Twin Tease_An MFM Menage Billionaire Step Romance

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Twin Tease_An MFM Menage Billionaire Step Romance Page 1

by Jess Bentley

  Twin Tease

  Jess Bentley

  Copyright © 2018 by Jess Bentley

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  23. Epilogue

  About the Author

  Excerpt: Package Deal


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 1


  Adjusting the brim of my hat to shield my eyes better, I nudge my shoulders against the cushions of the lounge chair, careful to leave my ankles a safe distance apart. I want a nice, even suntan. That means lying here like a scarecrow with careful distances between my thighs and my arms. I even remembered to raise my chin a little bit so that my neck is not ghostly white.

  My best friend, Yoyo, doesn’t have this problem. She just lies on the lounge chair next to me with a certain casual pose, like she was dropped there from a hot air balloon or something. The cord of her earbuds trails across her shimmering bosom and I bet she isn’t even worried about a line from that. She just always has the best skin. Glimmering, evenly toned, a perfect shade of caramel.

  I can get there, I think. If I set a timer for twenty minutes and remember to flip over onto my stomach as soon as the timer goes off, then repeat that ritual four times, I can get a pretty nice glow as well. I have my grandma to thank for that. She was one of those dark-skinned Italian ladies who passed on both her curly hair and her pasta recipes. Maybe one day I’ll get to pass on one or the other. At least the hair, I hope, though I’m blonde now.

  It’s hot. Uncomfortably hot. I can feel little trails of sweat trickling between my boobs as the sun beats down on us. I just have to remember that this is all in the name of summer strapless dresses. It will all be worth it.

  A slight breeze swirls over the patio, breathing coolness across my belly. With longing, I gaze out over the rippling surface of the swimming pool water. I’d love to just jump in there and cool off, but I still have a bunch of time left on the timer.

  Yoyo turns her head when she hears the patio door open. I don’t even have to look at her to know that she is arching her back, flexing her toes. Probably smirking. Definitely watching my stepbrothers, Chance and Jack, as they circle the far end of the swimming pool.

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” she sighs to herself, shifting on the cushions.

  “Why don’t you just keep your eyeballs in your head?” I remark, mostly because I think she can’t hear me.

  “Why don’t you be a good friend and set me up with one of your big brothers?” she shoots back, casting a sidelong smirk in my direction.

  I wince, embarrassed that she heard my snarky comment. But she is over it already, I can tell. Her toes open a little and I see the tendons behind her knees flex. Shit. This girl is totally transfixed.

  I mean, I get it. Chance and Jack are ridiculously perfect specimens of manhood. Twenty-three and gorgeous, despite the fact that they live with their parents… Well, with their dad and my mom. We are one of those blended families, I guess. Blended like a bag of candy. Blended like a tropical drink.

  My mom raised me by herself, assisted by the practically anonymous donations of my birth father, some rich dude who never troubled himself to turn back up again. That’s how we got this kick-ass house in Evanston with the inground pool and a nice new car every year. But please don’t feel bad for me. I never missed him. I never knew him, so how could I miss what I never knew?

  Their dad met my mom at a real estate seminar in California wine country. Somewhere between the Chardonnay and the guest speakers painting convincing pictures of attainable real estate fortunes, they decided it would be cool to hitch our families together. Nobody asked me, and nobody asked my brand-new big brothers either.

  But that was five years ago already. Mom and “Newdad” are actually happy together. Chance and Jack seem happy too. And I guess having them around made me a much more popular lady during high school. Suddenly everybody wanted to be my friend, especially if they could drop by and run into my brothers.

  “I don’t even know how you can stand it,” Yoyo mutters, barely under her breath. “Under the same roof? How do you even control yourself? You must have nerves of steel!”

  They are not looking at us, but I know they can see us. They might even be able to hear what Yoyo is saying about them. I bet they can. It looks like Jack is almost smirking. They sure do seem to show up without shirts on every time I have friends over.

  “You get used to it,” I mutter back.

  “Nerves of steel!” she says again, grinding her hips just a little.

  Her voice is just barely in the audible range, and I see Jack shoot her a look, his steely gray eyes ricocheting off the mound of her bright pink bikini bottoms. I know it was meant to attract his attention, and it looks like it did the job.

  But he twists around immediately, picking a foam football off the nearest table and chucking it toward his brother across the pool. Chance catches it in one hand, cupping it automatically to his chest. The sun and sweat glisten off his silky, chiseled torso as he flexes. He raises his other hand to push a disheveled lock of hair off his forehead.

  Chance twists lithely to launch a side-armed return of the ball to Jack. Yoyo and I watch in silent concentration as they begin a vigorous game of catch across the expanse of the water.

  I didn’t always feel this way, but I have to admit that this is hard to watch without… squirming. Those muscles that ripple under their skin, the strength in their hands as they throw and catch that stupid little ball… It all sends vibrations through me like someone snapping a rubber band over and over again against my belly button. I feel a kind of emptiness, a hunger deep in the pit of my gut.

  “Come on, you can tell me,” Yoyo continues. “You think they’re hot, right? I mean, you’ve got eyes!”

  “I don’t know. What does hot even mean?”

  Yoyo rolls suddenly onto her side so she can stare right at me. Her eyes are wide with excitement and thirst.

  “Hot is… shit, girl! Hot is HOT. Hot is those muscles. Hot is those squinty eyes. Hot is that lickable stubble. Hot is that—”

  “Okay!” I interrupt. “Keep your voice down!”

  She flares her nostrils and purses her lips at me. “Yeah, you know what hot is,” she purrs suggestively. “I bet you’re thinking about it right now, aren’t you? I bet your sweet spot is all nice and tingly, ain’t it?”

  I roll my eyes, but my knees instinctively clamp together and I can kinda tell that she’s right. There’s definitely something going on in my nethers. It might be wrong, but looking at them lately just seems to activate something in me. Something I am finding it harder and harder to turn off.

  “You know it’s not wrong,” she sighs.

  “I need to flip over, Yoyo. Can you move your cell?”

  “I mean you’re not even really relat
ed. Not by blood or anything.”

  “That’s nice,” I answer automatically, propping myself up on my elbows.

  “So you can admit it. That you’re hot for one of them. Or even both?”

  The best thing is just to ignore her, I remind myself.

  “I mean everybody does it. I would totally do it if I were you.”

  “Does what?” I ask, despite my best intentions.

  She leans forward, her eyes bright with mischief. “Don’t tell me you haven’t heard about Belinda and Blaine!”

  “What about Bel— wait. What are you saying?”

  She raises her eyebrows and leans back, cheeks sucked in, oozing mystery.

  “You’re not telling me that they are…”

  She nods once.

  “Ew! Gross!”

  Shrugging one shoulder, she assumes a more-mature-than-thou expression, as though I just wouldn’t understand.

  “It’s just nature, Chelsea,” she sighs as though she’s already bored. “You can’t fight nature.”

  Nature, huh? What does she know?

  Chance throws the football a little wide and though Jack lunges for it like some kind of jungle cat, it bounces off his fingertips and jolts over the concrete to land between my chair and Yoyo’s. When he comes after it, Jack picks it up and glances at each of us. To my surprise, he drops between our lounge chairs and sits on the patio, grinning with his elbows on his bent knees.

  “Hot out today, isn’t it?” he grins, letting his eyes skate shamelessly over Yoyo’s perfect skin.

  “Just got a little hotter,” she answers with a mischievous pout.

  His eyebrows rise in delighted surprise as his grin twists a little sideways.

  “Oh really?” he answers, clearly intrigued. “Are you a fan of hot days?”

  Yoyo shrugs one shoulder, slowly raising her arms over her head and crossing her ankles so that she can move her knees. I watch his eyes track every shifting plane of her body, the way he is mesmerized like a cat. Like if she were a mouse, he might jump right on her.

  I have to bite my cheeks not to say anything. I don’t know why, but I want to jump in the middle of this. I don’t want his eyes on her. Well… what do I want? I’m not sure, but before long I realize I want his eyes on me. If I could slip myself like a piece of paper between them and intercept that hungry gaze, I think I actually might.

  “What are we talking about?” Chance asks, trotting around to our side of the pool.

  “Yoyo likes it hot,” Jack nods, wetting his lips with his tongue.

  “Is that a fact?” Chance chuckles.

  To my surprise, he directs his smile at me. To my greater surprise, he sits down on the end of my chair, nudging my ankles aside with his hips. I freeze in place, sure it must be some kind of mistake as my heartbeat instantly doubles.

  “That is definitely a fact,” Yoyo continues smoothly. “The hotter the better, I always say!”

  Chance leans back slightly, resting his weight on the heel of his hand which is on the other side of my ankles. Basically, he’s got me caged in. I try to catch his eyes to figure out if he knows he’s doing it, but he is looking at my best friend right now.

  When I look up, I see Jack give me a look, kind of a playful jerking of his chin.

  “It can get really hot around here,” he says, to her and... to me also? I guess?

  Is this really happening?

  “Oh trust me,” she giggles as she arches her back. “I could take it.”

  “That’s what people always say, but you really shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep,” Chance sighs.

  “Yeah, people underestimate just how hot things can really get,” Jack adds.

  I notice that it actually is pretty hot where I’m sitting, so hot that I have the almost unbearable urge to move. I can feel sweat sliding under my thighs, and a burning heat lances through my sex. It makes me gasp a little, and I realize Chance heard me when he looks me dead in the eyes and takes my ankle in his hand.

  “It can be downright dangerous,” Jack continues, shooting me a quick look before catching Yoyo’s eye again.

  The way his body is angled, I can tell that Yoyo can’t see what Chance is doing. She can’t see that he’s wrapped my ankle bones in his fingers and is pulling gently, forcing my legs apart just a little. My breath hitches in my throat as he moves me the tiniest bit, just enough so I know it’s really happening. Right here in broad daylight, right in front of my best friend.

  “Not as dangerous as me,” she simpers, but suddenly her words sound a little silly to me. She’s doing her best, but I get the feeling it’s not going to be enough.

  “Oh, come on,” Jack chuckles. “How dangerous can a Yoyo be? Isn’t that like a toy?”

  “Definitely something that likes to be played with,” she answers.

  “Oh yeah?” he smiles. “Something that likes to go up and down?”

  She shrugs. “Well, I know I’d like to go down, that’s for sure.”

  Chance feigns surprise, but when he leans back, he pushes my legs open even further. I try to catch his eye to figure out what he’s really doing, but he stubbornly evades me.

  “I can hardly believe my ears!” he stage whispers. “Such language, Yoyo! From ladies who aren’t even legal yet! I’m shocked.”

  Yoyo scoffs. “Give me a break, Chance. You know age is just a number. And besides, Chelsea and I are both more than legal, as if that even means anything.”

  Suddenly Chance twists toward me, locking his eyes with mine in a startling connection that practically pops.

  “Really? Is that a fact?”

  I nod dumbly, confirming what I know he already knows. He was at my birthday party a month ago. In fact, he was at my graduation ceremony last year when I graduated high school a year early. He has even helped me with some of my college classes. Weirdly, he knows almost everything about me. And yet, he’s never touched me like this. He’s never handled me the way he is handling me now. His strong palm makes it clear that I can’t escape. That he can do anything he wants to me.

  Yoyo sits up fully, twisting suggestively as she half-crawls toward Jack, smirking.

  “How about you? Are you all good with… The heat?"

  Jack shrugs, pushing back. He reaches for the football and crushes it between his palms as he looks back over his shoulder at the pool and then at Chance.

  “Honestly? I think this whole conversation is getting me a little overheated. How about you, brother?”

  Chance nods, filling his chest with breath. He twists slightly, taking my ankle with him.

  “Hot as hell out here,” he agrees as he suddenly leans toward me, sliding his other arm under my back. I gasp as he reaches all the way around me and picks me up off my lounge chair, his grip too strong to struggle away from.

  Before I know it, he’s carrying me toward the pool. Yoyo yelps and leaps from her chair, dashing toward the deep end with her hair streaming up behind her.

  At the last moment, I fling my arms over his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he leaps over the edge, sending both of us skyward. We hang in midair for what seems like forever—me hanging on and holding my breath, him forcing my body into a shape that curls around his.

  With a crash, we split the surface of the water, rocked by the impact as we slowly sink. I expect him to let go of me immediately, but he doesn’t. Instead his hands drift over my body, concealed by the churning bubbles and the blue depth. I feel his palms against my thighs, my back, sliding over my breasts, swiping quickly between my legs.

  Thoroughly confused, I don’t know which way is up. Everything is happening all at once. All I know is I have to hang onto him, to this slippery sensation of a secret hunger finally being fed.

  Too soon, we break the surface. I didn’t even know we were headed that way. Chance shakes the water from his hair in a magnificent, leonine gesture and grins, breathless as he gently carries me back toward air.

  “That was fun,” he grins. “We should do
that again sometime.”

  “Hey, I like fun too!” Jack announces, appearing next to us.

  For just the briefest of moments, I’m pinned between them. Their bodies slide against mine under the water, the sensation almost too quick to be real. I can see the impish gleam in their eyes though they separate from me just as quickly, that instant retreat to innocence.

  “Me too!” Yoyo grins from the side of the pool. She didn’t jump in, but she dangles her long legs over the side. I’m glad that she can’t see me clearly from where she is. I can’t even imagine what she would say if she knew that Jack’s fingers slid right under my bikini bottoms, splitting me effortlessly as though he’d done it before. As though he knew exactly where to go.

  “Some other time,” Jack shrugs, looking over my shoulder at Chance.

  I can see their silent communication going back and forth like telegraph pulses flying over my head. They do this all the time. One of the cool things about being a twin, I guess.

  “Definitely,” Chance agrees.

  “Bring it on,” I shrug, standing up on my tiptoes and waving my arms under the water to stay upright.

  Jack cocks an eyebrow at me. “Okay… Of course, you gotta be careful what you wish for, Chelsea.”

  His stare gives me pause, makes me wonder if maybe I do not know exactly what I want. But at this point, the urgent pulsing in my sex makes me think I definitely do.

  “Hey, it’s four already,” Chance announces.

  “Yeah, okay. Let’s hit it,” Jack answers.

  Without another word, they both lunge toward the side of the pool and launch straight out of it, briefly dazzling me into blindness with the sight of sheets of water cascading off their matching, muscular shoulders and hips. I shudder involuntarily, forcing myself not to follow them. Instead I just wade back to Yoyo, pushing tendrils of sticky hair off my forehead and trying to look elegant and composed somehow.


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