Big Hose (a firefighter single mom romantic comedy) (Size Matters Book 2)

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Big Hose (a firefighter single mom romantic comedy) (Size Matters Book 2) Page 9

by Blake Wilder

  “I don’t know what to do,” I admitted, more confused now than I’d been before I called her.

  “I’ll be honest with you, Hope. I’m not sure what to tell you either. I can’t follow this pattern. Jake’s always been pretty transparent. He hooks up with a woman for a week or two and then he moves on. The dates and the picnic, the holding back from sex? This is uncharted territory. I mean…given what you told me about tonight, I’d say he’s trying to be a gentleman. That he cares about you and he’s trying to protect you.”

  “But I don’t need that,” I insisted.

  “Maybe you should check out his package and then make that decision.”

  I rolled my eyes, aware that Ada couldn’t see my reaction. It couldn’t be that freaking big. She made it sound like he was walking around with the Washington Monument in his pants.

  “Maybe I should.”

  “Wait. What’s that mean?” Ada asked.

  “I’m going back to his place.”

  “Tonight? Don’t you want to take some time and think about it. I can tell your emotions are running pretty close to the surface. Why not sleep on it?”

  “Nope,” I said. “I’m going to sleep with it, er, him.”

  “Okay. Call me in the morning?”

  “I will.” And just like that, I felt lighter, happier, more determined.

  I hopped into my car, running over exactly what I’d say when I knocked on his door. I wasn’t sure if he’d be relieved to see me or angry that I had run out in the first place. Or God, worse, annoyed that I’d come back.

  None of that mattered. I was getting back inside. I had a practiced response for every reaction.

  All I had to do was…

  My car sputtered and I knew in an instant what was wrong.


  I pulled over to the curb, managing to get it into a parking spot two seconds before the damn thing cut off completely. Glancing down, the gas light blinked at me accusingly. It had come on when I was driving to Jake’s the first time, but I’d been too excited and anxious to stop—I hate pumping gas. Plus, it was common knowledge that even with the light on, there were still a few miles’ worth of gas left. Things only got serious when the light started blinking. Which mine had done when I left Jake’s in a tizzy half an hour earlier. And, because I was an idiot, I hadn’t stopped that time either—too pissed off to think straight.

  At least I was in town. The streets were well-lit and there were a few shops and bars open, several people milling around. It wasn’t like Bootlick was a dangerous place, even at night. I bet at least fifty percent of the population still went to sleep at night with their houses and cars unlocked.

  I was only about six blocks from the fire station. I’d walk and deal with the gas situation in the morning. Unfortunately, the dark night sky hid the storm clouds that had formed from me.

  I wasn’t a block away from my car when the first rain drop splashed down. Two blocks later, the heavens opened up and threw down a deluge of water. I ran the last three blocks, but it was too late. By the time I stood at the foot of the stairs in the fire station that led up to Jake’s apartment, I looked like I’d showered with my clothes on.

  I gave a soggy wave to the two volunteers who were manning the station tonight. There was a bunk room at the back of the building. They laughed when they saw me, but I didn’t take the time to explain about the car and running out of gas.

  I climbed the stairs, then took a few moments to catch my breath. I clearly needed to hit a gym. It was only a six-block jog, but I was gasping for air like a fish out of water.

  Once I felt relatively able to speak, I knocked on the door.

  Jake opened it. He’d changed out of his jeans and was now wearing cotton lounge pants, held up with a drawstring. He was still shirtless.

  “You came back,” he said, his gaze taking me in from head to toe. “Wet.”

  “I ran out of gas.”

  He nodded. I was used to his friendly smile and easy charm. Neither was present at the moment. “You need me to give you a lift?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’d already gotten home. I was actually headed back here.”

  He stepped aside, letting me in. “You shouldn’t stand around in those wet clothes. You’ll get sick. Let me get you a towel and a T-shirt.”

  “Just a towel is fine,” I said, stiffening my spine. “You said I wouldn’t need pajamas.”

  His eyes narrowed briefly. Yep. He was pissed off that I’d run.

  “Hope,” he started.

  “I know. About your big hose.”

  He froze. “You always knew?”

  I shook my head. “No. God, no. Not at all. I thought that was some silly nickname associated with your job. I called Ada.”

  He grimaced and sighed. “Great. So now you know.”

  “I don’t care…about that. I want to be with you.”

  I read the doubt in his eyes and it bothered me. Ada had mentioned women pursuing him, using him. I tried not to think about the fact that I was doing the same thing. This felt different. It felt more like friends with benefits than meaningless sex.

  “I like you, Jake. I think we’d be really good together.” If our last two sexual encounters were any indication, I figured it was a good thing we were doing it in the fire station. We were definitely going to set the sheets on fire.

  For the first time since I returned, he smiled. A real, genuine Jake grin. I went mushy inside at the sight of it.

  “We’re going to be amazing together,” he said, and that was when I felt my first twinge of doubt. Because it didn’t feel like we were talking about the same thing.

  I brushed that unease away. Jake didn’t do relationships. Of course, he was just talking about sex.

  Maybe it was me who wasn’t on the right page. Because hearing my own words said back to me made me realized I was the one who wanted all of this to be more.

  I pushed that idiocy deep down inside me. I only had to get through tonight. Grab the sex, the fantasy, the pleasure, then find a way to walk away tomorrow without losing my heart in the process. And while I knew Jake didn’t stick around for more than a few tumbles in the hay, there was a small part of me that hoped we’d find a way to remain friends afterwards.

  “Come on.” He offered me his hand. “Let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”

  Now that we’d cleared that hurdle, I felt almost giddy. My stomach was fluttery with butterflies, not because of fear or nervousness, but due to sheer anticipation and excitement. Jake had already proven he was going to be the best lover of my life, bar none.

  Once we were in his bedroom, he took his time peeling my wet clothes from me, kissing and licking each bit of skin as it was bared. He grabbed a towel from the bathroom, rubbing it all over my body in a way that did precious little to stop me from being wet—at least in one area.

  “Get back in that bed,” he murmured, his lips pressed to my neck. I loved it when he kissed me there. There was this tiny bit of skin just underneath my ear. Every time he kissed or licked there, my whole body tingled.

  “And if you get out of it again tonight, I’m turning you over my knee and spanking that cute little ass of yours.”

  “Or you could just spank me for the hell of it.”

  “God. You’re killing me, Hope.”

  I crawled back in his bed, sitting up with my back against the headboard.

  Moment of truth.

  “Your turn,” I said, as he approached the bed.

  He hesitated long enough that my nerves were tweaked.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’m debating whether or not to cuff you to the bed before I say what I’m going to say.”

  I frowned. “It wouldn’t matter if you did. You showed me how to get out of them.”

  “Bad call on my part.” He glanced around the room. “Pretty sure I can lay my hands on some rope in that storage area outside my apartment.”

  I laughed, but it came out a little bit sha
ky. “Why are you tying me up?”

  “Because I’m still not having sex with you tonight.”

  I started to push up from the bed, the anger I’d thought gone, back in a flash. Before I could give Jake Garrett a piece of my mind, he untied the drawstring and dropped his pants.

  Whatever furious retort I’d been prepared to give vanished.

  “Jesus H. Christ,” I exclaimed loudly, my eyes glued to his very large, very erect cock.

  Then I realized he’d frozen in place and I knew, knew all the way to my soul, that my reaction right now mattered to him. Really mattered.

  “Yeah. That’s what I thought,” he said quietly.

  I looked back up at his very dear face and smiled. My sudden cheerfulness caught him off guard, his brows furrowed in confusion.

  “I’m kidding, Jake,” I said. “I mean that is slightly horrifying, but I’m not running.”

  “You should be.”

  I shook my head. “No. I shouldn’t. I’m exactly where I want to be. Or…I will be once you get in the bed too.”

  I didn’t realize how tense Jake had been. All night, now that I thought back on it. It wasn’t until his anxiety melted away and he relaxed that I saw how worried he’d been about revealing himself to me.

  He reached for my ankle, tugging until I was lying on my back. Then he crawled into bed, caging me under him. His thick cock rested on my stomach. Rather than scare me, my arousal grew hotter, hornier.

  Then he kissed me. “You’re adorable.”

  “I know,” I said, pretending to be offended that he was stating the obvious.

  He laughed loudly. I loved the sound of it. Loved being able to make him feel so happy and silly. God knew that was how I felt at the moment.

  It was like, for once, everything had clicked into the right place. I’d spent too many years—most of my adult life—just trying to get my shit together. To raise a baby, earn a degree, find a job, stand on my own two feet while still living with my parents. Every single day, I felt like I was barely managing.

  Tonight, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. With the perfect person. At the perfect time.

  Jake continued to kiss me. I loved the feeling of his lips on mine, the playful way he touched my tongue with his. I shivered as his mouth drifted along the side of my face to my neck. I’d missed kissing. Missed touching and closeness.

  It was silly to feel that way about something I’d experienced precious little of, but it was there. That feeling of deprivation being satisfied in a wonderful way.

  My hands were wrapped around his neck, but that wasn’t enough, and after a few minutes, I started stroking his shoulders and his chest, desperate to touch every part of him.

  Jake pulled away an inch or two, his gaze focused solely on my face when I reached lower and wrapped my hand around his cock. It was thick and long and hard.

  Jake’s face appeared to be etched in stone, devoid of expression as I stroked him the first few times. He was awaiting my reaction. Perhaps he was still expecting me to run.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered, tightening my grip on the next pass, then adding a second hand, increasing the pressure, the speed.

  My reassurance partnered with my touch worked its magic. He closed his eyes and released a low groan that let me know he liked what I was doing. Feeling more confident, I doubled my efforts, stroking even faster, shifting until I could touch him from root to tip, both hands moving together to increase the sensation.

  I licked my lips, trying to figure out how I could move him away from me enough that I could take him in my mouth.

  Jake must have noticed my desire. He shook his head, but I couldn’t tell if it was refusal or disbelief.

  “You’re an amazing woman, Hope Connor.”

  I lifted my head enough that I could kiss his jaw. He’d obviously shaved before our date, but there was still a sandpaper texture to his masculine face that was the counterbalance to my softer skin. I loved that difference. It turned me on even more.

  “Roll over,” he said.

  I was getting used to the way he gave orders in bed, so I obeyed without question. Because why the fuck wouldn’t I? The man was the king of orgasms and I was excited to see what he’d do next.

  I flipped to my stomach, but apparently, that wasn’t exactly what he had in mind. Jake lay down next to me, reaching over my waist to twist me until he was spooning me from behind. His hard dick lay flat against my ass. I wiggled against it until he gripped my hip.

  “Hold still,” he murmured.

  I recalled his threat to spank me. That was a fantasy I’d had countless times, so I decided to go for broke.

  I wriggled again.

  “Hope,” Jake said, his deep voice, laced with warning.

  I ignored him, pressing back more firmly against him.

  This time, I struck pay dirt as he swatted my ass a couple of times.

  “Mmmm,” I hummed.

  Jake chuckled. “Bad girl.”

  I liked the sound of that. I’d been the eternal good girl my entire life, towing the line drawn by my strict parents. Losing my virginity to Alan was my lone act of rebellion.

  And look how that had turned out.

  I shifted again.

  Jake spanked me a couple more times, not particularly hard. I suspected he could do much better if he had a mind to, but that didn’t seem to be on his agenda for tonight.

  More’s the pity.

  Tonight was all I had. One night in Jake’s bed, to scratch an itch, to experience all the pleasure I’d missed, and then tomorrow, I’d walk away. Become the responsible…I sighed…good girl again.

  I glanced over my shoulder when Jake’s hand moved from my hip, his arm wrapping around my waist so that he could tuck me closer.

  He was simply lying there and I recalled what he’d said earlier. Jake really didn’t intend to have sex with me.

  I stifled the anger that was threatening to reappear, deciding it might work better to take a different approach.

  “Jake,” I said in the sweetest voice I could muster.


  “Can you put just a little bit inside me?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Seriously. You’re using the just the tip line on me?”

  What the hell? “Yep.”

  “Hope,” he started.

  “Please,” I interrupted, not willing to listen to any more of his reasons why this was wrong or wouldn’t work. “Only a little bit? It’s been so long and I need, well, I just need to feel you inside me.”

  He glanced toward the doorway. “Condoms are in the bathroom.” He shifted as if to leave the bed, but I gripped his arm, holding tight.

  “I’m on the pill,” I said. “Started taking it about three seconds after George was born and I’ve never missed a day. I swear.”

  He froze. “I’ve never had sex without a condom.”

  I giggled. “I have.”

  He swatted my ass once more, and this time, there was enough force that it stung for a second before the spot glowed hot. Oh, hell yeah. I was going to need him to spank me properly before I left his bed for good.

  “I’m being serious, Hope.”

  “So am I. If you want it, go get it. But…” I shrugged. “I don’t need it.”

  One glance at his face told him he wanted what I was offering and he wanted it bad.

  Jake blew out a long breath, then shifted, reaching down and gripping his cock, placing the head at my opening. “I have some lubrication.” He ran one finger over my slit, then chuckled. “But it doesn’t feel like we need it.”

  I started to turn over, but he held me in place. “This way,” he said.

  I knew his game immediately. He was determined to give me exactly what I asked for and no more.

  I sucked in a deep breath when I felt the head of his dick nudging at my opening. Jake moved slowly. I was wet and hot and the orgasms earlier had only scratched the surface of my needs. I wanted this, wanted him.

  He slid in slowly, filling me in a beautifully tight, not painful way.

  I shivered and whispered, “God. Yes.”

  Jake stopped, but I didn’t have enough of him—nowhere near enough.

  I pushed my hips backwards, several more inches slipping in before he gripped my waist to stop me. “Sweetheart,” he murmured.

  “More,” I demanded, shifting back again, more of him filling me as I groaned with delight.

  “Dammit, Hope. Wait.”

  “No.” I was through with waiting. I’d spent the last six years devoting myself to my son, my studies. Tonight was for me and I wanted everything he had to give me, every thick, delicious inch. Reaching behind me, I wrapped my hand around his cock. There was still a good six inches left to go. I wanted him. All of him.

  “I’m trying really hard not to hurt you, sweetheart, but I’m only human and—”

  I released him as I bent forward at the waist, moving the top part of my body away from him, until we were lying on our sides, positioned doggy style, then I pushed back harder, faster.

  “Oh my God,” I yelled. “Yes. Jesus. Yes.”

  One of Jake’s hands was hard on my hip, the fingers digging in, but it didn’t feel like he was trying to hold me back anymore. When he said, “Get up on your hands and knees,” in a husky, gravelly voice, I knew I’d won.

  We shifted into the new position with him still buried deep inside me. Every move we made was exquisite torture.

  Once I was on my hands and knees, I looked over my shoulder to where he knelt behind me.

  He was breathing hard, holding back, still playing the gentleman.

  “How do you want it?” I asked, repeating the same question he’d posed to me only a couple hours earlier.

  His eyes narrowed and he started to shake his head.

  “Hard and fast it is,” I said as I slid forward, pulling away from his dick until only the head remained. Then I shifted backwards, gasping when I’d taken in even more than before. He was buried deep, so fucking deep, and I loved it. Loved the stretch, the burn.

  I started to repeat the motion, but Jake’s leash slipped. He wasn’t a passive lover. He’d proven that in our first two encounters. I’d finally pushed him to his breaking point, to the place where the dominant lover took of the kid gloves and gave both of us exactly what we wanted.


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