From the Embers (The Born in Flames Trilogy)

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From the Embers (The Born in Flames Trilogy) Page 29

by Candace Knoebel

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t try to scare us into anything since you technically can’t kill her,” Fenn shot off.

  The Counsel clicked his teeth. “Don’t be too hasty in your thinking, youngling. When Zordon is killed, Saeth could very easily end your existence.”

  “That would be stupid,” I fired back. “Don’t back me into a corner.” I pulled on my necklace, showing the vial with the remaining elixir in it.

  The Counsel laughed heartily. “Like you could get that into him,” he said, thoroughly amused.

  “I got it into Zordon, didn’t I?”

  The look on his face vanished.

  “Is that all? Can we get back to our quest now?” Fenn stood, finally able to get to his feet.

  Saeth’s voice rang out. The Counsel rolled his eyes. “One more thing,” he added. “It seems you both will be granted your titles.”

  Fenn and I looked at each other.

  “I hereby award each of you the title of Archion Mage,” he said dully before turning to leave the room. I wondered where they were going and where they other Fates were. Where Iliana was? Did she know? Was she pleased?

  As Fenn pulled me into a hug, I thought back to the night so long ago when I was scared and lost, not understanding why The Fates were after me. Why they didn’t just take one of us out?

  Because Iliana was a genius.

  Chapter 24

  The Edge of Battle

  “CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME up?” Zane croaked, inches away from us. The breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding rushed out of me. We did it. We really did it.

  Fenn jumped up and lent Zane a hand, pulling him to his feet. “What happened to you two?” He hugged Zane and Lexi.

  “You mean before or after the beating from the Demon?” Zane said, rubbing his arm that was in the process of healing.

  “Look, I’m sorry—” Fenn started.

  “No need,” Zane said, putting his hand up to halt Fenn’s words. “We managed. Lexi’s a lot stronger than I thought. After kicking the Demon’s ass, she brought us back here.” He turned and threw his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into a brotherly hug.

  Her cheeks reddened a little. “It was nothing,” she said, eyes dropping to the floor. “We weren’t supposed to go any further, and we weren’t dead so we didn’t belong there. My magic simply allowed us to port back here.”

  “Which is when we ran into even deeper trouble,” Zane finished for her, the cuts on his face fading before my eyes.

  “All because of you,” Lexi snickered.

  This time it was Zane who blushed.

  “What happened?” I asked, looking between them.

  “He was curious,” Lexi answered with a sidelong look in his direction. Zane looked away from us, his expression plummeting.

  “For?” I asked.

  “He found his Oraculus.”

  “What?” Fenn said.

  Zane looked back at us, his expression odd. Remorsefully odd. “I just wanted to sneak a peek,” he tried to justify, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

  “I thought you couldn’t read it unless you were dead.” I thought back to the first night Lexi had visited me in the other realm when she had explained all the rules to me.

  A small smile picked up at the corners of his mouth. “Technically, I did die.”

  My mouth sort of fell open. “So then…you were able to read it?” I thought I saw sadness flash in his eyes right before he looked away from me. It made my stomach tingle in a sickening way.

  “Sort of.” His answer was short and to the point, and his tone suggested he didn’t want to discuss it.

  “Because of his prying eyes, we were assaulted by the remaining Celestians, those who weren’t taken by Zordon. It was a crazy-losing battle until Saeth showed up. And then you guys appeared.”

  After a long moment of silence, Zane wondered out loud, “Can you believe it?”

  “It makes sense,” Fenn admitted.

  “Everything makes more sense now,” I agreed.

  “So where did he go?” Zane asked, rubbing his shoulder.

  “I don’t know. Back to the other Fates?” I guessed. I grabbed the crystal from around my neck and whispered the words for Kaede.


  “It is done,” I said, my grip tight around the necklace.

  “That news couldn’t come at a better time. We are under attack,” Kaede said, his voice restrained.

  “Where should we meet?”

  “At the barrier. We are currently trying to port there. Are you okay?”

  I hesitated. I wanted to talk to Astral. I wanted to tell him everything. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, deciding to wait.

  “See you at the barrier,” Kaede said, and then the connection broke.

  They watched me, the mood shifting. This was it. This was the moment we had been waiting for. The New Dawn.

  “I feel like I have waited forever for this moment, but now that it is here, it feels like it has arrived too fast,” Lexi said as she pushed a piece of rubble away from her.

  “I know what you mean,” Zane said. “For so long, I thought I would be fighting for my father, and now here I am, in this Hall,” he said, looking around. “I never thought I would see this place.” His words were filled with great meaning. He was better than he thought he was. I knew this. And by being around me, he knew this too. I gave him a half-hearted smile. There was an exchange of understanding between our smiles.

  “We should get going,” I said, standing. Fenn took my hand, kissed the back of it, and then wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  I felt different. Like there was this huge amount of love inside of my soul. Like the shadows that Zordon had created had been cast away from me. I felt complete. This was the way it was always meant to be. As I looked in Fenn’s sparkling blue eyes, I knew that he was always meant to carry this bond.

  He was my soul mate.

  “Ready?” Lexi asked. We formed into a small circle.

  “More than ever,” I said.

  WE MET A BLACK SKY when we arrived at the rift. The edge of dawn was approaching, maybe an hour or so away, but there was no way to tell behind the swirling mess of dark gray clouds. My hands trembled at my side with the anticipation of the fight to come.

  The final battle.

  The four of us stood with our arms around each other, staring off into the destruction of what once was. The other realm, my old home, was no longer recognizable. It had turned into a vast wasteland.

  My heart stiffened. I squeezed Fenn’s hand, hoping we would make it through this. We had come so far with only one obstacle left in our way, and it was the worst obstacle of them all…Zordon.

  “Whatever happens, I want you all to know how grateful I am to have you as my family,” Zane said, staring straight ahead. I looked over at him, and he turned, sending me a meaningful smile.

  “We love you, brother,” Lexi spoke for all of us, ruffling his raven-colored hair. He laughed, his lips forming a permanent smile.

  “I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side,” I threw in. I wanted to say more, but the knot that had formed in my throat kept me from speaking.

  “What a ride,” Fenn added, pulling Lexi and me into him. She play-punched him in the side and then ruffled his hair too. Their laughter rang together. I wanted to laugh too but was stopped by the force compelling me to turn around.

  Astral was in my mind.

  I turned and found him alone, proudly smiling in my direction. “You did it.”

  “Not quite.” I looked up to the somber skies.

  He chuckled. “You know that it is always darkest before dawn. Don’t sell yourself short.”

  The others stopped laughing and turned.
“Astral!” Lexi shouted, running for him. It was the first time I had ever seen her act like herself around him.

  He was surprised by the strong hug she pulled him into and chuckled. “You’ve all done a magnificent job,” he praised.

  “I’d have to agree with you,” Zane said, laughing.

  “Where are Kaede and Lev?” Fenn asked.

  As if on command, they appeared. Kaede hadn’t been lying about the gathering. An endless sea of soldiers wearing armor with my family crest painted on the front stood ready to cross into the unknown for me.

  The Ancients held the outside of the formation in single file rows, their giant forms towering over the many Mages that stood at attention. In the center, Nymphs were dressed in silver-plated armor, and all around them were Sirens and Warlocks that must have come from Lev’s owed favors. I scanned our army until I had to use my dragon sight to see who stood beyond. Every race, every stature, every class—they were all here, brave and united.

  All except one.

  “The Priests?” I asked Astral as soon as I noticed their lack of presence.

  He shook his head no, frowning a little.

  “All of that for nothing,” I muttered, pressing my lips tight. What if Zordon had destroyed them? What if their last act was giving me the elixir? My heart felt like it was shrinking from all of the what ifs Zordon had caused. All of the lives he had stolen.

  “They survived, Little Flame,” Astral said, his tone bordering anger and disappointment.

  It was hard to swallow that piece of information. I wanted to be relieved they had survived, but not at the price of finding out they had cowered away from the battle that will determine the fate of the realms.

  “Progeny,” Kaede said as he and Lev walked up to us. Adam stood behind his father wearing a small smile.

  My brows rose. Please tell me something good.

  Kaede looked over at Lev, nodding for him to explain their findings. Lev cleared his throat, his hands resting on the hilt of his sword. He wore animal skins around his waist. When he looked up, his hazel eyes looked directly into mine.

  “As you can see, we were able to gather the alliances needed to strengthen our army. The favors owed to me were gladly paid with the returned hope of once again living in peace amongst one another. It’s well worth the fight.”

  “But the indestructible army,” I asked urgently.

  He smirked and stood a little taller. “A weakness was found through word in the Swamp, and we have prepared our forces. Though their skin is as thick as stone, they feel no pain, and their minds are immune to our spells, there is one thing Zordon forgot to include in his ‘creation’…free thinking. They are mindless and fight under the command of Na’shir. They are walking shells with no direction and no means to avoid a trap.”

  “What do you have in mind?” I asked, thinking of the promise I made to Irisi. It wasn’t looking like I would be able to keep it.

  “A grave big enough to swallow every last one,” he said with a smirk. He looked over his shoulder; I followed his gaze. Magic that smelled of the earth element radiated underneath the feet of each warrior. Lev turned back to me and smiled.

  “We will prevail,” Kaede added with a knowing grin. “We’ve come to fight for the New Dawn,” he continued, bending to one knee, “and a New Dawn we will see once again.” He and Adam bowed before me.

  “I owe you my life and more,” Lev said, his accent curling his words as he knelt down. This action caused a ripple effect throughout the sea of soldiers and supporters. They followed the movement, all bowing to the hope I brought. I glanced to my side and found Fenn, Zane, and Lexi bowing as well.

  My first instinct was to turn away, to hide behind someone, but I couldn’t. These people looked to me. In their eyes, I was their savior, even if I didn’t see it myself.

  “You are their savior, Little Flame. Now speak to them. Seal their hope and faith in you. Give them the encouragement they need before stepping into the battle for the realms,” Astral said in my mind.

  I found the top of his head lowered next to Kaede’s and took a deep breath. If there was ever a moment where I needed to be more than myself, it was now. I couldn’t back down. They had come this far, I had to meet them the rest of the way.

  I looked out into the crowd, pressing my shoulders back. “Our realm has sat in the darkness of Zordon’s evil for far too long. He has taken from us what is not his to take. He has robbed us of joy and peace, all as an act of revenge against The Fates. And we will suffer no more.

  “This fight will be the biggest fight of your life. We are not just fighting for peace, but for the end of a dark era. For the end of Zordon’s reign. You must look inside yourself and call upon the courage of a warrior now. Realize that fear is not our enemy. Our enemy is a man, like you and me, who once called himself immortal.”

  I closed my eyes, feeling rage boiling within me. The face of every being he had hurt passed through my mind, strengthening the knot in my heart. My face stiffened as I finished through clenched teeth.

  “Zordon is not untouchable. Every fight he has thrown my way, he has lost. He will continue to lose because we have what he doesn’t: unity, peace, courage, and love. Think of that as you cast down our enemies because I promise you, what lies on the other side of this battle is freedom from his darkness. What lies beyond this battle is peace. The New Dawn awaits us and we will take back what is ours!”

  Battle cries erupted as the entire army stood and shouted, clanging their swords against their shields, shooting off magic into the sky like fireworks. One man stepped out from the crowd, his lavender eyes sparkling with pride.


  He laid his staff on the ground and pulled me into a tight hug. Kaede took over the army, shouting out orders while Adam ported down the center of the troops, delivering more commands.

  “I’m so sorry I haven’t been here for you, Little Flame,” he whispered into my ear, rubbing the back of my hair. My eyes squeezed shut, locking in the overwhelming tears.

  “It’s okay, Dad. I miss her too,” I said, burying my head in his neck. Nothing could replace the warmth of a father’s hug. I tried to relish in the moment as I breathed in his comforting scent. “I didn’t think you would show.”

  “And miss the end of Zordon’s reign?” He chuckled and pulled me tighter before letting me go with a small peck on my forehead. “I am many things, but I am not a coward. I will stand beside you and fight for our New Dawn. Your mother would be so proud of you right now. There is so much of her in you.”

  Fenn came up behind us, tucking his daggers into their sheaths, and patted Myrdinn on the back. He gripped his shoulder and with a wide grin said, “You look good, Myrdinn.”

  “I feel good,” Myrdinn replied, squeezing the both of us. “Being on Lev’s guard has rejuvenated my spirits. He will be what our people need when this is finally over.” His face was less wrinkled, and his eyes were full of color.

  I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Soothe approaching. “Well done, Progeny,” he said dryly. His tuft of white hair blew softly against the chilling breeze. A glimmer of a smile sat at the corner of his lips.

  I smiled back at him. “It’s good to see you too.”

  His hands were folded behind his back when he leaned forward, just enough for me to hear, “You’ve managed to pull your weight. Maybe my silent ways work after all.” There was a small twinkle in his eye when he stood back up. Even if he didn’t want to say it out loud, he was proud of me.

  “Do you foresee anything good coming from this?” Astral chuckled from behind us.

  Soothe’s face grew serious. He turned and looked up at Astral’s giant form and said with a smirk, “I never saw past Aurora’s choice of saving Alexis or Fenn.”

  Our mouths fell open. “But I thought your power
s had been returned,” I said, speaking for all of us. “You hinted about the spectols.”

  “Bumping into you was just a matter of chance. I knew about the spectols from my own snooping,” Soothe said wisely.

  “You mean to tell me you have been leading me blind this whole time?”

  “No,” he clipped. “I guided you, hoping you would make the right choices, though I never knew what the choice would be for. I knew Fenn needed to live, I just didn’t know why. Not until now. I don’t think it was meant to be known.”

  He was right. Iliana needed to keep the truth behind Fenn’s role as my protector a secret. The attention placed on me kept his true purpose hidden. Without him, there would be no way of ridding the world of Zordon. And Lexi needed to become a Celestian because, without her, we would not have been able to do the things we had done.

  Would I have made the right choice had I known then? Would I have turned away, sealing the fate of the Draconta? I looked over at Soothe as he talked to Myrdinn and really saw him for all that he was. Was he planned out by Iliana as well? Another pawn in her elaborate scheme of fixing her brother’s mistake? So many questions rolled through my mind, but my thoughts quickly halted.

  Dark magic lit up the skies. Sounds of thunder and cries of pain ripped through the air. Our army fell into place, waiting for orders.

  It was time.

  Chapter 25

  A Lost Love

  “IT HAS BEGUN,” KAEDE SAID solemnly, stepping away from the army. The sun wasn’t quite ready to peek over the horizon when I turned to face my destiny.

  “Aurora,” Astral called. He looked out over the expanse below. My eyes followed nervously.

  Kaede was at the front of the line, shouting into the crowd of people separated into blocks of twenty-five. “On this day, we take back what is ours! We fight for a New Dawn! We fight for the Progeny!”


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