Bred by the MC Prez

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Bred by the MC Prez Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  For now, she’d soak up the affection, even if it was only skin deep. It was as much as she’d ever received.

  Forge pulled in front of a clothing store and cut the engine. He set a booted foot on the ground, the leather of his jacket creaking when he moved to the side. “This is our stop.”

  She carefully slipped off the bike, her legs feeling wobbly for a minute once on solid ground. Beth watched as Forge came to stand next to her. He was tall, jacked, and stood out in the outdoor plaza. He certainly didn’t look intimidated or concerned.

  Forge jutted his chin at the store and began walking to the entrance. She followed, looking from side to side, very aware of their distant audience.

  Little bells chimed against the glass door as they entered the store. No background music or lull of conversations broke up the silence. Forge unceremoniously walked between the spinning racks of clothing, leafing through some of the clothes with little interest.

  “Pick something,” he said. “Whatever you need.”

  He then sat down on a plastic chair he found near the side wall. She felt his eyes on her, and it heated her from the inside out. His long legs were splayed, his arms behind his head as he stretched out his shoulders.

  That was when she heard the faintest noise, noticing the store employee gawking at Forge. A stirring of jealousy swirled in her gut. It didn’t help that the woman was gorgeous, tall, and thin. The opposite of Beth. She cringed, imagining Forge taking in every inch of the other woman. When she glanced back at him, he was scrolling through his phone.

  He probably hadn’t noticed her yet.

  Beth began rummaging through the racks. She wasn’t sure what she should get. It was difficult to wrap her head around the fact she was never leaving Forge’s compound. She hoped she wouldn’t become club pussy when he tired of her.

  She pulled out a few shirts and held them up to her body. One was a pretty shade of pink. She wanted to look good for Forge. Right now, she had nothing but a few of his hand-me-downs that didn’t fit right.

  “Our largest size is extra-large. Sorry,” said the girl.

  Beth froze in place, unable to move or speak. She was horrified, humiliated, and wondering where she could run before the tears started falling. It wasn’t her body that upset her, but the cruel look in the girl’s eyes when she said the hateful words. This was the story of her life, and now Forge was witness to it.

  “Did she fucking ask you?” asked Forge. “Keep your mouth shut unless she asks you a damn question. Understand?” His tone left zero room for argument. There was no desire in his eyes, only a wicked glare.

  The girl apologized and began folding clothes at the other end of the store while Beth shopped. Forge didn’t say anything to her about it, and she was glad for it. He continued to use his phone. Beth picked several pants, shirts, sweaters, shorts, and a cute nightgown. She also got essentials: socks, underwear, and hair accessories she found at the counter.

  “All done?” he asked when she returned to him.

  She nodded.

  “Good, we still have a couple stops to make.” He got up, stretching out his long body as he pulled his wallet out.

  The girl rang up the order. It was more expensive than she thought, but he didn’t seem fazed. Everything in the store was high quality. When he handed the cash to the clerk, he didn’t release the bills, making her gasp and look him in the eye. “Next time we come in here, you’ll show my woman the respect she deserves.”

  He only released the cash when she confirmed.

  Once they were outside, Forge secured the bags on his bike. Then he reached out and took her hand, leading her back to the sidewalk.

  “Aren’t you worried someone will steal our stuff?” she asked as they walked away.

  “Oh, I’d love to see them try.”

  He stopped in front of a store that looked like one of those X-rated places. She wanted no part of it, and her nerves started to flare up. Beth didn’t want to become a sex toy for the club. Was that her father’s intention? Forge’s?

  Everything was so new, and she couldn’t trust anyone yet.

  “What? You want me to go in there?”


  She shook her head. “I’m not a whore. Just because I let you do what you did to me doesn’t mean I’ll let any man near my body. You’re the first—”

  “I know, Beth. This is all for me, baby girl.” He ushered her inside. There were racks of skimpy lingerie and sex toys on the wall. She felt intensely out of place.

  “What do you want me to do, Forge? You heard that girl, I’m too big for stuff like this.”

  “Don’t listen to bitches, Beth. You’re a queen. My queen. And I want that body on display for me. You’re mine. That’s not changing, so you better get used to it.”

  She felt herself getting wet, so she shifted her legs. The permanence he offered was music to her ears after a life of being unwanted and always expecting to be cast out as the bastard child. She craved his attention and devotion like a drug.

  She cautiously fingered through the lingerie, not sure what to pick or how to react to being in an adult store. Yes, she was twenty-four, but she’d been unnaturally sheltered all of her life … until recently. Her father had forced her to digest a world of X-rated material in a matter of days. It was a disgusting shock she wanted no part of.

  Forge was a completely different beast.

  “Out of the store. We need about thirty minutes before you come back. Lock up behind you.”

  Beth whirled around to see who Forge was talking to. All she could see were two store employees, one man and one woman, rushing from the store. The rattle of keys followed their exit. The windows were already covered to keep innocent eyes from peeking in the X-rated store. She couldn’t believe they listened to him.

  “They’ll call the cops,” she said. “They’ll say you’re robbing the store.” Her voice was almost a whisper, hoarse from arousal. Beth knew damn well Forge always got his way.

  “They know what’s good for them.” He took measured steps around the store, touching the odd piece of lingerie as he circled her. She held her breath as he got closer. “What’s your favorite color?”

  She swallowed hard before answering. “Probably pink.”

  He nodded. “Good choice. They say red is for whores, and you’re my sweet virgin, aren’t you, Beth?”

  Her pussy throbbed. He spoke slowly, enunciating every syllable. Was he going to touch her, kiss her, more? They were alone, barricaded in a store made for sex.

  “You bought me.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Best purchase I’ve ever made.”

  “Are you so sure? You barely know me, Forge.”

  A barely-there smile appeared at the corner of his lips. “I love the way you say my name.” He kept coming closer, making her heart rate increase. “And I can’t wait to see you model for me.”

  She frowned.

  He briefly flipped through the hangers on the rack until he found a pink number that would barely cover her nipples and pussy. “Perfect. Try it on.”


  “I can’t. How? Where?”

  Her nerves were palpable, but it was endearing. One thing she needed to learn was not to hide herself from him. He wanted to explore her body and have every inch etched on his memory.

  “Right here. Right now. Take off your clothes and put this one.” He handed it to her and went to grab a chair from behind the counter and set it in the large entry of the store.

  “I can go in the changing room.”


  “I’m … shy.”

  He chuckled. “You weren’t shy an hour ago.”

  “That was different. I was covered.”

  Forge frowned. She was ashamed of herself, and that bitch from the clothing store didn’t help. The only way for him to prove she was perfect and turn him rock hard was to get her out of her comfort zone. He had a lot of plans for her.

  “Now, Beth. Or did you want to wait for
the workers to come back and watch?”

  Her eyes widened. She looked like a scared kitten, but as much as he wanted to take away her worries, he needed to show her there was a gorgeous sensual being hidden underneath all the bullshit lies she’d been fed all her life.

  She had no fucking clue how much those curves turned him on. Huge, heavy tits, soft curves, and rounded hips—exactly how a woman was meant to be in his eyes.

  Beth pulled the t-shirt off over her head. Her bra barely contained her breasts. Next, she wiggled out of her pants, stepping out of them a moment later.

  “Is that good enough?”

  He couldn’t stand the sadness and fear in her eyes. It reminded him of the night her bastard father brought her to him in the night. He’d stripped her naked in front of a group of strange men. All he’d wanted to do was whisk her away, keep her for himself.

  Things were different now, but it would take time to earn her trust. He knew that. And he was up to the task.

  But it went two ways, and Beth needed to trust him not to cheat, or take, or deceive. He wasn’t a good man, but he wouldn’t hurt his woman.

  “I love what I see, baby.” He palmed his cock through his pants as he was getting uncomfortable in the confines of his jeans. “But it all needs to come off. Be a good girl for me.”

  The little compliment chased away some of the fear. After a few months with him, her confidence would be night and day. She unclasped her bra from behind, holding the cups against her chest as she took in a deep breath. Then the bra slipped to the ground with her other clothes. Her tits were sloppy and gorgeous. He wanted to get up and fuck her right now over the damn counter, but he reined in his needs because the show had to go on.

  “Everything,” he reminded. Forge clenched his teeth. He’d never seen anything so fucking sexy in his life.

  She bent down as she slid her panties right off, leaving her completely nude.

  “Such a good girl. You have no idea how much you turn me on.” He shifted in his seat, more uncomfortable by the second. “Now put on that pink number.”

  He couldn’t wait to fuck her, fill her with his seed, and bring a new generation into the fray. Her body was made for breeding. Just the thought nearly put him over the edge. He wasn’t used to controlling his beast. He took what he wanted when he wanted it.

  Beth was his little treasure.

  She slid the lingerie over her curves, pulling and pinching it into place. There wasn’t much to it, but she looked hot as hell. Her nipples were covered and the small dusting of hair between her legs was hidden. There wasn’t much else left to his imagination.

  “Oh, we’ll be taking that one,” he said. “Give me a little spin, baby.”

  She did as told, turning around for his inspection.

  He stood up, groaning as his cock pressed tight against his zipper. Forge reached the wall near the checkout and picked out a few choice toys. He set them down on the counter. Then he used a curled finger to beckon her closer.

  “Know what these are?”

  “I think so. Well, not that one,” she said, pointing at the butt plug.

  He squeezed some lube from a new tube on the counter onto his finger. “Lean over,” he said, pressing her against the counter. Forge kissed her bare shoulder, then trailed individual kisses up her neck. Simultaneously, he used the lubed finger to tease her asshole, caressing, rimming the tight little hole.

  She gasped, her hands curling into fists. As he slowly slid his finger deep into her ass, she let out a series of desperate moans. He held his finger in place and whispered in her ear. “This is mine, too. Every inch of this body belongs to me.”


  “That toy goes right here. It’ll help prepare you for my cock.” He carefully slid his finger out, using the wet wipes to clean up. “That’ll be later, though. When you’re ready.”

  She hadn’t moved, still leaning in place, her tits pressed against the wooden stand.

  “Turn around.”

  She did as told but attempted her cover herself with her arms. He shook his head.

  Forge moved the thin pink straps to the side, exposing her breasts. He licked his lips. “Why would you hide these from me? You’re my fantasy turned reality, Beth. I want to drown in these tits.” He held her sides and he lower to one knee in front of her. Her nipples were big, dusky pink, and aroused. He flicked his tongue over her nipple, and she let out a stuttering gasp.

  He suckled her entire areola into his mouth, savoring the feel of her. Cradling her tits in his hands, he held them up so he could lavish both with this tongue and mouth.

  “I want these in my face every morning, baby girl. Feed these to me and I’ll be a happy man.”

  She combed her fingers into his hair and her eyes glazed over. The fear was gone. The insecurities vanishing as her lust continued to spiral higher and higher. He could feel her desire, her need, and savored it

  “I’m a deep sleeper,” she muttered. “You’ll be up before me.”

  “Then I’ll wake you up with my tongue in your pussy. Would you like that?”

  She nodded without hesitation, her eyes now closed and head tossed back.

  He rose to his feet, suckling her neck and teasing the erogenous zones around her ear. With his free hand, he teased her clit, rubbing her in vigorous circles. She was so fucking wet.

  “Fuck me, Forge. Please,” she panted.

  He chuckled. “You have less willpower than me? That’s dangerous, sweetheart. I’m not fucking you now, just playing.”

  “It’s not nice to tease.”

  “You know what this one is?” He held up a vibrating dick.

  She bit her lip and gave a little nod. Forge ripped it from its packaging and turned it on the lowest setting. It wouldn’t take much to get her off when she was this far gone. He held under her shoulders and hoisted her up to sit on the countertop.

  “Spread your legs. Nice and wide.”

  She did as told, exposing her slick pink pussy, shimmering from her own natural juices. So receptive and ripe … but he had to wait to claim her properly.

  “How can you hide this from me? Look how pretty you are.”

  She looked down as he traced the folds of her pussy with a fingertip. She quivered and gripped his shoulders. Together, they watched as he slid the tip of his finger into her hungry cunt. Then he pulled away and placed the vibrating toy against her clit. She jolted and cried out, leaning back on her elbows as he moved the toy dick exactly where she needed it.

  “Let me watch you come, baby. Look at me when it happens. Don’t close your eyes.”

  She arched up, gasping and whining as her orgasm rushed to the surface. But she maintained eye contact as she came. He tossed the dick and cupped her throbbing pussy with a firm hand. “All over my hand. Such a good girl.” She slowly softened, her rigid body relaxing as the peak faded away.

  Forge helped her down and cleaned them both up.

  He cupped her face, staring into her eyes before kissing her on the mouth, savoring everything about her. She was innocence personified, and all for him.

  “Half hour’s up, sweetheart. You better get dressed.”

  Once she heard the clatter of keys outside, she scooped up her clothes and ran to the back of the store. He watched her cute little ass jiggle until it was out of sight.

  Chapter Five

  Beth had been with Forge for over two weeks now, and it was still a challenge for her to get used to his lifestyle. For one, he never took her back to a house or private residence. Nope, her place was in the clubhouse, mainly in his bedroom, which did bore her. More often than not, she found herself looking out of the window at his men down below.

  The way they behaved with the women, it shocked her. She wasn’t used to such blatant displays of attention. The women were all over the men. A couple of times she’d seen them in their skimpy outfits trying to get it on with Forge, but he didn’t seem interested. He’d give them a look or say something that had them scamper

  A small thrill went through her whenever she saw him refuse other women. Afterward, he’d look up at her and offer her a little smile. He’d never give her the cold glare that she’d come to see he dished out for everyone else.

  At night, he came to her bed, at least he did when he wasn’t out doing something. “Business,” he called it, but she wasn’t so naïve. When music started to play, she knew it meant the club had returned.

  This morning, she’d gone searching for breakfast. She’d tried to find something to eat when she thought most of the men and women were gone. Of course, that wasn’t always the case and she’d heard a couple of prospects talking about the club going out to send a message. Again, she didn’t know for what or for whom. Just looking at the club, she knew she would never want them to try to send her any kind of message. They scared her.

  If Forge was back, why hadn’t he come to say hi? For three days, he’d been gone and she felt a little lonely. And worried.

  No one talked to her. The women gave her a wide berth of space. This place wasn’t her home. It never would be. Resting her head against the window, she stared out across the night sky. For the most part, it was dark until the clouds would give the moonlight a chance to filter through and light up the darkness. The biker life had looked fun at first. She enjoyed going shopping, at least, most of it.

  She stared down at her body and the tears fell. She swiped them away, hating herself for even allowing herself the chance to care what people thought. All her life she’d been told about her weight and how disgusting it was. Nothing had ever changed. Even starving herself for a short time hadn’t worked.

  The desire to fit in, to truly belong to the club, was overwhelming. But she was too scared to try, too fragile for more rejection. What was wrong with her? Why didn’t any of the old ladies like her? Even the club pussy gave her the cold shoulder, which said a lot.

  Beth imagined the whispers around the club. They probably thought Forge was too good for her.

  The door opened, causing her to jump, and she quickly got to her feet so she didn’t look like an unattractive puddle on the floor.


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