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Lorelei Page 5

by Melody Calder

  The way he asked me if I were okay with it and apologized for not asking me first made me think that maybe he felt that same connection that I felt with him.

  “Don’t apologize, Klaus. I’m very happy that you are staying,” I replied with the most in the middle response I could. “I’m just surprised that you would give up such a lucrative and esteemed position at the Louvre. It’s every curator’s dream to work there.”

  “I’ve never liked that part of it,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable. “I prefer to work behind the scenes and concentrate on the pieces of art that draw my attention.”

  I laughed nervously, “Well, you certainly will get all that working as an intern here.”

  “Not that I don’t think you are capable, because you really are, I just can’t put aside all the hard work I’ve put into finding Nixie’s roots. I couldn’t imagine being happy leaving her behind,” his voice became low and sultry on the last part.

  I wondered if he was still talking about the painting but pushed the hopeful thought away. “Well, I consider myself very lucky then. Your expertise will be an asset. I look forward to exploring every faucet of Nixie with you.”

  I met his eyes and they were hooded, sending heat straight to my core. I wanted to shift in my seat to relieve the feeling that was building at being so close to him. I didn’t know why I couldn’t seem to control myself and was thankful when Hans returned with our coffees.

  “Thank you, Dr. Hoffman for making this transfer,” Hans said in his thick German accent. “I have been waiting for an opportunity to work on the scientific instrument collection.”

  I knew it was his passion, and though he never complained, he wanted so much to not work on paintings. “You deserve it Hans. I’m so happy for you. As much as I’ll miss working with you, I know you’ll be much happier tinkering. Why don’t you go ahead and start your research on that department, so you are ready for Monday? Dr. Hoffman and I have this handled just fine.”

  “Dr. Nixen, I would feel terrible not doing the job Herr Wilhelm has instructed me to do,” he said earnestly, but I could see that he really wanted to get started on his new position.

  “Really, Hans. It will be our secret and it’s the least I can do for how helpful you’ve been for as long as we’ve worked together. Dr. Hoffman and I have a lot of background information to go over that will be boring.”

  With a round of thank yous to both of us, he practically skipped out of the room. It made me giggle to see such a big man, who was normally so serious, act like a kid in a candy store.

  Alone with Klaus, I shifted uncomfortably. I wished I could just ask him outright what his staying meant for us, yet I knew it would be a mistake. We had only known each other for a few days. It’s not like anything serious could develop in that short time.

  “Would you like me to read the original poem of the Siren of the Rhine by Heinrich Heine?” he asked. I nodded, and Klaus relayed it from memory.

  “I don't know why I am feeling

  So sorrowful at heart.

  An old myth through my thoughts is reeling,

  And from them will not depart.

  The cool evening air makes me shiver

  As I watch the Rhine's gentle flow.

  The peak towering over the river

  Gleams bright in the sun's setting glow.

  Up high on a ledge is sitting

  A maiden most marvelously fair.

  Her golden jewelry is glitt'ring.

  She is combing her golden hair.

  She uses a gold comb to comb it

  And sings a song as well,

  That echoes down off the summit

  And casts a melodic spell.

  The boatman is seized by wild yearning

  While guiding his small craft downstream.

  His eyes from the rocks ahead turning,

  He looks up, lost in a dream.

  I fear that the boat and her master

  Will soon underwater lie.

  And what brought about this disaster?

  The song of the Lorelei.”

  “That’s beautiful!” I exclaimed, his accent and sexy voice making it more lovely than it could have been in my own head. “I’m confused as to why the description doesn’t fit the picture, though.”

  He grinned at me in that way that made my panties melt and I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to control myself between his presence and the poetry. “I knew you would question that. I could never pull one over on you, Lorelei.” I preened under his praise. “This poem was written in the 1800’s, long after the painting was created. I did find a letter attached to the back that had more of the original story. It’s currently at the Louvre under a lock and key.”

  “Oh.” My hopes were dashed. “Is there any way that I can see it?”

  “Of course. I’ll have my assistant, well my previous assistant, make a scan of it and send it to us as soon as possible. It may take a while since, technically, I no longer work there. I’ll give the Director a call and see if I can talk him into helping us out.”

  “Maybe Herr Wilhelm can try. I know how tough it can be to request things from other museums. The paperwork and channels we have to go through is frustrating and slow,” I offered, hoping to get my hands on this letter that he hadn’t mentioned before. “Can you tell me what you remember about it?”

  “The artist described Nixie as a siren just like in this painting, the clothing and features the same. His love for her was immense. She lived on the rock that was named after her and disappeared, breaking his heart.” Klaus seemed very moved by the story and I found myself leaning towards him a little more. “It seems that possibly someone took her place on the rock. The whole story sounded incredulous. A king of the river, a siren that vanished, and a lot of talk of magic and a curse. I’m not sure if it was meant as a story to go along with the painting or something entirely different. It's very interesting.”

  “Hmm, I think every myth starts from a place of some reality and becomes twisted to be magical over time. I believe that we all have that little bit of romantic nature that would love to believe in fairytales and the things that happen that are beyond reality. As if the reality or the unexplained makes us feel better when there is a higher force at play. I don’t know if that makes any sense.” I blushed at my response, for some reason embarrassed to talk about my own opinions, which was strange for me. I was usually a very opinionated person but this thing between us was making me second guess myself. I really needed to get my head on straight, especially now that I knew we would be working so closely together.

  “I agree. It’s hard not to get caught up in the romantic nature of myths.” He leaned closer and we were nearly touching. I wanted so much to close that gap, but my unsureness stopped me.

  We dove back into the paperwork that Klaus had brought with him, only taking a break for him to call his previous assistant and make the request for a scan of the letter. I was enthralled at the extent of his knowledge of the painting and how he had come so close to finding the origins. The shock of the likeness still hadn’t worn off and I was more determined than ever to find the origins.

  “Would you like to go out to dinner with me?” Klaus’ smooth voice enveloped me with a strange sense of longing and comfort. It made me feel as if I would do anything he asked.

  “I’d love to. I just…” I trailed off, unsure how to say this without sounding desperate. “I’m not sure if spending time together outside of our professional capacity is a good idea. I enjoy working with you and I’d hate to complicate things.”

  His face fell for a moment and I wanted to take back what I said. “Lorelei, I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. I know we took things very fast, both of us having thought we wouldn’t see each other again.” He put his large warm hand over mine. “I don’t want to assume that you feel anything for me. I think it needs to be said that I don’t look at you like a one-night stand. I want more from you. I think we coul
d have something very special together, but I am willing to take it as slow as you need. That is, if you’re interested?”

  My heart soared at his words. “I have to be honest, Klaus. I’ve really enjoyed our time together both inside and outside of work. I wasn’t sure how you felt about me. I’m kind of mortified to admit that I had hoped you wanted more, though I wasn’t expecting it.”

  “You are a very special woman, Lorelei. I hope I don’t scare you away by admitting that I feel a connection to you. I’ve been alone for a very long time because I haven’t met anyone that has made me feel as excited as you do.”

  My mind swirled at the words that came from his mouth. He said everything that I felt and had hoped that he felt too. I didn’t know what to say, so I just blathered like a goofball, “I’d love to go to dinner with you and see where this leads. Taking it slow sounds perfect.”

  We cleaned up our work area, both of us grinning like fools in love, not that we were in love. I probably put things in the wrong place. For a meticulous person like me, it was very strange, yet I didn’t really care at that point. All I could think about was having a repeat of the first time, feeling his hands on me, his body pressed up against me, and the heights he had taken me to.

  We rushed out and made a quick stop at a local pub, this time ordering food to go and then heading back to his room at the hostel. It was nice that his crew had gone home, and we would no longer need to be careful there. We held hands as we rushed to get behind closed doors.

  He set the bags down on the small table and pulled me to him. As he tucked my hair behind my ear, I shivered. “You are so beautiful, Lorelei. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve a woman like you to be here with me, but you have made me the happiest man alive.”

  I admittedly swooned at his words and was unable to respond as his lips descended upon mine. Tenderly at first, his kiss was gentle and caring, a kiss of reverence. I could feel the vibrations of his hum of appreciation and I wanted more as I opened my mouth to let his tongue explore mine. His taste was something I would never tire of, nor the gentle stroke of his tongue against mine as he explored my mouth. His fingers ran through my hair and I gripped his strong shoulders as I pushed my chest into his, needing to feel more of this man.

  I purred in contentment as he devoured me, showing me all his desire and more. I was panting when he broke off the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. “Lorelei,” he whispered, as we stood there holding each other as if letting go would cause the spell to be over.

  The rumble of his stomach had us both laughing, and his cheeks burned red in such an adorable blush. “I suppose we should eat,” I offered. “I’m starving too. I think we’ll need our strength for tonight.” I gave him a saucy wink and reluctantly untangled myself from his arms.

  I set out the food for us, as he sat and watched me. I liked him watching me. It was comfortable and for some reason seemed right. I almost had a sense of déjà vu, as if I had done this before with Klaus, which was crazy but comforting at the same time. I pushed away the odd sensation and concentrated on the here and now, no longer wanting to worry about what ifs.

  It was such a domestic scene, his eyes dancing as I carefully portioned out our meals on the plates provided by the pub. We had decided to order different items and share them. He was so interested in trying all the German foods that he said he had missed so much. There was something about his excitement as he devoured the different dishes and rolled his eyes in ecstasy that made my normally anti-domestic nature want to do this every day.

  We chatted a little between bites, but mostly sat in a comfortable silence. It was as if we were an old married couple and that idea made me think of a life with him. I knew I shouldn’t, but my mind wondered what our wedding would be like and what our children would look like. Would they have his gorgeous grey eyes, or my green ones? I could see a little boy that looked like him and my heart skipped a beat at the thought. I mentally slapped myself for thinking so far ahead in the future when we’ve only just met. No, I needed to tread lightly with this one because I would probably end up getting my heart broken in the end, considering how attached I already was.

  It didn’t stop me from joining him in his massive bed, our bodies naked as we explored each other. I loved the hard planes of his chest that were so soft under my palm as I slid it up and got to know every part of him. I made my way down to his Adonis belt, so spectacularly sexy that I couldn’t resist putting my lips on it and kissing him there. He moaned in pleasure and it spurred me on to flick my tongue out and lick down the glorious V.

  I salivated when I got to his cock, standing so hard and proud, just waiting for me to wrap my lips around it. I licked up the bottom of his shaft and he hissed as I took the tip in, swirling my tongue around it. The salty taste exploded in my mouth and I needed to taste more of him.

  I took him in deeper and his hands fisted in my hair as he moaned, “Lorelei.” My name on his lips caused me to want to give him more, to hear him say it again and again. My head bobbed as I increased my pace, his hips bucking in response. I gripped the base of his cock as I devoured him, not caring that I was loud, only that his increasing noises were driving me wild with passion. He was like steel in my mouth, such a contradiction to the smoothness of his skin and I wanted nothing more than to taste his seed on my tongue. I released him long enough to beg him, “Please come for me Klaus, I want to taste you, swallow every drop of you.”

  He grunted and groaned, his head falling back as I slid his cock back in my mouth. I found that perfect pace that drove him mad as his grip tightened on my hair. I looked up at him through my lashes, my eyes meeting his, loving the desire that I saw reflected in his own. His face was full of bliss and desire, his forehead creased as he tried to hold back.

  I gave him all of me, took him in deep and fast as he began to lose control, his hands pushing me down to take every inch of him. His cries filled the air as he lost himself in the ecstasy that I was giving him. My pussy was growing wetter as I could feel his cock jerk, so close to giving me what I needed from him. I watched his arms flex as his entire body tightened while he tried to hold back.

  Finally, he gave me what I wanted and roared my name, as his body jerked and I felt the warmth of his cum spill into my mouth. I swallowed all of him and continued to milk him of every last drop as he rode out his orgasm in my mouth.

  He pulled me to him and kissed me hard. “You are amazing, Lorelei.” I couldn’t help the smile that played on my lips as he growled and rolled me over, his body pressing against mine sending sparks of pleasure shooting through me.


  I was amazed that Lorelei in this body, in this new life, was the same as the original nixie. Over the centuries, she hadn’t always been the same in the bedroom activities. It’s hard to believe that one could give a blow job in a certain way, their certain style if you will, and that none of the other reincarnations had done it the way Lorelei had in our first life together. It felt strange to think about it like that, yet I had to. It was as if that something had been missing in all our other lifetimes and now it was right here again. I wanted and hoped for it to be the sign that together we could break the curse.

  My hope caused me to become hard again, so shortly after she milked me dry. I need to taste her, to see if she would be the same in every other way, our first time having been so fast and unsure wasn’t something I could compare. I had been too captivated and excited by having Lorelei, being able to touch her again, that my mind had been a jumbled mess.

  I rolled on top of her and kissed her, so happy that I had my love here with me. She moved her neck to give me better access as I peppered kisses down from it. I loved the way she whimpered when I found that spot, the one that I knew was her weakness, and sucked on it gently. Her body arched into me, hard nipples scraping against my skin. Fuck, she felt so good and it took every bit of my willpower not to drive my cock into her right then.

  Her round breasts were perfect, and I licked her har
dened peaks with my tongue, sucking one in as I slid my hand down to her pussy. She was already so wet and ready, but I wanted to build her up and give her pleasure over and over again. “Klaus, please,” she murmured, as I rubbed my fingers across her wet folds.

  I loved the way she begged me for more and responded to my every touch. As I slid my finger inside of her, the feeling of her wrapped around me was pure bliss. I continued to slide into her as I kissed and nibbled on her breasts, her hips moving along with the rhythm of my hands.

  It was then that I noticed a faint scar above her breast, and it took everything in me not to react on the outside as my heart skipped a beat. The mark was in the same place that her father had hit her with his magic so many centuries ago. I wanted to ask her about it, but I wasn’t going to ruin the time we had. No, I needed to give my love the pleasure she deserved. There would be time for questions tomorrow.

  I moved my mouth down to taste the sweetness of her pussy and her moans urged me on. As I sucked in her clit, she jerked, her hands gripping the sheets of the bed. I gave her soft kisses as I pushed another finger inside of her, her juices dripping down my hand. Fuck, I wanted to lap up every sweet drop of her nectar as her hands wrapped in my hair. “Klaus,” she begged, “I need you inside me.”

  I chuckled against her folds, the vibrations causing her to suck in a breath. “No, my love, I want to taste your pleasure against my tongue. Come for me and then I’ll give you anything you want.” She threw her head back as I slid my tongue from her folds all the way up to her nub, where I rubbed circles around until she was writhing beneath me and I could feel her spasms. I found that sweet spot, my fingers massaging her bundle of nerves as her moans became desperate. She was so wet, dripping for me, and I knew she would come soon.

  She fisted her hands in my hair and cried out as she trembled and came hard. I kept licking my sweet Lorelei, taking everything from her. When her body slumped, her muscles relaxed, I slid my body up, kissing her along the way as I curled up next to her. “Klaus, that was amazing. You spoil me,” her voice was full of satisfaction and awe.


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