Wellington Series 2

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Wellington Series 2 Page 22

by Kris Pearson

  He sensed her swallowing his hot little mouthful and then felt her licking him clean as he leaned on the roof of the car, knees quaking, cock still absorbing every tiny sensation as her tongue moved slickly against him.

  “Jesus! Stop that…” he finally groaned.

  “Who did you say was going to beg for mercy?” she queried as she tucked him back into his boxers and zipped him up.

  Cody heard the laughter in her voice and conceded she’d won the first skirmish. He stayed leaning there for another minute or so, past caring what anyone thought, still at least half hard and totally turned on. There’d been people around, for God’s sake. He’d dimly heard footsteps, a couple of engines firing up, and cars moving off toward the wharf gates while she worked on him.

  He hadn’t given a damn. Just stood there pressed against the car while Mel performed her magic. She’d held him tightly so he’d stay, but once she had him in her mouth there was no way he’d have pulled back.

  The feel of her hand sliding into his pants and pulling him out into the soft summer air... the heat of her lips and tongue as they closed around him... the unbelievable sensation of standing in a public place and being sucked off by a beautiful woman... even in his fantasies he’d not pictured that. And now he had the reality to think about.

  He presumed Mel had felt private enough inside the dimly lit car to risk it. He’d pulled the door awkwardly half closed as a shield, but even so it might have been obvious to watchers what had been going on.

  At least she’d left his belt done up so his trousers hadn’t exposed his butt…

  He’d thrust his hips toward her once she’d taken him into the delicious hot wet cave of her mouth. Angled in as far as he could to give her access to every straining inch of him while he grasped the cold door with one hand and slapped the other down on the roof as an anchor.

  He’d stared at the glinting metal, trying to picture what was happening right below. The anonymity, the invisibility, made it an incredible turn-on.

  He’d imagined Mel’s bright blonde head bobbing up and down, pictured her pretty lips closing around the dark bulbous end of a cock that was so much bigger than his own had ever been. Felt the teasing scary nibbles of her teeth and the slide of her tongue as she explored and stroked over the places that made him catch his breath.

  And when she’d added her hand to the act, his balls had tightened and lifted. The hot-lead sensation in them had intensified a hundredfold.

  Mel had milked him as though he’d been put on earth for the express purpose of producing jism. And he’d obeyed her imperious summons by pumping it out to order in sharp exquisite bursts, cursing his own lack of control because he’d wanted it to last forever now it was finally with Mel.

  The city noises floated back into his consciousness. The passing traffic, a wailing siren. Below him the water slapped and splashed against the wharf piles.

  He’d been rendered speechless by her cheeky ‘begging for mercy’ comment, and ambushed so completely he was still searching for the right words as he walked slowly around the side of the Porsche, slid into the driver’s seat, and slumped down.

  “Good?” she asked.

  He started the car. The powerful engine roared and throbbed, and filled the silence until he said, “Round One to you, then.”

  She laughed softly and he relaxed a notch or two, reversing with care because his head was still so occupied with what had just happened. Then he drove with deliberate concentration out through the wharf gates, and along Customhouse Quay… around past the huge Te Papa museum, and along Oriental Parade. The street-lights stroked across the car in intermittent flashes, making her pale dress and hair almost fluorescent.

  “And Round Two to me as well,” she answered. “I’m holding you to the promise of finishing what you started as soon as we’re inside the house.”

  He slowed and checked the traffic before turning up the hill to Roseneath. “Where do you want it? On the floor? Against the door?” He couldn’t look at her. The pictures in his brain were so vivid, the possibilities so varied.

  She reached across to the steering wheel and laid her hand over one of his. “Your choice this time.”

  His choice? His choice would be her on top with the lights on, with her nipples long and wet from his mouth and her hair falling everywhere in pale disarray.

  And him buried deep.

  And her rocking to and fro, squeezing the life out of him with her clever female muscles.

  Should he tell her that? Or wait and see if she made his fantasy happen later without prompting?

  “Bare breasts,” he said huskily. “I want to bite you until you almost can’t stand it. Then I’m going to suck your clit. Then you’re going to come so hard you’ll be close to passing out and maybe I’ll have to catch you as you fall.”

  He hoped Mel felt as though she was already tumbling, dizzy and disoriented.

  She moved on the seat, maybe more affected by his words that she was willing to admit. “So I’m up against the door, am I?”

  He was thrilled to hear the tremor in her voice.

  “Or the wall. Or leaning on some sort of furniture. We’ll see.”

  “Not in bed?”

  “Not the first time.” He sensed her measured nod. Her curtain of hair shifted as the light slid over it.

  She waited a few seconds before asking, “And will you be coming too?”

  He somehow kept the excitement out of his voice “Not the first time.”

  “You’ve had the first time.”

  “Not as a twosome. Not in privacy. Not with us both participating.”


  He spoke with quiet deliberation. Melanie felt herself sliding under his power, and turned away to the dark window until she could speak without the tell-tale excitement breaking her voice into shivery fragments again.

  This was Cody. The man she’d wanted from the moment she’d set eyes on him. Wanted fiercely and hopelessly—because Rob had already claimed her, wiping away any possibility of Cody being her lover.

  A day ago—half a day ago—she really hadn’t believed this would happen. Hoped, perhaps, but not expected anything to eventuate in such a rush. It wasn’t quite what she wanted yet. Her priority was still his children, and so far he’d resisted that idea pretty forcefully. But minds could be changed, accidents could happen. And right now it was surely a case of ‘live for the moment’?

  She crossed her legs, enjoying the smooth side of flesh against flesh; knowing by the tiny turn of his head that Cody had noticed and was maybe thinking of his skin sliding against hers, of his thighs pressing hers apart once they’d made it as far as the bed.

  The car climbed steadily up the steep and twisting streets. Far below, the harbor lay black and dangerous, sprinkled with the dancing reflections of thousands of lights.

  They made the final turn and surged up the driveway. He braked and rolled to a halt. Cut the engine. “So,” he said. “Here we are.”

  Mel pushed her door open so the cool evening air flowed in over her heated face. She was burning up; trembling like a thin-stemmed leaf in a breeze. She doubted her legs would support her weight if she tried standing right away.

  He seemed to sense her sudden hesitation. They sat unspeaking while the night insects chirped and rustled in the garden, as the rumble of a distant airliner became ever fainter, as the Porsche’s hot engine cooled with small metallic noises.

  “There’s one thing I should have done,” he said, unlatching his seat-belt and stepping out, leaving her to wonder what happened next. She freed her own belt and grasped his hands when he strode around the car and reached in to pull her up.

  He drew her close so their faces were in deep shadow. His breath caressed her lips as he said, “I can’t take you to bed unless I kiss you. I’ve never kissed you. Not properly. The odd peck on the cheek at Christmas, maybe. But not like this.”

  And slowly, softly, his lips settled on hers. Lifted. Returned. Lifted.

  Mel he
ard herself make the tiniest noise of regret, and then he slid a hand up her nape and into her hair, tipping her head to the perfect angle so he could continue the tender assault on her senses. After the passionate lust he’d promised earlier, she hadn’t expected such gentleness.

  She pressed a little closer and his other arm tightened around her waist until her breasts pressed against his hard chest, and his long cock stood cradled in the notch of her thighs.

  “Some recovery,” she murmured, nudging against him.

  “I never really deflated”.


  “That’s a three year hard-on. It’s had time to mature.”

  She gave a surprised giggle against his mouth and he took advantage of her parted lips to deepen his kiss, tongue invading and sliding against hers in a sensuous dance. He tasted delicious. Like sunshine and wine and summertime. Cody at last—the man she’d wanted at first sight and couldn’t have.

  “What do you mean?” she whispered when he finally deserted her lips to nibble along the angle of her jaw.


  “Three years?”

  “That’s how long I’ve been hard for you.”

  Disbelief made her laugh again. “Me and every other woman in town.”

  “Nahhhh,” he breathed, feathering kisses down her neck and onto her shoulder. “The others came and went, but I’ve wanted you the whole time. Never really expected it would happen.”

  He took her mouth again, more savagely this time.

  “Because of Rob?” she asked when they came up for air.

  “Because of Rob. Because he and I were mates.” He kissed the end of her nose. “Because you were his wife. Because you’ve been keeping me at arm’s length ever since he died... I wasn’t going to push it in case I spoiled my chance.”

  God, she hadn’t expected this. Didn’t want the intensity. “You’ve got no chance, Cody Mitchell. I’d trust you about as far as I could throw you, where a relationship’s concerned. And that’s not far.”

  He kissed her again, hard and fast, almost as though he was stamping his ownership on her. His next words belied his actions though. “Commitment’s not my thing, Mel. You know that. Take no prisoners. Just like my good-for-nothing father.”

  “As I told you in the office, you’re perfect for me precisely because I don’t want you. I want your children for sure. We could have a little fun, and if it happens...?”

  He shook his head, swift and decisive. “Not going to happen. I’ve been careful to leave no fatherless kids in my wake. I’m not going to get careless now. Not going to let you buy them out of me, either.” He slid both hands downward and cupped her butt, pulling her even more tightly against him.

  “Not ‘buy’, Cody,” she protested, pressing against the part of him she wanted so much. “A private business deal. It makes wonderful sense. I want two gorgeous kids who look as good as you. Dark hair, brown eyes. Tall and smart. And once I’m busy with them I want someone experienced to take a serious interest in CustomAir. As joint owner you’d be the obvious candidate.”

  “This,” he said, kissing her savagely again, “is getting too serious. It’s time we got back to the fun.” He released her and locked the car.

  Chapter Four—Fun in the Foyer

  “We’ll have this off right away.” With fingers almost too clumsy to use, he slid the zipper down Mel’s spine so the silk dress slipped from her shoulders to bunch at her hips.

  God she’s beautiful.

  “All the way off,” he continued in a huskier drawl as he smoothed it down her thighs and let it pool at her feet. His heart pumped double-speed at the sight of her. So fragile. So female. So willing.

  He watched as she took a step backward, out of the brightest spill of light. She’d switched on the spotlight that illuminated the Kentia Palm on the big round timber table in the entrance foyer, but left the wall sconces off—deliberately, he suspected. Even so, she was beautifully visible. Her pale hair, her creamy shoulders, and the upper curves of her breasts were all showcased. Her long legs tapered down into near darkness as she leaned back against the door and pushed her crumpled dress sideways with one sandaled foot.

  Cody’s heart thudded. There she was, his to play with, in only a flimsy bra and panties and a pair of emerald ear-studs. They had the whole house—the whole night—to themselves.

  “You’re overdressed,” she said in a voice that sounded nowhere near steady. His pulse slowed a little. So she was on edge too…

  He nodded his agreement and shucked his jacket, tossing it onto a long, low ottoman that stood against the wall. “So are you.”

  He stepped closer, bending to nuzzle one gleaming shoulder, and dragging the scent of her deep into his lungs.

  Her bra was a confection of pale tangerine and cream stripes—totally transparent. His fingers walked slowly down the lace edging and over the center closure. A tiny bow and a ribbon rose nestled between her breasts. Her pulse beat fast. Her flesh quivered.

  He took his fingers for an uphill tramp, following the lace to a narrow elastic shoulder strap trimmed with more tiny rosebuds. He pushed so it slipped a few inches down her arm. Her breast dropped fractionally.

  His forefinger stroked the lacy cup lower so her nipple peeped over at him.

  “Oh baby,” he murmured, somehow suppressing his urge to just grab her and go for it. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t take her until she begged him to.

  He took a step back, raised his eyes to hers and nodded. “Every bit as beautiful as I’d imagined.”

  Mel squeezed her eyes shut. Her long lashes sat like tiny sable fans against her flushed cheeks.

  He breathed out slowly, feeling the pull she exerted over him again, and stepped closer. His fingers walked up the other shoulder, slipped that strap away, and again smoothed the fabric down to expose her. Two dusky pink nipples begged for his attention.

  “Cody,” she groaned, pressing her hands over the crotch of her matching panties, and looking up at him again.

  He wondered if that sounded like begging yet. Not quite enough perhaps.

  He bent and touched his tongue to each tempting peak in turn, blowing on them gently, watching as they tightened and lengthened for him.

  Her frustrated throaty moan was music to his ears. “Nice?” he asked.

  “Cody...” It was a husky wail now.

  That was much more like the begging he’d been hoping for.

  He wound her up to fever pitch with a few more tender licks and a tiny nip or two, and then released the center catch on her bra. Two handfuls of perfection fell out to greet him, and he cupped them up in his palms, running his bent-back thumbs over her beaded nipples. He stroked and kneaded her warm resilient flesh, and finally bent to take one erect peak into his mouth. He heard her gasp, felt her jolt in his arms, and satisfaction roared through him. He suckled deeply before giving its twin the same treatment.

  Mel’s hands speared into his hair. Her long fingernails teased down his neck and sought the buttons on his shirt. She moaned and thrashed—trying to get closer, or trying to get away? There was no way he’d let her escape from him now.

  “Leave the shirt,” he rasped. “I get to play with you this time.”

  He peeled her bra right off, grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms up against the door. Her breasts rose and fell with every furious breath.

  He leaned closer and zeroed in again, sucking her nipples savagely, scraping his teeth over the sensitive skin surrounding them, reveling in her groans of pleasure. They were both panting like sprinters when he finally drew back.

  God, she was a picture! Slim and fair skinned, long hair tousled and cascading everywhere, breasts bearing the marks of his desire. He thrilled to see them shining with wetness from his mouth, nipples dark from the blood he’d sucked close to the surface, the creamy surrounding flesh inflamed by his recent shave and teasing teeth.

  At last he’d marked her as his.

  He knelt. His hands smoothed dow
n her sides, into the graceful dip of her waist, out over the swell of her hips.

  Through the transparent fabric of her tangerine and cream striped panties he saw the shine of wet flesh. His cock flexed at the sight—a slow lurching stretch.

  Soon, he promised it, leaning forward to bury his face against the slick, half seen lips scented with sin and tasting like paradise.

  He breathed her in. Musk and soap, fabric and skin, sugar and salt.

  “Take them off,” he demanded a minute later, sitting back on his heels to watch. Mel hesitated, then obeyed.

  Cody breathed out as she inserted her thumbs under the lace that sat just below her belly-button... as she pushed the fabric jerkily down... as the womanly curves of her hips and butt were revealed...as her pretty little pussy was bared for his inspection and pleasure.

  She was totally smooth and hairless, which was a turn-on he hadn’t expected. But her swollen lips were deepest rose-red and the little nub that peeked out between them was very grownup indeed.

  He nodded slowly and reached over to draw the panties further down her legs, thinking she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen. Now he had the ultimate confirmation of why he’d been attracted all this time.

  He caressed her thighs as the wisp of fabric descended. Ran his fingers into the sensitive hollows behind her knees. And smoothed down her lightly tanned calves until he had his hands around her ankles. He lifted each sandaled foot in turn, removed her panties and tossed them aside.

  “Now,” he murmured, rising to his feet.


  Mel watched as he prowled across the entrance foyer and disappeared into her sitting room. Her pulse pounded. A slow trickle of wetness crept down the inside of one thigh. While Cody was out of sight, she swiped at it with her fingers and regarded the drop of clear juice with awe. How much more slippery could she possibly be? She rubbed her hand unthinkingly over her breasts to be rid of the moisture.


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