Protecting Priscilla

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Protecting Priscilla Page 3

by Pepper North

  Immediately, Mitch pulled his thoughts away from the enchanting picture of her in his tub. Needing to take care of her, he knelt beside her. “You’ll get to soak more when you’re feeling better, sugar. For now, let’s get you clean so I can wrap a supporting bandage around your ribs.”

  When she bravely smiled at him, he grabbed another washcloth off the stack in the basket by the tub and poured a little liquid soap onto the fabric. “Close your eyes, Priscilla. Let me clean your face.”

  As her blue eyes closed, he began to wipe the grimy sweat and dirt from her face. Stopping to rinse the cloth in the water several times as he cleaned her neck and shoulders, Mitch realized how bruised she was as her ordinarily pale skin began to emerge.

  “We need to wash your hair, sugar. You relax. I’m just going to lean you back into the water to wet your hair.” He smiled at her trusting eyes, which closed as he lowered her into the water. A cloud of dirt drifted from her shoulder-length tresses as they waved in the water. He helped her back up and poured a gentle shampoo on her wet hair. She moaned in reaction to the feel of his fingers massaging her scalp. That sound of pure pleasure went straight to his already stirring penis. Damn, I want to hear that again, he thought before trying to stay detached.

  Leaning her back once again, he rinsed the suds from her hair. Mitch smiled as he spread conditioner over her wet hair. “I think some blond streaks are showing up in your hair, sugar. All that dirt disguised it.”

  “It always gets blond strands when I get a little time in the sun. I’ve always wondered what color it would be if I got to play outside whenever I liked,” she idly remarked.

  Fuck! Mitch’s anger exploded inside his body. She hadn’t even been allowed to go outside. He was glad her uncle was dead. He might have had to kill the man himself.

  “Did I say something wrong?” she whispered. Her voice sounded afraid, and Mitch realized she was staring at the anger that had covered his face.

  He leaned in close to meet her eyes. “You haven’t done anything wrong. I’m just royally pissed at your uncle. It’s time you got to live a little, sugar. I promise you I’m going to do everything I can to make sure your life changes completely.” She didn’t know his oath was as reliable as a contract. He would show her.

  “You’re helping me so much. Are you sure you don’t just want to put me outside the gate? I’ve already been a lot of trouble,” she said softly, lowering her eyes to the water which was steadily becoming murkier. Her fingers plucked at the washcloth she clutched to her chest.

  “Look at me, sugar,” Mitch commanded. “I don’t know what force arranged for you to appear on my doorstep, but I’m not letting you go unless you decide you wish to leave,” he firmly stated. “Okay?”

  “Thanks, Mitch.” Her voice conveyed what her simple words could not. She trusted him and knew she needed him.

  That would be enough for him for now. Already, he hoped for more. Nodding, Mitch resumed washing the dirt from the Little girl who dropped into his lap. He knew he’d never press send on the PLAYTIME application. He had already found his Little girl.

  Fifteen minutes later, the water was beginning to cool in the grimy tub. Mitch kept himself under rigid control as he washed her thin frame. Her battered body would not benefit now from the pleasure he yearned to bring her. The Daddy inside him needed to care for her to help her heal.

  Finishing at her dainty toes, he gently set her feet back on the bottom of the tub before releasing the tub stopper and turning on the hand-held shower head. “Let’s rinse your hair and get you out of the tub, sugar. Lean your head back,” he instructed as he adjusted the water temperature. Watching her yawn with exhaustion, he hurried to finish rinsing the conditioner from her hair before turning off the water and wrapping her head in a thirsty towel.

  “I’m going to scoop you carefully out of the tub, Little one. I’ll try not to hurt you,” he shared as he leaned close to her body to slide a hand under her thighs and around her lower back. Trying to avoid jostling her ribs, he lifted her from the draining water and set her down before wrapping another towel around her body. Mitch tried to force himself to keep his mind focused on caring for the hurt Little as his eyes devoured her exposed, too-slender body. The big bath towel almost wrapped around her thin body twice. He vowed to make her healthier as he dried her arms and legs.

  Unable to resist her allure, he leaned in to taste her pale lips. Hers tentatively moved against his as if unsure of what to do. His iron control kept him from ravaging her sweet mouth. Cautiously, he licked the inside edge of her closed lips to encourage her to allow him inside. He groaned as she opened her mouth. His tongue swept into the darkness of her mouth, tasting the lemon-lime sports drink he had insisted she drink. Instantly, this became his favorite flavor.

  His hand wrapped around the back of her head to hold her steady as he deepened the kiss. Her answering moan of pleasure thrilled him as he lightened the pressure of his lips on hers. She is exhausted. I need to care for her first, he lectured himself. Forcing himself to lift his lips, he met her dazed eyes and murmured, “It is going to be so sweet between us, Little girl.” He smiled at her unknowing nod.

  Leaning away from her temptation, Mitch lifted her towel-draped body into his arms and started back to the kitchen where the first aid supplies waited. He paused en route to grab a t-shirt from his drawer. It would be huge on her but clean. He’d left her soiled clothes on the floor in the bathroom; he’d wash them later but knew the tattered remains might not survive the washer. Setting her down on the table, he unwrapped her body, leaving her sitting on the towel.

  Wrapping her battered ribs tightly with the wide, elastic bandage, Mitch supported Priscilla through the process as her body weaved with exhaustion. He finished by looping the soft cotton shirt over her head and smoothing it into place. With concern, he realized she couldn’t sit without assistance. Lifting her back into his arms so her torso rested against his with her knees on either side of his body, Mitch gently supported her as he prepared a bottle for her.

  She had finished her drink during her bath, thanks to his insistence that she take drink after drink until it was gone. He wanted to get some food into her stomach, but she passed the point of being able to stay awake to eat. He thanked his efficiency in stocking his home with supplies as he awaited finding his Little girl. The bottle would give her nutrients and additional fluid.

  As he capped it and began to shake the warm liquid to make sure it was blended smoothly, Priscilla whispered, “I need to use the restroom, please.” Her face was rosy pink with embarrassment, and Mitch smiled at the sweet picture in his arms.

  “Of course, sugar,” he said to reassure her as he walked down the hallway to the closest bathroom. “When I convince you to be my Little girl, you’ll already wear what you need to potty whenever you need to,” he said to distract her as he stood her next to the toilet and raised the huge t-shirt up to her waist, revealing her sparse, light brown adult curls before helping her sit down.

  Her big, blue eyes lifted to meet his before her heavy eyelids closed. She leaned against his big, muscled body for support as the urine flooded from her body. Mitch’s heart skipped a few beats as he felt her nod her agreement sleepily against his abdomen. She knew he was her Daddy.

  When she was finished, he wiped her carefully before picking her up and carrying her into the room he had lovingly created in his new home. The nursery was decorated in shades of greens and sunny yellows. Entering, he was struck by the appropriateness of his choices for a Little girl who had rarely been allowed outside.

  Priscilla was too exhausted to notice her surroundings. The days and nights she had wandered without knowing where she was going had taken their toll. Mitch sat in an oversized plush rocking chair and eased her to lie across his lap. He brushed the bottle’s nipple across her pale lips and said, “Open your mouth, sugar. One last drink before you fall asleep.”

  He was pleased as she sleepily followed his instructions and began sucking the
warm formula out of the bottle. Smiling at her mmmms of pleasure, Mitch was glad the other Daddies in SANCTUM had shared with him the latest brands their Littles enjoyed. He wanted only the best for his sugar.

  She was only able to drink half of the bottle before she fell sound asleep. Mitch looked down at her adorable face and felt his heart lurch with emotion. It shouldn’t happen this fast, but he didn’t question it. Priscilla was his, and he would protect her with every bit of his ability.

  Chapter 6

  Soft warmth was wrapped around Priscilla as she woke. She flexed her fingers around the quilt that covered her and pulled it closer under her chin as she snuggled into its warmth. Her eyes fluttered open and widened. Pushing herself up to sit, she looked around the beautiful room through deep brown crib slats. Her hand unconsciously rubbed against her bandaged ribs that ached as she moved.

  I’m in a nursery. In amazement, she looked around the beautiful space. The sun streamed through the flounced yellow curtains to fill the room with light. Priscilla stood up on her knees and moved to the edge of the bed to press her face eagerly against the slats. Her fingers caressed the smooth, dark wood of the crib as her eyes jumped from place to place.

  Look, there’s a toy chest, she registered as she looked toward one corner of the room. All sorts of stuffed animals and games were carefully stowed as if they waited for someone to come play. Looking at the chest, her eyes were drawn to a soft doll with long blond hair, and she remembered that her favorite doll had been taken from her when she’d arrived at her uncle’s house following her parents’ tragic accident. Judged too old to have a doll, she had missed her pretty friend for years before she faded from her young mind.

  Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she remembered Sally. Her breath caught in her chest as she sobbed. Her blurred vision missed the movement at the door as the large man rushed into the nursery, his face drawn with concern.

  “Sugar, it’s okay. You’re safe. Did you wake up in a strange place and get scared?” His deep voice drew her attention as he immediately released the crib railing.

  Priscilla lifted her arms to Mitch, asking silently to be picked up. As he carefully raised her into his embrace, she hugged his neck and tucked her head under his chin. His thick beard was a perfect place to hide her tears. Clinging to his muscular body, the thin woman relaxed against this amazing man as he began to comfort her by walking back and forth across the floor. One large hand rubbed up and down her back. He didn’t ask her any questions but just held her close.

  Finally, Priscilla was able to staunch the flow of tears. She childishly wiped the moisture from her cheeks as she leaned slightly away from his body to look at him with tear-filled eyes. “I’m sorry to be such a cry baby. I woke up and saw her.” She pointed across the room at the doll sitting in the toy chest. “She reminded me of my dolly, Sally. She was the prettiest doll ever.”

  “Do you still have Sally?” he asked softly, grabbing a tissue from the shelves nearby.

  “No!” she exclaimed, her voice faltering with emotion. “I was too old to have a doll. I saw the housekeeper wheel out the garbage, and Sally’s red hair was sticking out of a bag.” She dashed away new tears that flowed at her memory.

  “She wasn’t garbage,” Priscilla’s voice was choked with indignation. “She was my friend.”

  Mitch tried to control his anger as she revealed one more trauma from her childhood. He held the tissue to her nose. “Blow, sugar.”

  Though tortured by her thoughts, Priscilla followed his instructions without any hesitation. His words soothed her as he wiped her running nose.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet Sally. Perhaps you’d like to make a new friend. Not to take Sally’s place, but to be a dolly you could love now,” he suggested as he walked to the toy chest. Squatting next to all the fun items he had collected for his Little girl, Mitch carefully lifted the blond doll from the pile and held it in front of Priscilla.

  “I bet she’s been lonely in the chest without someone to play with. What do you think her name is?” he quietly asked.

  “Amelia,” she responded without hesitation as she reached out to take the doll from his hand. “Her nickname is Melly.” The corners of her mouth twitched upward with amusement. “No, that’s too close to smelly. Her nickname must be Lia.”

  “I agree. No pretty little girl should be called smelly.” Mitch laughed. Tucking his nose into the crook of her neck, he sniffed loudly. “You’re not smelly anymore, sugar. You smell good enough to eat,” he joked before playfully nipping at her sensitive neck.

  Giggles cascaded from her pink lips as his soft beard and mustache tickled her skin. Priscilla pulled Lia close to her body as she cautiously leaned away from Mitch’s torso once again. “I wasn’t that smelly.”

  His answering wink and a careful squeeze of his arm around her lower back made her giggle again before she realized that she needed to use the restroom urgently. “Can I use the bathroom, please?” she asked, pushing away from his body.

  “Little girls don’t need a toilet, sugar,” Mitch answered as he walked to the large, cushioned changing table. He laid her gently on the top, placing one restraining hand on her shoulder to keep her in place. “Don’t squirm. You need to let those ribs heal. Just let Daddy take care of you.”

  Mitch busied himself selecting a thick diaper in her size from the cabinet below the padded top. Standing back up, he realized Priscilla had frozen in place and was avidly staring at him over Lia’s head. “I’ll get you taken care of quickly, sugar,” he promised as he lifted her hips to sweep the large t-shirt away, then slid the diaper under her slender hips. Spreading it between her legs, the large man smoothed the top over her flat tummy before pressing on her lower abdomen.

  Priscilla groaned as the sound of urine drenching the padded diaper began. “No! No, really! I can use the toilet,” she assured him as she tried to stop the flow cascading from her body.

  “Little girls use their diapers,” he softly answered, maintaining the pressure on her abdomen.

  “But I’m no one’s Little girl,” she protested with tears in her eyes.

  “You’re wrong, sugar. I’ve claimed you. You’re mine, now,” he decisively stated as if his word was enough to decide the issue.

  She stilled on the padding, totally distracted by his words. Priscilla didn’t want to misunderstand. He sounded so sure. Could it be that easy? “You don’t really know me. I could be an awful person,” she protested.

  “I know that’s not true,” he continued to talk to her as he lowered the front of her diaper before whisking it away. Wiping her sensitive skin carefully, he watched her face react to his touch. As he separated her thin outer labia, he saw a flicker of arousal kindle in her eyes before she covered her face with her new doll to hide her reactions.

  “You’ve been very honest with me, haven’t you?” He paused, allowing her to answer with a nod and a whispered, “yes.”

  “My Little girl is so pretty,” he complimented. He could feel her muscles smoothly contracting under his touch. As she instinctively widened her thighs, inviting his intimate care, he glided the towelette downward through her pink folds. Mitch watched her shiver slightly in reaction as his rough knuckles brushed the sensitive flesh as he cleaned her. He took his time making sure he did a thorough job. Lifting her bottom, he wiped the padded surface, sweeping away any lingering urine.

  “Honest Little girls are sometimes rewarded by their Daddies for being good. Do you think you deserve a reward, Priscilla?” he asked as he traced a line from the beginning of her cleft to the slickening entrance to her vagina.

  Her doll-covered face nodded quickly. She knew she wanted to feel his touch. Hiding behind her new doll, Priscilla’s cheeks flamed red. How can I want to feel his touch so bad? We just met yesterday. Can he really be the Daddy I’ve been dreaming of for so many years? Her heart answered easily. Yes.

  Priscilla felt his rough finger circle that sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of her wet en
trance. She shivered in reaction before gasping as she jarred her ribs. Immediately, she felt a large hand press against her breast bone, pinning her to the table. Panting, she tried to recover from the pain.

  “Little girl, you need to stay still, or Daddy will have to stop touching you.” His deep voice flowed over her like melted chocolate. She hadn’t tried chocolate often, only when Mrs. Wolfe had smuggled in a piece or two for a treat. His voice was better than the delicious taste.

  Instantly that thought made her wish to taste him. As his fingers explored her body, she shyly lowered the doll to meet his eyes. She whispered, “Will you kiss me again?”

  His mouth lowered slowly to meet hers as she childishly pursed her lips. It was not a small child’s peck that she received. His mouth slid over hers to take control of the kiss. Automatically, she opened her mouth in a gasp of surprise that he quickly took advantage of to sweep his tongue inside. Priscilla lifted her tongue to touch his as she tried to return the pleasure that he brought her, but she was unsure how to gratify him. When he moaned into her mouth, a thrill of success zinged through her. She had caused that!

  Mitch lifted his mouth to stare down at the little temptress. Her small smile of accomplishment drew an answering wolfish grin on his lips. “There is no doubt you’re my Little girl, is there?”

  She shook her head vigorously. She’d never wanted anything so badly in her life. Her eyes clung to his handsome face. She couldn’t wait to feel that soft beard and mustache whisper softly against her lips and face again. “Please…Daddy,” she whispered hesitantly. How would he react to her using that name?

  Flames ignited in his eyes before his mouth dropped to take control of hers once again. His hand pressed firmly on her chest to hold her in place when she began to lift her shoulders up toward him. Being pinned in place thrilled her. She didn’t understand why his dominance made her heart beat faster, but she hoped it never ended.


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