Wellington Series 2

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Wellington Series 2 Page 27

by Kris Pearson

  “Mel-a-nie,” he groaned. “For that I get to watch.”

  Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened.

  “So we’ll just make you nice and slippery,” he said, reaching for the lubricant again.

  “In the en suite, maybe?” she suggested, casting a wild glance at her classy bedcover.

  “So I get the all-round view? Great idea.”

  “So we don’t get goop over the bed!”

  He reached for her hand and pulled her up, enjoying the perky bounce of her breasts as she walked with him to the adjoining room. He set the Trigasm and lubricant on the vanity top and slid his hands around her waist, pulling her toward him so they were skin to skin. He watched in the big mirror as his fingers stroked up her graceful spine, out over her shoulders, in under her cascade of blonde hair. Finally he cupped her face and tilted it for a lingering kiss.

  She was noticeably trembling. “You’re shaking. We don’t have to do it, Mel.”

  She gave him a disbelieving look. “I’m just anticipating my treat. Rob wasn’t into extras like this. He felt his natural attributes were enough.”

  “But you didn’t?”

  Her face closed up. “Not the time to talk about that, Cody.” She turned away very deliberately and inspected the Trigasm. It reared up in all its purple glory, ridged and wrinkled and anatomically superb. “Do you really think that’s going to fit?”

  “Is it any bigger than me?”

  “Who’s boasting? It’s huge.” She glanced down. “Although…” she added, watching as his cock started to lift again.

  Cody grinned. “As long as I slide it up slow and gentle, with lots of magic juice, we should be fine.” He dropped a kiss on her shoulder and sank to his knees in front of her. “So—you think we lubricate you or the silicone monster?”

  She shrugged. “It?”

  “Why ‘it’? Don’t you think it would be more fun if I made you slippery? With my warm hands? Like this?”

  He squeezed lubricant onto one palm, dipped a finger into the shining puddle and reached towards her.

  “First, this magic little invention.” He stroked over her clit. Mel caught her breath and eased her legs apart a little. He kept his caress feather-light.

  “That’s... very... mmmmm,” she whispered.

  He smiled and loaded up two fingers, swirling them about on his palm to judge what the sensation would be like for her. As smooth as silk. If he wanted to cut down on friction he’d use it on his cock so he could fuck her for hours on end.

  “And in,” he suggested, reaching toward her again. Mel straddled his hand, and he slid up into her heat, twisting his fingers to spread the pleasure around.

  “God!” she gasped.


  “Maybe? It feels amazing. Sparkly. Warm and tingly…”

  His fingers felt it, too. Maybe the ‘hours on end’ he anticipated were a bit ambitious. The sensitive skin on his cock would soak up that sparkly tingle and enjoy it far too much.

  He squeezed out more lubricant, coated his fingers, pushed up inside Mel’s body again and watched her face. She’d closed her beautiful blue eyes and clamped her teeth down onto her bottom lip. Tiny twitches and indrawn breaths told him how sexy it felt.

  “And turn around the other way” he said hoarsely as he withdrew.

  She hesitated a moment before twisting and leaning down against the vanity top. Cody smoothed his face over her hip, dropped a line of soft kisses down her butt-crack, and ended with a flick of his tongue over her tight puckered asshole.

  She let loose a surprised grunt and inhaled sharply.

  “Relax,” he murmured, wiping his lubricated hand the length of his shaft to experience the tingling for himself.

  Uhhhhh….oh yes.

  He reached for the bottle, coated his fingers, worked his way in to her tight little ass, sliding more easily once the lubrication began to spread. Mel’s eyes were scrunched shut. He watched in the mirror as pleasure and apprehension flickered across her features. Then he kissed the base of her spine, knowing how sensitive she’d be there, and loaded up his finger again. Pushed in one more time and enjoyed her breathy whimper.

  “Lots of nice nerves up there,” he added. “Surely Rob made the most of them? Turn toward me, Mel.”

  Once she faced him, he kissed her belly, licked around her navel, and reached for the big vibrator. “Legs apart. Close your eyes.”

  Chapter Ten—Gift-wrap Games

  Mel complied, and flinched as she felt the silicone tip nudging at her entrance. “Are you going to turn it on?”

  She heard the click and felt the buzz at the same instant.

  “No!” she gasped. “I’ll come before you get it in. Turn it off, turn it off...” The buzzing ceased and she tried to relax. She heard Cody’s soft chuckle and kept her eyes squeezed tightly closed, knowing if she watched him watching her she’d tense up.

  The vibrator resumed its stealthy progress, cool against her hot skin, slick and smooth. Cody wrapped his other arm around her hips to steady her. She leaned against him as she felt herself slowly stretch and stretch.

  Then his arm deserted her and his fingers parted her ass. The second cool probe pushed inside until it was snugly in place.

  At last she felt her clit pulsing as the big purple vibrator made contact there as well. Finally she dared to open her eyes and look at him. Handsome Cody Mitchell crouched at her feet, dark eyes fixed on hers, doing things to her she’d never expected or dared hope for.

  “Are we good to go?” he asked.

  She swallowed. The low pelvic ache was bad. It really needed soothing. She wanted to come and come, and be rid of the nagging pressure. She nodded, holding his eyes with hers, trusting him to be kind.

  She saw his finger move on the switch, heard almost no noise because the machine was now buried so deeply inside her.

  But she felt the delicious vibrations hit. She yelped, and pressed back against the arm he’d re-wrapped around her—wanting to escape, desperate to stay. No words were possible; only incoherent gasps and moans. She’d turned to liquid... floated in space... her whole body trembled, focusing down on the incredible sensations that buzzed against every slick nerve ending.

  “Go for it, baby,” he whispered. “Go for it hard. This is all for you.”

  It took twenty-seven seconds for her to rush over the edge, and about the same to ride the waves of pleasure until they were so intense she couldn’t stand them any longer.

  “Turn it off!” she finally pleaded, jerking and trembling. Cody did. Drew her close. Kissed her belly. Leaned up and licked the tender undersides of her breasts. But he left the machine in place until every tiny tremor had faded away. Then, slowly, silently, he eased the Trigasm out of her and set it on the vanity top. He stood, folding her into his arms, and kissing her hair. She nestled against him, speechless.


  “Rare? Medium?” Mel turned toward him after she’d set the steaks sizzling in the pan. She wore the black fishnet stockings, impossibly high black stilettos and a striped butcher-style apron. Cody sipped his wine and counted his blessings. He planned to have the apron off her the minute the spitting steaks were on their plates.

  “Medium’s fine,” he said, appreciating the slight jiggle of her luscious bare ass as she chopped celery and capsicums and ripped up lettuce.

  She turned away again. “Cody—there’s... something I need to talk about. I have a twin brother, Andrew. He’s likely to turn up pretty soon.”

  “Tonight?” Cody asked, alarmed. He wore nothing at all—not the best look for meeting members of her family.

  Mel grinned at his reaction, and shook her head. “No. I don’t know quite when, but not tonight. He’s in Thailand.” She dropped her voice to an embarrassed mutter. “In prison.”

  Cody nodded slowly. “Rob mentioned something about him. Drugs?”

  “Yes. Stupid boy. Stupid to try it, and even more stupid the way he behaved once he got caught.” She sighed,
and reached for the olive oil. “It’s wrecked his life. He’s due out by Christmas, but maybe he’ll stay up in Auckland with our mother. I don’t know how I feel about seeing him again.”

  She brought the bowl of salad to the table and set it down beside the opened bottle of Shiraz. “I just thought I should tell you in case he visits. Mom writes him. I couldn’t bear to—had no idea what to say. But I’ve sent regular cash through my lawyer to make his life a bit less hellish.”

  She bent over and re-aligned cutlery that already sat perfectly straight. “We used to be so close. Twins mostly are. One person in some ways.” She grimaced and glanced sideways at him. “He totally broke our twin bond. He’s Andrew Kennedy.”

  “Andrew Kennedy... yeah, I vaguely remember the name from TV or somewhere.”

  “My famous brother. No self-control. Useless with money. I doubt he’s changed.” She compressed her lips, and started to turn away.

  Cody pushed a hand in under the apron, and pulled her back, rubbing over her bare ass in time to the bluesy guitar bumping and grinding its way out of the iPod dock. He felt Mel relax a little and saw her smile.

  “Andrew’s always been trouble,” she added as she went to check whether it was time to flip the steaks.


  Half an hour later they were back in the bedroom, sprawled on the big bed. The harbor glittered golden under the setting sun; warm air washed over their naked bodies.

  Cody watched as Mel reached over to the red shopping bag and pulled off the piece of tacky plastic holly. She ran it up and down his thigh, making the hairs stand away from his skin. Finally she tucked it into his groin.

  “There you are,” she said. “All dressed up for me at Christmas.”

  Cody glanced down at himself—half hard, and getting harder by the second. “Where’s the gift-wrap?” The tinsel and bows?”

  The corners of her mouth curved. “There’s no gift-wrap, but I’ve got some more of that sexy black ribbon. Let me do the job properly.”

  She slid off the bed, padded across to a chest of drawers, and retrieved the rest of the ribbon and her small scissors.

  “Well worth decorating,” she said, admiring him for a moment before winding black satin around the base of his cock and tying a loose loop. Then she started twining the ribbon criss-cross style toward the top. Cody couldn’t keep still.

  “Stop that,” she said.

  “Can’t. It tickles.”

  She puffed out an amused laugh and continued her careful wrapping until she reached the ridge at the top. He reclined again, glancing down as she tied a careful bow, trimmed the ends of the ribbon neatly, and sat back to enjoy her handiwork. “Very evil. Impressive, but evil,” she said. “What a shame I don’t have red ribbon instead of black.”

  Cody craned his neck to see.

  “I’ll give you a better view.” She reached over to the bedside cabinet for her phone.

  “Hey!” he objected.

  “I’m going in close. Your face won’t show. You can delete the picture afterward if you want.” She bent over and framed his beribboned shaft and holly trimmed balls. “What a shot for a Christmas card,” she added as she checked the screen. She held the phone so he could see.

  “Jesus,” he murmured, grinning as he saw the full effect of what she’d done to him. “You naughty girl.”

  “You’d look more Christmassy in red,” she said, nestling down beside him to enjoy the shot again herself. “And maybe I’ve hidden too much of you with that ribbon. I’ve got a red silk scarf somewhere.” She rose from the bed, bent, and licked the unadorned tip of his cock before starting her search.

  Cody lazed, flipping through the other shots on the phone. Nothing as interesting as him. And no other men except in groups, he was pleased to note.

  Melanie emerged from her dressing room with a colorful handful of fluttering silk. She leaned over and licked him again, running her tongue to and fro.

  “Yum,” she said, pulling back to look at him. “My God, look—you can’t wait.” She touched a finger to him, spreading the little pearl of pre-cum over his crown. He flexed with a long, rolling shudder. Mel gave a hum of appreciation, licked him again, tossed the holly to one side and peeled the ribbon away. Cody half closed his eyes and leaned back into the pillows. If she wanted to play, he wouldn’t stop her.

  He watched as she separated a red scarf from the others and folded it into a neat strip before sliding it around him.

  “Around my balls as well,” he suggested. “Tight.”

  She pulled a little harder.

  “Tighter than that. Make me a real silk cock ring and see what happens.”

  Mel obeyed, then tied a careful bow and garnished him with holly again.

  “Much more festive,” she said, crouching to take another photo, and sliding a finger underneath to point him up toward the camera. “And much more visible, too.” She watched in fascination as his veins became more prominent, as his pulse began to beat strongly beneath his skin.

  “You’re still growing,” she whispered in awe. She took another shot, and then another. He’d become so distended, so engorged, he looked about ready to burst.

  Again she held the viewfinder so he could see. His long ridged cock reared up fiercely from his flat belly. The close focus highlighted bulging veins and another glistening drop of moisture slowly oozing from his tip.

  She reached down and smeared it around with her finger, smoothing up and down. His breath fractured.

  “Or I could try your special lubricant?” she suggested.

  He cleared his throat. “You’ll get it on your scarf.”

  She wrinkled her nose at the thought, undid the bow, loosened the fabric, and see-sawed the silk from side to side so it slid softly around and around his shaft. Cody closed his eyes and let loose a long, low growl of enjoyment. She was way more fun that he’d been hoping for. At home in her own skin, playful and uninhibited. Perfect in every way.

  “I could tie you to my new bed-frame with the scarves,” she said.

  His eyes shot wide open and he tried not to smile.

  “They’d feel nicer than your handcuffs?” she continued. “Hmmm? I trusted you with that monstrous vibrator. You can trust me to be good to you in return, Cody.”

  Silence stretched between them for a few pulsing seconds.

  “Yes?” she asked. “Just one hand, maybe? To see how it feels?” He stayed silent as she knotted the end of the silk around one of the bars. Then she kissed her way along the soft skin under his arm as she lifted it backward to lie behind his head. He glimpsed the tip of her tongue between her teeth as she concentrated on tying the scarf around his wrist and tethering him.


  Mel drew a slow breath. His eyes never left hers.

  Without asking, she tied his other arm back as well. He made no move to stop her.

  She looked down at him—amazed by the power he’d suddenly granted her. He lay, apparently relaxed, dark brown eyes half hooded by drooping lids. The next step was hers to take. She bent and kissed each corner of his mouth in turn, tenderly, teasingly.

  “Now you’re all mine to play with,” she whispered. “What shall I do to you? Give you a massage? Use my mouth?”

  A thrumming silence grew between them until Cody said softly but distinctly, “Ride me bare-back.”

  The silence lengthened as Mel crouched beside him on the big bed, head tipped on one side, overcome by what he might be offering. She swallowed. “But... ” she whispered. It was as well she’d joined him on the bed because fine tremors played through the muscles of her thighs. As fast as that he’d changed his mind?

  “Yes,” he insisted. “It’s what you want. No condom. Go for it, Mel. But no damn planes, either. Just a gift from me to you, and if it works and you get your baby then I’ll be very happy for you.”

  She closed her eyes, overcome by his sudden offer. What had changed his mind? He’d been so definite about not being her sperm donor when she’d first approach
ed him about it.

  She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again, noticing the wash of hectic color across his cheekbones. Plainly this was an important deal for him after all.

  “It’s not what you wanted a couple of days ago, Cody. You can’t do this unless your heart’s in it.” She forced herself to look directly at him for long seconds so she could gage his true intentions. Apart from that tell-tale flush of excitement he seemed relaxed and serious. Or as serious as a guy could be when he was tied up ready for sex with one red scarf and one black and white checkerboard one.

  A small smile twitched at the corners of his lips. “It’s what I want now, Mel. I’ve had time to think. If you want a child, I’ll provide the raw materials, so to speak.” His mouth curled further at the description.

  Mel sucked in a deep breath. As suddenly as this it might be possible? “Cody, you don’t have to do it.”

  The small smile became a broad grin. “If I didn’t want to, I probably couldn’t.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t believe you. Wave a willing pussy at you and you’d perform on automatic! I’ve never seen a man get so hard so fast.”

  “Seen a lot of them, have you? Men getting hard?”

  She knew he was teasing to cover the intense atmosphere, so she tried to keep her reply light.

  “I should smack your face for that, but someone’s tied you up and left you helpless, poor man.”

  She bent and kissed each of his nipples, enjoying his half-hearted protests as she sucked and licked them to tiny points.

  “You could do mine in return?” she suggested, sliding a smooth thigh across his so she straddled him. She leaned down so he could reach, and Cody raised his face to capture her. His warm, demanding lips suckled hard and rhythmically.

  “Would your baby feel like that?” he asked in a husky whisper when he released her.

  Mel looked down at his face and shook her head. “Don’t know. It feels incredibly good. It shoots the most amazing sensations through me.”

  He turned his face and took her other nipple, pleasuring her with his tongue and teeth. It was wet and pebble-hard when he drew away. “Ride me, Mel,” he invited. “All weekend I kept imagining you, just like this. My wild woman with her long hair draping down over me, going for it like there’s no tomorrow.”


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