Miles Away (Carrion #1)

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Miles Away (Carrion #1) Page 10

by Addison Kline

  In a flash, Knox had unraveled my cool.

  Before even Miles truly comprehended what was happening, his fist was hurtling towards Knox’s smug face at breakneck speed. Before his brothers could stop him, Miles’s knuckles had crunched hard against Knox’s nose, rebreaking it, and effectively wiping his cocky look clear off of his face.

  That’s right, bitch. Broke your nose again.

  “What the FUCK!” Knox screamed as blood gushed from his noise. Crimson dripped onto his designer suit. He grabbed his nose as blood covered his hand.

  “You son of a BITCH!” Knox screamed.

  “Yup. You got that right,” Miles said with a laugh as he drilled a glare back to his father.

  “Don’t talk about your motha’ like that!” Michael said, cracking a joke.

  Looking at the old man, Miles winked and replied, “I was talking about you.”

  A cruel look overcame Michael’s charming smile as he peered back at Miles.

  “Ah… the prodigal son is home,” Michael said as he glared up at Miles. Michael rose from his hospital bed with a laugh ripping from his mouth. “Sasha… Landon… please excuse us. Your brothers and I need to have a conversation.”

  Here we go. Moment of truth. Time to tell the old man where he can shove his holy war.

  “To the war room, gentlemen.”

  Rising from his chair, Knox gave Miles a hostile glare as they followed their father from the room.

  “Dickhead,” Knox spat at Miles.

  “Ouch. Is that the best you can do?” Miles said, feigning offense.

  “Damn, Knox… You’re fucking bleeding on the floor!” Dustin complained.

  Traveling in a pack down the long hallway, the men headed towards the winding staircase. A nagging feeling in the pit of Miles’s stomach twisted as he moved closer to the staircase that led to Michael Capadonno’s private wing of the house. Two men clad in elegant black suits stood at the foot of the staircase. They stood straight as arrows as the Capadonno men approached. Each nodded at Michael Capadonno as he passed through, but their eyes scrutinized his sons very carefully, especially Miles.

  The house looks exactly as I remember it. The interior is obnoxiously decadent with fixtures you’d more likely see in a museum than a residential home. Cracking my neck as I follow behind the old man, I can’t help but notice that he’s a ghost of the man he once was… It doesn’t mean that he isn’t dangerous though. Cutting through the dark hallway, my mind wanders to the army of associates that the Capadonnos have. Those that were loyal to Uncle Sonny would follow my father’s lead. Michael Capadonno was Sonny’s right-hand man, his enforcer, and naturally, the only man Uncle Sonny would trust to get the job done. Even on his death bed. It all makes perfect sense now. A lot of people would discredit my father in the state that he’s in. I’m no idiot though. Being his kid, I know all too well the depravity that roams in that man’s twisted mind. The bastard is nothing more than a high-functioning psychopath with a quick wit, charming smile and a flock of heathens ready to carry out his commands.

  As Miles and Knox followed Michael and Dustin up the staircase, Sasha and Landon followed quickly behind, giving each other looks of trepidation. As Miles passed through, the guards closed the gap, preventing Sasha and Landon from following. Landon Capadonno was not a sworn associate. Although all men with Capadonno blood flowing through their veins were considered full members at birth, Landon had escaped the same fate as his brothers. Sasha enjoyed the protection that her father’s men provided, and as a result, was kept out from the dialogue and activities that occurred in the war room.

  I know exactly what I’m walking into. It might not be tonight, but eventually… a blood bath would ensue.

  Climbing the back staircase, Miles’s head pounded as they alighted to the second floor.

  “Pops! Do ya gotta do this now?” Landon yelled up the stairwell past the men. One of the men took out a gun, and pressed his hand firmly onto Landon’s chest.

  Landon ignored the man and yelled, “I wanted to take Miles out. For some fun!”

  The kid isn’t dumb. His eyes had seen more than his lips would ever admit. He knows the type of activities that take place inside the war room. Landon Capadonno could be a formidable ally or a treacherous foe. It’s a good thing I know which side of the fence his loyalties fall on.

  Turning around, Miles gave the kid a nod.

  “Raincheck, bud. Okay?” Miles said with a kind smile. He didn’t want Landon to worry.

  “But, Miles…” he began to protest.

  Turning around and extending his hand over the guards’ shoulders, Miles grabbed Landon’s hand and squeezed it tight.

  “It’s gon’ be all right, buddy. Relax.”

  Knox glared at Miles a few steps up. Miles returned the gaze. They seemed to be coming to an understanding without even speaking a syllable.

  The trouble with knowing someone too well, is that you can understand them without them uttering a word.

  Miles’s stomach dropped as they reached the top step, leaving Landon and Sasha standing in confusion at the bottom of the stairs as they watched their father and brothers enter the secured chamber just outside of the war room. The men stepped over a line that was just begging to be crossed. Michael unlocked the door with a long silver key that he kept in his robe. Dustin followed close behind, dragging his feet into the large chamber as if he was heading in for a long day at the office. Just as Miles was about to follow suit, Knox gripped up the back of Miles’s shirt, slamming him into the wall. Looking down at his brother, Miles threw daggers at him with just his gaze. Looking up at Miles with a pissed off expression on his face, but with a look of trepidation in his eyes, Knox spat at him in nothing more than a whisper, “Stick to the fucking plan!”

  Raising his eyebrows at Knox, Miles replied calmly, “I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  An amused laugh choked from Knox’s throat as he unclenched Miles’s shirt. Not breaking his gaze, Knox walked away and crossed over the threshold of the room. Rolling his eyes, Miles grabbed the bronze handle and slammed the door shut behind him.

  “Take a seat, fellas,” Michael suggested as he pointed to the three chairs that sat before his antique oak desk. Michael sank down into a vintage leather chair as he waited for his sons to take a seat.

  The war room was a windowless chamber, with only one way in, and two ways out: through the door you walked in or by the gun you lived by. The walls were painted a vibrant shade of red and lining the walls were photographs of associates, family functions and “family functions.” The frames showcased a who’s who of the Capadonno crime family. It was a treasure trove for the feds and something of a twisted scrapbook for Michael Capadonno and his associates.

  Miles lowered himself into the center chair, his brothers, Knox and Dustin, taking the other chairs, crowding him in like oversized book ends. The three of them stared up at Michael, each of them discontent in their own special way, at the man they served in one capacity or another.

  The men that served my father took an oath. They signed up for this shit. That was not so for the Capadonno men. The king’s blood flows through our veins. La Cosa Nostra was my father’s version of a nursery rhyme. Our initiation was our birth. Our education was growing up with Michael Capadonno as our father. My mother tried to protect us as best as she could, but let’s face it, as strong as she was, Michael Capadonno’s presence was much stronger.

  Michael cleared his throat as he threw his cell phone face up on the desk, next to the gold-plated frame that showcased a photograph of Michael, Sonny and Gino Rigatti, former boss of the Rigatti crime family in New York.

  “In case you carognas didn’t get the memo, I’m not exactly a spring fuckin’ chicken,” Michael spat.

  Miles lifted an eyebrow at his father’s tongue in cheek comment.

  “No kidding…” Dustin said with a sly smile growing on his face. “I had no clue.”

  Knox let out a snide chuckle, whi
le Miles just stared at the man that was called the Butcher with a bored expression on his face. The old man rolled his eyes as he watched the range of amusement on his three sons’ faces.

  “I’ve got some fight left in me, but I like to be prepared. The docs say I’ve got two months. Tops,” Michael explained. His fingers rested on the desktop, the edge of his fingernails gently scratching at the wood.

  “Maybe you should sit your old ass down then,” Knox suggested as he still held his handkerchief to his nose.

  “Maybe you should worry about the mobsters in the Big Apple…” Michael said to Knox, his eyes grilling his second-oldest son.

  Knox rolled his eyes as he broke his gaze from his father.

  “As I was sayin’…” Michael continued. “I need to put some provisions in place.”

  “Provisions. What provisions?” Miles asked.

  “Yeah,” Knox said as he adjusted his tie. Flicking his eyebrows up, Knox continued. “What provisions?”

  “Don’t blow a load, Knox…” Dustin said as he rolled his eyes.

  “Focus, assholes,” Michael spat. “I need to put one of you jabronis in charge.”

  “Now?” Dustin asked. “Why now?”

  “No! Not now! When I kiss the sky!” Michael yelled, his face turning a violent shade of red.

  “In charge… You mean boss…” Miles said, giving Michael a blank expression. His poker face was legendary.

  “Acting boss… ’til Uncle Sonny croaks,” Knox clarified.

  “I gotta make a decision, and you three assholes don’t make it fuckin’ easy!” Michael growled.

  “I don’t want it,” Miles announced dryly.

  “Did I ask what you wanted?” Michael screamed across the desk. He was becoming more and more irate with every second.

  Michael Capadonno’s face was bright red as he prepared to berate his sons from across his desk. Before he could, Michael’s cell phone began to vibrate. The Fish’s ugly face popped up on the screen.

  “Just ignore it,” Michael said as he cracked his knuckles.

  “No, it’s a text message. Answer it,” Miles spat.

  Rolling his neck, Miles let the stress of the situation roll down his back. Michael stared at Miles, trying to test his mettle.

  Go ahead, old man. I could do this all night long.

  When Michael didn’t answer his phone, Miles swiped the black iPhone from his desk. Before Michael could even say a word, Miles had already opened the text message.

  Fish: Did you a solid. We’re bringing Letty in so she can be dealt with. I know you said that you wouldn’t be around... but we will and we need to protect our secrets. Consider it an executive decision.

  An executive decision… by a couple of underling douchebags! Not my Letty. Not on my watch.

  “Letty,” the name escaped Miles’s lips as his eyes met his father’s. “If she is hurt, you’ll be kissing the fuckin’ sky a lot sooner than expected! You can count on that, old man! Pick one of them,” Miles pointed angrily to his brothers as he shot up out of his chair. Throwing the phone back down on the desk, he yelled at his father, “I ain’t about this shit anymore!”

  Before Michael could even attempt to stop Miles or get a word in edge wise, Miles had bolted from the war room, his car keys in hand, ready to handle the business that had presented itself.


  IT WAS A COOL EVENING and the market wasn’t far, so Letty decided to walk. She tried to shake the worry that was induced by Landon’s text message. The war room. It was a locked, soundproof circular office where the Capadonnos talked business. Letty knew that Miles didn’t trust his family at all. Quite frankly, neither did she. The fact that they had Miles in the war room was enough to send Letty into hysterics. Miles was smart, though. He knew how to operate around his family—he kept his secrets close, his enemies closer and he wore a good mask to keep people fooled. Walking down the sidewalk on Piney Street, dead leaves crunched under Letty’s feet. Carrion was a beautiful town with a really ugly past. Letty had thought about moving many times, but everything and everyone she loves is in Carrion. Now with Miles home, the struggle whether to stay or go was very real.

  A street lamp flickered overhead as Letty passed by Tia Marie’s Italian restaurant. Peering inside the window, she recognized plenty of the faces. Associates of Michael’s sat at the table nearest the window, enjoying their dinner and the conversation that the evening provided. Smiling at the doorman Derrick, Letty waved. They had went to high school together. Moving on down Piney Street, it was a pleasant walk.

  In Carrion, nobody really bothers you unless you get on the wrong side of Michael Capadonno. Fortunately, that isn’t a problem I have. At least I don’t think so.

  Letty stood at the stoplight at Piney Street and Mulberry Avenue as she waited for the light to turn green. Out of the corner of her eyes, she watched as an old black Cadillac town car pulled up. It felt like time had stalled. Letty watched as Dante and the Fish strolled past—eyes fixated on her. Letty’s chest panged with fear as her pace quickened along the sidewalk. Her shadow flashed across the wall of Litman’s Barber Shop as Letty began to run from the approaching vehicle. A terrible screech sounded as the wheels of the caddy came to a grinding halt. The car was coming right at Letty, wheels spinning at the last minute, pinning her against the wall of the Barber Shop.

  “Leave me alone!” Letty screamed as she reached into her boot for her knife.

  Fish emerged from the car with a twisted smile on his face, with Dante quick on his heels. Glowering at Letty, they were both chomping at the bit for a taste of blood.

  I’m in a panic. I have nowhere to go. There’s nothing to do but fight like hell.

  Bracing herself for the attack, Letty took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to plunge the knife into Fish’s throat. But as Fish’s shoes stepped onto the pavement, a terrible noise roared down Piney Street. Immediately, Letty recognize the sound.

  “Corina…” Letty whispered breathily as her eyes widened in surprise.

  Letty heard the engine before she saw the sexy as sin vintage car. Letty’s heart raced as the sound got closer, just knowing that Corina would bring her guy in tow. Ripping around the corner of Mulberry Avenue, Miles looked furious behind the wheel of his black Charger, zoning his eyes in on Dante and the Fish. Sticking his arm out the car window, Miles raised his shooting hand and popped two caps, interrupting the seemingly, peaceful evening. In reality, there was no such thing as a peaceful evening in Carrion.

  Pop! Pop!

  Fish caught a bullet in the shoulder, falling at Letty’s feet, the other hitting the dirt of a flower bed outside the La Fortuna nightclub. As Miles emerged from the car with a pair of Berettas in his hands, Dante began to flee up Piney Street. Glancing behind him as he booked up the street, Dante had a look of pure terror on his face. That was nothing compared to the fury that permeated from Miles’s eyes. He always was a force to be reckoned with. Dante could run all he wanted, Letty knew he wouldn’t get far, though. Opening fire in the middle of the road, Miles lodged a bullet in the back of Dante’s leg. Fish squirmed as Miles approached, desperate to get to his feet before Miles could inflict even more damage.

  Staring at him with wide eyes, Letty was stunned to see how ballsy Miles had gotten.

  In a deep voice full of worry, Miles ordered, “Get in the car, Letty. Hurry…” His voice was like velvet, but it had a dangerous edge to it.

  Letty didn’t hesitate. Maneuvering herself around the caddy, Letty rushed past Miles and Fish and darted for Miles’s car.

  “You mess wit’ her, you mess wit’ me!” Miles barked as he gripped Fish up by his collar. Fish grimaced as he stared up at Miles.

  “Fuck you, Capadonno!”

  As quickly as Miles had lifted him up, Miles dropped Fish to the ground, his head cracking against the concrete pavement. Placing his boot on Fish’s neck, Miles looked down at him without a shred of kindness.

  “Don’t cross me again
. You’ll be one sorry motherfucker.”

  Letty hurried up and buckled her seat belt as Miles cut across Mulberry Avenue towards the car. Dante had hobbled off into a side street, and the Fish was still lying on the pavement in agonizing pain. As Miles lowered himself into the car, he immediately grabbed Letty’s face, his bear paw sized hands inspecting her, making sure that his girl was okay.

  “Are you all right?” Miles asked Letty with a look of worry in his eyes.

  Nodding, Letty smiled at Miles with a look of turmoil in her eyes.

  If it wasn’t for him, I’d be in deep shit right about now.

  Running her hands down the length of his face, Letty looked up at Miles with a meaningful gaze.

  “I am now, Miles…”

  It took everything in Letty’s power not to let her emotions take over and allow herself to break down into a puddle of tears.

  “Why the hell are they after you?” Miles asked.

  Letty stalled for a moment, unsure if she should tell him.

  “Letty… you need to tell me,” Miles persisted.

  Releasing a heavy sigh, Letty knew that she couldn’t withhold this information from Miles.

  He’s the one person who can help me. He’s the one guy other than my dad who has always had my back. Trust him, Letty.

  Running her fingers through Miles’s hair, Letty stared up at Miles with fear visible in her gaze.

  “You drive. I’ll talk.”


  CORINA ROARED AS THEY ripped down Mulberry Avenue. Giving Letty a wary glance, Miles’s knuckles blanched as he gripped the steering wheel. Continuing to wait for her to tell him what was going on was utter torture. Letty’s lips were taut as she stared out the passenger window, her reflection appearing nervous and frightened.

  As Miles approached a red light at the intersection of Mulberry Avenue and Cornwall Street, he reached for Letty’s hand. Removing her shaking hand from her lap, Miles held it in his own, in a protective embrace. After a moment, her trembling ceased.


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