Three Steps to Hell

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Three Steps to Hell Page 16

by Mike Holman

  He hadn’t yet decided when to go to Colmar Grounds but felt it would have to be at about 3 in the morning, preferably a clear night so that the moon would cast some light on the precarious steps down towards the caves and sea. He would watch the weather forecast over the next few days and make a decision when everything looked right.

  Evans was far from Tom’s mind at the moment because he had decided to take his day off. He felt a bit guilty because he had asked Sweetface and Martin to work their rest days so they could work closely with the Alpington team but they were quite happy to work overtime, both needed the extra cash. Tom had taken up Jenny Ryan’s offer of dinner at her home. Jenny was a wonderful cook and great company and he needed someone to take his mind totally off Maria Peterson, Evans and Colmar Grounds. Jenny had put a bottle of Rioja on the table and both had eaten and drunk very sufficiently, in fact Tom had never seen Jenny so free with her intake of wine.

  “Are you okay Jenny, you sound a little tipsy?”

  “No, I’m fine Tom, just need some dutch courage.”

  Tom frowned and said, “For God’s sake why? We’ve been friends for years, you don’t need dutch courage to have dinner with me.”

  “It’s not the dinner I need dutch courage for Tom.”

  “Well what then?”

  “It’s because of what happened the last time we were together.”

  “That was lovely, I told you don’t worry about it.”

  “No, Tom, you see I can never say how I feel, I am always too shy, I wish I was more outgoing. Perhaps I thought wine would help me.”

  “Help you with what Jenny?”

  “Help me say how I feel.”

  “Just say it, you can say what you like to me, anything at all.”

  Jenny was thoughtful for a moment then suddenly out of nowhere she plucked up the courage.

  “Make love to me Tom. I have wanted you for so long. Please take me upstairs and make love to me.”

  Tom didn’t at first know what to say. Christ, he thought, I have no sexual activity for years and suddenly I’m the most desirable man in Brampton! Tom’s thoughts of how to reply were interrupted by Jenny approaching him in the chair he was sitting on. She bent down and started kissing him very tenderly on the lips. It was good, sensual and uncomplicated and Tom for once went with the flow. Perhaps Maria Peterson had loosened him up because the next thing he knew he was being led upstairs by Jenny and suddenly found himself in her bedroom. He looked at her.

  “Jenny I’m not the honourable fine man you think I am you know.”

  She didn’t know where she plucked up the courage from but said,

  “Shut up Tom. Just make love to me now, I can’t remember what it feels like. Remind me, awaken my feelings.”

  With that she unbuckled his belt and started to undress him. It was a long long time since she had had a naked man in her bedroom and Tom had a fine body and was the man she had wanted for many years. Tom was amazed at how tender, loving and adventurous she was. She wasn’t a naturally sexy or beautiful woman like Maria but she was incredibly anxious to please in every way. This was the last scenario Tom had expected at this moment in his life but damn it, it felt good and he was enjoying it.

  He found himself continually comparing Jenny to Maria, he knew he shouldn’t be but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help imagining it was Maria in the bed with him. He felt a little guilty for a minute and then threw caution to the wind. Thank God she can’t read my mind, he thought to himself. He continued to imagine she was Maria. Jenny couldn’t have cared what he was thinking because she was in seventh heaven.

  Having both had an energetic and amazingly satisfying experience they lay in bed together, whether it was the wine, the sex or just pure exhaustion, both fell asleep in a tender embrace. After about an hour Jenny woke and realised that Misty hadn‘t been out for her last wee of the day prior to bed. Misty was with her more than with Tom these days because of his hours. She went downstairs, let Misty out then returned to the bedroom. She stood at the door just smiling as she looked at Tom, naked and asleep in her bed. How she had dreamt of this day, thank you bottle of wine she thought to herself. I never would have had the courage to say what I said tonight without that Rioja.

  She climbed in next to Tom and gently stroked his chest. He was fast asleep. Perfect she thought, absolutely perfect and drifted off to sleep next to him.

  Tom awoke at about 7am completely disorientated. He was at a complete loss as to where he was for a few seconds. He turned over and saw Jenny smiling at him, lying next to him in bed.

  “Morning Tom.”

  “Morning Jenny. Oh, we were a bit naughty weren’t we?”

  “No, it was lovely, nothing naughty about it Tom. I have dreamt of this day for a long time. I’m going to get up and spoil you rotten with a full fried breakfast, the complete works.”

  “Wow, thanks Jen. You know me, anything for a fried breakfast.”

  “Mmm, might hold you to that Tom.”

  “Well almost anything, I don’t think I’ve got the energy for a replay.”

  “Nor have I Tom, I’m completely satisfied I can assure you.”

  “Help yourself if you want a shower, I will go and do breakfast.”

  Tom got himself showered and dressed and went downstairs to be greeted by a fine feast of a breakfast. Orange juice, coffee, large fry up, toast, the works. Misty looked on in awe as Tom tucked in to some beautifully lean and tender bacon. Tom felt sure that Misty was looking at him in a disapproving way as if she knew what the two of them had been up to the night before. Jenny’s voice brought him immediately back to reality.

  “Don’t worry about Misty, Tom, I’ll keep her here for a few days as you’re so busy and do all her walks. It does me good to get out for long walks, I enjoy the fresh air and she’s great company for me.”

  “Thanks Jenny that’s a great help, I have a feeling it’s going to be a busy few days.”

  “What time do you have to be in the office?”

  “About 9ish, I’ll pop next door and shave in a bit.”

  Tom popped home quickly to shave and get ready for work. Whilst shaving he looked at himself in the mirror, well don’t know how you’re doing it old mate but by God you’re not short of offers of sex these days, he thought to himself.

  He had thoroughly enjoyed his night with Jenny, she was a very caring, tender and lovely woman but he knew he didn’t feel the same for her as he did for Maria.

  As soon as Tom got into the office there seemed to be a queue of people wanting to talk to him. After his usual morning 10 minutes with the DI the first person he wanted to see was Dave Sweeting to get a full update on Evans, Colmar Grounds and the McDonald murder.

  “Sweetface, in my office please.”

  “That sounds serious Sarge.”

  “No I just want to get up to speed with what’s been happening.”

  Dave Sweeting, Martin and the Detectives from Alpington certainly hadn’t been idle and Tom was fully briefed. A phone tap had not been granted in respect of Evans and Dorsey who had been put forward as suspects in relation to McDonald’s murder. The powers to be considered there to be insufficient evidence at present to justify such an invasion of privacy. The Alpington team were having some joy in relation to Davidson and had established that he was probably still employed by Rashid at Colmar Grounds but still couldn’t house him, something which they wanted to achieve prior to going to arrest him.

  Just before leaving Tom’s office Sweetface was interrupted by Martin who put a crime intelligence print out in front of him and left the room. Dave Sweeting took several minutes to read it while Tom made a quick phone call, then looked up at Tom and said “Bingo, I think I have a good idea what’s going on now Tom.”

  Tom looked puzzled, “Well go on Dave fill me in.”

  “You know the farmer at East Point had seen some comings and goings on CCTV that he thought might interest me.”


  “Well Evans ca
n be seen as the driver in one of their lorries. Also one vehicle, a large Mercedes with blacked out windows, was on two tapes that I looked at. The angle of the camera enabled the Technical Support guys to enhance the number plate so we got a number. This print out that Martin has just given me relates to that car. And…”

  Tom was becoming very intrigued because he could see the excitement on Dave Sweeting’s face. Sweetface continued,

  “…It only belongs to one of the biggest names in cocaine dealing in the UK. There are pages and pages of information about the owner, one Philip Lucas. I will have a good read through in a while but just scanning it, it looks like he’s a guy who is constantly watched by RCS, NCIS, Customs and Excise and the Met drugs unit but is almost always one step ahead and virtually untouchable. Obviously a clever well connected man. I’ll run a copy off for you to read Tom. That’s got to be it Tom, coke!! All that security at Colmar Grounds, the wealth, the strange goings on, a perfect position for deliveries by sea, a very convenient transport company. Missing husband, dead man dumped at sea, I think we’ve hit the jackpot here Sarge.”

  Tom let out a big sigh, sat back in his chair, looked at Sweetface and said “Oh fuck.”

  “Sarge, I thought you’d be over the moon, it’s all coming together, although I don’t know how the likes of a small time nothing thief like Evans figures in it, unless he’s just been sticking his nose in where he shouldn’t.”

  “No Dave, you don’t understand. It’s time you and I had a long talk. Shut the door and prepare for a bit of a complicated story and probably a bit of a shock!”

  Sweetface looked puzzled, got up, shut the door to the office and sat back down opposite Tom.

  “Before I start Dave, what I am going to tell you doesn’t go outside this office, you’ll be the only person I tell this to and I trust your discretion and the fact that you will not repeat it to anyone and I mean no-one!”

  “Fine Sarge, you know you only have to say that once, my lips will be sealed, if you can’t trust me who can you trust?”

  “Quite, that’s why I’m telling you and only you.”

  Tom then related to Dave Sweeting exactly what had been happening between himself and Maria Peterson. After he had finished telling the story both men sat there looking at each other.

  “Sweetface you haven’t said anything.”

  “I don’t know what to say Sarge. Fucking hell comes to mind, so does lucky bastard. Don’t beat yourself up though Tom it shows you’re human after all, what man could resist that beauty?”

  “I should have done, what a fucking mess Dave. The worst thing is I think I’ve been falling in love with this woman.”

  “Oh shit, that’s serious.”

  “Just my fucking luck Dave, going to have to tread very carefully from here.”

  “Just back completely out of the enquiry Sarge and leave it to us, have nothing more to do with it.”

  “And how do I explain that to Barry Lowe, Superintendent Davies and the Alpington lot? What, admit things which will completely discredit the reputation I have worked so hard to build over all these years? I don’t think so.”

  “Good point.”

  Both were thoughtful for a moment then Tom spoke again,

  “No Dave, I’ve got to pursue this, it will probably break my heart if she’s involved, but I think there’s a strong possibility that she is in some way or another. She has been very evasive about several things but my personal urges and lack of self control have caused me to ignore it.”

  “Hey, Sarge, as I said you’re human. Don’t beat yourself up. Was it good?”

  “Bloody hell, yes! Fantastic isn’t even a good enough word to describe it.”

  “Well, look at that side of it. You had a great time and whatever happens next I’ll do my best to support you to make sure that any embarrassment is minimised as much as possible.”

  “Thanks Dave, this could get very messy you know, bearing in mind what you have found out and the possible calibre of the people involved.”

  “Yes I know Tom, bring it on, that’s what I say, you and I have got through worse.”

  “That’s true,” said Tom now laughing a little. Both then spent a few moments reminiscing about difficult situations they had helped each other through over the years.

  “So where from here Sarge?”

  “Read all that intelligence you have there. Keep the Alpington lot fully briefed and busy. Tell them I am personally concentrating on delving further at Colmar Grounds and that they are not to do any enquiries there without first speaking to me. Surveillance on Evans and Dorsey whenever possible and see if you can get some sort of surveillance OP, (observation point), on the entrance to Colmar Grounds. This will be very difficult Dave but see what you can do and let me know if you need any more manpower. Tell the others there’s some overtime going. I will clear it with the DI.”

  “Will do Sarge and hey, don’t fret, we’ll sort this out, you’ll come out of it unscathed and smelling of roses.”

  “Cheers mate, the really upsetting thing is I’ve got really strong feelings for her. Three steps to hell Sweetface –

  1 Let cock rule brain and fall stupidly in love with a rich, powerful and beautiful woman.

  2 Ignore suspicions, common sense, morals and professionalism.

  3 Risk ruining your hard earned reputation, career and pension.

  Trust me to hit the jackpot with all three.”

  “It’ll all sort itself out Sarge, no need for anyone else to know hopefully,” Dave said in an effort to raise the mood. With that he left the office.

  Personally Sweetface was very excited and totally fired up with this inquiry. Brampton wasn’t the busiest of towns as far as high level crime was concerned. He had always fancied a move to a Specialist Squad like the Regional Crime Squad or Drug Squad. Unfortunately though he felt he had never had a decent chance to prove himself and for that reason didn’t perform well at selection boards when asked to outline his policing experience. He had always felt he needed to notch up some top arrests, a difficult scenario in sleepy Brampton.

  Perhaps this is my chance to shine at last, he thought to himself. But I don’t want to do anything to embarrass or compromise Tom. Never thought he had it in him.

  Within a few hours Dave had been in touch with the farmer at East Point Farm and organised an OP in an old outbuilding in the corner of one of his fields, which adjoined the Peterson’s land. A broken wooden panel in one side of the building offered a great view over the entrance gate area to Colmar Grounds which would afford excellent observation potential to cover any vehicular approach to Colmar Grounds.

  Staffing it 24/7 was going to be more difficult to achieve. However, with a combination of CID and Uniform Officers hungry for overtime he managed to set up a draft rota and was sure he could have it up and running the following day. Getting to and from the farm without rousing suspicion had also perplexed Sweetface, however this had been resolved by the farmer lending him an old Landrover which would easily be discounted as connected with the farm.

  Tom had been back out to Colmar grounds to take up Maria’s offer of meeting and talking to Rashid about the motorcyclists and Evans. Rashid, as expected had been totally vague and unhelpful. As regards the two bikers, he explained that he regularly used casual labour in what he termed as his warehouse, (one of the very large old barns), to move heavy objects, tidy up and help load or unload the occasional lorries. He claimed that they had just done a few hours here and there, paid them in cash and never took any details other than names. He felt sure Tom wouldn’t take him to task about employment law.

  When Tom broached the subject of McDonald being washed up in Alpington’s area dead, Rashid appeared completely uninterested and stated that both McDonald and Davidson were of dubious background, fighters and drinkers and that they had probably annoyed the wrong people. These things happen he had exclaimed casually. Rashid added that Davidson no longer worked for him and he had no idea of his whereabouts,
something that Tom was fairly sure was not true. Tom shrewdly handed Rashid a piece of paper from his clipboard and asked Rashid to write down his full details for him in order that Tom could get both fingerprints from the paper and a hand writing sample for future reference. As regards Evans, Rashid explained that he had come to them via an agency as a temporary driver but they dismissed him as a result of him not turning up for work for 2 days. Rashid stated that he had heard Evans was not fit for work due to a serious injury in a pub brawl. He further stated that he felt sure that Evans would have got pally with the two bikers as he would have got to know them whilst working there.

  “Perhaps Evans is the man who killed your biker Sergeant,” Rashid boldly claimed.

  After a few more questions Tom thanked Rashid for his time explaining that he would be in touch and Rashid left the room.

  Luckily Maria was very busy and didn’t seem to have a lot of time for chit chat which suited Tom down to the ground, bearing in mind the position he now found himself in.


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