Bred by the MC Prez

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Bred by the MC Prez Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She cried out and as she pressed back, the finger at her ass penetrated her. She was on fire. There was pain but what he was doing to her pussy overrode all logic.

  “Yes, yes,” she said, moaning his name. “Please.”

  “I’m going to fuck this ass one day, baby. I’m going to fill you and you’re going to be all mine.” He added a second finger, stretching her ass for him. It was the oddest sensation, a mix of pressure and a unique illicit pleasure.

  His thumb stroked over her clit, and it was like an inferno. He lit the flame and she became totally consumed by all of him. Her release was the most powerful she’d ever felt. The aftershocks made her shudder and ache in ways she’d never experienced before.

  Forge kissed her and she felt the bed move.

  Rolling over, she saw he’d gone to the bathroom and on his return, he climbed on the bed, kissing her pussy.

  “I’m going to get you used to having me in your ass,” he said. “For now, I want to fill your pussy with more of my cum.” He spread her legs wide and she didn’t have the energy to resist. The tip of his cock teased her entrance and she moaned his name as inch by inch, he sank inside her. He slammed in deep, filling her to overflowing.

  She was full of him. He grabbed her hands, pinning them above her head, holding her down as he fucked her hard. He pounded inside her, only to slow down, circling his hips. Each touch seemed to ignite her need even more as his pelvis pressed against her clit.

  “Yeah, baby, give it to me,” he said. “I want to feel you milk my cock.” He slowed down, building her back up again. The man was skilled in bed … and all hers.

  As she was about to come for her second time, he stopped, pulled out of her, and turned her back to her knees. At first, she tensed. She wasn’t ready to have his cock in her ass. Forge wasn’t interested in her anus. He slid inside her again. She was sore but also incredibly wet, and he penetrated her easily.

  He gripped her hips and on the last thrust, he slammed to the hilt. She loved how he felt inside her. Closing her eyes, she arched her back, needing him. Any discomfort vanished, replaced by an insatiable wanton desire.

  He pulled out but didn’t go far as he took her again, and again. He worked her body harder than before. The angle of her on all fours made him seem bigger. He filled her to the brink.

  He reached down, wrapping her hair around his fist and holding her up. He nibbled on her neck and braced a hand over her stomach as he kept working his cock inside her.

  “I don’t know what it is you do to me, but I can’t get enough.” He let her go, moved her again so she was on her back, and this time, he slowed down. He reached between them and stroked her clit.

  She didn’t think it was possible to have another orgasm, but he rode her to the peak. With him inside her, she felt every hard ridge, every pulse.

  Forge drank her pleasure, kissing her hard as he found his own completion. He filled her, his cum flooding her pussy. Each wave sent another pulse of pleasure deep inside her core.

  She felt his weight as he collapsed over her. He held her wrists above her head, and she kept perfectly still, waiting for him to move. He wrapped his arms around her, his dick still inside her, as he turned them onto their sides.

  Neither of them spoke as he kissed her. Her entire body was like jelly.

  He exhaled, a satisfied sound. “Are you hungry?” he asked.


  “I’ll go and get us some food soon.” He kissed her again and she melted.

  “Will it always be like this?” she asked.

  “Like what?”

  “This? With us. Will it always be this good?”

  He chuckled. “No, sometimes you’re going to hate it, or I am. We’ll argue, or we’ll be too tired. I promise you, I’ll make it as good for you as possible.” He kissed her head.

  “I want it to be this good forever,” she said.

  “Sometimes I forget how young you are.”

  “Why does my age come into it?” she asked.

  “You’re not jaded by life. You see the world a little differently to me.”

  “I think I’d surprise you. Life with my dad wasn’t exactly sunshine, you know. I know the world can be a horrible place. I’ve seen how mean people can be.” She touched his heart. “Coming here, I didn’t have a choice.”

  He tensed up.

  “It’s strange because in the cage I’ve been given with you, I feel freer than I ever have before.”

  “That’s because you are, baby, you’ll always be free with me, within my own boundaries, of course.”

  She giggled.

  Her stomach growled. “I must feed you. I can’t knock you up and not take care of you.”

  “Is that all you care about? Getting me pregnant?” she asked.

  “No, it’s not.” He didn’t say anything more. He pulled on a pair of jeans and left.


  Forge watched as his woman hung out laundry. He never thought he’d see the day that the lines were filled with clothing, sheets, and underwear. He sipped at his coffee, happy and content to just enjoy her.

  From the moment he’d taken her virginity a couple of days ago, he’d taken every chance he got to fill her with his cum. He wanted her pregnant. Not to breed her, or because Peterson had handed him this girl like some damn trophy.

  No. He wanted to knock Beth up so he had more excuses to keep her. He wasn’t going to give her back.

  Peterson was going to have to be taken care of. The fucker was out there and he wouldn’t put it past him to actually do something stupid like try to sell the club out.

  He had to protect Beth. She’d been right the other night. She was still in a cage and while she lived with him, her life would always be lived by a set of rules.

  Hound came to sit beside him. “The whores don’t like her.”

  “I don’t give a shit what the whores like. They’ve got dicks to ride. They don’t need mine.”

  “We all know it’s yours they want.”

  “Correction. It’s my title they’re interested in. They want to rule over this club and this town.”

  “Do you really think she has what it takes to be your old lady?”

  “It doesn’t matter. She’s going to be my old lady.” He didn’t look away from Beth. He knew she wasn’t part of the club life. She was too sweet and loving. He’d do anything to keep those traits of hers. She was a breath of fresh air in all of his darkness.

  He craved her.

  She gave him a purpose that went beyond being a Prez. Was she already pregnant? Would she grant him another reason to live, to bask in the joy of being with her?

  “You may have to step up then because some of the women aren’t going to fall in line.”

  “They’ll do as they’re told if they want to live. It’s as simple as that. I don’t have to explain myself to you, or to anyone. I do whatever the hell I want.”

  Hound nodded. “I’ve got news about Peterson. You asked for me to keep an eye out and it would seem he’s got debts with a lot of people.”

  “It’s not hard to imagine that. He’s a fucker who thinks he’s invincible.”

  “Yeah, and news is, he’s attempting to sell us out. He says he’s got inside information.”

  “What?” He pulled his gaze away to look at Hound.

  “The only person who can give him inside information is Beth. Look, Prez, I know you want to believe she’s sweet and innocent, but it could all be fake to get under your skin.”

  “Don’t even finish that fucking sentence,” Forge said.

  “You need to question her.”

  “I don’t. Find Peterson. Bring him to me. I’ll deal with this bullshit once and for all. He’s the one telling tales. It’s time I rip out his tongue.”

  He got to his feet and marched across the yard. When he grabbed Beth’s wrist, she let out a yelp, but he didn’t stop until he’d dragged her far enough away from the prying eyes of the club.

  No one would
stop him. If Hound believed Beth would sell them out, then the club would vote for him to hurt her until she gave up the truth.

  “Forge, what’s going on?” she asked.

  He pressed her against the nearest tree, wrapping his fingers around her neck, he didn’t squeeze but the intention was there.

  Her eyes went wide as she looked at him. “Forge?”

  “When was the last time you spoke to your father?”


  “You heard me. Don’t provoke me and don’t lie to me. The cage you’re in can get very fucking painful. I only need kids from you, nothing else.”

  Tears filled her eyes and it fucking killed him to see them. He was the cause. You know she’s not capable of harming the club.

  It didn’t matter. As club president, it was his job to keep everyone safe and Beth posed a threat.

  “Answer me.”

  “When he gave me to you.”

  He slowly tightened his grip. She could still breathe. “If you’re lying to me, I’ll find out.”

  “I’m not lying. I promise. I wouldn’t do that. I’m not lying.” She started to cry. Her hands went to his wrists. “Please don’t hurt me. I came with nothing. I don’t have a cell phone, or internet access. I can’t get into contact with him. Why are you doing this to me? I’ve done nothing wrong.”

  “Then why is he saying he’s got inside information?”

  “I don’t know.” She sobbed. “What could I tell him? That you like black coffee or whipped cream on your apple pie? There is nothing I can tell him about you or the club.”

  He saw the truth and he let her go.

  What had he done?

  He stepped closer to her and she stumbled back. Her actions were so rushed she fell over. She scrambled to get to her feet and when she did, she whirled around, shooting him glares. Her hand went to her throat.

  “I didn’t hurt you.”

  “You were going to. I’ve been there for you. I’ve been open. I told you that I love you and you still think I’d betray you?”

  “Beth, the club would want to know answers.”

  “Why not ask me? Why did you have to scare me and threaten me? I’ve done nothing to you.” She wiped at her face even as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

  He attempted to get near her but she shook her head. “No!” She screamed the word. “I don’t want you coming anywhere near me.”

  “Don’t forget who owns you.”

  She laughed. The sound wasn’t happy. No, it was full of grief that he’d put there. “Of course. How could I ever forget? I’m just someone to be used. To get pregnant and not care about. There’s no way I’d be able to think for my own. I’m not loyal, am I? I’m nothing more than a piece of meat to you.”


  She shook her head. “No. I don’t … trust you. I guess my love means absolutely nothing because you instantly thought the worst of me.” She sniffled.

  When she turned on her heel and ran, he didn’t stop her. He watched her go, following behind her as she dashed into the clubhouse. A couple of the women looked at him. Some had hope in their eyes as if he’d turn to them for comfort. It wasn’t going to happen. The only woman he wanted had run from him, not that he blamed her. He’d just fucked up in the biggest way possible. Why did have to sabotage everything good in his life?

  Forge didn’t want to have to question her in front of the club. He fucking wouldn’t.

  Walking to Hound, he glared at him. He wanted to hurt him, to slash his face, to annihilate him. He didn’t. “I want everyone at church. No waiting around. All of them. Don’t make the prospects collect cell phones. Make it an emergency,” he said.

  He walked into the clubhouse.

  No sign of Beth. She was probably in their room. He paused at the entrance to the church room. All of his men would be there in a matter of moments.

  He needed to fix things with Beth, but right now, she needed some space. He’d grabbed her around the neck. Would he have been able to choke her? To extinguish all the life out of her eyes?

  Stepping into the room, he took his seat at the head of the table.

  He was a damn good president to this club. He’d always put it first. His life, his very existence had been for the Hell’s Slaves MC. He’d bled for them. For the first time in his MC days, he truly believed he’d put the wrong thing first. The club should have come second. It would always be there, waiting for him. Beth was a living breathing person who wanted nothing more than his love.

  He had to make it up to her.

  Chapter Ten

  “That fucker thinks he’ll use our club as a pawn for his other debts. After I took his daughter and waived off the money he owed, this is how he repays me?”

  Forge made his intentions crystal clear.

  Peterson was going to die. It wasn’t a matter of someday. It was happening. All his brothers in arms had specific instructions to get the job done. And he was going to make an example of the first whore to open her mouth about Beth again. Forge wasn’t going to tolerate whispers and accusations. His house needed to be put into order.

  Club life was hardcore. Unlike with Beth, if one of these assholes smelled blood or weakness, they’d eat him alive. He had no grand illusions otherwise. He’d taught himself never to trust, for good reason, but he had to learn when to draw the line or he’d lose the woman he loved. Once Peterson was dead, no one would be able to play her against him. It was hard enough falling for a civilian, so he didn’t need all this extra bullshit in his life.

  “There’s some talk he already sold our rivals inside information,” said Dog.

  “I want every man with ears on this buried. Peterson, his hired hands, the clubs he’s given information to. This is going to be a big fucking cleanup.”

  “We don’t know what he’s leaked,” said Dog.

  “After tonight, we’ll know.”

  “Peterson’s girl,” said Vicious. “She involved?”

  Forge clenched his fist under the table, taking several cleansing breaths before speaking. “Don’t fucking mention her. Not one fucking time. She’s innocent. If anyone thinks otherwise, bring it to me personally.” He scanned the room, making eye contact with as many men as he could. “Questioning my judgment or loyalty to this club will be a mistake.”

  Forge leaned back in his chair and waved his hand in the air. The men left the church. This would be put to rest tonight.

  He placed a hand on Hound’s shoulder as he got up to leave. “You’re my sergeant at arms, so I’m counting on you. Can you handle the job?”

  “My hands aren’t clean. Tell me who to kill, and it’s done.”

  “I want to be the one to end Peterson.”

  Hound nodded.

  “And if there’s anyone in this club sharing information, I need you to handle that shit. You know how important a secure club is to me. And keep an eye on those bitches. You saw how fast Romy was to open her mouth.”

  “What do you want me to do with her, anyway?”

  Romy was still locked up at the club. Forge was so pissed off with what went down that he still hadn’t come up with a fitting punishment. “She’s not a priority right now. First we find our snitch.”

  Forge waited until he was alone. The large room echoed when he cleared his throat.

  He’d fucked up.

  How was he going to prove himself to Beth after putting his hands on her throat? She had no reason to trust him now. He’d made her feel small when he’d been working hard at building her up since she came into his care.

  I’m a fucking idiot. He smashed his fist against the table. He’d been more worried about the club thinking he was pussy-whipped than using his damn head. Beth would never betray him. She’d been a fucking angel in his life. There was no reason to question or accuse her. Next time anyone questioned his judgment, he’d handle it much differently. He wasn’t Prez because he kissed ass.

  As he left the clubhouse, some bikes were already leaving the gates. He
loved the purr of the engines. He felt the rumble in his chest, and the ground vibrated beneath his boots. Before he joined his brothers, he had to at least try to make peace with Beth. If he kept thinking about her, he wouldn’t be able to focus, and he needed to be on his game.

  “Baby?” He pushed open the bedroom door.

  She wasn’t on the bed or on the window bench. He stepped into the room and did a quick sweep. There were so many places she could be, but what if she wasn’t anywhere? Deep down, he knew she’d run away. Why wouldn’t she? He’d made her feel like a breeding vessel, like some common whore. He clenched his jaw hard, still pissed off with himself.

  Why did he have to sabotage everything good in his life?

  Forge rushed down to the yard and stopped the first bike he came across. Old Boy put his foot down and pulled off his helmet. “What’s up, boss?”

  Someone would have to pass her on the road leading to town.

  “I can’t find Beth. Keep your eyes out on the road. If you see her, bring her to me.”

  He nodded and filed out with the others.

  There was no point sticking around. He’d have a better chance of finding her on his bike. And he had a job to finish. Maybe putting her father six feet under would redeem him in Beth’s eyes. He’d do anything for her. Anything to make things right.

  Forge did a visual sweep of the yard, hoping to catch a last glimpse of Beth before he mounted his Harley. Still nothing.

  He didn’t want to own her. No, he wanted her to choose him. Any chance of that happening was likely gone when he broke her heart. He knew the moment it happened—he could see it in her eyes.

  As they rode out toward Peterson’s place, there as no sign of Beth. He nearly ended up in the ditch a couple of times while scanning the woods. The club split up when they hit the main roads, but there was only one place he wanted to be.

  The drive took a while, but his mind never stopped racing. For the first time in his life, he looked forward to peace rather than conflict. Once this was handled, he wanted to get home to his woman and make things right. Dog stopped beside him once they arrived at Peterson’s mansion. “He’ll have security. We’re in earshot of neighbors, so the cops are only a call away, too. This can’t be sloppy.”


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