Loving Her

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Loving Her Page 14

by Tracy Reed

“So, how are we doing?” Dr. Jameson asked.

  “WHERE ARE MY DRUGS?” I demanded.

  “Let me see what’s going on first.” He walked to the front of the bed, placed my feet in the stirrups, pulled the sheet back and went on his little exploration. “Oh my.”

  “OH MY. WHAT THE CRAP!” He lowered my feet and pulled the sheet back down. Then he read my chart and the baby’s heart rate monitor. “WHERE ARE MY DRUGS?” I demanded again.

  “Where’s your mother?” he asked.

  “She’s on her way. She and Daddy went to…WHAT THE CRAP!”

  “They’re on their way from Napa. I called them after we hung up with you,” Bas replied.

  “Is he your birthing coach?”

  “No. My birthing coach is out of town.”

  He turned to Bas. “We need to get you ready.”

  “For what?”

  “From the looks of things, unless her coach is around the corner, she’s going to need your help.”

  “What! I don’t know nothing…”

  “I hear it all the time. You don’t know nothin’ ‘bout birthing babies. It’s a good thing I do. I need you to help her.” All the color drained from Bas’ face. “Son, now is not the time for you to panic.”

  Bas grabbed his knees and started breathing hard. “Where are the good drugs?” he asked.

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “Not for me. For her. There’s no way I can do this without her being on drugs.”

  “Come with me, and we’ll get you changed.” He followed the doctor to the sitting area of my suite. I tried to hear their conversation, but I couldn’t.. A few seconds later I heard the door close.


  Chapter Twenty-Six


  * * *


  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m calling Alex.” It went straight to voice mail. I pressed the other number frantically waiting for someone to answer.

  “Hey man, what’s up?”

  “Where’s Alex?” I was trying to be calm.

  “She’s right here. Hold on. Sweetheart, it’s Bas.”

  “What’s up?” she asked.


  “Why are you yelling at me?”

  I took a deep breath. “Where are you?”

  “Newport Beach. Why, what’s up?”

  “Chloe’s in labor.”

  “What? She’s not due for a month.”

  “Well I’m standing in a luxury birthing suite in scrubs.”



  “Calm down. Where’s her mother?”

  I started pacing. “On her way from Napa.”

  “Call my mom.”


  “Calm down. We’re on our way. Where’s the doctor?”

  “I don’t know. He told me to get changed and he’d be back.” I walked further down the hall. “We’ve got a problem.”

  “Is something wrong with the baby?”

  “The doctor said it’s too late for drugs.”


  “Alex, that’s my ear.”

  “Tell me everything.”

  “When I told the doctor her parents were on the way, he said when they get here their grandson would be here to welcome them.”

  “Oh crap. Did you bring her bags?”


  “I need you to calm down. I packed a lot of those flameless candles, a pillow, an iPad with a playlist and some pictures. Put everything around the room, and then dim the lights. Once she’s calmed down, tell her about the drugs. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Hurry.”I walked back into the room.


  “You look good like that.” Chloe smiled.

  “He’s big.” I sat rocking Parker. “Especially his head.” We laughed.

  “Ouch. Don’t make me laugh.”

  “Sorry. The doctor said you’re going to be sore for a little while.”

  “If I had the energy, I’d kick you and him both.”

  “It’s not my fault he had to cut you. Blame it on your big head baby daddy.” We laughed.

  “Look at all that hair.” I placed him in Chloe’s arms. “My grandmother says it’s the hair that causes the indigestion and heart burn. I thought it was the anchovies.”

  “Don’t fool yourself. The anchovies played their part too.” We laughed.

  “I told you, it hurts when I laugh.” She brushed Parker’s hair and looked at me. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  I kissed her forehead. “Don’t fool yourself. That was all you. I think it was knowing there were no drugs that helped.” He laughed.

  “I told you, don’t make me laugh.”

  I heard a knock on the door. “Can we come in?” We looked at the doorway and it was Alex and Moses.

  “I see Bas is still alive, so I take it everything went well,” Alex teased, as they approached the bed. Alex kissed Chloe on the forehead.

  “Meet your godson, Parker Alexander Sebastian Jacobs.” Chloe looked at me and winked.

  “Can I hold him?” Alex took him out of her arms. “Hi Parker. I’m your Auntie Alex and this is your Uncle Moses. Chloe, he’s beautiful. Look at all that hair. What happened?”

  “After my last call, Parker got a little impatient. I walked back in here and the doctor said it was time to push, but…” I looked at Chloe and we started laughing. “His head got stuck. The doctor had to do an episiotomy.”

  “And then he slid out,” Chloe finished my statement.

  “What are his stats?” Moses asked.

  “Ten pounds, twelve ounces, twenty two inches,” I replied.

  “Dang, Chloe. It’s a wonder he was able to come out,” Alex teased.

  “Can I hold him?” Moses asked. Alex placed Parker in his arms. “Look Baby, he’s smiling.”

  She brushed the side of Moses’ face and kissed him. “Makes you want one of your own.”

  He kissed her. “In time.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  * * *

  WHEN WE GOT MARRIED, MOSES said we’d wait about six weeks before taking our honeymoon. Well, six weeks turned into almost six months. After comparing our schedules, the only free time we both had was early summer. I didn’t want to wait that long, so I made the sacrifice and skipped Paris fashion week so we could take our honeymoon before our first anniversary. I tried to make it seem like I was making a huge effort, but who was I kidding? The choice was easy. As much as I love what I do, I love my husband much more.

  Moses planned everything. I was pretty much open…except for no camping, nothing too rustic, and cell service and WiFi were a must.

  We’re in a much better place since our little getaway. He no longer hides out in his office and I only stay late at the store a couple of nights a week. On the nights I work late, Moses comes and works in my office while I’m down on the sales floor. And when we’re home, he only works a couple of hours after dinner. He said he’s gotten his writing mojo back.

  He met his deadline, but he didn’t let me read the rough draft of his new book. But, he said his editor and agent were pleased with his new style. I was excited because it meant neither of us had a reason not to have an amazing stress free trip.

  We flew back to New York after Milan Fashion Week, but we had to immediately fly out to LaCasa because Dionne was in labor. I really wanted to be there for her, especially since I missed coaching Chloe with Parker. Thanks to Dionne’s extended labor, we were able to make it to the hospital before she gave birth. After eighteen hours of labor, beautiful baby girl, Ella Simone Burke, arrived. She had her mother’s reddish brown hair, her dad’s coloring and her Aunt Chloe’s lungs. I think she was the loudest baby in the nursery. We spent the day with the new f
amily, sealed up the house, and headed back to New York.

  Moses promised our honeymoon would be romantic. He also said the location was so private, we could be clothes-free if we chose. He also said it would be restful. I don’t know how much rest we’ll get, because I am as frisky as a cat in heat. I came up with this brilliant idea that we should abstain the week before our honeymoon, so it would almost be like our wedding night. What was I thinking?

  Moses had been torturing me all week. Prancing around the house half naked, rubbing up against me in bed, sending me sexy love notes, offering to wash my back in the shower, and kissing that sweet spot behind my ear. I almost broke a couple of days ago. I went down to his office and let him feel me up. Just as his hand was about to hit my sweet spot, I backed off. I think he may have gotten a little upset with me, but I really wanted our honeymoon to be special.

  Then to make it worse, he offered to make me a member of the PJ Mile High Club. His reasoning was, once we boarded the plane, we were officially on our honeymoon. I almost took him up on his offer, but I really wanted our first honeymoon encounter to be at the resort. Not over the friendly skies. However, I did plan to earn my membership on the return flight.

  The resort sent a Maybach to pick us up. The minute the car took off, I broke. I raised the privacy screen and climbed onto Moses’ lap. From the way he felt pressing against me, he was ready to get our honeymoon started as well.

  I crushed my lips against his, buried my tongue deep inside his mouth, and kissed him hard. I slipped my hands under his shirt, brushed his nipple and his breath caught.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Enjoying myself.” I kissed his neck.

  “I thought you wanted to wait until we got to the resort?”

  I moved my mouth up to his ear and whispered, “I’m not wearing knickers,” followed by a gentle tug on his ear with my teeth.

  He eased his hands under my dress and cleared his throat. “So you aren’t.”

  I scooted up closer on his lap, eased my hand down the front of his shorts and whispered, “Baby, please, I really…”

  “Don’t start something you aren’t prepared to finish,” he warned.

  “I’m prepared.” I kissed him.

  “I thought you wanted to wait?”

  I leaned back, untied my dress and watched as his eyes got darker. “Wanna play?” I tilted my head, licked my lips and gave him a wicked smile.

  He looked me up and down. Those gorgeous light brown eyes were dark as coal, meaning he was aroused. “I see someone went shopping.”

  “Like it?” I brushed my finger along the light blue lace covering my breast.

  “They’re…I mean it’s…uhm…”

  I bit my bottom lip, pressed myself against him, and whispered, “It’s our honeymoon, and I want you to…”

  “I think you were right. We should wait until we get to the resort.”

  I leaned back and looked at him. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. You said you wanted to wait until we got to the resort to make love.”

  I climbed off his lap, adjusted my clothes, and sat on the other end of the seat. He reached for my hand and I pushed his hand away. “No touching until we get to the resort.” How dare he take my words literally. I crossed my legs, put on my sunglasses, and looked out the window.

  The car pulled up in front of the resort and I was awestruck to see such a beautiful place so close to the jungles of Africa. The remoteness was perfect for a honeymoon. The driver got out, opened Moses’ door. He got out, walked around and helped me out of the car.

  He closed the door. “Welcome to the Seychelles.”

  “Thank you.” I looked around the exterior and it was beautiful. “It looks just like the website.” I refused to let my excitement show because I was still a little upset about what didn’t happen in the car. Moses tried to reach for my hand, but I brushed past him. “Where’s the lobby?”

  He smiled. “Follow the stone pathway.”

  I followed the stones to the large single door, and the driver followed behind us with the bags. I looked up, and there was an average height, dark skinned, bald gentleman dressed in a white short sleeve shirt and white linen city shorts.

  “Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Adair. I’m Elijah, your Butler.” He shook our hands.

  “Hello,” I replied, and continued inside.

  “Hello, Elijah,” Moses said.

  “How was your flight, sir?”

  “Smooth,” Moses answered.

  “You’re all checked in. Here are your keys.” He handed Moses the keys.

  “Thank you.”

  I looked around the beautiful villa. It was just as Moses said…spacious, private with a pool and a small kitchen. There was a very small garden between our villa and the beach, giving us just the right amount of privacy when we were on the lower patio.

  “I’ll have Daniel take your bags to the main dressing room. Everything has been arranged per your instructions.”

  “Thank you,” Moses replied.

  A petite, dark, mature woman appeared. She was in a white linen short sleeved smock dress, holding a bamboo tray with two tropical looking drinks. “This is Ona, your housekeeper.”

  “Hello.” I smiled.

  “Hello.” She smiled and stepped closer, and presented us the tray. We each took a glass.

  “Thank you. What is it?” I asked.

  “White sangria,” Ona replied.

  “This is good.”

  “Thank you,” Moses said.

  I hoped Ona wouldn’t be popping up like that for the next couple of weeks. Once I was over being ticked with Moses, I planned on being a spontaneous, wild honeymooner.

  “Will there be anything else?” Elijah asked.

  Moses looked at me. “Babe, do you need anything?”

  The only thing I need is for him to do what he refused to do in the car. “Not right now.” I walked over and stood next to Moses. He tried to grab my hand and I brushed it away. “Is the restaurant still open for lunch?”

  “Yes, I can arrange a table for you. What time?”

  I looked at Moses. “I want to shower and change, about an hour.”

  “I’ll get right on it.”

  “Thank you,” Moses replied.

  Elijah handed each of us a cream business card and an iPhone. “Use these to reach me for anything. We don’t make our guest fit our schedule. We are here for you. When you want the room cleaned, room service, a car, call me, and I’ll send Ona to tidy things up, and Daniel will take you wherever you want to go.”

  Moses and I looked at each other. I felt a lot better knowing Ona wouldn’t be popping up unannounced. “Thank you,” we said in unison.

  “Enjoy your stay. While you are at lunch, Ona and I will get you unpacked.”

  “That won’t be…”

  “Mrs. Adair, we are at your service.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll go handle your lunch reservation, and we will return to get you settled.”

  “Thank you,” we said in unison as he opened the door and they left.

  “So, what do you think?” Moses asked.

  “It’s beautiful. Where’s the bathroom?” I started to walk away.

  “Are you still upset with me?” He grabbed my hand, pulled me to his chest and wrapped his hands around my waist.

  He kissed my neck and my breath caught. “Stop Moses…” He kissed my neck again. “Moses…”

  “Do you really want me to stop?” he hummed. He eased his hands down the side of my legs and under my skirt. The heat of his large hands traveled up my behind and made it difficult for me to stay angry. “You said,” he kissed my shoulder, and the feel of his lips connecting with my skin sent a shudder down my spine. He squeezed my behind and my resolve started to crack. Damn him. He knows I like it when he does that. “When we got here, we could…”

  “Shut up.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and crushed my lips against his.

lifted me up and walked us into the bedroom. We fell onto the bed, rolling around, kissing and touching, and then the phone rang with a familiar ringtone. “What the crap!” He started laughing. “Ignore it.” I tried to pull him back down.

  He climbed off me, stood up and took his shirt off. The phone kept ringing. “If you don’t answer it, she’ll just call me.” He walked into the bathroom.

  “Not fair,” I shouted.

  “Answer your phone.”

  I got up and answered my phone. “Hi Mama…we just checked in…it’s beautiful…uhm, we were…no…going to get lunch…uh-huh, uh-huh…how was it…really…is that what you all think…uh-huh, uh-huh…that was nice of him…you did, okay…okay…I trust you guys…we will…I will…let her know, thanks…love you…bye.” I pressed the End Call button, tossed my phone onto the bed, started undressing while I hurried into the bathroom. I looked up and Moses was drying off.

  “How’s Mom Connie?”

  “She sends her love.” I started fumbling with his towel. “Can you wash my back?”

  He kissed me. “Later.”

  I stepped back and looked at him. “What’s going on?”

  He walked out to the bedroom, opened his suitcase and pulled out a sarong. He dropped his towel and my eyes immediately traveled the length of him. I’d lost my train of thought as I was looking at him, covering his naked body in lotion.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Uhm…” I shook my head. “Why don’t you want to make love?”


  “You know what…forget it…I’m going to take a shower.”

  My shower was the perfect pick me up after that sixteen hour flight. For my first day in paradise, I put on a bright yellow Eres bikini bottom and my pink and white sarong tied around my neck. I grabbed my sunglasses and headed out to join Moses.

  When I got to the doorway leading outside, I looked up and froze. The view was even more spectacular framing my gorgeous dark chocolate husband. My eyes weren’t sure what to focus on…Moses or the clear ocean view. I took a deep breath and decided it was no contest…him. He turned around, smiled, and motioned for me to join him. I started walking toward him and he met me half way, wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.


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