever you want is yours. I want to share everything with you. I want… you.”

  The words were right on the tip of my tongue, wanting to be revealed, wanting to just spill forth. I’d imagined this moment for so long, fantasized about Big feeling the same thing for me that I did for him.

  “Just tell me, Landry. Tell me what you want, baby, and it’s yours.”

  God, I felt like I’d pass out. I placed a hand on my chest and breathed in and out fast, hard.

  “Big…” Everything stilled in me as I thought about how to say this, how to be honest. “I want you too.” And now the words were out, the truth moving between us, never to be taken back.

  A moment of silence passed between us, as if time stood still, and then he crashed his mouth on mine, taking it in a bruising kiss, giving me everything I’d always dreamed about in that one moment.

  I couldn’t think, couldn’t even move. I let him dominate my mouth, fuck me between the lips. I let Big take control, own me in every possible way. Because it’s exactly what I wanted.

  “Don’t stop me,” he murmured against my mouth.

  I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “Never. I’m never going to stop this.”

  The growl of approval he gave me had my toes curling.

  Home. I felt like I was home.

  Chapter Eight


  God, she was gorgeous, perfect in every way. All I wanted to do was please her, to make her feel good, to make her know she would always be mine. I wasn’t going to let her go. I wasn’t going to give her up.

  Not ever.

  I didn’t want any other woman, hadn’t since the moment I saw her and felt this fire consume me. It had been years since I’d been with a woman, so damn long. And I’d been fine with that, never missed it, never wanted it after the fact. I didn’t miss it, not until I saw Landry and knew she was the one woman I was always meant to have.

  I needed to show her, to tell her that I wanted only her. She heard the words, but now I’d show her.

  In all the ways.

  Her mouth was hot and sweeter than anything I’d ever tasted, but then again, I’d known she would be. I knew she’d be the best damn thing I ever experienced.

  “Landry. Baby.” I groaned those two words. I kissed her again and again. “I’ll never get enough of you. Never.” Fuck, she was so much smaller than me, her body feminine and curvy, like how a real woman was made. I wanted her lusciously thick thighs wrapped around my waist, her ankles at the small of my back, pulling me in closer, deeper.

  But I wanted her so fucking much that I was afraid I’d break her if I went too hard, too fast.

  I swept my tongue into her mouth, groaning at her flavor, at the way she gave in, pressing her full breasts to my chest. Her nipples were hard. I felt the twin points digging into my chest, hard and most likely aching for my mouth. Shit, my mouth watered for a taste of them.

  She was pliant against me, her body molding to mine, pressed right up against me so that I felt her softness to my hardness. I stroked my tongue along hers over and over again, mouth-fucking her the way I wanted to do between her pretty thighs. I fucking loved the little noise she made.

  I didn’t want to take her here, out in the cold, against
her car, but I also couldn’t stop this. And I knew she didn’t want me to either.

  Landry. Mine.

  I slid my hand up her back and curled my fingers around her nape, letting her know she was mine without saying the words. She’d know how I felt by the way I touched her, treated her. I used my other hand to grip one of the mounds of her ass. Fuck, she felt good. Perfect.

  I only held her ass and nape for a second before sliding my palms to rest them along the small of her back.

  “I need you inside,” I murmured against her mouth then slid my lips along her jaw and down to the side of her throat. “Tell me to bring you inside, to take you to my room.” Fuck, please tell me, Landry.

  “Inside, Big. Take me inside. Please.”

  And that was the thing that snapped the tightly wound rope that was wrapped around my body.

  I went all caveman then, curling my hands around her waist and lifting her up. In an instant, I had her thrown over my shoulder and was striding toward the front door. She made a little squeal, but I knew it was of delight.

  Then I was in my room, setting her on the mattress and kneeling next to her, knowing I should take a step back, but also knowing I couldn’t. She felt too good. I tightened my hold on her again and whispered, “Spread your legs for me. Let me in.”

  “God, is this really happening?”

  I groaned. “Yeah, baby. It’s really happening, and it’s never going to stop.”

  She opened her thighs for me, and I moved between them, using my upper body to push her back onto the mattress. I slid my hands down to her wrists, gripped them, and lifted her arms above her head, spreading her out.

  I felt the heat coming from her pussy, scorching me right through my jeans. I started grinding myself against her, unable to stop the lewd gesture, but loving when she moaned for me because of what I did, because of how I made her feel.

  “God, I can practically feel how wet you are for me. Are you, Landry… wet and ready for me?”


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